Things from Another World

Chapter 851: Rives wants to join

Ellu Haksha's experience is undoubtedly very distressing and sympathetic.

But compared to the threat of chaos, this pitiful past is nothing. After all, a bad one is the result of the annihilation of the entire world. It is very clear that she must contribute to this world no matter how pathetic Contribute.

Tang En sighed, and said, "Iro Haksha's experience is very worthy of sympathy. I sympathize with her too, but please believe me. I also want to help her. If you can find Elro Haksha, I will There is a way to cure her, and she will never take her blood to repair the royal cane while she is still weak. "


Hal Kamanda glanced down at Tang En: "Although I know your strength is great, and I also know that the stuff in your head is very wonderful, but I have never heard you have the ability to heal chaotic erosion. — No one has ever been able to do this. "

"Not a normal person, but I can."

Tang En smiled and said, "As long as she is not assimilated by chaos and is still alive, I can be sure to purify the chaos breath from her."

"What about your evidence?"

Tang En didn't make nonsense, a finger stretched out, and a transparent flame burst out.

"this is--"

Har Kamanda, as a red dragon with a friendly element of fire, found that she could not detect the fluctuation of the flame in front of her, as if all the powers of the past had been swallowed up.

The calm transparent flame burned tepidly, the magic around it did not decrease, and the elements of fire did not converge. The cluster of flames appeared like nothing at the fingertips of Tang En, and it looked more like another one. The world is burning, this is just an image.

It makes no sense at all.


Tang En said faintly: "At present, I have found that the most effective power to purify the atmosphere of chaos is stronger and more effective than the force of life and nature-hiss!"

Hal Kamanda frowned: "His?"

Nora happened to be awake at this moment, and when she heard Tang En talking about her bad things, she was unwilling at once-she pulled Tang En's hair.


Tang En silently begged for mercy: [Nora, I know that the power of life is the most powerful and powerful. Don't drag my hair! 】

【Humph! 】

After Tang En promised a lot of special lollipops, he was considered to be a coax.

Tang En dispersed the fire of the void and said, "I have shown my sincerity, and then it depends on your sincerity. If Ellu Haksha is still alive, your patriarch must know her whereabouts, so please help me to ask For a moment-even if she is really dying, but with the tenacious vitality of the Dragons, it will not be a problem for ten years? Maybe she just knows that she is dying, so tell your patriarch to let her alone ... a What about Dragon's free recluse in Plantar? "

Hal Kamanda froze, and it seemed like Down was right?

Although the chaos power is very harmful to the dragon, a purely orderly creature, the dragon's vitality is also extremely powerful, and it is impossible to say death. Even a severely wounded dragon can boil a newly born human to Dead, let alone a young dragon with more vitality.

Perhaps, Elu Hackshasa was so sad that she would not let everyone in Long Island die for her death, so she really lived in seclusion outside Long Island ...

Thinking of this, Hal Kamanda said, "You're right, I should go to the patriarch and ask the truth."

"That will trouble you!"

Tang En refreshed: "How long will it take you? I'll wait for you."

Hal Kamanda shook his head and said, "You go back first. I'm back to find you. This trip may be slow. It is possible for ten days and a half months, mainly on the Long Island side ... um, It's a bit of a hassle, and I can just go back and get a handle. "

Little trouble?

Tang En was stunned, remembering that Echo Kamanda had said that Long Island had some minor troubles long ago (see Chapter 444), but after so long, the so-called "little troubles" had not been resolved yet?

You guys are the dragons-wait, Tang En suddenly returns to God. For the dragons, are the small troubles in their mouth really "small" troubles?

In other words, what kind of trouble will they call a big trouble?

Thinking about it that way, Tang En couldn't help but have a cold sweat.

On the heart of the dragon, I'm afraid I'm in trouble ...

Down asked: "How do you get to Ellington?"

Hal Kamanda nodded: "Rest assured, I have the space coordinates of Ellington anchored and can teleport at any time."

"That's good."

Tang En nodded, and then he suddenly hesitated, a strange thought flashed through his mind.

Why did Harcamanda anchor Anlington's space coordinates?

Even if he had been there before, Ellington was just a humble, run-down village before he came here. What's the point of anchoring spatial coordinates?

Tang En frowned, and as soon as he was about to ask, Hal Kamanda burst into the sky with his wings fluttering.

"No, I can't wait. I'll go back to Long Island now, Leviz. In recent days, please pay attention to yourself. If there is an emergency, please call me. Understand?"

