Things from Another World

Chapter 849: Salted fish will never be slaves!

After looking at the grand blueprint of kinetic armor, Tang En left the laboratory.

Although the technological breakthrough of the tank and the prospects of kinetic energy armor are very broad, but it is still far from being fully practical, especially kinetic energy armor. He just drew a big cake, and it is far away from commissioning. The future rests on kinetic energy armor.

The most important thing at the moment is to find the descendants of Tather Hackero as soon as possible, and then convince the other party to donate blood to repair the cane of Illuth's kingship.

And looking for the whereabouts of the Dragons, the only channel that Tang En can think of at present is the Star Diamond Bank.

It's the group of goblins who have nothing to say.

what? Did you say Azor Kamanda?

The thought of the weird attitude that he sometimes inadvertently revealed, Tang En had an ominous premonition that he didn't want to deal with him too much.

After having a rest after lunch, Tang En came to Nanila, King of Roninante, alone.

Ever since the Datang Chamber of Commerce established a stronghold here at the beginning of the year and has successfully opened up business routes, the Datang Chamber of Commerce has now established itself in Nanila.

It is very difficult for foreign chambers of commerce to stand firm in the Kingdom of Roninante. It is not that they are xenophobic, but that it is true that other countries are very different from Roninante in terms of business models and business ideas. The fierce business competition environment within Netant makes all the businessmen who survive the Roninett business competition have a strong competitiveness, a keen business sense and a smart business mind.

In this case, of course, businessmen who have grown up in greenhouses in other countries are certainly not competitive with them, and the sales methods and sales concepts are far behind.

A typical example is that businessmen in other countries are selling the best specialties in their own country to make a difference. The goal in the process is to sell as good a price as possible.

The businessman of Ronitante is taking out the richest and most common things in his country, looking for the people who need it most to sell to him to make a huge profit far beyond the value of the goods themselves.

Who is better?

The former market is still passively searching for goods, and the latter has been actively searching for and selling customers who need goods, and the gap has widened.

If the former businessman loses a good source of specialty products, he will become nothing again, and even if there is no current hot product, the latter will find new customers who need it for new products. It is still a Excellent businessman.

So, in this different business environment, the intensity of competition is quite different.

The person in charge of the Datang Chamber of Commerce here clearly felt this.

But thankfully, the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce are irreplaceable.

That's right, if the merchants of Ronentante like to sell an ordinary thing to a high price, then the Datang Chamber of Commerce is the ultimate monopoly operation, and the sale of this unique family has no money for Tang En The bowl is full, even in the extremely fiercely competitive Ronentante, it is still not afraid of the test of the market, and it has begun to bring a steady stream of profits to the Datang Chamber of Commerce.

"I like this tricycle you made for me."

This was the first sentence after Riviz met Down.

After observing the situation of the tricycle, Tang En found one thing: After getting the tricycle, this product may never have come down ...

"His Datang Chamber of Commerce, but the business is running in Nanila."

In the garden of the Star Diamond Bank headquarters, Levys was sitting on a custom-made tricycle and drinking afternoon tea, and sweet and tempting pastries were tucked into his mouth. The rough and unbearable way of eating was unbearable. Sorry for those fine pastries.

Tang En replied with a smile: "Of course not bigger than your Star Diamond Bank plate."

Speaking of monopoly operations, the goblin that started the Star Diamond Bank in cooperation with the Dragon Family is the largest monopoly giant. The Star Diamond Banks all over the mainland, and the crystal card transaction system provided by Dragon Family Mystery, can realize convenient card consumption anytime, anywhere, and then Coupled with advanced capital management concepts for investment appreciation, Star Diamond's assets have become larger and larger in these years, and they have become a giant rooted in Plantar. Under normal circumstances, no one can shake their status.

Even if you can shake it, you must consider the feelings of the dragons ...

"We don't have conflicts of interest, do we?"

Leviz grinned, and the food residue stuck in his teeth was very conspicuous.


Tang En pumped a corner of his mouth: "You have a shortbread around your neck."


Reeves felt it, grinning the greasy shortbread into his mouth.


Tang En forced the discomfort in his stomach and said, "Do you know what happened to Burkeso?"

"Oh, I see."

