Things from Another World

Chapter 805: The best news of the year

In fact, in the early days of new things, the emergence of various problems is almost inevitable.

Especially here in Prendall, the whole is like the Middle Ages with low productivity, but the sudden emergence of high-efficiency vehicles such as buses, the impact on people is conceivable, and naturally there will be many people Go for fun.

That part of the thief who likes the thief to take advantage of it, will certainly not miss this opportunity.

However, since Fiona said that measures had been taken, Tang En stopped paying attention to this aspect.

Fiona sighed and said, "Although buses greatly facilitate people's travel, some people find it very inconvenient to fix the line, so they always want the bus to change the route according to their ideas."

Tang En couldn't help but whispered: "Do these people think that anyone can get on the bus ... Ah, I mean, do they think that the bus is randomly driven? If you want freedom, you can buy a private car for myself what!"


Fiona said quietly, "Sir, please forgive me, we haven't started selling private cars yet."


"Intercity buses have also begun trial operation, but so far, there are only one or two shuttle buses per city. The demand for intercity travel is not strong at present, and the only customers are fresh. Merchants and adventurers. "

Fiona couldn't help but say, "Although it has received rave reviews from businessmen and adventurers, your Majesty, can we stop the intercity bus project first? It's a totally loss-making business."

Tang En shook his head and said, "No, you can't stop, even if there is no one, you must maintain a minimum of one trip every day."


"This is my responsibility as a king."

Tang En said: "Bus will be a social welfare. After exploring the operating costs in the future, the fees will be reduced as much as possible. In other words, the bus operation does not need to consider the income issue, as long as it keeps the balance of payments. Just fine. "

"That is, do you want to support the bus project with the benefits of other projects?"

"It can be subsidized at the beginning, but it cannot be completely dependent on subsidies. In the later period, it is necessary to maintain a balance of payments and disregard profit."

"I understand."

Fiona wrote down Tang En's comments and then said with a smile: "But because this intercity bus has a very low occupancy rate, it just happened to be used by us. These half months have continued to help We have transported a lot of migrants. "


Tang En refreshed and sat up straight: "How many people have you added?"

Fiona opened a demo book next to him and said, "Originally, population growth has slowed a lot, but in the first half of the intercity bus period, more than 20,000 people have been added, and most of them are concentrated in this week."

"Presumably because the early stages are all gestational periods, focusing on the outbreak this week."

"It should be true. According to our analysis, as the influence of intercity buses continues to grow, the population will increase faster and faster. By the end of the year, our population in Ellington will double. , Officially exceeded 500,000! "

Fiona said with excitement: "At that time, the joining of young and middle-aged people will completely eliminate the shortcomings of our labor shortage, and a large number of vacant residential quarters that have been developed will also be completed. The increase in residents will also increase market demand. , Businessmen will definitely gather in large numbers here, and the economic benefits associated with them will be incalculable. "

Tang En smiled slightly: "Of course, there are more business opportunities, but at the end of the year, the population barely exceeded 500,000. It is not worth the excitement at all. Our goal is to continue to strengthen the attraction of Ellington And strive to make the population exceed five million next year. "

"Five or five million !?"

Fiona was stunned: "Your Majesty, aren't you crazy? Yalinks has a population of less than two million! Do you want to move the capital !?"

"Trust me, as long as everyone works together, this is not impossible."

Tang En smiled, his heart filled with confidence.

This year, the population of Ellington residents has increased from a few thousand in the beginning to 250,000 now. Who would believe in the beginning? This growth rate is also due to inconvenient transportation and too slow infrastructure.

After this year's construction, Ellington's related infrastructure has been completed. The well-planned new urban area is completely separated from the industrial area. The interior is divided into commercial areas, residential areas, functional areas, etc. according to the use. Of the residents praise the life in this city. Will others be dissatisfied when they come?

More importantly, the laying of the expressway has been completed, and the opening of intercity buses has increased the efficiency of residents' travel. By taking intercity buses and transferring in each city, it only takes five Six days will do-this is still because the current number of shuttle buses is too small.

The intercity bus is not only fast and safe, but also costs only tens of silver coins. You should know that if you originally took a carriage to Yalinks, a person would only be afraid of a few gold coins, and if you are on the road, if you go well Fifteen days, let alone a dangerous situation.

