Things from Another World

Chapter 519: Product positioning (for monthly tickets)

On the earth, the technological content of motorcycles is not low. If anyone says that they can imitate a motorcycle from scratch in one day, it is appropriate to drink and drink high.

But in Prandall, with the power of magic, coupled with the alchemy of Down's plug-in, all this became possible.

When the two motorcycles were placed in the research institute and they were disassembled for research, the friends in the research institute were stunned.

"It's never been seen before! It's really something never seen before!"

After listening to the function, Brian took a few laps around the motorcycle, his eyes glowed, and he could not wait to try it.

It ’s a pity that it is designed according to the human body shape. It is too high for the dwarf. It ca n’t reach the ground and ca n’t keep the balance at all. The flying motorcycle can play, but it ’s not high too. Then again, Flying motorcycles are also a **** for dwarves, because no dwarf is willing to leave the ground ...

"Lord Lord is just, is--"

Edgar hesitated for a long time, and did not come up with an adjective. At last he could only sigh, saying: "Master Lord must be the Son of God-only the Son of God can have such genius ideas and capabilities!"

Previously designed bicycles have been well received. Due to the low-cost strategy and purchase subsidies in the territory, almost every family who cannot afford a horse now has a bicycle.

The advent of bicycles has greatly reduced people's commute time on the road, and the increase in the speed of people's movement has also accelerated the level of economic and trade and increased the economic vitality within the territory.

In addition, the asphalt road has been laid from Ellington to surrounding villages and towns, which has greatly improved the range of activities of residents in Ellington.

In the past, many people did not even leave the village where they were born, but now, it takes only one day to run back and forth between the village and Ellington. In the past, for families who could not afford horses, It's simply unthinkable.

Normal horses (non-war horses and race horses) can maintain an average speed of about 30 to 40 kilometers per hour. Under normal load, you can run at this speed for an hour or two before resting, but the price of a horse is as high as one Hundreds of gold coins, plus the different forages that are fed on weekdays, even ordinary hay requires at least fifty silver coins.

According to the physical strength difference of cheap bicycles, the average speed is usually between 15 and 25 kilometers per hour. Adult men who work regularly can ride for several hours. The market price is only ten. Gold coins, a 20% discount on the implementation of a low-cost strategy in Ellington, and a gold coin transportation subsidy, so the actual starting price is only seven gold coins. The most important thing is that the bicycle has no subsequent maintenance costs.

Because tire inflation is free, tire repair is only a silver coin, and there is no need to use several copper plates for lubricants on the bearings. Of course, bicycles are certainly more affordable than horse carriages.

Now, the birth of motorcycles will once again accelerate the pace of people.

Fiona said with excitement: "The floor-standing motorcycle is equivalent to the combination of bicycle cost-effectiveness, horse speed, load capacity, human endurance, etc., not only fast, but also can carry enough things Whether it is to buy vegetables or transport a small amount of goods, once it is mass-produced and promoted to the market, it can be expected that it will be extremely popular. "

"The maximum speed of this floor motorcycle on asphalt roads can even reach 80 kilometers per hour, far exceeding the short-range charge speed of the war horse. The most important thing is that it will not be tired and can maintain this speed all the time! At this speed, we can even run through several villages in Ellington in one day! "

"Because the characteristics of this product are so excellent, I think the price can be set a little higher. After deducting the costs of research and development, materials, etc., five hundred gold coins is a very good price, higher than ordinary horses, but better than those. Steeds of descent are much cheaper and can generate enough attraction. "

"For this type of flying motorcycle, I think we need to temporarily ban external sales."

Fiona and Aurelia have rarely held the same view on this point.

Aurelia said: "The flying motorcycle is no longer a simple vehicle. Once used, it can become a weapon in war. Rangers can not only keep flying at a high speed and look down from a high altitude. Investigations also have considerable advantages. "

Fiona nodded: "Yes, at the speed of flying motorcycles, flying Warcraft below Tier 5 can do nothing about it. Rangers can easily complete reconnaissance work and even launch attacks in the air. Enemies on the ground will be powerless."

"Do it then."

Tang En waved his hand and said, "The floor-standing motorcycle is named Harley and sells for 500 gold coins. However, after the production line is completed, it will be produced for personal use. It will not be sold for the time being. . "

"The flying motorcycle was named Comet, and it was temporarily designated as military equipment. After the production line was completed, it was handed over to Haili, who was responsible for production."

