Things from Another World

Chapter 377: The army of elements is coming!

"Stop! Stop!"

From the gap in the flank came a roar of Locke: "Don't let them tear up the formation! Otherwise we would all die!"

"But they are too powerful!"

One soldier shouted, "And there are too many of them!"

The number of polluters in the entire Black Rock Cave is simply incalculable. There are already thousands of people who can see it.

These polluters gathered together, and the chaos sent out was terrible, and even prevented the soldiers from exerting their normal combat power.

This is the effect after Nora assisted.

"Damn! What a deal!"

Locke gritted his teeth, his eyes flushed, and he was full of blame. The soldier who had just died was a comrade in his former mercenary regiment.

"Too many? Then we use quantity to overwhelm them!"

Tang En took a deep breath, inserted his right hand into the void, and drew his weapon from the twisted magic swirl.

World will.

The will of the world has long been turned into a simple magic sword by Tang En from the previous magnificent staff. No one knows that this inconspicuous sword contains the entire world will of Prandall.

He just waved the magic sword gently, and the void in front of it tore a few gaps, directly connecting the four major elements.

Elemental Master-Summon Elemental Creature!

Huge and terrible magic runs through the walls of the plane, calling on the creatures of the elemental realm to obtain their help by sacrificing their own magic.

The enemy is: Chaos Defiler.

When Tang En's thoughts were conveyed to the elemental creatures and learned that the enemy was a chaotic polluter, countless elemental creatures responded to his call immediately, and descended to Prandall through the summoning channel!

The army of elements appears directly in the polluters.

The earth elements fell like meteorites, and the polluters below smashed into meat sauce at the moment of advent, and then they rammed like armored chariots, tearing the polluters apart.

The water elemental incarnation poured heavy rain on the cave, and after wetting the body of the polluter, it quickly frozen into hard ice cubes, taking away a large amount of temperature, making the polluter's movement speed extremely slow.

The element of fire descended from the sky with a rolling wave of heat. The newly polluted polluters instantly raised their temperature. The fragile armor fell apart in a blink of an eye, and the polluters who had lost their defenses became much more vulnerable. Flames, even if the polluters are good at using earth and fire spells, they still have to guard carefully against lava and flames.

Wind elements are invisible and ubiquitous, and they are ubiquitous. They gently blow across the polluter's neck, and the wind elements become sharp blades, leaving a wound on them. What is more frightening is that they control the wind element to split out. , Drilled into their bodies along the polluted people's nasal cavity and mouth, and then turned into a terrible whirlwind to smash their internal organs, and then tore their flesh and drilled out.

The emergence of the Elemental Army immediately shared most of the pressure, allowing the human adventurer camp to breathe for a moment.

"Gods are on! How could so many elemental creatures suddenly appear !?"

"Did you just notice? The elemental creatures were summoned by Lord Tang En!"

An adventurer said incredulously: "What !? Can he summon so many elemental creatures in one breath !? Is he the incarnation of the elemental lord !?"

"I can't believe it, but it's a fact," an adventurer wiped the blood on his face, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying, "I would rather believe that this is just a dream."

Yes, if this is a dream, he can wake up at any time.

But this is reality.

The adventurers who have cooperated with the magician are very shocked, just like Kao them. The magical creature usually summons up to one or two elementary creatures, and the combat effectiveness is also very ordinary. Come out of a group? A rough calculation of the four elemental creatures adds up to hundreds.

But the most amazing thing is their fighting power!

Is that an ordinary elemental creature?

Ordinary soil elements will be galloping, will local earthquakes and quagmire?

Ordinary water elements will change their form so quickly, they can change freely before ice, water, and steam, and they can also be distracted to freeze the polluter?

Ordinary fire elements will randomly emit a sea of ​​fire, throwing lava missiles at will?

Ordinary wind elements will know how to use the change of form to penetrate the body of the polluter and break the enemy's defense from the inside?

Do not make jokes!

These are at least the rare elite among elemental creatures!

And all of them!

Just the army of this thousand elemental creatures, the combat power can completely crush the army of 10,000 people!

An army that will not be injured, not afraid of death, not hungry, not tired, completely obeying orders, and can fight continuously ... just say how the human army fights? As long as there are no magicians or priests, there is no need to play!

Fortunately, this team is now on its own side!

Cao took a deep breath and felt that his previous evaluation of Tang En was still low.

