Things from Another World

Chapter 820: How to fight equipment crushing! ?

Angus saw Cao's changes suddenly changed his face: "This is the power of the heart demon-no, a little different-"

Just the power of the heart demon is not so powerful, even the superb Kao can't resist.

"There is no doubt that this thing is absolutely related to the atmosphere of chaos!" Angus exclaimed: "The will is affected by the double impact of the heart eater and the atmosphere of chaos, and they will be directly unconscious with their strength!"

"Really? It's not that simple."

Tang En narrowed his eyes and decided to hang up.

[Nora, a special Tangnian lollipop, purifies the mist. 】

[One word is final! 】

Nora almost spit out when she heard the drool, rushed to it in a cheerful way, and began to wave her little hand to release her strength.

The enemy on the other side roared and rushed over first: "Kill them! They are a bunch of waste!"

A group of people followed him and killed him.

They all know the effect of that thing, and once it is spread, they will be completely unconscious and slaughtered in the blink of an eye.

not good!

Cao Qiang tried to raise his long sword, but the rapid loss of power made him unable to hold the weapon at all, and his body became heavier and he was tired as if he had not slept for many consecutive days. Sleeping on the ground ...

Just then, the power of surging life suddenly fell from the sky!

Green light instantly dissipated that dark gray mist!

Nora's power against these inexplicable things is simply a natural nemesis.

The crowd was stunned by the power of life, and their heads were refreshed for a moment, fully awake.



The opponent's sudden first wave of attacks hit them by surprise and flew into sorrow for a while.

The mercenaries who woke up at the critical moment made the most correct evasive action instantly. Although they were still seriously injured by the opponent, they successfully avoided the key and retrieved their lives.

Some masked orcs exclaimed: "Hell! How did they wake up !?"

The masked orc shouted, "No matter how awake they are, now they have lost half their lives! Kill them!"

The masked orcs killed them very fiercely. In their opinion, the mercenaries who had been seriously injured by the first round of attack were dead, even if they were awake.

The maiden is already in their pocket!

Cao shouted, "Help me!"

The mercenary soldiers, who were seriously injured, immediately took out a bottle of goddess blood from their belts, popped the lid and murmured.

The powerful potion of life, coupled with Nora's realm of life, the combined effect of the two is terrible. Just a blink of an eye, the flesh-wound wounds on the mercenaries were completely cured.

Not only was healed, but even the physical strength that had been swallowed up was restored again, and the peak combat effectiveness was suddenly restored.

"Be careful to stay alive!"

Cao yelled, rushed to the front, flashed Jianguang, and instantly killed a terrestrial dragon, and caught the masked orc riding on it with one hand.


The orc was extremely fierce, completely ignoring the danger of his life, and the mace in his hand smashed into Kao's head fiercely!


Cao didn't even move, letting the mace smash into his head, only the surging blood power body shook the mace into pieces.

"Let me see who you are!"

Cao's palm holding the head of the orc squirted a force, shattering the mask on his head, and exposed the face behind him.

"... Don't know her."

Looking at the fluffy face of the other party, Cao couldn't help yelling.

However, the sharp teeth hiding in the sky suddenly snorted: "I think I have seen that guy in the Ring of Blood.

Tang En's eyes narrowed slightly: "In other words, these masked orcs really came from Burkeso?"

Sharp teeth shook his head: "Not sure yet, more samples are needed."

Tang En sneered, pointing down and saying, "I don't think so."

As they spoke, the mercenary regiment below had launched a counterattack.

The stigma of being attacked by the other party almost spurred their anger, and they all broke out with a combat power of 120%, and the offensive was extremely sharp.

"go to hell!"

The mercenary warrior slashed the masked orc's weapon with a single backhand and sneered: "It's you!"

"This is impossible!"

The mercenary warrior severely cut off the orc's head while he was losing his soul, and then spit his sputum at his corpse, saying dismissively: "Distraction on the battlefield? Really an idiot."

Similar things happened a lot at the same time, after all, the people of the Phoenix Mercenary Regiment have now replaced the best equipment produced by Ellington, and they have completely crushed each other in terms of equipment quality.

In fact, if it wasn't for Tang En's previous words to stay alive, Cao hadn't ordered a full-scale attack, and he would have been able to completely destroy the opponent before he even met.

Encountering unexpected resistance, there was a commotion and retreat among the masked orcs: "Damn! They are too powerful! We must retreat!"

"Don't run! I'll kill anyone who wants to run!"


Cao fired the flash technique, and instantly appeared beside the orc with a cold smile: "It seems you are the leader of these guys?"

