Things from Another World

Chapter 383: Awakening Gazas

Lyon is the head of the Knights Templar. He is very young, he is extraordinary (very extraordinary superpower), he has seen too many and too many geniuses have fallen, and he has also seen too many and many powerful-- He even represented the Holy See and went to the Silver City, where he saw human legendary hero Jean in the Xingyue Tower!

He is cautious, serious, rigid, and adheres to the Holy See's commandments. He has never been a reckless person. He will carefully evaluate the strength of others and the threat level of the enemy.

However, this time, he was taken aback by Tang En.

In his eyes, the Sonarson, who was almost the same as him, was suddenly hit by Tang En in an instant!

That's an extraordinary powerhouse!

What is Tang En's ability to instantly kill an extraordinary powerhouse?

So Lyon was frightened-what would Tangen do if they followed the blessing scriptures?

"What are you so nervous about?"

Illuli was scared at first, but after returning to God, she whispered, "Lord Tang En is a good man, and he certainly won't make the idea of ​​blessing the Holy Book."

Lyon shook his head, his face very complicated.

Power is easy to make people proud, let alone face the temptation of artifacts?

Kindness is a relative virtue, and in the face of a temptation large enough, no one can say that he is truly kind.

"Master Lord!"

Among the cheers of others, Tang En returned to Fiona and sat back in his chair. Fiona came over and asked, "What happened? I just heard only a sound of explosions."

Tang En casually said, "It's nothing, it's just a bunch of jumping clowns."

After speaking, there was a gloom of gloom on Tang En's face. Just after the members of the Dark Serpent had been killed, their souls and the slight chaos breath carried on them were just like those of the polluters. There must be something underneath in the cave.

Is that what the guy said about the leader Gazas?

This is not good news.

Sonarson's soul was very powerful, and there was no doubt that he would offer the most powerful sacrifice to that Gazas, speeding up his recovery.

Despite the golden thighs given by the goddess, Tang En felt a little unreliable. After all, he was not alone, and he followed with those soldiers who trusted him and respected him.

Without giving Tang En the time to think, a very terrible breath suddenly came from below the cave. The dark and mad power spread like a plague. The adventurers who just sent down the periphery were touched by that power. He was taken to life and sucked into human action.


"Damn-run away!"

However, they had no power to escape, and could only watch the dark force spread to them.

"Here! Fiona, direct the order, don't let them run around!"

With a flash of light in Tang En's eyes, Huo Ran stood up: "Nora, help them resist the erosion of power. I'll go to the source of the pollution below!"

Nora shook her wings weakly, and floated from the top of Tang En's head to Fiona's head, staring at Tang En with sullen eyes: "Candy House ..."

She's working so hard, if Tang En lied to her-he must have killed him!

"It's over this time. I must build a big candy house for you!"

After Tang En spoke, the arrow shot out and rushed into the cave in front of the cave!

Lyon and Elully were shocked, and they couldn't hide it at the moment either. The two of them immediately opened the light wing behind them, and the soft light wing fluttered slightly, and they rushed out.

"So, that's the Wings of Light !?"

Sitting next to him, Montgomery snorted, "Lyon is a priest !?"

Cao said: "The focus is on the wings of the Holy Light? As far as I know, the magic of the Light of the Wings is not something that ordinary priests can master."

Wings of Holy Light are high-level divine magics that allow people to fly. Ordinary priests have no chance to master them. Only high-ranking members of the Holy See can have the opportunity to master this divine magic.

"He's so amazing?"

Ursa froze: "He is so good, why do we need to hire us?"

Cao said with a grimace: "How do I know ... Could our Phoenix Mercenary regiment have a better reputation in the Holy See?"

A group of people were scratching their heads.

The camera returned to Tang En. After he went deep into the cave, he discovered that there is a very huge cave deep in the cave. There are some dwarf buildings in this cave, but most of the buildings have been broken. It is estimated that Destroyed by the polluters in chaos.

In the center of the cave, the power of the chaos that had escaped before was completely gathered there, the light emitted by the light crystals was swallowed up, and the strong power made it completely dark.

Under the tumbling black mist, there was a magic array flashing faint red light. The sacrifices around the magic array had been evacuated and turned into ashes, and the red light of itself was rapidly decaying.

In front of the black fog, above the magic circle, there is still a light ball floating. The soul fragments that originally existed in the light ball have devoured more than a thousand souls, and they are already strong enough. Under Tang's eyelids, that soul After the debris escaped the light sphere, it disappeared into the dark mist.

