Things from Another World

Chapter 825: Crazy plan!

The living is in the kingdom of the living, the dead is in the kingdom of the deceased, and no one can interfere with the authority of the death **** Grittens. This is one of the basic rules set by the Creator.

The kingdom of death is the domain of Gritters. No one or **** can get involved in the kingdom of death. He is responsible for guiding the soul of the deceased into the kingdom of death, being judged, and controlling the life cycle of the entire world.

The method of intercepting the dead soul is no less than the blasphemy of the dead body by the necromancer.

Necromancers are cursed by the **** of death for blaspheming the body of the deceased, and their vitality will quickly flow away, aging rapidly until death. They have to deceive the **** of death by various means, and in order to maintain their own vitality, they have developed various predatory vitality Evil spells, and thus go further and further down the evil path.

Tang En's method of retaining the soul is actually more exaggerated than the behavior of the necromancer. If he is discovered by Grittens, he is afraid that his soul will fall into the torture of eternity and cannot be relieved.


Eyed by death?

The expressions of vanilla and cocoa are quite weird.

Would a man who can talk and laugh with the fire **** Carlo Marif, and even face up when he didn't agree, would he really be afraid of death?

Angus and Yeye's expressions were even weirder.

Would he be afraid of Gritters?

Grittens's baby daughter, Otinia, is now exhilarating in Ellington. With this relationship, is he afraid of a fart?

"That's my problem. Don't worry about it."

Tang En smiled slightly and opened the portal of the Hall of Spirits, followed by the horrified Groma and was thrown out, and then Victor, dressed in a suit, strode out.

"This is-Your Excellency Victor !?"

Testro exclaimed, "Aren't you dead !?"

"His Testero? ... Well, you're right, I'm dead."

Victor looked at him quite unexpectedly: "I was still surprised how Tang En killed your son ..."

Testro and Victor had met many years ago, and Victor also knew Groma.

Victor was still surprised just now. Tang En only killed Prince Gromma when he came to the Rennes Empire. This is the rhythm of a big news.

I didn't expect to see Testero just after he came out.

Seems something inside?

Testro looked at Victor in suspicion, at this moment Victor did not look like a soul body, and was almost no different from a normal person-soaked in the rich rich environment of the Spirit Hall all the year round. Here, coupled with the abundant vitality of Nora and those fairy companions, their souls have become more and more stable. Although they still cannot make physical contact with the living world, at least it looks like a Really alive.

"The shadow that has been in my eyes for a long time has finally disappeared, and I have even forgotten that this world was so bright and colorful ... Master Father!"

Gromma yelled in pain: "I have caused a great disaster! You must act as soon as possible!"

After the chaos pollution was purified, Groma's sanity also became normal, and now he finally knew that he was driven by chaos. He had unconsciously done many crazy things over the years.

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret it, because he is dead.

Testro's face changed: "Stupid! What the **** did you do !? Don't tell us yet!"

"It is chaos."

Groma said with a pained expression: "Five years ago, I was tempted by them, so I joined the chaos and absorbed the power of chaos. Since the initial amount is very small, the power of chaos that can be controlled It made me feel incredibly powerful and brought me false confidence that chaos can be conquered and controlled. "

"So in the following, the chaos breath I absorb is getting more and more, and my strength is also surging forward."

Testro's expression was very ugly: "This is why you have made great progress in five years !?"

"The joy of growing power has clouded my mind. Marcus of the Dark Serpent found me and said that he wanted to cooperate with me. He longed for war, and I longed to show my strength through war."

Groma knelt on the ground in pain: "I promised him, but I know I'm still not the opponent of Sharp Tooth, so I stared at the two maidens."

"I got a special kind of power from Chaos Deity. I can gain the power of each other by devouring other people. I know that the two virgins, Lady Coco and Lady Vanilla, have extremely powerful talents, so I ordered Sarko. Luo went to secretly kidnap Madonna Vanilla, but did not expect to fail. "

"The failure of the plan to devour the Virgin affects my agreement with Marcus. I did not start the war in time, but I did not expect that Marcus' plan on the side of the Illus Empire also failed. I am not willing to think Ways to continue the war plan. "

Groma looked up, and her translucent body looked rather ugly: "So ... I secretly helped Chaos."


