Things from Another World

Chapter 822: Active Fallen Prince

The sharp teeth, bloodmane, and **** battle axe, the legendary orc heroes who participated in the second chaotic invasion war, relying on a tomahawk in their hands to guard the safety of countless comrades, and slaughtered countless chaotic creatures and established their reputation.

Today, however, Sharp Teeth suddenly feels that the world seems a little strange.

One of Tang En's maids, Ye Ye, turned out to be the legendary powerhouse who participated in the first chaotic invasion war ...

What a joke! ?

First Chaos Invasion War! ?

Legendary hero! ?

A maid! ?

What a bad joke this is! ?

Is this guy a god? ?

A maid around me has such terrible strength! ?

Sharp Teeth looked at Tang En incredibly in front: "Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I would be joking about such things ..."

Angus whispered silently, looking at the sharp teeth, he was embarrassed to say that the other little girl who stayed at home at this time was actually a more terrible existence ...

Compared with the incarnation of Madam Cao, any legendary hero should stand aside ...

If Sharp Teeth knew Ilya's true identity, it would be no surprise that the **** scared on the spot was rolling.

If you let him know that there is still a real God in Ellington at that moment-although Otinija is a weak and waiting god, but anyway, it is also a real God-he estimates that this life will not produce the same as Tang The thought of gracious enemies.

"You mean, Prince Groma went to the door by himself and was beaten to death every night?"

Vanilla was totally dumbfounded to hear the news. She had conceived a lot of situations, but she did not expect that Prince Groma would come to the door at this time, not to mention that every night she would hit the orcs directly.

"After all, Ye Ye was the one who almost died on the battlefield of chaos. The hatred of chaos is unforgettable. Exposing the power of chaos in her body in front of her is simply death."

Tang En had a weird look and didn't know how to evaluate this grammar prince: "In fact, Yeli would have killed him every night if I hadn't stopped him-for Yeye, what is his identity? It ’s not easy to make it. "

Vanilla sighed: "After all, a legendary powerhouse."

Coco was shocked: "Every night? The maid who bullied me !? She is really a legendary power !?"


Vanilla was shocked: "You still don't believe it?"

"... I thought you were just making fun of me that day!"

"She is really a legendary powerhouse."

Coco's face paled.

"Although there is only the strength of a pseudo-legend now, the battle experience and instinct of the legendary strongman are still well preserved."

Coco's face was whiter.

"So don't mess with her if you can't beat her."

Coco was about to cry.

"What should I do, sister? I was so rude to her last time--"

"So, now I know what regret is, it's no use telling me!"

Vanilla was really speechless to this sister: "Sure enough, I'm more suitable as a sister."

"No! Only sister's identity is absolutely unacceptable!"

"... Sir Tang En, it's better to sell her to you."

"I'm willing to give out a gold coin."

"How about I give you a gold coin?"

"Contracted. Go back and sign the contract."

Cocoa frizzled: "Please don't discuss such terrible topics in my presence!"

Vanilla nodded very seriously: "Understood, I will talk to Mr. Tang En in private about the transaction, you just need to be ready to get married."

"Out, get married !?"

"Yes, it's her sister's duty to send her sister to the palace of marriage in person."

"Just, don't want it !!!"

"Then give up your identity, maybe I will help you find a way to please Miss Ye Ye."

"Please, my sister!"

Sister relations have been reversed.

Tang En was powerless to talk about the unpredictable relationship between the two of them.

The people of Sarkolo have all been arrested now. Compared to Groma's order, they believe in the sharp-toothed **** axe. This legendary hero is already the spiritual leader of the orc.

What's more, although they didn't understand what was happening, only the words heard from the side could infer some situations-Prince Groma had been corrupted by chaos, and his orders were not necessary to be obeyed.

In a blink of an eye, those people brought by Sarkolo merged into the team, and the large army killed Bulkeso in a mighty manner.

Vanilla proposed to go directly to Tang En's mansion to determine the situation, so they did not return to the church directly, but followed to Tang En's house.

"Big Brother! ~"

Ilya cheered and ran out of the door toward Tang En.

Tang En hugged Elijah, rubbed her head, and asked Ye Every Night coming out, "You didn't kill him?"

Ye Ye said coldly, "If you stay a little later, he may really be dead. Come with me."

After turning around every night, he left.