The black mist writhed even harder, and then began to converge inward.

"This, this is--"

The sound behind him caught Tang En's attention. He looked back at the two huge wings of divine light and suddenly said, "Why are you here?"

"Count Donn ..."

This is the end, and there is no need to conceal her identity. She lifts her cloak, revealing her soft black hair, and her eyes are still clear.

"Virgin Elour?"

Tang En stunned again: "You have been with the team? Why?"

"No time to explain, he will soon wake up."

Yi Luli raised her scepter and stared nervously at the black mist in front. As the black mist gradually absorbed, a dark stone statue appeared in front of the statue. The statue presented a weird lying posture, with its head curled up in its chest. Legs tightened and bent, like a hibernating snake, and human bones couldn't do this at all.

The power of the artifact resonated strongly. She clearly felt that the blessing scripture was in the statue, and she finally understood it. It turned out that the blessing scripture was snatched by the leader of the dark snake, Gasas. !!

Illuli said cautiously: "According to the record, during the Second Chaos Invasion War, Gazas found that the gods had not participated in the war and suspected that they were in a weak period and tried to sacrifice them instead, but did not expect to anger the gods. For unknown reasons, the gods did not take a direct shot, he was already dead. "

Of course, Tang En knew why the gods didn't do it. It was because they discovered the characteristics of the chaotic powers that they didn't want them to grow further, so they restrained their power. Otherwise, Prandall had to go the way of destruction.

"Gazas was afraid of the majesty of God, and fled into the underground world to avoid the sight of the gods. At the same time, he also brought the stolen blessed scripture into the underground world ..."

A crack appeared on the black statue, and a milky white light emerged from the crack. Both Iluli and Lyon became nervously subconscious: "... After the war, people discovered that Gazas had all the entrances to the underground world. It was destroyed, and a powerful seal was left. The seal of the demigod could not help Jean and Angus, so the Holy See's artifact was left for more than a hundred years ... "

Tang En was surprised: "You are here to find that artifact!"

He also noticed the divine light emerging from the cracks, and it seemed that the power of the blessed canon had not diminished by the seal.

As the light got stronger and stronger, the surprise in Iluli's eyes became stronger and stronger. She had already seen the corner of the blessing scripture, and the rune composed of the complicated golden threads on it was definitely not wrong!

"I said……"

Tang En sighed, "Are you two too reckless? It's a demigod."

Gazas was a demigod then. Even if he had sealed himself for more than a hundred years, his strength was much stronger than the average person. With the strength of Iluli and Lyon, it is estimated that he was not even qualified to polish his shoes. They used their faces to grab artifacts from Gazas?

Yi Luli said firmly: "Even if it is a demigod, it is not invincible. The blessing of the blessing is extremely important. It must be recycled, and I will give everything for this!"

The black statue cracked completely, and the blessed scripture shrouded in rich light shouted and flew towards them. Just as Illy showed ecstasy, a dark arm instantly appeared. Came out, seized the blessing scriptures fiercely, and dragged it back again.

A hundred-year-old Gazas woke up.


Most of the body has not yet recovered from the petrified sleep, but the other body has recovered. He sprayed the cold mist, a cold eye staring at Tang En, and raised eyeballs swept away. Sweep away.

"Well, isn't it a snake, with your eyes? Negative."

Seeing Tang En still ridiculed, Yi Luli couldn't help looking at him more.

Now Illy and Lyon are in very bad moods-because the blessing canon was held firmly by one hand of Gazas, unable to break free!

what does this mean?

This means that Gazas's own power has surpassed the power of the artifact and can even resist the purification power of the Holy Light above!

The knight sword in Lyon's hand was immediately covered with a strong light of the holy light, the light of light beating like a flame, dissipating the cold around.

"Get started first!"

The moment Lyon's voice fell, the ground under his feet suddenly exploded into a large pit, but his figure had rushed to the side of Gazas, and the long sword burning with flames severely hacked on Gazas' head!

Gazas's active hand waved arbitrarily, only to hear a "ding", and Lyon and the sword flew out.

Lyon controlled his body to fall to the ground, his feet plowed two deep ditches on the ground, his right hand stretched out, the knight sword flew back to his hands, Lyon took a closer look, and found that he secretly transmitted the Holy See. The legendary knight sword "Justice under the Holy Light" was hit by a crack in Gazas!

That was just a random blow!

What a terrible power!

Lyon was trembling deeply from top to bottom, and now he just realized that he was about to face the most powerful enemy in his life, no one!

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