The masked orc was shocked: "Eat me!"


Cao slashed on the tomahawk, and the tomahawk full of magical magic suddenly appeared a crack, and then it exploded into pieces!

"how can that be!?"

The masked orc screamed at the broken tomahawk, exclaiming, "My superb tomahawk, the Earthslayer Slaughter, was chopped by a sword !?"


Cao kicked him off the line of dragons, then stomped on his face: "Our legendary equipment has long been popular."

Popularize Legendary Gear! ?

The masked orc almost fainted when he heard the words, and when he looked closely, he was fainted.

But isn't it? When there was no fighting before, those weapons and armors just looked bright and clear, but the uniform style of armors and weapons couldn't make people associate with "legendary quality".

But now the battle broke out. Immediately after the power of blood was infused, it resonated with the magic in the air, and the magical brilliance of legendary quality was completely radiated-everyone is!

The individual strengths are not much different, but the equipment gap is so large that the powerful magical props on which one's own existence has been scattered have been dispersed again. The result of this battle has been doomed from the beginning!


Cao froze, then tore off his hood without hesitation.

Of course he still doesn't know the following faces, but ...


Coco on the dragon truck exclaimed, "Captain Sarkolo !? Why !?"

The face of the invisible sharp teeth in the sky changed slightly, and he could not wait to watch the war. He immediately appeared next to Cao. He pulled Sacolo on the ground and was stimulated by the cold murderous spirit. When I came over, I saw sharp teeth with a murderous look.

"Master, sharp teeth !?"

Sacolo exclaimed, "You, why are you here !?"

Sarcolo's exclaimed voice passed through the audience instantly, all the soldiers who were fighting were stiffened, and they all looked at it subconsciously.

Turns out it's really sharp adults! ?

The Phoenix Mercenary Regiment took the opportunity to immediately subdue all the distracted guys.

The fierce battle stopped instantly.

"Before asking me, please explain why you and these people will attack the maiden."

The sharp teeth showed sharp teeth: "If the answer is not satisfactory to me, I don't mind cleaning up the betrayer of Lord Vulcan."

Nicolas suddenly gave a cold sweat.

Since Groma gave him an ultimatum, Sarkolo, who was worried that his men might have done it, was involved in the matter himself. but……

damn it! Had known that Lord Tooth would appear, even if he died, he should not come to participate in this matter himself!

——Saccolo regretted it very much.

Compared to Groma, or the royal family, the sharp teeth, blood mane, and **** battle axe have a significantly higher status among the civilians of the Rennes Empire, and they have risen to the point of personal worship.

At this moment, Sarkolo is facing a dilemma: whether to confess the task of Groma to the sharp teeth, or continue to hide.

But seeing the sharp teeth on his face, Sarkolo very decisively chose to confess.

He may be able to survive the pursuit of Groma, but it is absolutely impossible to escape from the sharp teeth ...

"That's it, Master Sharptooth ..."

With a bitter face, Sarkolo told Groma the order that Groma had given.

"You mean, it was an order from Prince Groma !?"

The sharp teeth still looked unbelievable: "Even the case under the crown of Lady Vanilla a year ago was his order !?"


"This is impossible! How is this possible !?"

Although Down and Angus had already told him, he couldn't believe it: "That doesn't make sense, why would he do this !?"


Down and Angus fell from the sky and said lightly, "Isn't the magic item they used just now exposed his situation?"

"you mean--"

"He has been corrupted by chaos."

The complexion of sharp teeth became extremely ugly.

A heir to the corrupted empire?

Absolutely not!

Unexpectedly, Sarkolo also changed his face greatly: "You said that the prince was corrupted by chaos !? How could that be!"

Tang En's face was weird: "Don't you know?"

"How could I know!"

"Then why did you help him kidnap the maiden?"

"I thought that His Royal Highness had only fancy two saints and wanted them to be wives and concubines, and he couldn't hide his face to pursue, so he used such rude means!"

Sarcolo was rather sad and angry: "If I knew he was corrupted by chaos, how could I help him!"

In Prendall, any normal order creature knows that chaos is the natural enemy of order, and it must not tolerate any clues about chaos, otherwise it will only lead to more terrible disasters.


Sharp teeth cursed loudly: "Prince Groma is of the Ussad tribe, how could you look at the maid of the Kate cat tribe !?"

"I, I just think that His Royal Highness's hunting range is wider, and I just want to change my taste ..."

Sarkolo was about to cry without tears. This time, he really lost money. Not only did he die a lot of his henchmen, but he almost made a big mistake.

The sharp teeth accusation cannot be refuted, but who can understand the suffering in his heart?

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