"So I haven't figured out what the emergency situation you are talking about ..."

Riviez said with a headache: "Last time I was almost assassinated by the assassin and died before calling you, you all think I'm interrupting your game ... Hal Kamanda?"

Before Leaviz's complaint was finished, Har Kamanda had long since disappeared.

"This guy is so unreliable!"

Rivies complained to Down, "I'd rather hire a group of dogheads to surround me than to find him a bodyguard!"

"as long as you are happy……"

Tang En had to hide his doubts, and planned to ask him again the next time he saw Hal Kamanda.

"Speaking of which, if you ask me for help, I will also help, can we discuss some interesting things next?"

Reeves looked at Tang En with a smile and made a strange request.

"Interesting things?"

"Like making money, and making money or something."

Reeves picked up the small tea cup with his fat fingers and poured himself a cup of tea. To Tang's surprise, he actually saw a bit of elegance in Reeves' actions.

Damn, I'm going to be perverted too?

"Aren't we already working together to make money?"

"No no no, that's not enough."

After Leviz shook his head and drank the warm black tea comfortably, he grunted: "I'm very interested in your plans for the Rennes Empire."

Tang En raised an eyebrow: "My plan? I don't have any plans. I just won the project to rebuild Burkeso, and made a small profit. When did Star Diamond Bank become interested in engineering and construction?"

"Of course not engineering construction, but something else."

Reeves looked at Tang En with a smile: "You talked to me that day, but Raviz has already reported to me ... You are a very cunning human, others may not see what you want, but I know ... the proof of unlimited mining will bring you more profit than the debt owed to build the new Burkeso. "

Tang En smiled, spread his hands, and said, "But Tastro didn't pay anything, and he got 30% of the mineral income for free. You know, according to the conditions of the Empire of Rennes, they could not even get these 30%. This is a win-win for us. "

"I just want to invest because I know you're a win-win situation, don't you?"

"The materials needed to rebuild the new Burkeso are not something that a chamber of commerce can afford. Are you sure you don't need the strong connections of our Star Diamond Bank to help?"

Tang En smiled: "I'm sorry, we really don't need resources in this regard. We at Datang Chamber of Commerce will have a complete industrial system and logistical support. You have it, we have it, and you don't have it, we have it."


Rivies was depressed: "So I hate you guys and don't give others a chance to intervene."

"I'll say goodbye then."

"do not!"

Riviez stopped Don: "I can give up the opportunity of the new Burkeso, but the opportunity of the Rennes Empire cannot be missed, you can't think that you haven't seen it."

Tang En was speechless: "What do you want to do ..."

"The highway network."

Rieves blinked, and almost made Tang En spit out the acid water in his stomach: "The high-speed network on the Ronente side has begun to be laid, and the few small principalities in the middle can easily be leveled. The Kingdom of Reese is a bit troublesome, but after the incident, the Rennes Empire will soon become your possession— "


Tang En coughed a few times: "Liver Leitz, you can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't say anything indiscriminately. I helped His Majesty Tastro only for humanitarian reasons ..."

Liviz grunted, and the bloated fat fluttered. He pointed at Tang En and laughed for a long time, wiping his tears, "You obviously have done what our businessmen can do, but Still pretending to be stupid ... you are so funny. "

Tang En rolled his eyes, no matter what he said, he could not admit that kind of words-even if what he said was true.

We can do things like usurping the country, but can we talk nonsense?

"The Rennes Empire will soon be captured by the Datang Chamber of Commerce. Although the economy is not developed there, it also means that there is an undeveloped virgin land. If we lay a convenient highway network there, we can We drastically reduce the time it takes to transport our goods, greatly reduce our costs, and ultimately turn the entire Rennes Empire into our market. "

"With highway transportation, the transportation cost of ore mined in each mine will also be greatly reduced, and the market competitiveness of ore will be greatly strengthened ..."

"Not only that, after the Rennes Empire has been laid, the highway network will join Illus with the Kingdom of Solent and the Kingdom of Grace, and it will also be convenient for them to enter their markets later-by that time , Even if they don't want to, they must come at our pace. "

Riviez was quite interested in Tang's plan and showed great enthusiasm. For him, this matter not only made money, but also fulfilled his great ambitions even if he was not the Lord. Messengers, being able to participate is enough to excite him.

"well said."

Tang En clapped his hands, then spread out his hand: "But ... how far away are you going to ship the raw materials?"

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