Things from Another World

Chapter 659: Frozen sea

"Frozen sea? Little bit!"

Gene took a deep breath, and the surging magic flowed into the body through the staff. At the same time, the magic in the body began to affect the surrounding magic, the elements began to resonate, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply.

He has two nine-level spells, one is the meteorite fall, and the other is the permafrost.

Tang En avoided Leviathan's claws and yelled back: "Don't hurt the fleet!"

Gene had a hard time controlling and shouted, "Egwin!"

Aegwynn nodded, and appeared in the distant fleet in a flash, holding the hilt with his backhand, and patted gently on the deck. The huge silver moon field enveloped the fleet, taking the fleet from the spell effect of Jean Stripped out.

The next moment, the cold wind between the sky and the sea suddenly started, the freezing cold wind blew across the sea surface, and the broken ice layer froze again. Not only that, the ice layer was still spreading at a very fast speed, only for a moment. Kung fu, the area of ​​the sea ice field has expanded to hundreds of square kilometers, and it is still expanding.


Tang En landed heavily on the ice field. The ice layer up to 100 meters thick was only shaken, but there was no sign of cracking.

"I'm frozen to death!"

Tang En complained, the temperature around him began to rise rapidly, but only covered the body surface, followed by him once again rushed to the incomparable Leviathan, and the great sword rolled up in a cold wave. In the cold, Leviathan's scales were frozen together, and the world's will lightly shattered those scales.

The ninth-order spell is still very lethal to Leviathan. After the power of the permafrost has erupted completely, the surrounding temperature has dropped to more than a hundred degrees below zero, dense snow has begun to drift in the air, and the waves have completely subsided. As soon as it rolled up, it became an ice sculpture, and all the raging mermaids approaching here were frozen into ice lolly silently.

The ice continued to spread, and soon the seawater around the broken archipelago froze. Hurricanes whistled and a blizzard suddenly broke out at sea.

In such a cold and low-temperature environment, Leviathan's movement speed has slowed down a lot, but its power and threat have not decreased at all.

The will of the world ripped dozens of openings in its huge body, and the blood spraying from it was still hot, but unfortunately, due to the extreme temperature outside, the torn wound would be frozen for a moment, but indirectly. Reduced Leviathan's injuries.

In front of Leviathan, even 360-meter-high Tang En is like a cowardly child. Even if he holds a very dangerous weapon in his hand, Leviathan, which can be corrupted, has no fear at all, it sprays A thick poisonous smoke entangled the body, and Tang En had to release the storm armor to blow away the poisonous mist around him. The more buff spells that can be maintained, the faster his magic power will be consumed.

Tang En's magic power is indeed infinite, but the magic power in his body is not infinite. The magic pool in the body needs to be recovered when it is used up. Of course, it takes time to recover. The larger the size, the more magic power required to maintain the spell. The more the recovery speed is slower, when the recovery speed can not keep up with the consumption speed, Tang En will eventually be exhausted.

"You can't stay so deadlocked!"

Although Pertis was shocked that Tang En could become so huge, she was probably the one who knew Leviathan best among all the people present. As a powerful ancient Warcraft, Leviathan's magic pool was probably far beyond them. Several legendary powerhouses, plus it now has the strengthening effect of chaos breath, it is only them who have been losing so much.

"Igwin and I can't make it, you go and help him!"

Jean lifted his staff, the power of the permafrost continued to spread and ferment, under the gloomy sky, the snowstorm became more and more fierce, Leviathan roared wildly in the storm, the fiery flame was like the sickle that destroyed everything, constantly Sweeping from beside Tang En, there were several times when Tang En hit.

As Pettis gritted her teeth, she lifted her staff and sang a spell, quickly spit out the naga words with a wonderful rhythm, followed her with a wave, and a faint blue beam hit Leviathan's abdomen.

I only heard a muffled sound, and the place hit by the light beam exploded directly. The broken flesh came out of the body with hot boiling blood, blasting a meat pit with a diameter of several meters.

That's the proud spell of Peltis-the eighth-order water spell blood boiling, which controls the boiling of water elements in the blood and then explodes to kill the enemy. The power is amazing.

Leviathan, who was chasing Down, was in pain. His red eyes, as big as the building, stared at Peltis, and its remaining sense seemed to recognize Peltis, roaring angrily at her, the air around her. Immediately, numerous hot fireballs appeared, and they shot towards Peltis!

