Things from Another World

Chapter 807: Urban routine

When Tang En rushed to the Ring of Blood Arena, Cao and Ulduar were already inextricably linked.

Dunn approached Montkahn and asked, "What's going on?"

The happy Monco Kahn, who was watching, said without saying a word: "Is n’t Head of Uldullah saying that he wants to formally compete with Head of Kao? He wanted to have an appointment yesterday. It turned out yesterday that all the limelight was taken away by the old man and Master Angus. "


"So they started today."

Ursa walked over from the side: "Relax, it's not a big deal, they are calm."


Why are you talking so exaggerated on your phone! ?

"Who called me on the phone?"

Tang En's brain was jumping straight, and he thought it was the real fire between the two sides that was going to kill him, but rushed over without saying a word.

A mercenary raised his hand sternly: "That, that ..."

"Go back and swing me ten thousand times, don't eat until you finish."

Tang En finished his face in black, focusing on the arena.

Cao's strength is a little weaker than Ulduar. After all, he has just broken through the extraordinary level. It is now stable in the extraordinary first order, and Ulduar is a real extraordinary fifth order. In terms of combat effectiveness, Cao has no chance of winning.

However, with the equipment that Ellington received, there may be a first-line opportunity-provided that Ulduar's equipment is not comparable to him.


The two met again head-on, and their fierce vigour rolled up a lot of dust. The smoke in the entire gladiator arena, making it impossible to see the inside.


Suddenly, two hot pillars of fire rose into the sky, the hot flames scattered the dust, and the hot waves rushed towards the face.

"Oh my god! What a powerful force!"

"Are they trying to turn the arena into a crater !?"

Under the flames of the two people, the floor of the gladiator are red, and there are some signs of liquefaction.

"Head of Uldurah, you seem to have done your best."

"Play with me and still have the power to speak, you surprised me."

As soon as Audulla threw it hard, the chain hammer that locked Kao's sword tried to throw the iron sword.

"The hammer does work wonders for heavy armor, but it doesn't do much to us. Please take it seriously."

"Really? Don't underestimate the power of Holy Flame's breaking evil!"

Ulduar gave a loud scream, and an extremely violent force suddenly broke out on the chain hammer, and that force took Kao Zhen back a few steps almost instantly.

Cao held his feet and staggered: "This is--"

"Holy Flame is the legendary chain hammer. Look down on it but pay the price!"

"is it?"

Cao stretched out his sword and smiled slightly: "Unfortunately, the legendary weapon is also in the hands, so let's divide it."

Uldull also stunned: "Legend? But—"

What he wanted to say was, how could it be a legend that so many people are holding the same sword?

However, Cao did not give him a chance to speak. He instantly inspired the constant spell "Julia" on the Iron Sword, and the already amazing power had a huge increase again, followed by his use of "Flash" in Behind Ulduar, a sword split out-the fierce sword gas landslide and tsunami generally gush out!

"Blink !!"

The embarrassing Uldurah was so confused, the next moment, his intuition made him lift the chain hammer!

"Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding—"

Cao flashed again. At the moment of his appearance, a series of dazzling attacks were performed, but after all, Ulduar's strength was better. Most of the surprise attacks were blocked, and a few of the missed attacks were not. How badly it hurt him.

But as far as learning is concerned, being hurt basically means losing.

"you lose--"

"The Red Lotus Knight never said defeat!"

As soon as Cao relaxed his offensive, Ulduar burst into a slam. The legendary chain hammer in his hand quickly launched a counterattack. The bright, dazzling chain hammer blasted on Cao like a meteor, and directly penetrated the ice protection inspired by Cao. Armor, fell heavily on the buffer armor!

The special structure and material of the buffer armor absorbed more than 90% of the impact force, and Cao resisted the remaining strength. He quickly stepped back and shouted, "You lose! Don't play tricks!"

"You just lost!"

Ulduar was a little angry. "As a warrior, you should fight upright. What is the sneak attack?"

Cao said neatly: "I'm a mercenary, not a soldier."


Audula, speechless, was a little embarrassed and angry: "Even a mercenary, your profession is a warrior!"

"I'm a swordsman, not a warrior."

"No difference!"

"I specialize in swordplay is the difference!"

"You lie!"

Cao rolled his eyes and said, "You're so tricky! Isn't the Red Lotus Knights able to lose so much?"

Ulduar said very solemnly: "Pluck the honor of the Red Lotus Knight, and have a serious fight with me!"

