Things from Another World

Chapter 396: The amount of information is too much to bear


Lying down! what does she say?

sister! ?

"What do you call her !?"

Tang En was completely aggressive, and everyone else in Ellington was almost the same, all of them were dumbfounded.

Ilia stared dumbly at the Goddess of Eternal Darkness: "Ah?"

The goddess Yong dark floated in front of her and looked down at her: "Sister, aren't you planning to come forward?"

Tang En stared at Elijah in unison, each one widened, especially Tang En, a certain speculation that had always existed in his heart, and finally reached the moment to be confirmed.

At this moment, the expression on Elijah's face suddenly changed, and the little girl's innocence disappeared, replaced by arrogance and indifference in contempt.

"Atanox, you've crossed the line."

Tang En saw a coldness and indifference from Elijah's eyes, even with a little irony.

He had a flash of light, and suddenly remembered that in the burial place of Alborn, Elijah had appeared this kind of look!

It almost immediately answered his great doubts.

No wonder Ilia's magical talent is so inverse-she is a goddess!

The goddess who will be called the elder sister by the eternal goddess, I am afraid that there is only that ...

The legendary mobile disaster generator, the source of eternal curses, represents the collective of all negative forces, and the goddess who fears all living beings, no one dares to call her by his name.

"Sister, it really is you."

Aitano Kesi played with the girdle of lust, and said playfully: "(God) do you know what this means?"

Elijah sneered and said, "You want to take my place?"

"Replace? Oh no, how is that possible!"

Aitanoks laughed aloud: "Sister, I just want to say that your plan failed, this method will not work."

"Decreasing your strength through reincarnation, and joining the chaos war to increase your odds, it sounds good, but sister, you forgot one of the most important things."

"Since you were reincarnated, your subjective consciousness has not recovered. If it wasn't for me that awakened your subconsciousness, you are still just a little girl. In this case, how could you possibly have the opportunity to join the chaotic war?"

"Not to mention that as your strength rises, the chaotic creatures that come by then will become more powerful and will only accelerate the destruction of this world."

Aitano Kesi flew to Elijah, touching her face, and said, "Admit it, sister, you have failed. Come back as soon as possible, and let the deities go to the deities and the mortals to the mortals."

"I don't need you to remind me!"

Elijah said coldly, "Just do what you should do, and I will act according to my own ideas."

"It's really indifferent, sister, it was so good to me before."

Atanox wiped the corners of her eyes, of course, there was no tears there, and she suddenly performed a smile, saying, "Do you know, I suddenly discovered an interesting thing ... this band is obviously me How could something in the hands of a human be? "

Elijah glanced at the completely aggressive Tang En and said, "He is the product of another plan ... If I was going to find a way to fight chaos through my own rebirth, then Yebilny's side was going to find another way. They gave this task to this human. "

Atanoks was shocked: "Ha !? Such an important thing is given to a mortal !? Are they crazy !? If Prandall also falls, the universe will be completely dead, and we will have nowhere to stay. It's up! "

"Do you think they don't care as much as you do, just thinking about going crazy in the end?"

Elijah waved her hands tiredly and said, "You shouldn't come to wake me up. My ontological consciousness is still very weak. When I grow up, I will slowly wake up. Now I am just everything. I don't know, it doesn't make sense for you to wake me up. "

Atanoksi's mouth flickered and he said, "At least, I know your plan is in progress."

"Go warn them now that this is a moment of life and death for the entire universe. If there is anyone who dares to hold back at this time, I don't mind a few more vacancies."

Atanox's face changed slightly: "I see, sister, I will convey what you mean."

"Well, I'll continue to sleep without any other things. My long time out will affect the growth of my consciousness."

When the words fell, Elijah was back to normal, with a blank expression, Elijah had no idea what had just happened. Looking at the big sister with silver hair in front of her, she couldn't help exclaiming.

"Look now ... my sister was really cute when she was a kid!"

Atanox's eyes glowed, and she couldn't help pinching Ilia's cheek before letting her go.

Elijah fled directly behind Tang En, holding Tang En secretly looking at Atanox.

"So ... are you the one they chose? ... perfect body ... ha, they really can afford it."

Aitano Kesi murmured, then floated beside Tang En, with a charming smile: "If it is the person they have chosen, then there will be something for me ... Humans, do you like my girdle? Use How does it feel? Is it still easy? "

Atanox's style of painting changed suddenly, and suddenly changed from a goddess to a woman with a desire for dissatisfaction. The pace was too fast for Tang En to react.