Testro took a breath of air, "Niezi! What have you done !?"

Chaos Religion!

It's a group of lunatics more dangerous than the dark snake!

Normal people who will go to faith chaos! ? Those who believe in chaos are simply monsters corrupted by chaos!

The object they worship is the so-called "Chaos God of Chaos"!

God itself is a manifestation of order. If there really is Kaos, the **** of chaos, then Kaos will become a member of order, so this so-called chaos **** Kaos does not exist!

Although the dark snakes also look forward to war, they prefer to hide behind the muddy waters and touch the fish. The purpose is to create confusion, shake the foundation of God ’s belief, and let God withdraw from the stage of history. It only exists as a spiritual belief and allows mankind to control its own destiny. Is their belief.

Many of Prandall's conflicts and inter-ethnic conflicts have their shadows behind them. Although they use the power of chaos to develop in the cracks, they are also fundamentally hostile to chaos.

But unlike chaos, they are more dangerous, because their goal is to return the world to chaos, and they are typical doomsday worshippers.

Because human beings are full of contradictions and are more likely to be invaded by chaos, chaotic believers generally exist in human society, but they are pervasive and their forces are spread throughout the world. Through the special nature of chaos, they can use the breath of chaos to corrupt others and develop them. Become a believer, and in the process, the corrupted person will not even notice the abnormality if he is not alert enough and willpower is strong-he will think that all these are his choices.

When you come in contact with them without making a vigilant resistance, you think you are normal, you think you have made the choice to follow your own will, you feel that everything is under your control, but you do not know this It's all your judgment under the disturbance of chaos, you have been corrupted-this is the most terrible point of chaos.

Chaos itself only has the purpose of corrupting the order, but after corrupting the target, it is affected by the desires of the corrupter itself. Chaos will increase the negative emotions and dark desires countless times. This negative emotion will completely devour the corrupter's reason and corrupt. The man becomes a lunatic who does nothing to achieve his purpose.

"I'm finally awake, and now I just realize how crazy I am!"

Groma said very painfully: "Master Father! You must stop them as soon as possible!"

Sharp teeth stepped forward, killing Ling Ran: "Where are they?"

"right here!"

Groma was even more miserable: "Burkeso-I secretly sent them into Bourkeso, and they are hiding underground in Bourkeso!"

Testero was shocked: "Underground !? How many of them !?"

"Many-at least a hundred-they have been corrupted by chaos, their strength is far beyond the gold level, comparable to the master of the master class, and even some deeply corrupted chaotic believers are just as scary as the real chaotic creatures!"

Tang En frowned, listening to him say that the deeply corrupted chaotic believers may have acquired the disgusting characteristics of chaotic creatures when they are strong. Now I just hope that their acquired capabilities are not complete, otherwise they will have fun It's big.

"Chaos believer of more than a hundred masters !?"

Testero covered his big fluffy face painfully: "You are trying to kill me !?"


Groma was silent for a moment, and whispered, "It was indeed the plan to kill you ..."

Testero: "..."

Sharp teeth: "..."

Down: "..."

Angus: "..."

Cocoa & Vanilla: "..."


Tang En coughed, interrupting the silence at the scene: "No matter what his plan was, he is dead now. The focus is on those who are chaotic. We need more detailed information."

"It's gone-they live in the caves below Burkeso, we are connected to each other through a mysterious rune, and now my body is dead, and the runes attached to it may have collapsed. "


Everyone remembered the cracked red rune just now. Was it the one?

Groma's expression was rather ugly: "My biggest fear is that after they detect my death, they will immediately follow the crazy plan before! So you must stop them as soon as possible!"

Tang En asked: "Previous plan? What plan !?"


Gromma said in a deep voice: "To completely corrupt the entire Burkeso! All the gods who do not believe in Chaos, Kaos, are killed! Then expand the center around Burkeso, and at the same time recruit Chaos worshippers from other regions to join the plan , Add believers from the inside, that is, corrupt them, and eventually break through other countries! "


Everyone breathed in air-conditioners. It was a chaos god, so crazy plan!


Just then, a deafening explosion came suddenly in the city of Burkeso!

Chaos Believers, move on!

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