Things from Another World

Chapter 381: After the victory, there were waves again

In the dark cave, the cape-bearing Sannerson stood in front of a weird stone statue. Around the stone statue, he placed the materials needed for the sacrifice ritual as described on the scroll. The magic map on the ground came from the higher order. The blood of Warcraft and the blood of pure girls are mixed together, and after being sprinkled with high-level magic dust, they resonate with the thick magic in the air and emit a faint red light.

Vaguely in the air, afterglows can be seen from time to time that penetrate into the light sphere in the center of the magic array. The brightness of the light sphere is getting brighter and brighter, but Sonarson is obviously very dissatisfied.

"Not enough, not enough, not enough !!!"

A frantic face of Sannerson growled wildly: "More! More souls needed! Did the battle above stop !?"

That's right, after all the polluters left, Sonarson placed the power of Sisal behind and arrived alone at the bottom of the Black Stone Cave.

And the leader of the dark snake, Gazas, hid here 166 years ago and sealed himself.

With the self-sealing of Gazas, the Dark Serpent also entered a dormant state, developing its own power in the shadow of the sun in a low-key and cautious manner. Unlike Chaos Theology, Sonarson never considered them to be the same as Chaos God. Like teaching, it is the kind of lunatic who wants to destroy everything.

"As long as the leader wakes up-yes! As long as he wakes up, no one can stop our dark snake!"

There was a low roar in Sonarson's throat. Gazas was a strong man close to the demigod. Unless the shrine came, no one could beat the entire Prandall!

Even if it was Jean, Angus, Aegwin, they were not opponents of the leader Gassass!

Hope was in sight, but because of the lack of soul power, he couldn't wake up Gassas, and Sanderson became more irritable. After a moment, he blocked the surroundings of the ceremony with shadows, then returned to the upper cave with a gloomy face.

Upper cave.

As Elsa cut off the head of the last polluter, shattered it completely, and looked at the empty cave, she hadn't recovered for a while, and her eyes were clear again after a while.

"The battle ... is it over?"


Brian dropped the warhammer, leaned backwards, and lay directly on the ground: "The battle ... is over!"

Cao took back his weapon and breathed a long sigh of relief: "The battle is over!"

"Yes, the battle is over!"

The small commotion spread, the voice became louder and louder, and more and more people joined the cheering. They dropped their weapons and cheered in regret. The survivors wept for joy. Only at the moment of victory did the sacrifice of the dead really have Made sense.

"We won ... we survived!"

"They are dead! We killed them!"

At this point, almost everyone had only the surviving ecstasy and happiness in mind. As for the tasks previously issued by Barrod, the rewards of those magical metals, no one paid attention.

In war, the winner is the greatest reward.

"Huh, it's finally a relief."

Tang Enshu breathed a sigh of relief, dismissed the aura of magic, and dismissed the elemental creatures by the way. It was troublesome in the middle, so Nora lying on his head also recovered the aura of life.

As a result, as soon as they retracted the halo, the soldiers below were all pale, and all crackled down.

For three consecutive days of high-intensity battles, the enemies they face are still so much stronger than themselves, relying entirely on the spell aura provided by Tang En to forcibly increase their strength to fight, which was almost impossible to accomplish in the past-no one Reluctant to have such a powerful mage stand there as a halo generator, and no mage can provide halo gain to so many people at the same time and persist for three days.

Ordinary mages may be evacuated if they can't carry a cup of tea.

While Tang En's aura of magic has enhanced their strength, they have also squeezed their potential to the limit. This battle is the best experience. For anyone who survives, the power will inevitably advance in the next period of time. Continuous breakthrough is definitely not a problem. If the talent is good, it is not impossible to continuously break through one or two realms.

So although they were very tired at the moment, they all knew what they would get. They collapsed to the ground, panting with their limbs wheezing, but their faces were full of smiles.

Yeah, defeated such a powerful enemy, survived, can get rewards, change a lot of money or build a powerful equipment, and the strength can also soar a great deal, in a variety of senses.

The only sad thing is those comrades who died in the battle.

"I hope they will go well."

"Rest in peace ... Kitahara ..."

