Things from Another World

Chapter 360: con man! Don En Liar!


Nora, sitting on the chessboard, gave a flick and fluttered her wings and stood up: "Tang En is here."

"Master Lord !?"

Tina, holding the piece, suddenly dropped it.

Nora suddenly cheered, holding a **** on the board: "Ha! You went wrong! I won!"

When Tina saw four pieces in a row, she couldn't help crying: "Nora, you will lie."

That's right, this is the Gobang that Tang En saw them boring before and taught them. Now it has become popular in Ellington and has become a game for all ages.

"of course not!"

Proud Nora straightened her chest and raised her hands on her hips, proudly saying, "Tang En really came, so I won by strength."

"Master Lord is coming ..."

Tina pursed her lips, feeling very complicated.

I heard that in order to redeem her, Lord Lord even collected a large amount of food to compensate Barod.

She is obviously just an ordinary maid. Even without her, Marin, and other maids, as long as the Lord Lord speaks out, there must be many women willing to become his maids.

"Well, he's not far outside. I'll look for him."

Nora flew up and she was always with Tina. The situation these days is also seen in the eyes of Barod's people. Tina did not embarrass Tina, although they sometimes curiously pointed and whispered to her. But still maintained the basic etiquette, and did not embarrass Tina, so Tina would not be in danger.

"Okay, you go."

After Tina agreed, Nora flew out, cheering cheerfully while flying: "Candy House! Candy House! My Candy House!"

She also remembered Tang En's promise.

Except that she was frightened when she was brought by a gargoyle at first, Tina did not get any abuse these days. She was a bit scared at first, but then Nora came over and told her that Tang En knew she was here. Here, she was at ease after preparing to come to her rescue.

Tina has already met with Barod. Unlike the mountain dwarf Brian, Barod is a strong dwarf king with red hair and beard and dark skin. Since he has lived in the dim underground for a long time, the underground dwarfs Both eyes showed a pathological fiery red, which should have been pale skin, but became dark and dark due to long-term fumigation of underground lava-in short, the creation of God and the phenomenon of natural evolution merged together.

Barrod did not embarrass Tina, but placed her in a room. In addition to being guarded by her every day, she did not even limit her personal freedom.

In his words, it's like, "You weak female human, go out is death. If you want to die, why should I care about you so much?"

Although simple and rude, what I have to say is that it really scared Tina, effectively limiting her urge to escape.

Outside, outside the city.

"(Dwarven language) I'm Don, please send a message to Barod and say I'm here with the agreed food."

The dark underground dwarf soldier looked at Tang En in amazement: "Human, do you know our king?"

Tang En froze, then laughed, as if Barod didn't leak the previous incident?

If you think about it, as a king, maintaining the stability of your people is the most important thing. If you let them know that those World of Warcraft have been killed by yourself, it is likely that they will lose the game because of this. If they are hungry, they may be rioting now. Already.

"Yes, Barrod Broken Silver."

Tang En turned his eyes and smiled with a Yingying smile: "Your king is worried that you will starve, so you buy a lot of food with me, and you have a good king."

Huahua Jiazi people carry people, there is no cost to say something good, but the benefits are considerable-if you leave a good impression on them and let Barod understand their intentions, the possibility of cooperation between the two parties is even greater Already.

After hearing that Barod had bought a lot of food from the surface people, there was a rush of ecstasy on the faces of the guards. After a few words of whispering, one of them turned and ran towards the city.

Tang En began to look at this underground dwarf-built city, which has been described before, but Tang En still felt full of shock. Whether it was a mountain dwarf or an underground dwarf, they were very good at punching holes ... ah 呸!! Build the building!

Underground buildings of this scale are also legendary buildings of the proper world wonder level on the earth.

While Tang En admiring this distinctive scenery, a touch of green light flew out of the city: "Tang Enn Enn Enn Enn-pop!"

At the back was Nora's voice on Dan's face.

"You ..."

Tang En held Nora's wings and hung her up: "Can you slow down? Tina is okay?"

Nora didn't go back to look for him halfway, it seemed that no emergency happened.

"Of course, I eat well and sleep well, but after hearing her say that the mushrooms and moss seem to be unpalatable, I don't feel bad-today I won Tina by playing chess!"

"Uh huh you are the best."