Just now the two of them had been talking with God's words. Tang En didn't understand. She wanted Nora to be an interpreter. She fell asleep again and ignored Tang En at all.

But the only thing that can be confirmed is that Ilia is probably the legendary lady in calamity.

Although Atanoks is only a median god, there is an essential difference between God and man. It is too easy to deal with Tang En.

Although Tang En guessed that Atanox did not dare to do it himself, he didn't want to take risks, so he said humblely, "It's not bad."

"how is the taste?"

"Taste ... taste !?"


Aitano Kesi grinned and touched Tang En. "Well ... a perfect body is so good ..."

I don't know what means Aitanoks used, only a slight swipe of his hand, Xiao Tang jumped up instantly, Tang En suddenly blushed.

"Well? Is it ... shy?"

Aitanokosi found something very interesting. She had wanted to leave, and suddenly thought about it, she might as well take advantage of this opportunity.

Upon seeing Atanox's eyes, Tang En's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly said, "You can get my body, but you can't get my heart!"

Aitano Kesi smiled charmingly: "I just want to get your body, what's the use of getting your heart?"

"... to unlock more poses."

"Then ... let's make a deal."

transaction! ?

"You come to satisfy me ... Correspondingly, I can give them all to you, I can ask Lola to agree to all your requirements, and I will bring you this ribbon to upgrade and give it to you, how?"

Aitano Kesi with red lips said: "You can't lose money."

Knowing that Tang En was the central figure in Yebilny's plan, Aitanoks decided to push him down the river to help him. Nothing else could be done, but at least some of his staff were still fine.

The dark elves all become their own! ?

As soon as Tang En's eyes lighted up, he immediately moved.

Although the dark elves live underground, their fighting power is not inferior to the forest elves, and they have special advantages in stealth stealth operations. If such a unit can be obtained, it will have an overall development speed for increasing their military strength. Great.

Even the black stone caves that you wanted to occupy before can be abandoned, and the army factory is directly placed here, and the dark elves are responsible for production ...

The benefits are too great, and you only need to sell your own body and rhythm to get these. This is the rhythm of the real big eagle saving the world!

Tang En was very ecstatic.

"It must be said that I don't have much time left, don't waste precious time."

When Athanokes saw Tang En's heart beating, he couldn't help telling him, and he just rolled up and flew into the back.

"Wait! Mom! He's mine!"

Seeing that Tang En was stolen, Luo Lin was anxious, but the legal restraint had not been lifted, and she could not move at all.

As a result, as soon as her words fell, she heard the coquettish laughter of Atanox in the distance, and then Luo Lin's body flew up involuntarily, and came to Atanoks and Down.

(Note: Some things that cannot be described, some are deleted here, and Fanwai 2 makes a reservation.)

Seeing that Tang En, Lola, and Lorry were gone, everyone who was **** in place was dumbfounded. The only person who could act at the moment was Elias, but Elias had not understood what had happened.

"Nah ... sister Fiona."

Elsanne said, "I heard you right ... Is that queen called Sister Elijah?"

Fiona's face was numb: "Yeah ... hey ... hey ... hey goddess ..."

Elsa exclaimed, "Ah! Sister Fiona is broken!"

"Broken ... I'm okay ... hehe ... the dark elf queen ... the mother and daughter ... grab the lord ... at this time ... hehe ... there is a goddess descend ... hehe ... "

Fiona's whole body is about to break down, and the impact today is greater than any other day combined.

Lord Lord almost married inexplicably to become the Prince of Dark Elves ... Elia is actually a goddess reincarnation ... Now her sister even had to push the Lord Lord with her body ...

The only reason Fiona didn't think she was fainting now was because there was an Ilullie worse than her.

That's right, the Holy Virgin, Eli Lilly, is one of the most unlucky people today.

Originally I just wanted to meet the queen, so I came with me, but I thought that there would be such a **** in the end-it was obviously a fight between Tang En and the queen, but it reached her somehow.

The innocent lying gun turned into Tang En's slave, and Yi Luli was still aghast at this moment.

She couldn't believe it.

If he knew Pope Jessolini XXIII after returning, he could not vomit blood in anger.

If those mad believers who were crazy for Illy knew it, I don't know how many people would want to hack Down.

However, it is not necessary for them to hack Tang En, because at this moment, Tang En is about to "dead" and cannot die anymore.

The "hard local surgery of Angus" recorded in the little book previously obtained became his last hope.

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