Things from Another World

Chapter 387: Avatar world

Even if there is a godhead, some weak wait gods must be very careful when facing legendary spells. If they are not careful, they will be overcast, not to mention a human who does not even have a godhead.

Gazas suspected that Tang En was the reincarnation of God, because he had no entanglement of realms and laws.

Normal races, whether humans, orcs, elves, or dwarfs, etc. After awakening the realm and rules, there will always be a wave around them that can only be found by the strong at the same level. The realm and rules are like their own unique smell In the same way, it is entwined around, constantly diverging, affecting the surrounding space.

Tang En didn't.

However, the magic wave he sent out was stronger than the legendary mage, so Gazas was suspicious.

But whether Tang En is reincarnated or not, he has n’t gained the godhead yet, how can he use the flesh to counter the legendary spells?

You know that the Great Splintering can easily destroy even the dragon's magic resistance!

"You were taken aback just now ..."

After Tang En breathed a sigh of relief and refreshed his spell shield, his cold eyes locked on Gazas: "What do you think ... how should I repay you better?"

Gazas' heart jumped, and a corrupted arcane torrent blasted directly at Tang En!

Even legendary spells can't kill him. If you want to kill him, I'm afraid I can only defeat his spell shield again and then destroy his body in close combat.

Tang En used teleportation to cross the space, appeared hundreds of meters away, and tried to counter the arcane torrent. However, at this time, he discovered that the arcane torrent was composed entirely of corrupted magic and could not be countered at all, so He had to stop fighting and tore a boulder from the top of the cave as a shield.

The arcane torrent blasted the boulder into fragments easily, and when Gazas was about to chase Down, a faint voice sounded behind him.

"You ... reacted too slowly."

The purple ball of light suddenly appeared on top of Gazas, expanding its volume by dozens of times, and swallowed the nearby space. Then, a circle of brilliant halo appeared on the purple ball of light, and the bright purple light blades quickly condensed. Forming.

Gazas tried to escape, but was shocked to find that his feet were quietly frozen together by a horrendous ice, and he didn't even feel at all!

Then-the purple light blade swept towards Gazas like a heavy rain!

The terrible arcane lightblade easily tore everything around, while the lightball that was expanding at the same time that it was firing the lightblade swallowed everything around, Gazass body was completely drowned by the purple lightblade.

Arcane star ring, an amazing 9th-order spell.

After waiting for the arcane star ring to end, Tang En waving his left hand, and quickly constructed a second ninth-order spell-Storm of Destruction!

Although the ninth-order spells are very powerful in both lava **** and eternal frozen abyss, those large-scale spells are only suitable for situations where the number of hostile targets is large, and it is obviously inappropriate to use them here. And the meteorite fall is not suitable for use here, in the end, you can only choose to destroy the storm.

The wind element was rebuilt by Tang En, combined, and then erupted, forming a terrible storm. The storm was forcibly compressed by him, controlled near Gazas, and merged with the Arcane Star Ring. Two ninth-order magic occurred With the chain reaction, the power of terror was forcibly compressed in a narrow range, and the space was torn into pieces.

The cave strengthened by Tang En began to shake violently again, and the adventurers above jumped up in fright, and they could not even imagine what happened below.

"Om !!!"

The blessing canon in Gazas's left hand was suddenly inspired by him. A dazzling shield sheltered Gazas, forcibly dispersing the surrounding storm and arcane star ring.

"Blessed Holy Book!"

Yiluli bit her silver teeth and felt humiliated.

The Holy See's artifact is now protecting a cult leader. If this is said, people of other denominations will probably be regarded as a joke!

Unlike the Scepter of Light, the blessing canon itself is not very aggressive. It records the original Holy Bible, and the prayer is full of the power of sheltering believers-but this power of shelter has fallen into the hands of the enemy. , It seems quite ironic.

Silent Tang En threw his left hand, an elemental weapon appeared in his hand, and then his two swords merged, and he immediately appeared next to Gazas, splitting fiercely!

"Do you think your sword-oh !? Ah !? This is not-"

Before the proud Gazas words were finished, I found with a look of horror that the shield of light developed by the blessing of the Holy Code was split into pieces by Tang En with a blink of an eye!


The snake-shaped staff held Tang En's sword, but what made Gazas inexplicable was that the elemental sword directly penetrated the snake-shaped staff!

Elemental Weapon-Killing Storm!

Tang En's left hand suddenly disappeared, turning into a gray afterglow, the Elemental Sword erupted, and the stormy attacks kept banging on Gassas's chest. As the Elemental Sword attacked The elements are constantly changing, leaving a terrible wound on him!

