Things from Another World

Chapter 799: Testro of life in doubt

Throughout Burkeso, the most striking place is not the palace of Testero, nor the ruined church of the Vulcan court, but the huge gladiatorial field located on the side of the city.

Ring of Blood gladiator.

The land here bears the blood and tears of the Rennes Empire, and once the heavy history can be found here.

Long, long ago, this was the place where rulers used to admire orc slaves and Warcraft gladiatorial battles.

Later, after the rise of the orcs, instead of overthrowing it, it turned it into a sign to alert themselves.

Now, the Ring of Blood arena is one of Burkeso's most popular sightseeing spots-because here you can admire the confrontation between the powerful of the Rennes Empire.

The collision between the fist and the flesh, the flaming fire between the sword and the sword, the trembling muscles and the earth, the harsh growl and roar, these are the factors that most stimulate the blood of the orc, and when these factors are all mixed together It's normal for them to be crazy about it.

The sharp teeth dragged Angus down the road and jumped straight to the Ring of Blood Arena. At this time, many spectators in the arena are enjoying the following battles. The two gold-level Apocalypse warriors are fighting. Minute.

Although there are many orcs who will learn here, most of them are just ordinary orc warriors, or low-level apocalypse. The gold-level apocalypse rarely operates here, which is why today there are so many orcs Appreciate here.

However, all this changed after the emergence of sharp teeth.

Dragging Angus's sharp teeth from the tens of meters of the fence directly into the ring arena, slammed like a meteor on the square in the center of the arena, and the solid ground reinforced by the spell was smashed out. A big pit.

The two orc warriors who fought were threatened: "Master, sharp tooth !?"

"You go and rest."

With an impatient wave of impatient teeth, the two gold-level orc warriors were thrown out by the hands of the invisible mage.

The legendary strongman who has already broken the professional boundaries, of course, sharp teeth can learn spells, but casting is too troublesome for a warrior accustomed to going straight, so he only learns some simple and useful small spells that can help Fighting is enough.

"You are so anxious to fight me?"

Angus was helpless: "If we are real, less than a cup of tea, the entire Burkeso will be finished."

The reason why I don't want to do anything with sharp teeth is because this guy is always more excited when he fights, and he doesn't lighten up and lighten his shots.

Sharp teeth frowned, and said a little unpleasantly: "Then control the strength."

For a combat enthusiast, it is probably the most uncomfortable thing to fail to enjoy the battle.

It is useless to use the field. He and Angus are too strong. Even if the field is strengthened, it will destroy the field after the war.

"Come and learn from me."

Sharp teeth moved his shoulders, smirking: "See if you have regressed over the years."

"Although not as good as you, at least--"

Angus hadn't finished speaking yet, the big sand fist had smashed head-on, and a punch hit his face!

Angus's body flew out spinning and hit the inner wall of the gladiatorial arena: "You sneak attack!"

Sharp teeth licked his lips and rushed up again: "So how many times have I told you, don't talk nonsense when fighting!"


Angus grabbed his fist and grinned, "Since you're so shameless, don't blame me!"

"I'm going to see how you're being polite--"


The figure of Angus disappeared instantly, followed immediately by the sharp teeth, he kicked on the back of the opponent's head, the sharp teeth crashed into the wall, and Angus rushed into the ground as soon as he landed. Slap successively on the back of the sharp teeth!

"Boom boom boom--"

The dull bombardment sounded throughout the arena!

The Kao who came over just saw this scene, and suddenly took a breath of air: "His-Master Angus' body skills are so sharp !?"

Tang En said with a smile: "After all, it is a legendary powerhouse. After the promotion to the supreme level, the boundaries between professions will be blurred. The legend will become more obvious in the future.

"I am afraid that you have failed so easily ..." Cao turned his head inadvertently and paused. "What are you doing?"

Tang En holding a high-quality photo crystal, stared at the two in the center of the gladiatorial field and said, "It's a rare opportunity to take a picture, whether it's a souvenir or a copy for sale. "

Cao, Mongo Kahn, Ursa: "..."

"Go back and give me a copy."

Cao gave a cough and said, "I need to learn more about the fighting experience of the masters."

Meng Kahn said quite seriously: "The masters have fought with chaotic creatures. In order to enhance the combat effectiveness, they must have learned from each other. This will be a very exciting matchup, so I want a copy."

