Things from Another World

Chapter 391: Queen's Flat

One night, the adventurers took a rest in Sal Hera, where they usually stayed to entertain small families living in caves in the distance and rooms of dwarves underground.

Although it is not as comfortable as the hotels in the surface world, anyway, there is a place to lie down, and everyone is quite satisfied.

The next day Tang En woke up naturally, he didn't know if it was morning or noon, but felt hungry in his stomach.

As soon as he woke up, he heard the adventurers outside talking excitedly.

"Hey, I heard someone knock on the door last night. Do you guess what I saw after I opened the door?"

Another adventurer widened his eyes: "Wait! Damn, did you encounter the same thing as me !?"

There were some adventurers beside him who heard the words, "You all !?"

There are also some adventurers who do not know why: "What?"

"After opening the door, I saw a beautiful dark elf lady outside the door!"

The adventurer flushed with excitement and said intoxicatedly: "You must not know what wonderful evening I have enjoyed ... ah ... the smooth skin like cheese ... the powerful long legs ... "

"That's right!"

Another adventurer hurriedly said, "It's the same after I opened the door. A beautiful dark elf lady stood at the door and smiled at me! Then ... hey, you know, it's great! This place is simply heaven! I came here seven times last night! All my recent savings have been fired! "

"Seven times!"

A group of people shouted, "Are you going to die?"

"Eh! What do you guys know, seven times, if I go all out, I can easily relax more than ten times a night!"

A silent adventurer suddenly said, "One night, if ten times, the time seems too short, right?"

As soon as his voice fell, the adventurer suddenly blushed and couldn't speak.

Suddenly laughed.

"What a good thing!"

Some adventurers were annoyed with a face: "Abominable! I also heard knocks at the door, but I was so tired that I didn't open the door and went to sleep!"

"Haha, brother, you missed a wonderful night!"

An adventurer patted the shoulder of the person next to him: "But rest assured, there must be a chance in the future, I can see it, the dark elves are very enthusiastic, I am afraid we will not be lonely for a few days . "

This only makes those annoyed adventurers feel more comfortable.


One adventurer said awkwardly: "Although it was wonderful last night, how did it feel weird after waking up? It's as if we have become a **** in a bar ... Seems the other way around? "

"Let's take care of him so much, we're happy anyway, right?"

"That's also true."

The adventurers immediately figured it out, and began to communicate with each other about the wonderful life and experience they had done. Tang En, who stood upstairs, showed a strange smile.

This is the place of the dark elves, hasn't they been stunned by them?

At this time, it is estimated that the dark elves and beautiful women are still gratifying at the surface. How easy are these adventurers to get started and are exchanging their experience with each other?

Then, for three days, no one came to contact them. Almost all adventurers were immersed in the life of drunken dreams. It wasn't until the fourth day that Tang En, who had lost his patience, finally waited for Haili again.


"Come in."

Hailie walked in and said hello to Tang En: "Lord Tang En, how are you resting these days?"

Tang En smiled: "Very good, but just too busy."

Haley's face was tangled: "... Is that so ..."


Tang En stared at Hai Li in doubt: "Captain Hai Li, you don't seem to be in good spirits, have you taken a rest these days?"

"It's okay, it doesn't affect work."

Haili sighed, could she be in good spirits? In the past few days, she knocked on the door in front of Tang En's door every night. She failed to knock open, and her sisters were up, eyes closed. She was successful, and she was left outside the room. What a shame to her Can you stand it?

Hailie knew very well that once Tang En's unbelievable attraction was discovered by the queen, she had no chance at all. If she wanted to taste delicious food, she would have to take advantage of it now.

If it wasn't for Tang En's VIP, she wanted to **** him regardless of breaking in.

However, as a law-abiding ranger captain, Haili finally resisted, but she suffered from her right hand these few nights, and her tired fingers were still cramping.

After tasting a special breakfast of the Dark Elves (still a mushroom), Down was met by the Dark Elf Queen.

"Wait! Why is it Lord Lord himself !?"

Fiona's instinct didn't feel good: "What about us !?"

"Sorry," Hayley said flatly. "The queen only wants to see Mr. Tang En, others, please wait in the lounge."

Fiona bit her lip tightly. In the morning she heard the adventurer's conversation, and she was already feeling bad. Now it's okay. The situation is in crisis!

