Things from Another World

Chapter 881: Brainstorm

Because of the locale problem, this big oolong comes into being.

Although Tang En was inculcated in the languages ​​of the Prandall tribes, but because the languages ​​of each ethnic group were equivalent to him as a mother tongue, he ignored the difference and did not notice the difference between the two. difference.

He reacted carefully after tasting, that is to say, neither of these two alloys actually has a specific name!

These idiots of the Dragons all use the general term "alloy" to call them!

Stupid, almost stupid!

But this stupid behavior is exactly in line with the nature of the Dragons-because of their long life, they are too lazy, so they are too lazy to name a new alloy, and use "alloy", which is Oliha This is a common name for steel.


Tang En sighed and asked, "How should this golden yellow 'Oliha Steel' be synthesized?"

"Of course."

Echo Kamanda said with a smile: "The main material is gold, brass, then add a small amount of Mithril and Aujin, and then add a bit of dragon blood to reconcile. It is not a secret on our side."

Well, Tang En understands why it ’s not confidential. This formula is useless even if it is open to humans. The Mithril and Aujin parts of the ingredients alone can scare most people, not to mention the dragon. Blood reconciled ...

I am really capable of synthesizing this alloy, I am afraid that there is no way to produce it on a large scale. After all, the production of Mithril and Aujin is very scarce, and Dragon Blood is even more impossible to obtain.

So Tang En was very strange: "I want to use Mithril and Aujin. How did I get such a large output to produce the gold giant statue?"

Eldor Kamanda is even stranger: "Otherwise why do you think there are so few Mithril and Aujin now?"


Tang En was speechless.

It was precisely because the first chaos invasion war required the production of gold giant statues that consumed the Mithril and Aujin that Prandall already had. As a result, the amount of Mithril and Aujin was extremely rare and the prices were extremely expensive. It turned out to be causal.

In other words, Mithril and Aujin were not so expensive during the first chaotic invasion war.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, write down the detailed recipe, and then you can go cool."

Down took out a piece of parchment and handed it to Azor Kamanda.

"no problem."

Eltro Kamanda wrote down the recipe, then came over and smirked and asked, "I've helped you so much, shouldn't you say something?"

Suddenly Tang En's egg hurt Ju: "What do you want to say?"

"I think we--"


Tang En's face tightened: "I'm not interested in male creatures!"

"Ahem ..."

Eltro Kamanda was stung for a moment, and was very embarrassed: "What are you thinking about, if there is a problem with my sexuality, my father-no, it should be said that the king will come and kill me."

Tang En was more nervous, because Azor Kamanda didn't deny that he did have that idea just now, but it was only because of the Dragon's situation that he didn't dare to do that.

After all, the number of dragons has always been at stake. After two chaotic invasion wars, many companions have been sacrificed. Now they are worried about how to expand the number of ethnic groups. If Eldrokamanda wants to go to the base, Hal Kamanda and Sasha Grotto expected to run over and kill him.

"I just thought our relationship should be eased, at least you shouldn't be so hostile to me."

"I'm not hostile to you-as long as you stay away from me."

Tang En is very vigilant, especially the indifferent charm aura that the gods gave him, the effect is so good that he has to be vigilant.

The elf clan and the dark elf group of fertile fertility enthusiasts will be enough for him. If there is another red dragon who stares at his chrysanthemums ... this day will not pass!

Occasionally he may have no opinion when being a dragon knight, but if he is ride by a dragon, he will have an opinion.

After the formula was written by Azor Kamanda, he was driven away by Tang En, who then approached Croto and asked, "The formulation of the alloy is already available. Although it is not yet possible to mass-produce it, it can be used in small quantities. Produce some. You can test the characteristics of this alloy in detail. It may help dismantle the gold statue and modify the kernel. "

"Now start to produce a small batch immediately."

Klotto said without hesitation: "The characteristics of the Oliha steel used by the Golden Titan are very good. It can be used not only here, but also in other situations. If we can find a way to expand the scale of production, it will be very useful to us. benefit."

The advantage of this type of Oriha steel is not only the characteristics of memory shape, but it is also a very good magic conductor. The magic channel (similar to the circuit) made by it can conduct magic well, which is convenient for laying artificial soul control. aisle.