"I want to ..." Ursomer said.

In the gladiatorial arena, Angus and Sharptooth entered the state immediately after a short temptation. They knew each other and they controlled their power. They were just satisfied and could not cause much damage to the surroundings. In the eyes of people, this duel is a rare visual feast.

At this moment, the orcs who received the news from Burkeso all moved, including the Red Lotus Knights.

Uldullah: "Hurry up! Hurry up and go to the Blood Ring Arena!"

Lowell: "Oh! Have you heard the news? The two elite soldiers with blood eyes, gold-level apocalypse!"

"What stupid words are you talking about! It is Master Sharptooth and Master Angus who are discussing! Don't talk nonsense, you go or not? I will go if you don't go!"

"Go! Of course! Vulcan is on, if I miss this wonderful game, I will regret it forever!"

Backyard of Burkeso Palace.

"What !? Master Sharptooth and Human Heroic Angus Miracle Hand discuss in the Ring of Blood Arena !?"

Hearing the news, Tastro looked incredible: "When did he come to Burkeso? I haven't heard the news at all!"

The great prince Groma Blood, who stood on the side, said with a smile: "Even in the human kingdom, Master Angus is famous for his treacherous world. Many people want one side, but he suddenly runs to Burkeso. It's also normal to see old friends. "

Testro's eyes immediately became extremely excited: "Go, we can't miss this good thing!"

Testero and Groma quickly came to the Ring of Blood Arena. At this moment, the battle in the arena has already entered the stage of fever. Angus and Sharp Teeth continued to make some exquisite superb fighting. Skills, exciting battles caused a burst of applause.

Testerrow just saw Angus perform a very tricky sneak attack, the right palm poisonous snake rushed out of the sharp gap of the sharp tooth master, went straight to the ribs of his armpit, the sharp tooth master was extremely sharp The combat instinct avoided the sneak attack, but he still bruised his arm.

"It was insidious just now! If it were me, I wouldn't be able to hide from it!"

Tastrohaha laughed out loud: "It's fun to use such a sinister move, obviously a great hero who is famous all over the world."

Groma smiled slightly and said, "After all, history is written by the victors, so long as they can achieve the ultimate victory, it is normal to do whatever they can."

"Good to say, but after all, the master is a master and must not be rude."

Testro nodded with a smile, and suddenly hesitated, with a strange expression, "I didn't expect your brother to be here, when will he be back?"


Groma glanced at Ursa from a distance: "He returned with Montgomern and a group of human mercenaries. Maybe it's a task."

Testero glanced at the humans next to Ursa: "Is his mercenary companion next to him?"


"We used to say hello."

Testro and Groma came to Down's neighborhood.


"Who's okay, don't bother me, it's exciting--"

Ursa waved his hand impatiently, and when he had just finished speaking, he paused suddenly, turned his head and looked at it suddenly: "Gromar? And my father? Why are you here?"

Groma was a little unhappy: "You can call my brother, or my elder brother, or His Highness Prince Groma. My name is too rude."

Ursa simply said, "The human etiquette is too much trouble ... Master Father thinks so too, right?"

"Haha, it is indeed my son."

Testero stepped forward and hugged Ursa, then patted his shoulder and said, "How are you doing outside? Haven't you talked home in recent years?"

"Thanks to the care of the head of the group, it was a good life, and the life outside was wonderful."

"Is this your leader?"

Testero looked at Cao, and he subconsciously ignored Don, who was running around and looking for the camera.

Ursa and Montgo Kahn looked at each other. In a sense, Cao was, of course, the head ... Don? He is the boss.

"Uh, yes, Captain Cao."

Testero extended his stout right hand and shook hands with Cao: "Good luck."

"You're welcome-eh !?"

Cao suddenly changed his face, sending a huge force from Testero, forcing him to subconsciously resist.


Tastro loosened his hand and laughed loudly: "Extraordinary, look at your young age, the future is unlimited, please take care of Ursa a lot."


Cao's sore face was green, at least this product is also an extraordinary peak, and may even have been promoted to the top level!

"Let Yirang, let Yirang-oh who is so indifferent? Don't you know that let Yirang?"

Focusing on shooting action blockbusters, Tang En didn't notice hitting a person, cursed angrily, and ran to grab the camera.

When Tang En accidentally bumped into it, Tistero fell on the ground with a look of aggression, and suddenly began to doubt life.

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