The Dark Elf Queen!

Only saw Tang En alone!

The lone men and widows met, and it was not easy to hook up a man with the likeness of a dark elf! ?

"Lord Lord ..."

Fiona pulled Elsa down and looked down at Poon pitifully: "Will you take us? We also want to meet the Dark Elf Queen."

Elsa nodded, apparently failing to understand Fiona's intentions.

Tang En tentatively looked at Hai Li, and Hai Li shook her head, so Tang En had to say, "No way, since you are here, you have to respect the rules here, please wait a moment."

"But, but ..."

Fiona stopped talking and hesitated for a long time before she whispered, "You, you must hold on ..."

Tang En laughed dumbfoundedly, and then said a word to Brian, followed Hailey into the palace, and saw the Dark Elf Queen.

Then Tang En froze.

If it hadn't been for Hailey's introduction to him, I am afraid that Tang En would never have thought that the dark elf who looked like a teenage girl would be the queen of Sahra.

The Dark Elf Queen sitting on it looks like a teenage girl of humanity. Although older than Elijah, she is smaller than Elsa. Although her skin is pale, she has a soft luster and is full of weirdness. Nothing is more attractive than her waterfall-like silver hair, which is longer than her own height, and is as bright and smooth as satin.

Seeing him looking directly at him, the dark elf queen did not salute, her face sank, and she said, "Humans, I forgive you for being rude, but I saw the astonishment and disappointment in your eyes. Do you think this queen? Disqualified? "

Hailie was very impressed with Tang En. When she saw the Queen showing signs of anger, she said hurriedly: "Mr. Tang En, although Queen Rowling looks very young, Her Majesty is now over sixty years old, just grown up, now It's a good opportunity for you, you must treasure it! "

After speaking, she said to the queen: "His Majesty, Mr. Tang En comes from the surface world after all. He is shocked that your beauty and youth are understandable, but this is not a problem. When you are familiar with each other, you can say everything, yes Right? "

In fact, after saying that, the Queen of the Dark Elves was attracted by the inexplicable feeling in Tang En. She nodded slightly and stepped down: "As Hayley said, I forgive you, take a step forward and give I smile for a while. "

Tang En pumped his mouth straight. Why is this rhythm a bit wrong?

Luo Lin Yingyue, the current queen, has a hundred and sixty years of age, a flowery age, a wealth of wealth, a pure pedigree, a root of Miao Hong, has not yet broken her body, is being selected, what are you waiting for?

Luo Lin, who has just assumed the post of queen for ten years, has not been able to select a satisfactory husband. This has caused the dark elves to be anxious. Therefore, Hayley will be so disoriented after seeing Tang En.

Just seeing him will have the urge to overthrow him. I am afraid that even Queen Lorraine cannot resist this temptation?

"It's him, I'm satisfied."

Although Tang En's smile was ugly, Luo Lin was still attracted by the wonderful temperament on him. It was an indescribably wonderful feeling. Luo Lin had an intuition. If combined with him, she would definitely give birth. The most powerful offspring.

Sure enough, I have no chance ...

Haili was full of annoyance, but she was relieved: "You're satisfied, isn't it the same as before?"

Luo Lin nodded: "I'm going to bathe and change clothes first, he will give it to you first, remember to teach him our rules here."

Luo Lin said, and stood up.

Hailie suddenly panicked: "Her Majesty! Don't be willful--"

As soon as she spoke, Luo Lin took a step, and--


One foot stepped on the long hair, and the whole person fell to the ground.

"Her Majesty!"

At this time, the guard who was attracted by Tang En came back with a look of horror and ran over to help Luo Lin support her.

Luo Lin struggled angrily: "Damn! Let go of me! The Queen can do it herself!"

"Her Majesty, you still don't have to leave, at least, at least you can fly!"

The guards were almost crying. As a queen, they were outsiders ... Oh, they weren't outsiders right away, and they thought they were relieved.

"Hmm! My queen has her feet up just for walking, or why do you want them !? Just to pinch a man's waist !?"

Luo Lin snorted, pushed the guard away, and took another step forward.


Down: "..."

The gray-faced Luo Lin was no longer stubborn. She floated silently, staring at Tang En for a while, and then nodded with satisfaction, then flew into the back.

Tang En's mouth twitched, endure, I endure again!

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