There were four abnormal states of impact, freezing, burning, and laceration attached to the torn elemental sword's wound, which immediately made Gazas scream in pain.

He had just awakened and had tasted the pain.

"Get away!"

The angry Gashas roared, and the serpent-like staff slammed heavily on the ground: "Realm-Dark Abyss!"

The dark space devoured the entire cave, the hurricane set off by the destruction storm immediately subsided, and the glory of the arcane star ring was no longer visible. This is the realm of Gazas, here is only the dark world, and there is only death here.

After being engulfed in the realm, Tang En found himself in an unknown dark space. The power of his whole body seemed to have disappeared. The whole person fell endlessly towards a darker and more futile depth. While falling, his The spirit is getting tired and the head is getting heavier ...

Gazas, the demigod, has awakened his own laws, darkness.

After mastering the laws of darkness, the power of the laws further strengthened his realm, so within the realm of the realm, Gazas had crossed that boundary and became the **** here!

In a word, life and death.


Regardless of the perforated wounds and blood on his chest, Gazas pointed to the spirited Tang En, and said his own "God's Word".


Tang En felt a tightness in his chest. It seemed that his heart was pinched by one hand, but soon the hand disappeared again. His heavy head immediately sobered, opened his heavy eyes and yawned. :"sleepy……"

"how is this possible!?"

Gazas was shocked by Downe again and again today, neither the legendary spells of the past, nor the current God's Word, can be resisted by ordinary people.

God's Word has the power of laws. Mortal creatures do not have Godheads, it is impossible to resist God's Words, but-he now clearly does not have any Godhead!

Even if he is the reincarnation of the oracle, now it is just a mortal life!

On what basis!

Why can he resist the word of God! ?

After returning to the gods, Tang En found that the black rock caves were still around, and the never-ending dark abyss did not exist at all-there was only a layer of gray light around it.


Tang En couldn't help sneering: "It turns out that the dark abyss that you are proud of is just an illusion. With your strength, you also want to compete for the gods?"

"Stop! How can mortals understand the power of God!"

Gazas was completely mad, and he yelled and held up the serpent-shaped staff: "Bound! Dark beheading!"

Tang En felt a sudden sudden pressure around him, pressing his limbs firmly to the ground, but this is not a turn-based game. Of course, Tang En will not let Gashas continue to attack, just a flash of thought. Later, he flashed to the edge of Gazas' realm.

The huge black sickle almost wiped Tang En's horns and chopped it to the ground, blasting a large rock with a blast.

Gathaz cursed his teeth, "You can't escape!"

Tang En, who couldn't move, said sarcastically, "Leave it to yourself, really treat yourself as a god, sad, liberated-the will of the world!"

The magic sword in his hand lighted up, and a pattern appeared on the sword. Under the inexplicable gaze of Gazas, the simple and inconspicuous magic sword broke down and reorganized in a blink of an eye, becoming a complex one. A mysterious weapon full of powerful power!

Is that a sword? No.

Staff? Neither is it.

Scepter? Not even more!

what is that?

It was a sword, a staff, a scepter, a warhammer, and an axe ... it was nothing, but it was also any weapon.

The will of the world was recharged, and the glorious energy rays filled the whole sword body. Tang En shook gently, and broke the bond of Gazas's word.

Not only that, Gazas also discovered that after Tang En liberated the weapon in his hand, the blessing scripture in his hand trembled more violently, and an irresistible force was forcibly taking away the blessing scripture!


Gazas eventually failed to control the blessing scriptures, and the burning blessing scriptures burned through his left hand, whizzing and flew to Tang En.

"Scepter of Light !?"

At this moment, an exclaimation came from Yi Luli in the distance, and the scepter of light originally in her hands also had a strong resonance with Tang En, and took the initiative to fly to his left!

"What's going on? ... Um?"

Feeling the power from the scepter of the Holy Light, Tang En with a doubtful expression suddenly showed a faint smile, and a sacred light was emitted from the skin.

Gazas could clearly feel the terrible breath from Tang En body after liberation of the weapon. It is not a deity, but it is more dangerous than a deity. What is it?

In Gazas' eyes, Tang En at this moment is like an incarnation into a ... world?

Yes, he is like being at war with a world!

Impossible to win ... Impossible to win ... Run away ... Run away ...

Gazas's intellect told him to flee immediately, flee immediately, this is his only chance to survive!

But Gaza was unwilling!

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