Fiona stepped in with Tang En, and his face was full of worries: "How are you feeling now?"

Even if you know that Tang En's terrible strength, but it is certainly not easy to maintain the aura of magic for three days without a break, Fiona is very complaining about Barod.

It's all that dwarf king. If it were not for him, Tang En would not accept such a task!

Fiona hately made a plan in her heart. In the future, she must let Barrod pay the price in the trade and give the Lord Lord a breath!

"I'm fine."

Tang En smiled, patted Fiona's arm to signal her to release herself, took out a chair and sat down, and then moaned comfortably, and then said to Fiona with a worried look: Do n’t worry, although it ’s tiring to cast for three days, it ’s nothing to me, it ’s just boring. ”

That's right, the reason why he looks constipated at this moment is because he can't move for three days and two nights-this is a kind of torture for one's spirit, especially Tang En's Not a quiet beautiful man.

Tang En ’s body is the perfect body created by the gods. It can be called a gold medal. The recovery speed of the magic pool is even more terrible, so the consumption is not much to him, and it really stresses him. There was only a short time to finally liberate the will of the world-that is to say, except for his exhausted heart, he now has nothing to consume.

Tang En took out a few bottles of beverages, distributed them to several people around him, and took a sip and asked, "How are the others?"

Fiona held the drink and did not drink, and whispered, "I don't know yet, but there should be hundreds of people combined-our soldiers are so well equipped, and dozens of people have been injured ... their families He will hate us. "

Fiona's mood was a bit low. The soldiers believed in Tang En, so they followed him here, but they did not expect this trip, but they were buried here forever.

Tang En stared blankly at the far of the cave, grunted and drank all the drinks into his stomach, and he said to Fiona without looking back: "Fiona, sometimes we have to be hard-hearted to make Some painful choices ... I never thought I was a qualified ruler, do you know why? "

Tang En glanced back at her with a smile: "Because I can't be cold-blooded and measure everything with benefits, I can't think of those people as chess pieces or consumables."

Vanilla stood up in awe: "You are a benevolent lord."

"But it is not a qualified king."

Tang En shook his head: "I want to persuade Fiona to abandon unnecessary kindness and kindness, because as long as it is war, it is impossible to avoid casualties. The war with zero death will only appear in works of art. The real war is very cruel— —But I can't abandon those feelings myself until I persuade her. "

Fiona lowered her head, pursed her lips, and said with red eyes, "Master, your kindness is your greatest virtue, and they will be proud to follow you."

"I hope to further reduce the number of dead ..."

Tang En murmured to himself that this battle was the most tragic after entering the underground world. There were more than two hundred people in Ellington. After this battle, more than thirty people will stay here forever.

Although all the elites who stayed there would get further growth, Tang En still felt extremely distressed and guilty.

He knew that as a leader, he should abandon these meaningless feelings, but he couldn't do it.

If the relationship is abandoned, is he still him?

In the cave, the atmosphere was extremely dull. It seemed that everyone was praying for the dead. They completely released themselves, lying on the ground with their arms wide open, staring at the top of the cave and praying for the death of their comrades-in-arms. Tired and fell asleep instantly.

Without a complete break, the team may not be able to move forward or return.

Lyon came to Elully, staring at her with silence.

I originally wanted to enter the cave quietly for the first time, but Illuli is now completely in a state of deprivation, and casts continuously for a long time, even the saint can't hold it.

Yi Luli said reluctantly, "I, I just need to take a break ..."

"Don't force it."

Lyon glanced at the others and said, "Now they should not have the energy to move forward. The news will not be leaked. You will recover your energy as soon as possible. I will take a step forward to ensure that the situation is normal."

Illy nodded, and Lyon had just turned around, and suddenly a scream screamed in the rear, breaking the cave's calm.

Tang En, who had completely relaxed his nerves, burst into a sudden: "What's going on ?!"

The vanilla disappeared suddenly, and then returned in a blink of an eye.

Her face was very weird.

"It's human ... they're attacking humans."

Humans attack humans? Are they still struggling to kill each other now?

With a weird look, Tang En came to the back of the front, and he didn't understand the meaning of vanilla until he saw the situation there.

Power of Cisa!

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