Things from Another World

Chapter 863: No one says horse can't be his girlfriend

"Brother Tang En!"

Elsa quickly ran to Tang En, who originally wanted a flutter to hug him, but noticed the blood on her body, she stopped very shamefully, lowered her head and blushed a little cramped.

"You worked hard for a while."

Tang En walked over and touched her head, feeling full of emotion.

Although it was him who made that decision, but now seeing Elsa's changes, he still has a lot of emotion.

It was only a short period of half a month that the original young girl was honed so sophisticatedly. It can be seen how much the fighting pressure here is.

When Tang En touched his head, Elsa's face was happy. He heard his words and hurriedly shook his head: "No hard work, it's all blood of the devil."

After that, she asked, "Brother Tang En, why are you here? Anything else?"

Tang En glanced around: "Are there any wounded people? Treat the wounded before talking about it."

"Severely injured people have already taken the blood of the goddess. Everyone has some minor injuries. They are reluctant to take it. Wait for the friends of the Knights Templar to treat them.

"How many soldiers were killed?"



Down was very surprised. Before they came here, Elsa. They should have experienced very fierce fighting, but they had zero casualties?

Such a record is going to go uphill!

Elsa said very happily: "The blood of the goddess allows everyone to bravely fight without fear of pain, and really meets a dilemma. As long as the crystal of the return journey is stimulated, you can immediately escape, so there are no dead today."

In the recent battle, several unlucky ghosts were caught by the Nazura flying wing demon. They caught the sky and were surrounded by demons. With no chance of escape, they decisively activated the returning crystal and fled back to Ellington. So although the total number is now five or six fewer, the actual number of victims is zero.

"It would be nice without the dead ..."

As soon as Tang En's words fell, a burst of wailing cries suddenly sounded next to it: "Michelle! Did you see it? I avenged you! I killed those demons! Did you see it? Wake up! You are fast Wake up, don't die! "

"Hudson, don't cry anymore, there is no hope ..."

"No! Why! Why is my Michelle so miserable!"


Tang En frowned, glancing at Elsa, and then hurried over: "Which friend of the Templar was injured? We have the blood of a goddess ..."

Elsa, full of joy, was cold and cold in the heart of Tang En's eyes, her mouth narrowed, and she was instantly aggrieved.

She knew Brother Tang En was blaming her, thinking that the blood of her goddess would not be provided to the Templars, but ...

Elsa stomped and stared angrily at Hudson.

It's all this guy.

Nothing to cry about!

Elsa followed quickly.

"Dad, you say, is she really Sister Elw ..."

Eltro Kamanda has been emotionally unstable from the very beginning. He was taken care of by Elohaksa from an early age until he grew up, but her sister was still weak and indifferent. Like the wind, Eldrokmanda always wanted to repay Ellu Haksha, and wanted to help her find a way to recover her health, but before he found a way, Ellu Haksha died, leaving him to regret Nowhere.

Unexpectedly, Sister Ellu Haksa was still alive ... although she was alive as another ...

"Only three points are similar in appearance."

Hal Kamanda's expression was complicated: "But all members knew that Elsa was Ellu Hackatha. Only we didn't know. The king didn't have to lie to us."


Eltro Kamanda was very angry: "Why is this such an important thing hidden from the two of us !?"

Hal Kamanda guiltyly looked away, and then said, "It is absolutely certain that Elu is Elsa. When you give the king's gift to her, you should be able to understand all this."

"what gift?"


Hal Kamanda was silent for a moment, looked up at Elsa, and whispered, "Every Harksha should have ... everything."

Here, after Tang En walked by, he was suddenly there.

"Brother Tang En ..."

Elsa pointed to the warhorse lying on the ground very aggrieved, "Michel is his warhorse."

Swear to God, seeing Hudson crying, the first reaction when Tang En heard "Michel" was that his girlfriend was dying.

As a result, what I saw was a war horse ... Well, although no one said that horse could not be his girlfriend, Tang En was surprised by such a big reaction.

"Your Majesty Tang En."

Reynolds stood up with his sword in his arms. "Sorry for making you a joke. Michelle helped him in the fight just now, so he ..."

"So it is."

Tang En is so rude, although this behavior may only be accidental for animals, after all, they do not have any particularly clear thinking, and it is not easy for them to recognize their masters and enemies, but for the owner This behavior means loyalty and reliability, and it can be very moving.