In fact, it is said that military equipment is not sold externally, but if it is really sold, it is estimated that few people can afford it, and it will only become a special product for nobles.

Now the magic crystal on the market has gradually stabilized under the control of Tang En. Although it has not returned to the standard price of one hundred gold coins before, it has also rebounded to eighty-five gold coins. With more and more magic equipment, The consumption of magic crystals is getting larger and larger, and this price will further increase.

The flying comet uses a standard magic crystal. The current price is 85 gold coins. Tang En estimated the speed of magic consumption. At a standard load (100 kg), a turbocharged wind-powered magic engine is used. It can fly more than three thousand kilometers at a speed of 300KM / H, which is equivalent to the consumption of 35 kilometers per gold coin (35KM / G).

The advantages of comets are all-terrain, aerial reconnaissance, and high-speed advantages. When combined with powerful individual combat weapons, such as RPGs and triggered bombs, they can form a huge air advantage, but the cost is high. This price is not everyone What they can afford can only be the new darling of the nobles and the weapon of war.

In contrast, Harley's uses low-quality magic crystals. At present, the market price is less than 10 gold coins, but under standard load, it can run 3,000 kilometers at a speed of 60KM / H, which is equivalent to 300 kilometers per gold coin (300KM / G), compared to the comet, the price is simply sky-high!

At present, the per capita monthly income of Ellington has reached 30 gold coins, which has increased by dozens of times compared with a year ago. People have become wealthy. Harley's consumption and consumption level are still acceptable, so Harley is the promotion in the future. The main force of the market.

"For later market promotion, I think Harley should add a loading bar, how much can be decorated, so that it is more attractive to buy."

Fiona puts forward his own suggestion: "Although the test is tested under standard conditions, it is impossible for people to buy transportation just to ride on their own and bring something."

"I was negligent, I'll make up later."

Tang En forgot about the storage box in the design-the vegetable baskets they installed on the front of the bike were well received by the housewives.

After adding storage boxes to the design drawings, I briefly explained the design concepts for them, and then Tang En left the academy.

Now Ellington has several important things at the same time, spring planting, greenhouse planting and expansion, school enrollment, recruit training, research and development of new equipment, final commissioning of the magic mine car, etc. On the right track, he can proceed steadily without Tang En, so he can breathe a bit.

Clotto has returned to the gear capital. He has taken a design of a floor-mounted motorcycle. He wants to use the power of gnome technology to try to produce a motorcycle suitable for gnome, but there is no Tang in power. With the magical technical support, he can only use the steam engine-it is almost impossible to achieve miniaturization while maintaining the power of the steam engine, so Tang En is also curious what he will eventually create.

Perhaps, with the master glasses of engineering, he will come up with the real internal combustion engine according to the inspiration he gave earlier?

At the same time, Tang En asked him to prepare a lot of pygmy gunpowder. Next, Tang En intends to start tinkering with RPG. This kind of war machine technology is simple and effective. It is a pity not to get it out as soon as possible.

The magic mine cars have been successfully manufactured, and the supporting tracks have been prepared for a long time. As soon as the final test results of these batches of magic mine cars are released, Tang En can take them to Lord Nitro. It should be the last two days.

After returning to the study, Tang En saw the latest news. Gillard's army had arrived in Yarinks, logistics was replenishing supplies, and the Vanguard Corps set off overnight to the Taris border. It will arrive as soon as four days later. Taris.

Good news came from Aubrey and Adrien.

Thanks to the information that Jean handed over to them, in a few days, Aubrey and Adrien successfully recruited a batch of intimidating (Jean's identity) temptation (promising a lot of benefits). The wild mages who lived in seclusion around Alynquez added up to about thirty people.

The strongest of these wild mages is only the ninth level of gold, and the weakest is only the strength of magic apprentices.

Don't look at their incomplete inheritance, the magic of cultivation and learning has great flaws, and the amount of magic mastered is not much, and the strength is only gold level. Don't forget that even wild silver mages who are usually silver are all Adventurers, mercenaries and even nobles are sought after as guests, not to mention that it is a time of war.

In war, any small spell may reverse the situation in a war zone, and the skill of using magic power will multiply their value by a factor of two.

They will go to Ellington with the assistance of Aubrey and Adrien, and then travel to Tarris with Down, they will be the secret weapon in this war.

But the real meaning of this war is not Gillard.

Tang En was waiting for the dark snake to appear.

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