This means that as long as Ellington's appeal is strong enough, those people only need to spend a small amount of silver coins to come and see for themselves, and if they are dissatisfied to leave, they will not lose anything.

The Datang Chamber of Commerce seeks low-level poor people who are willing to work, and the policy of free relocation to Ellington has contributed a lot to the population growth here.

"Don't patronize with excitement."

Tang En was so excited to see Fiona that she couldn't help but wake her up: "After the increase in population, the problems that accompany it are quite troublesome. This requires an advance plan."

A city of 500,000 people, big or small, is not small, but the pressure of so many people in Ellington to build and eat Lazarus is based on the Datang Chamber of Commerce.

In particular, the food production capacity of Prendall is generally not high. Many people drag their families to Ellington for a long time, just because they heard the propaganda and knew that they could have enough food to work here.

In case there is insufficient food supply at that time, I am afraid that there will be a big mess.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured."

Fiona laughed very confidently: "Don't say 500,000 people, even if there are 100,000 more people, I can feed them this year!"


"Now it is near the harvesting day of wheat, our Datang Harvesting team has set off again. Due to the completion of the highway, this time the harvesting team will start from the cities that have built transport arrays and start to radiate to the surroundings to help Those farmers are harvesting crops. "

"Not only that, as a production experiment of alchemy tincture, we used them to produce a large number of combine harvesters and magic cultivators. In addition to leaving some for us to expand our capacity in the future, I decided to use Datang The chamber of commerce is donated to the royal family of Illus. "

Fiona gave Tang En a charming look and said, "A total of 5,000 combine harvesters, 5,000 magic energy tillers."

Don En Haha laughed: "What's the point of this left-handed right-handed."

The Datang Chamber of Commerce is his, and the property of the Illus royal family is now his, and donating to the royal family is the same as donating to himself.

"Not as simple as you think."

Fiona explained: "Public announcement of donation of these properties can gain a good reputation for the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and as a private property of the royal family, you don't have to worry about falling into other people's hands. You can still do whatever you want-don't forget But the royal family has a lot of private land. Is it possible that you have to cultivate it yourself? "

"This is also true."

Tang En suddenly realized that he hadn't asked much about the private property of the royal family, and let Mother and Daughter Aurena and Aurelia dominate it. After all, he wanted this throne for the sake of Just reform the Illus Empire.

"With the help of the combine harvester, the time for harvesting wheat will be greatly shortened this year. A lot of the time saved can be used for other production work. After the spring, the magic energy tiller can be put into use directly and the next round of cultivation will begin. Wheat. "

Having said that, Fiona was quite excited and said, "When spring planting next year, we can use new varieties of wheat seeds!"


Tang En suddenly dropped the tea cup and said in surprise, "Is there any good news over Grantia?"


Fiona said cheerfully: "She came back a few days ago and wanted to report the good news to you. But when you found out that you were not there, she told me. It is said that she and Ms. Otinija have done research. A breakthrough, the production capacity of the latest generation of improved seeds has more than doubled from the beginning! They think that your requirements have been met now, so a large amount of catalytic production has begun. "


Tang En overjoyed: "It's double !?"

"I think Ms. Otinija should not make such a bad joke."

Fiona looked at Tang En very seriously, and her eyes were full of concealed joy: "Your Majesty, this is the most surprising news this year."

Tang En was also excited.

Double the grain output What is this concept!

Food grown on the same land area can feed twice as many people!

Coupled with the improved planting efficiency developed by various agricultural magic energy machines developed by Tang En, it can be expected that the grain production of the Illus Empire will have a terrible explosive growth next fall!

"Next fall, we may be able to solve the problem of hunger that has always been."

Tang En breathed a long sigh of relief. According to the current population growth rate of Prendall, now that this agricultural scale is replaced with improved seeds, it can definitely meet the population's demand for food, and it can even have a large amount of food as a reserve.

Fiona reminded Downe: "I think you should reward Grantia and Ortinia, both of whom have been busy for this matter for more than half a year."

"I will reward them."

As soon as this was said, Tang En regretted it, and to be honest, he could already think of what reward Grantia would offer ...

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