A mage who can summon such an army of elements cannot be a wild mage at all!

Even the legendary hero Jean's autobiographical disciple cannot have such strength!

Gene might have this power himself, but he is legendary!

Tang En ... is it also a legend?

Cao cut off the head of the polluter in front of him and shook his head.

Impossible, Tang En cannot be legendary.

If the legend was born so easily, it would not be called a legend.

"Go to death!"

Elsa wielded a heavy two-handed sword and easily destroyed the defenses of the polluters in the front. The ranger in the rear saw the stitches, and the broken magic arrow flew from the side. After breaking through the defense spell, Penetrating into the eyes of the polluter, followed by the siege of the soldiers next to him.

A single Ellington warrior can't compete with the polluter at all, but relying on teamwork and the role of Down's magic aura, they can still implement meat grinder tactics, maintain the line of defense, and little by little Cannibalize them.


At this time, a roar came from the depths of the cave, followed by several giant WoWs with a height of several meters and a length of more than ten meters, and the crazy WoW was also corroded by the chaos breath. Open your mouth and swallow, even the polluters will not let go. As they devour, the chaos on them will become more intense.

Fiona was startled, "What is this !? Don't tell me what kind of lizard this is!"

No wonder Fiona's grievances are so big. After entering the underground, the lizardmen, petrified lizards, and lava lizards are all lizards. Now she jumps out of this suspected lizard giant. She really started to wonder if the underground world The world of lizards.

Ilia shrank back, and whispered, "Isn't they called megalodon?"

Down and Fiona stunned: "How do you know?"

Before Ilia could speak, Megalodon had rushed towards the line of defense!

With such a huge size, if they come over, the impact is enough to destroy the entire line of defense!

"Be beautiful!"

Tang En sneered and controlled the magic precisely. Mud operation built a deep mud of more than ten meters in the front, and the heavy megatooths would sink directly into it.

Megatooth's front feet plunged into the quagmire. Their huge bodies actually rushed forward under the huge inertia, just like a sports car running at a speed of more than 300 per hour suddenly stepped on the brakes. After coming over, he slammed his belly up on the ground, smashed a polluter, and then his inertia continued. Their bodies continued to roll, and polluters were countless dead and injured like ants.

But those crazy polluters didn't even care about the death of their companions, or even the gorge just swallowed up, they just kept attacking the line of defense.

The Warhammer's shield was used to bombard the shield warrior's shield nearby, while the distant ones used earth or fire spells to throw sharp stone spears, heavy falling rocks, or scorching fireballs.

Tang En's spell aura, spell damage suppression aura, and arcane enchantment effect in this case pull out the group, more than half of those dense spells have been bounced back and landed on themselves, causing huge damage.

At this time, after the gigantic beast that fell on the ground tossed a few times, it opened up a mouthful of acid directly, hitting an adventurer, and the adventurer was melted without even sounding.

"Damn! Megalodon is dangerous!"

Pointing at the megatooth, Roar shouted, "Kao! You took those two idiots-the guys of the Lion Lion and Ussad bears-to kill those megatooths **** **** Here we are! "

Cao yelled, "Mongo Kahn! Ursa! Come with me!"

"Roger that!"


Hearing their names, Tang En almost planted himself on the ground, but now the situation is so dangerous, he has no time to talk.

Cao, Mungo Kahn, and Ursa all three jumped up, slumped in the air, and dived directly into the dentist.

Elsa and Brian wanted to pass when they saw this.

"You are crazy !? Stay with me!"

Tang En cursed, "Who are you fighting against here?"

"Big brother, it's not me who say, this guy is more resistant than me."

Brian pointed at a soldier next to him, and Tang En stared at it suddenly.

It's that Lyon.

Lyon in a cloak was shrouded in the shadows. He only revealed one right hand, holding an ordinary one-handed sword in his hand, and could not even sense that he had used a bit of strength, just using pure skills. Even so, he easily blocked the attack of the three polluters and shared tremendous pressure for the soldiers next to him.

Cao shouted in the distance: "Be careful--"

A blast of acid was sprayed again!

Even if there is an aura of arcane force field, there is no time to dodge in this battle!

Tang En's face changed slightly, and when he was about to make a shot, a dazzling white light came down instantly, forming a holy wall, blocking the acid and falling on the polluter.

Seeing the light wall, the soldiers burst into ecstatic cheers.


Among the accompanying adventurers, there are actually priests!

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