If you use this metal to produce some important cores, such as magic engines, or some small parts, you can avoid damage-even if it is distorted by the impact of force, you can quickly restore it to its original state, which guarantees the reliability of the product. .

This memory metal is obviously not the same as the memory metal on Earth in Tang En's memory, but it is undoubtedly more reliable and more versatile.

"Master, regarding the artificial soul, I think I need some time to redesign."

Yu Stisa said with a smile: "Based on the characteristics of the Golden Titan and the current artificial soul technology, redesign a scheme of artificial soul."

"no need."

Yustysa froze: "Are you sure?"


Tang En said with a smile: "Because I already have an idea, these golden statues of gold will then undergo kernel adjustments so that they can serve as the homestay of human souls."

"Human soul?"

Tim said: "The Lord Herald wants to use human souls as the core of the Golden Titan. This is a good idea. We also made similar suggestions at the beginning, but were rejected."

"But the use of a human soul would be seen as a blasphemy of Grittens ..."

"rest assured."

Tang En haha ​​said with a laugh: "I have hundreds of thousands of spirits here, and they can't wait to return to this world and give their strength to fight chaos."

He talked to Yustisah about the specific situation of the Hall of Spirits, and Yustisha and Tim realized that.

Tim was inexplicably excited: "If we can really replace the core of artificial soul with human soul, reliability and actual combat performance will definitely be a leap forward."

Although the artificial soul can guarantee losslessness in war, its efficiency and dexterity are inherently inadequate. It is very complicated to design a response mode for each situation.

If a human soul is used, this situation can be avoided. After boarding into the core of the soul, you can use the golden giant as if it were your own body, and fully use the experience of those brave warriors. Doubling?

Besides, most of those fighters were not apocalyptic at the beginning. They only had rich group combat experience, but did not have strong strength, and could not exert their maximum value at all.

With the Golden Giant, they can fully combine their experience with the powerful power of the Golden Giant, and they are invincible on the battlefield!

The best thing is that when fighting against chaos, the gold giant does not need to be afraid to make the chaotic creatures stronger-because from a macro perspective, the gold giant is just a vehicle. The dead heroes are dead. There is no power for them to absorb.

Once this idea is realized, the Legion of Gold Colossus will become Tang En's powerful force against chaos!

"I see, but at the same time I have an idea."

Yustissa is indeed the last patriarch of Einzbelen. Her rich experience immediately made her think of a idea that matched Tang's idea: "It is still a bit reluctant to drive the golden giant idol with human souls, their souls The strength is not enough to support such a large body, so I can design a soul strength magnification device to help them better control the golden giant idol. "

Tang En was overjoyed: "Can it be done?"

Yustissa said very confidently: "Of course, from a certain perspective, the artificial soul is also the soul. The technology that is effective for the artificial soul will also have an effect on the human soul. It just amplifies the signal strength of the soul. It's not difficult to understand, I need a month to modify the current technology. "

Tang En immediately clapped: "The restoration of the Golden Colossus may take a long time, so don't worry. His Excellency, where are you?"

Tim nodded and said, "My side can be synchronized with the patriarch and it will not affect him, but I need to re-make an old version of the artificial soul core for research, which will take several days ..."

"A few days? No need."

Tang En glanced at the giant gold statue: "Where is the core of the soul? I'll take it out for you."

Tim stunned: "On the chest, but the body of the Golden Colossus is very difficult to destroy ..."

Angus pouted his lips and said sourly, "That's for others, is there anything that can hardly hold him?"

Tang En smiled and flew to the chest of the gold statue, and suddenly a highly condensed elemental sword appeared in his hand, and the elemental sword with a dazzling light easily penetrated the body of the gold statue, "嗖 嗖 嗖"A few squares cut a square metal plate, revealing the structure in the chest.

"It's the spherical structure in the center--"

As soon as Tim's voice fell, Tang En reached back to the ground as soon as he reached out, "Is it it?"

Tang En's hand is the football-sized artificial soul core. The dark artificial soul core has wonderful magic runes on it, and you can see that there are several interfaces reserved on it. Interface, so that the artificial soul can control the body of the golden giant statue through the magic channel.

At a glance, you know that the technology is homologous to the Einzbelen and Hohenheim families.

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