Angus poked at Tang En: "I seem to be seeing her for the first time ..."

Tang En was deeply impressed, and it was the first time that he had seen Ye Ye so murderous.

Letting Sacolo and Cao's people watch the door, Downe followed them to the backyard every night, and then they saw Groma, who was "nailed" to the ground.


Sarcolo took a breath, and looked at Groma at such a shock.

In the morning, Prince Grumma was still the most noble person, but now, his miserable appearance will have a sense of superiority even the poorest beggar on the street.

The shiny, silky hair of the Usad tribe was burned into coke by flames, and teeth were crushed one by one. Black and red blood was continuously flowing out of the mouth, and the limbs nailed to the ground were also bruised. The sharp claws were pulled out and thrown to the side, the palms and feet were crushed, and even his arms and legs were stepped off. Seeing his crazy and shivering appearance, I am afraid that his magic pool is also blocked. -It can be said that he has now become a complete waste.

"Why are you so cruel to His Royal Highness !?"

Sarkolo exclaimed exclaimed: "Although he has been corrupted by chaos, it may not be his own will! If this is just a sad coincidence, don't you think it is too much to torture His Royal Highness?"

"A coincidence? That is impossible."

He smiled coldly every night and said lightly, "Poor worms living under shelter, let me tell you why it is impossible."

"Chaos is inherently destructive to order creatures. Once the order creatures come into contact with chaos, fierce conflicts will occur between the two sides. Generally speaking, the weaker side of the conflicting parties will quickly eat away-but this rule does not apply On Chaos. "

"The power of chaos has a strong ability to corrupt. If it encounters the erosion of chaotic power in coincidence, it will make a normal person crazy in an instant."

"But Prince Groma did not-although he was affected, he retained his sanity, even if it had been affected by chaos."

"This means that his contact with the power of chaos is not an accidental coincidence, but that he is prepared in advance to actively absorb a small amount of chaos and intends to control the power of chaos."

Yeye's eyes grew colder and colder: "Do you know what this means? This means that your grammar prince is a fallen man who betrays order and proactively devotes himself to chaos."

Every night's words shocked Sacolo and sharp teeth.

"Prince Groma actively absorbs the power of chaos? How is this possible !?"

Sarcolo could not help but retort: ​​"Prince Groma rarely leaves Burkeso, there have never been chaotic creatures in these years, let alone the door of chaos!"

Ye Ye sneered, and said sarcastically, "Then ask your prince, right? Your prince, the great blood-eyed clan?"

"Kill you-kill you guys kill you guys kill you guys-"

Groma growled madly, struggling, and the blood on his limbs was torn by the blade of the element, but he felt no pain, at this moment he was completely swallowed by the mad desire to kill.

Seeing Groma's mad look, Sarkolo froze and couldn't help asking: "Master Sharp tooth?"

Sharp Teeth was silent for a moment, and suddenly said to Dunn, "Call Testero?"

Tang En stunned: "As long as you have no comments."

"I think it's better to call him over."

Angus nodded and said, "Now that the chaos in Groma's body has been completely exposed, we have never used our previous plan. Just let Tastro understand the truth."

"That being the case, wait a moment."

Sharp teeth glanced at Groma, and his big big hand swept forward, tearing open a space channel instantly, striding in.

Tang Enran: "The style of this teleportation is really unique."

Angus shrugged: "After being promoted to the legend, he is still more accustomed to the previous fighting style, and learning teleportation is just to facilitate the road."

After just two sentences, the space next to it was torn again.

Testro, who was working in the palace, was brought around by sharp teeth around his neck.

"I said I am busy, Lord Sharptooth ... under the crown of the maiden? I--Groma ?!"

Just when Tastro was about to say hello to Coco and Vanilla, suddenly his face changed, and he saw the crazily Groma nailed to the ground: "What's going on?"

As soon as she tried to speak every night, Tang En stopped her and said, "I think, let me explain."


Testro growled indignantly: "What are you going to explain !?"

Anyone who sees his son being beaten in this way may not be in a good mood. Testro looked at the teeth and Angus's face and did not have an attack on the spot.

"the reason is simple."

Tang En said lightly, "Your son, Groma, has been corrupted by chaos."

Tang En's words were like a cold water splash, which instantly made Testero like a falling ice cave.

From the faces of those around him, he saw that this was not a bad joke.

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