With a flash of light on the Peltis staff, she was immediately enveloped in a transparent bubble. The seemingly fragile bubbles were indestructible. After the fireballs hit the bubbles and exploded, no ripple appeared.

"Good job!"

Tang En, who was able to escape, refreshed his spirit, landed firmly on Leviathan's back, and then stabbed his sword downwards, sprinting and rushing fast. The sharp will of the world was in Leviathan's A huge wound with deep visible bones was cut on the back, hot blood was sprayed into the sky, and then frozen into ice cubes. The flesh and blood in the wound was quickly exposed to the cold wind and died of necrosis.

"Well !!!"

Leviathan shook his body frantically, trying to shake Down, and Tangen firmly held the will of the world. After a mad sprint, he reached the root of Leviathan's neck, and then he leapt up to hundreds. Migao, the world's will roared to Leviathan's neck!

Leviathan yelled loudly, and the snowflakes flying in the air suddenly agitated and gathered in front of Tang En, turning into a solid ice shield, which blocked Leviathan's fatal blow and followed closely. Leviathan twisted his neck and knocked Down out.


Jean cursed, and the effects of the permafrost have reached the extreme. With them as the center, the sea area of ​​thousands of square kilometers has been completely frozen, and the ice layer is even thousands of meters thick. Even if Leviathan wants to destroy the ice, The layers are not so easy.

After being bombarded by missiles several times, the surviving Murlocs were not spared. Originally, they could absorb the power of chaos to strengthen their strength to resist the cold. Unfortunately, Leviathan is here. All the chaos breath has been absorbed and used to strengthen its combat power. How could those raging mermaids **** him?

Even if there are some Fury Murlocs who can resist the cold erosion for a while, they can't persist forever. The end result is that all Fury Murals are frozen in the ice and they are frozen to death.

The Abyss Spell has now reached its current level without the need to maintain it, and he can now withdraw from the battle.

But before that, he still needs to breathe a little bit-the cost of releasing the ninth-order spell is not small, and he is not as perverted as Tang En.

Gene took a bottle of crystal blue potion and drank it, followed by several more mana gems made before, and began to quickly recover the magic, while staring at Leviathan on the battlefield.

The result really made him discover something-those wounds that Tang En made before were shrouded in very strong chaos, and the frozen flesh began to recover under the action of chaos ... No, it should be said that at the same time as recovery Further corruption, the flesh and blood there has become dark purple, exuding a strange and unknown atmosphere.

Jean shouted, "Don! Breath of Chaos is helping it recover from injury!"

"Got it!"

Tang En snorted, and he ate a claw blow from Leviathan, which received a great impact, but Leviathan did not take any advantage. Tang En's vicious sword cut off half of it directly. Only paws!

This was the worst injury to Leviathan since the war began.

The crazy Leviathan twisted its huge body on the ice, and the ice was constantly shaking. Can you imagine a mountain that is two or three kilometers high rolling in front of you?

Tang En couldn't imagine it before, but now he saw it with his own eyes, and the moment the mother's timid person saw it, he was frightened and died.

Leviathan, who was tumbling madly, did not give Tang En any chance to start, and Tang En could only rush into the sky to avoid the crazy Leviathan.

"Well !!!"

Leviathan's long head was fluttering, huge pillars of flame dancing wildly in the sky, even the dark clouds in the sky were torn by the flames, and the thick ice layer was cut everywhere.

"go to hell!"

Pertis raised her staff, and the water elements converged next to her from below the ice, turning into hundreds of 100-meter-long sharp prismatic ice thorns that were pierced under the control of Pertis Upon Leviathan's body, crystal ice thorns tore flesh and blood, stained with blood.

"The scales became brittle after being frozen at low temperatures ... which means that their defense is now much weaker than before ..."

Gene murmured, his eyes flashing inexplicably.

"Mom is too big!"

Tang En cursed, and left his left hand, and a long water sword appeared in his hand. If the permafrost abyss had reduced Leviathan's defense, he couldn't be sure that the long sword could break through its defense.

As soon as Tang En was about to start, there were a lot of dense dots flying on the sea. He hesitated, and then stumbled to find that those were actually missiles!

Brian, they still have the mood to attack Leviathan! ?


On the battleship, Brian's brain jumped straight and he snarled with the walkie-talkie: "There is only one target! That big guy! You won't be defeated how to fight! Don't save ammunition! All the warships fire at full power! Blast it to me! ! "

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