Things from Another World

Chapter 363: You can't do that

"Of course I take the food."

Tang En shook the ring on his hand and said lightly, "I am a mage, a very powerful mage, have you forgotten it?"

Barodt remembered that once Tang En waved his hand, he destroyed his supportive Warcraft, and his face became even more ugly.

Those Warcrafts have been carefully cultivated and tamed over the years, and each one has been carefully selected and cultivated for the Moyuan Race. The value is inestimable, but it is such precious Warcrafts that were completely destroyed by Tang En's hands.

He is a powerful spellcaster, and Barod knows this very well. What Downe is telling is the truth. He does have the ability to destroy the entire underground dwarf kingdom with one person's strength. Not without a hole card.

"It turned out to be space equipment, huh, no wonder you entered the underground world so fearlessly."

Barrod snorted. He also had space equipment. When they entered the underground world, space equipment was not as rare as it is now.

"Come in ... prepare a meal for you."

After confirming that Tang En was not planning to grab people, Barrold was reluctant to accept them.

Before turning around, Barrow stared at Brian for a long time, then took a sip, and said disdainfully, "As a dwarf, mingling with humans, it's like losing the dwarf's face!"

"What did you say !?"

Bryan suddenly thundered, and he picked up the Warhammer and planned to open the film: "Believe it or not, I crushed you and threw it to the lava lizard as food-the big brother swept me!"

"Let's do it," Down enraged Brian back. "You're not his opponent."

"I know-but momentum can't be lost!"

Bryan said rightly, "Again, don't have you, and forgive him for not taking it."

Tang En and Fiona immediately stared at Brian, and this guy's IQ wasn't that low.

"This warhammer ..."

Barrow's eyes suddenly stopped on Brian's warhammer, and with a sudden wave of his hand, an invisible magic took the hammer from Brian's hand and flew to Barrow.

"Ha ha ha ha, still want to grab my warhammer?"

Brian laughed wildly with his arms in his arms. "This is the treasure of our mountain dwarf. Not everyone can take it casually."


Tang En shouted, his eyes were very strange.

"Hum, I can call Warhammer back with a greeting."


Fiona couldn't help it: "Your warhammer was really taken away!"

"That's impossible, I--"

A smile froze on Brian's face, and Barod, not far away, held Brian's warhammer and waved it easily. The warhammer went as far as his arm pointed, and looked more proficient than Brian a bit.

"--how can that be!"

Brian panicked and reached out and shouted, "Come back!"

The warhammer in Barod's hand shook, but it didn't fly out, and seemed to be quiet as if he had taken his fate.

For a while the atmosphere became very weird.

"Undead Warhammer of the Kings of the Mountains ..."

Barod murmured, his words were full of emotion.

Tang En suddenly realized that the undead warhammer of the King of the Mountains was limited to the blood of the dwarven royal family, but did not say whether it was a mountain dwarf or an underground dwarf! Barrod is the king of the dwarves underground, and of course he has the blood of a dwarven royal family!

After thinking about this, Tang En suddenly cried and laughed, Brian was blinded, right? The babies on whom he relied on were taken away, and as the former king of the dwarf kingdom, he also lost the symbolic treasures in the clan. He went back without being killed by a double double of Durandon and Abram Strange.

Brian seemed to want to understand this too, and hurriedly looked at Tang En: "Brother! Come on!"

Down nodded and turned to Barrod and said, "It seems a bit inappropriate for you to do this?"

Barrod laughed aloud: "I am also a dwarven royal family, of course, have the power to use this weapon, why not?"

"But its name is the Undead Warhammer of the King of the Mountains," Tang En spread his hand. "It is not the Undead Warhammer of the Underground King, so it is obvious that this Warhammer is not for you ... So, please return it. Don't affect each other's relationship because of a momentary greed. I don't want to do it. Don't force me. "


Barrod snorted and threw the Warhammer back to Brian. "What a stupid guy, I don't understand how to use the power of this Warhammer, it's a shame in your hands!"

After Warhammer returned to Brian's hands, he was still trembling and wanted to return to Barod. But Brian was angry: "Okay, you bastard! I support you every day for you to polish you Waxed with oil, you actually want to betray me when you think about it! When I go back, I will lock you in the dwarf's treasure house and continue to let you eat ashes! "

The Undead Warhammer suddenly trembled violently, followed by a sigh of silence and calmed down.