Seeing Tang En perfunctory himself, Nora fluttered her wings a few times, and asked with a look of anticipation: "Tang Tang! Is my candy house ready? Okay !?"

"It's made, oh, here you are."

Tang En took out the mini candy house that had been prepared for her.

As a result, Nora stayed there directly, her eyes immediately became tearful, and she exclaimed, "Tang! Great liar!"

Tang En was dumbfounded immediately: "What happened to me !?"

"Too small !!!"

Nora pointed at the candy house in Tang En's hand and said rudely, "How can it be so small! It should be the size of your house!"

Tang En flicked her finger in front of her head, and said with amusement and amusement, "Why don't you say that it should be the house of the Titan Giant?"

Nora covered her red head and opened her eyes, "Can you?"

"Of course not."

Nora gritted her teeth and said, "Don! Liar! Big liar!"

Tang En's face was taken for granted: "Don't talk nonsense, I have fulfilled my promise very well. This candy house is carefully built according to your body shape, which is just right."

"As my body type?"

Nora glanced down at her three-inch Ding's body, and immediately kneeled weakly in the air: "It turned out to be ... this ... abominable ... I knew it early ... I knew it--"

At this time, the guards who ran in had hurried back again, with an inconceivable joy on his face: "His Excellency Tang En, King Barrow welcomes you sincerely. The king has prepared a banquet in the palace. Waiting for you. "

Tang En raised an eyebrow, and it seemed that Barod was smart enough to not make things clear.

Thinking of this, Tang En said, "You just saw it. I teleported it myself, but there are many friends who came here with me. They are across the lava river, and I hope they can come in."

Underground dwarf kings are here, they must have a way to cross the lava river.

The guards whispered a few words, and then one of the dwarves, who appeared to be a captain with a helmet, said to Tang En: "I see. In your face, we can let them in, but since they are here, they must Keep our rules, otherwise don't blame us for being rude. "

"Of course, it is customary to enter the country."

"Please wait."

Then Down saw the dwarf captain running back.

It didn't take long for Tang En to hold on suddenly, he felt the magic in the air rushing down to his feet, and formed a very simple but effective magic structure.

Then, the lava river suddenly boiled, the hot lava tumbled apart from the left and right, exposing the flat lava river bottom, and then a dull rumbling sound was heard. The lava lizard and the wandering fire elements lying on the river bottom quickly dispersed. Then Tang En and the adventurers across the river were shocked to find that stone pillars covered with mysterious runes protruded from the bottom of the river, and soon became flush with the ground. These pillars were closely attached to form A bridge across the lava river.

After Tang En stared for a while, he suddenly squatted down and touched.

The pillars that have been under high temperature baking under the lava river turned out to be cold!

Is the material special? Or rune effect?

The dwarf captain stood on the wall and shouted below: "They can come in."

"Thank you."

Tang En looked back, stood up and greeted him, then stepped on the stone pillar bridge and returned smoothly to the other side of the river.

"Lord Lord, what is their attitude?"

Fiona was more concerned with this issue, which related to how she should deal with the dwarf underground.

Tang En smiled. "It's a pretty good start. Barrod didn't pick things out, and then I told them that Barrod bought a lot of food for them, so the dwarf soldiers were very excited."

Fiona breathed a sigh of relief: "If so, things should go well ... eh? Nora is back?"

Nora waved her wings helplessly: "Yeah."

"What's up with her?"

"Nothing, lack of greed, hit by reality."

Tang En casually said: "Let's go, as soon as possible into the city, Tina must have been very bad."

Yeah, but she must have moved too.

Fiona thought silently that she might not be touched by being so taken seriously and even saving her at any cost?

If you are ...

Fiona thought about it a bit. If she is Tina, she thinks that she must not be married to her lord in this life-of course, maybe she is not qualified to marry him, but she likes him silently and does her best It's enough to help him.

Ellington's team cleaned up, and then began to cross the stone bridge in an orderly manner.

Seeing that Ellington's troops could cross the stone bridge, the other adventurers were in a commotion.

Fiona whispered, "Master Lord, those adventurers ..."

"Leave them alone," Tang En said casually. "If they are smart enough, they know what to do."

Not far away, Illuri frowned. "What shall we do?"

Lyon said lightly, "Do you need to say that? Of course, to keep up."

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