Cao secretly pouted, the ghost will fight you again. After being prepared, it will be difficult to sneak attack again. If he fights with Uldurah, he will definitely fall into the downturn, and he will definitely lose.


Cao suddenly froze and said deliberately, "I won't fight you anymore, let our men fight if we want to, we are better than the commander."

Ulduar froze. "Are you sure?"

The fighting power of the Red Lotus Knights is quite strong. All of them are gold-level apocalypse. Although Cao's men also have many gold-level ones, they are only fourteen people. If the number of combatants exceeds them, The upper limit of gold members, are they not a proper disadvantage?

"I'm sure."

Cao said in a proud look: "If you want to fight, let them fight. Anyway, I have already won, and you have no chance to rely on the account. Everyone sees it."

"You abominable human with no sense of honor!"

Uldull was embarrassed and angered: "That being the case, then fulfill your wishes and let them fight!"

"The number is set to 20 to 20."

"Okay! We don't bully you, so we don't send grandmasters, we use gold ones."

Ulduar sneered. This number was too good for him. Kao's gold-level men only added up to fourteen. The rest could only be assembled by silver-level apocalypse, but the Red Lotus Knight The regiment can easily gather up to twenty gold-level masters, and there are even two grand masters who can use the field.

It's a big advantage no matter how you look at it, you can't lose it!

As soon as Tang En saw Kaona's expression, he knew that the goods were running out of water.

Soon personnel on both sides were in place.

"Look at this posture as a team fight."

Meng Kahn licked his lips, and asked Ursa, "Would you like to have fun?"

"of course!"

Ursa grinned: "We are indispensable!"

Montgo Kahn and Ursa jumped into the arena: "Substitution, plus the two of us!"


Audura murmured in her heart, forgetting to count the two masters!

Mongo Kahn is the son of a **** tomahawk and inherits the unparalleled tomahawk talent of Sharptooth, and Ursa has inherited the violent talents of their blood-eyed clan from Testero. Their combat effectiveness is very strong. The peak of the level has not yet been broken, but in addition to no domain, the actual combat power is not weaker than the first level of the grandmaster.

These two guys are really strong!


After seeing the opponent's lineup, Uldulla breathed a little sigh of relief. Even with the addition of Mongo Kahn and Ursa, the opponent only had sixteen gold grades and four silver-grade cannon fodder.

Four gold-level shield warriors, two gold-level swordsmen, two gold-level mad warriors, a gold-level tomahawk fighter (Montgomern), a gold-level warhammer messenger, and a gold-level combatant (Ulsa) , A gold-level epee messenger, two gold-level assassins, two gold-level rangers, four silver-level rangers.

Uldulla smiled. This lineup without casters and priests is a fairly common mercenary team staffing, and is it right? The ending is long destined.

Moreover, although their equipment is bright, everyone's equipment of the same type is the same, which is obviously mass-produced standard equipment.

On standard equipment, where can their group of mercenaries go?

The outcome of this group discussion has been decided!

The audience in the stands was also enthusiastic.

"Look at it, the Human Mercenary Corps is going to discuss with our Red Lotus Knight!"

"Team battle? Don't worry, the victory is certain. Who can win the Red Lotus Knights?"

"Yeah, but even Xinglong used it. Is it too bullying?"

"The Red Lotus Knights' group combat ability is one of the best. The ground strike dragon's charge is unstoppable. They have always fought together, and of course they should be counted as a combat unit.

"Speaking of it, why did the head of Uldurah promise such a game? It's too bullying ... I mean he did a good job! You should change it for me!"

When Tang En heard that he murmured silently, just taking a sip of poisonous milk, the Red Lotus Knights would be killed if they were fine.

"Don't blame me?"

Uldullah said with a smile: "We, the Red Lotus Knights and the mounts, are all concentric and always fight together."

Cao waved his hand with a smile, and said very insidiously: "No, no, rest assured, we also understand the importance of mounts to battle, please rest assured."

"That would be more offensive."

"Get ready-go to war!"

Cao made a few gestures for the first time, and shouted in his mouth: "Shield soldiers come forward! Prepare the shield wall! Resist the first wave of shock!"


The heavy tower shield was firmly inserted into the ground, and the shield soldier's feet steadily stepped on the floor with red light on his body.

Although the order was to resist the first wave of shock, teammates who were familiar with Cao immediately understood his real order after seeing his gestures, all hiding behind the shield and grinning.

"In vain!"

Ulduar grinned and waved his hand: "Red Lotus Knight, Blazing Charge-let them taste our power!"

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