"Demon, fight with me? You won't die!"

Brian whistled and was proud again.

Everyone: "..."

With such a weapon, I almost lost, and there is really no one.

"Don't be proud!"

Brian yelled at Barod: "It's also a shame to say that I'm mixed with humans. I bet on you in the name of a beard, one hour-no, half an hour later, you'll join me like me Brother's camp-huh? Ha! You can't even protect your own beard, you are the shame of the dwarf's shame! "

Barod's face suddenly became extremely ugly. His fiery red beard on his chin was indeed missing, and he couldn't see it if he didn't look carefully.

For dwarves, however, it is obvious.

That was accidentally torn off by him in a battle a while ago.

Brian was still taunting with his face, especially showing off his neatly groomed beard.

Barrod yelled at Dunn: "Shut up that idiot! Otherwise I'll burn his beard!"

Without Down's speaking, Brian shut up immediately.

After a farce, the crowd finally entered the so-called banquet hall-it was a humble room, a square table with a slab of stone, and a stone table on the table was the order of Barod. Hearty food prepared in the kitchen.

Barod took a seat and sat down unwillingly, saying very unpleasantly: "This is to prepare food for you, even if I am not qualified to enjoy these things, you should be honored."

"These ones……"

Brian glanced at the food on the table, and when he thought of taunting, Tang En took the first step and held his mouth.

Tang En smiled. "We are honored."

After speaking, he said seriously to Brian, "Don't look at the quality and value of the things that others use to entertain you, but how important these things are to that person-if what he says is true Yes, we should indeed feel honored. "

The food in the underground world is so scarce. He is full of doubts and vigilance on the earth, but he still prepares a table of food, which is very rare.

Brian muttered, but gave up the urge to ridicule Barod.

"Ilia, you also have to learn to think differently, and put yourself in the shoes of others. Don't always be willful, you know?"

Tang En, by the way, also educated Elijah, because recently Elijah has shown signs of being spoiled by him.


Elijah nodded cleverly. She was willing to listen to everything Tang En said.

Do n’t forget, before Tang En spoiled her, Elsa ’s housework and Clara were usually taken care of by this little girl. She was originally a very obedient child, just because she did n’t get His parents loved him, so after meeting Tang En who was so good to her, he poured all his feelings on Tang En with his brain.

This also caused Tang En's indulgence to her and made her more and more like coquettish.

Fiona and Vanilla sighed again. This kind of practice of thinking in place of place is impossible for ordinary people.

The average person only thinks about how to plunder, how to get more benefits for himself, and how can he care how much others have lost?

If everyone else is greedy and selfish in the general environment, a person who considers for others is the most disadvantaged person in this environment.

Fortunately, Tang En is not a weak person, he has strong enough fists, so he can formulate rules, so that people in Ellington can accept his ideas, and accept his subtle transformation.

After the crowds took their seats, they stared silently at the things on the table.

The most noticeable thing is the huge mushrooms in a large plate, which is exactly what they saw in the mushroom forest cave. The mushrooms were obviously roasted with hot stones, and they were carefully divided and filled. With some minced meat, there are some spices on the surface-in the underground world, the spices are probably more precious.

Fiona asked subconsciously, "What kind of meat is this?"

"Lizard meat."

With a calm look, Barrod grabbed a piece of mushroom lizard meat pie on the plate in front of him, and then introduced other dishes: "From left to right, the redstone lizard meat, the grilled lizard eyes, and the moss coat Dishes, grilled eyeless cartilage fish, dwarf chowder soup, smoked grilled stone moss, **** beetle, raw ground dragon ... "

Listening to Barod's introduction, Tang En, who came from a big food empire, couldn't calm down.

The first few are fine, but what the **** are the last few! ?

**** The Beatles! ?

Raw ground dragon! ?

Can this real thing be eaten! ?

Pei Ye must kneel when he comes!

"Lord Lord ..."

Fiona, Elsa, and Elias all looked at Tang En with a pale face, not even the vanilla, and their eyes were full of begging: "Thinking about other places ... Please forgive us!"

Chen Ye can't do it!

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