Leviz muttered as he mumbled, "The followers of Chaos have appeared. As a result, although you have killed the Chaos believers, you have also destroyed Burkeso ... Seriously, I do n’t think so. Not surprisingly."


"Either Master Angus or you, or Master Tooth, has the ability to destroy the city in one shot."

Leviz groaned into his mouth with a glass of drink that could not be seen, and then “snored” and rinsed his mouth, swallowed, and grinned, his golden teeth shone: “But, I I didn't expect that the final blow to that city would be those who were leprosy-- "

At this moment, Reeves remembered that he was still counting on Croto to help repair the communicator, and then sent him to the sky, so he hurriedly changed his mouth: "—Oh, I mean, it will be Master Croto."

"The Skybreaker has just been transformed, so he may be eager to show it."

Tang En shrugged and said, "I want to say something about Star Diamond Bank's Burkeso branch. I'm sorry."

"I understand."

Liviz wiped his mouth and took off the scarf around his neck: "After all, Chaos believers are very dangerous, and it is a last resort to do that. As for the loss, don't worry, the gold coins are in the vault. Laviz has recovered the vault, the bank itself. The loss is nothing, my employees are more important than that house. "

Having said that, Leviz pointed to the table and asked, "Aren't you really ordering something? My special chef, these refreshments are quite delicious."

Tang En looked at the scum-laden refreshments sprayed by him, and refused his kindness, saying that he really had no appetite.

"what a pity."

Leviz smashed his mouth. After thinking about it, he simply lifted the plate and poured it into his mouth, chewing and swallowing.


Tang En would rather not see these.

After taking another sip, Rivies took a full breath with satisfaction and said, "Speaking of which your construction team is constructing a new Burkeso, Laziz has submitted a design drawing of a new bank and construction has begun. I heard that the efficiency is pretty fast. In the end, we may have to thank you. "

Tang En is quite speechless. These guys treat their construction team as free labor.

"So chat and talk, we can get to the topic."

Smiling Riviez looked down at Tang En: "I don't think you're bored so come over to chat with me? I don't think I have the same appeal as a beautiful human girl."

Can you not use this metaphor? There will be a psychological shadow ...

Tang En silently whispered something, and then simply explained the meaning directly: "You and the Dragon clan should be quite close?"

Liviz said with a smile: "Dragon is our partner, what do you say?"

"That is to say, you can contact the Dragons at any time, or you can get the information of the Dragons?"

The smile on Leviz's face narrowed slightly: "What do you want to ask?"

"I want to know the whereabouts of a dragon's descendants, rest assured, not to do anything bad."

"Of course I'm assured that after the Chaos Invasion War, although there are still people who dare to fight the elves, I have never seen anyone who dares to fight the dragon."

Reeves sneered: "But I'm really curious what you are doing to find the dragon, and their attitude towards humans and orcs is not very friendly."

If the dragon's reputation with Goblin camp is friendly now, the reputation with humans and orcs is obviously indifferent.

Like the elves, for reasons of historical relics, the dragon has no special affection for humans and orcs-there are only a few dragonslayers in history, either humans or orcs.

Do n’t forget, the dragon has not seen any aging and dead individuals, that is, for them, the ancestors of humans and orcs were the murderers who killed their brothers and sisters, although the two chaotic invasion wars forced the nations to unite as one The original hatred has been diluted, but it is impossible to make them smile.

After all, although the ancestors of humans and orcs were dead, and now humans and orcs have forgotten that history, they have not died, nor have they forgotten history.

Down explained: "I need to fix something and I need his help."

Riviez didn't ask any more. He didn't understand the magical things.

"What's the name of that dragon? I don't know if I know it."

Tang En shook his head and said, "You can't know each other, it's better to ask the members of the Dragon clan ... his name is Taser Hakrow, a black dragon."

"Taser Hackero? I have never heard of it ..."

Nonsense, people died in the first chaotic invasion war. It's weird if you want to know ...

Leviz muttered, and then took out a red scale and squeezed it: "Wait a minute, my name is Hal Kamanda, and ask."

That scale looks like ... Dragon scale?

So small dragon scale?

It should be constant metamorphosis ...

A heartbreaking scream came from the kitchen chef: "Fish! My fish!"


Tang En saw a fish jumping over the ground, shouting "Salty fish will never be a slave"!

Are you king of carp or salted fish? ?

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