Looking at Hudson's appearance, I am afraid that the broken love is almost like this ...

"It couldn't feed the goddess blood like this ..."

Elsa wasn't mean, but there was really no need to waste precious goddess blood for a warhorse. You know, a bottle of goddess blood is equivalent to one more life!

This is true of other fighters, and it is impossible to give Hudson special treatment.

If Tang En spoke, this rule would certainly not exist.

But now Michelle has been bleeding, unable to swallow at all, it should have died long ago, but Hudson has used the Holy Light to continue its life to this day.

Tang En was silent, in fact he was communicating with Nora with mental strength. After a moment, he slowly raised his hand, and a green light full of vitality fell from his palm. The invisible mage's hand carefully broke the war horse. The bones were spliced ​​together, and the extruded internal organs were re-plugged back. Then, under the power of Nora's life, these damaged internal organs and bones were restored to the original state, and the dust and debris mixed into them were also rejected and squeezed Out of the body.

"this is--"

Hal Kamanda's eyes widened, and his face was incredible: "That's Tricio's power of their life!-No! How is this possible !? They are more pure than Tricio's power !?"

Hal Kamanda was shocked by what she saw.

How can a human being not only approach the adult dragon with his strength, but even use the life force of the green dragon? ?

Is his true identity the green dragon of Tricio? ?

——It's not impossible!

Eldorcamanda also froze, "I'm wrong?"

"Nothing wrong, it is really ... the power of life ..."

Hal Kamanda squeezed his lips, always feeling that he saw a little bit of common sense today.

Only a few moments later, the warhorse, which had died completely, was completely healed by the power of the Holy Light. Although the sharp crack can still be seen on the armor, the body has undoubtedly recovered. In order to be healthy, I can even stand up and spit it out.

"The power of life, only the power of life can achieve this level ..."

With a sigh, Hal Kamanda walked over to ask Dunn: "Are you Tricia's pulse?"


Tang En looked blank.

"In the words of your humans, it is the green dragon."

"Of course not, I am human."

"How could human beings grasp the power of life?"

Hal Kamanda's face was inconceivable: "You can't master even the power of Druid! Not to mention the power of life stronger than that of Tricio!"

Tang En spread his hand: "This is personal privacy and will not be advised."

"Michelle! How are you Michelle!"

Hudson was crying with joy, holding his "Michelle" and holding his face firmly-unfortunately, the war horse Michelle was disgusted and did not accept his offer.

Seeing Hudson like this, Reynolds hesitated, and decided to—Michelle was accidentally hit by a person and only helped Hudson stop a knife—this secret was kept in his heart.

If Hudson can make a makeover, he will have to be aggrieved ...

After dealing with the injuries of other wounded people, Tang En asked them to clean the battlefield first. Although the organs of the demons had a slight chaos breath, it was easy to corrode the humans they came in contact with, but Tang En had a fire of void. He Not afraid of those chaotic breaths, just take it back and purify it briefly, it is quite rare superior material.

While others were busy, Down, Elsa, Hal Kamanda, and Azkar Kamanda came to a quiet place next to them.

Elsa didn't understand what Tang En had called her over at first, but when she heard Hal Kamanda's words, she suddenly exclaimed in disbelief.

"Eh !? Eh !? My name is Ellu Haksha? I'm not Daddy's daughter? I'm Dragon?"

Elsa shook her head vigorously, flushed, and exclaimed, "Her Khamanda, what are you talking about? My mother is not that kind of person! This can never be true!"

Hal Kamanda hurried: "But--"

Tang En waved helplessly: "Please, can you make things clear?"


"Elsa misunderstood."

Elsa was also stunned.

Tang En coughed slightly: "You said too vaguely, Elsa thought you were saying that her mother, Clara, had stolen affection with Abelton and the Dragons, and she only had her."

Hal Kamanda suddenly realized, and hurriedly explained, "No, I didn't mean that. I mean, your father, Abbotton, actually has no fertility, and your mother, Clara, can't have children by herself-- "

"You insult my parents--"

Elsa stared at him fiercely, his eyes were about to spit fire.

"No, no, I mean--"

Hal Kamanda was crying anxiously, but he was sorry for a tens of thousands of dragons, but now he was uncomfortable with a little girl.

"He wants to say," Tang En sighed, stared at Elsa's eyes, and said helplessly, "In fact, you are Ellu Haksha ... you just gave birth to your body through Aunt Clara."

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