Things from Another World

Chapter 883: Epoch-making product launch

Regardless of the reactions of the parties receiving the news, in short, the major cities of the Illus Empire will hold a product launch conference for the Magic Mobile Phone today.

That's right, it is held nationwide, after all, there is no internet here.

Early in the morning, Tang En, Fiona, Gene, Angus and others have all arrived in Yarinks. As the capital of the Illus Empire, this is naturally the top priority of the product launch. .

Even Princess Aurelia and Queen Olena made arrangements in advance, temporarily suspending their work and came to the venue to support the conference.

This conference was also moved from the square stage at the beginning to the Yalinx Championship Arena. This ring arena can accommodate tens of thousands of people to watch competitive games at the same time. Outside of this activity, many people feel that this is a blasphemy of the honor of the soldiers.

But who dares to say no? Her Majesty the Regent ...

"Why is your clothes messy? If you don't go back to the palace, you must at least take care of your daily life."

Prior to the press conference, Queen Olina was very considerate in organizing clothes for Tang En. The kind of complaints under tender words and thoughtful actions made people feel warmer.

Fiona was restless next to her. I do n’t know why, it seemed that Queen Olina seemed to be complaining that she had not taken good care of Tang En ...

Why should I say that?

Fiona was a little uncomfortable, obviously I knew Tang En first!

Besides, I'm very busy every day. How can I have time to talk about love and affection-if it wasn't for my old lady who has been supporting his career, how could you guys have a chance at the top!

Fiona's anger is normal. As a woman is so capable, she will forget that she is capable.

She has known Tang En for so long, and she has not been able to achieve a positive result. As a result, all these scumbags have smashed all the shameless faces, and they have almost squeezed her out of the heroine's circle.

How can this be tolerated! ?

Although Fiona knew that Olena didn't mean that, she just felt inexplicable.

"It doesn't matter. I was so happy yesterday that I celebrated very late at night so I didn't clean up."

Tang En's indifferent look, even if he was in power, no one would dare to say anything, and even someone will imitate his dress in the future. This is the charm of power.

Olina smoothed down Tang En's collar, gently smoothed his chest folds, and looked at him curiously: "Is something good happening?"

"Well, it's a good thing, the king's cane is repaired."


"Really ?!"

Alleria and Olina Qiqi exclaimed, the cane of royal power is a glorious symbol of the Illus royal family, but it has been broken a long time ago (actually false). I did not expect that Tang En could It's fixed!

"The king's staff is a very powerful legion weapon. After repairing it, we can have an invincible division!"

Alleria was very excited: "With the power of the Golden Titan Legion, we can even re-conquer those countries that have split out and let them return!"

"Oli, you are so excited."

Although Queen Olina was also very excited, she was more sensible: "Now Prendall is still peaceful, and if he takes the initiative to ignite the war, it will become the target of public criticism."

War is something that many ambitionists desire, but it is also a headache for many in power.

They all wanted to expand their territories, power, and wealth through war, but now no one wants to bear the crime of igniting the war-after two chaotic invasion wars, now all the clans have not restored their vitality. At this time, to provoke the war is Public enemy of the world.

So even if the Klein Emperor of the Sorant Kingdom is ambitious, he can only play farming on his own one-third of an acre.

"Going back to this matter, today's focus is on the launch of the Magic Phone."

Tang En unveiled the topic with a smile, turned to look at Dantlian, as the first gunman of His Majesty's successful tuning ... Teach! Being the first writer, Dantrian now has not only mastered a thousand refreshing elements of Shuangwen, but also mastered rich rhythmic skills and is extremely good at guiding other people's ideas.

Coupled with her being an elf poet, she was born with a good voice, matching her elegant book temperament and natural atmosphere, which is the best choice for the host of the Datang Chamber of Commerce product launch.

Daantrian nodded. "It's ready."

Tang En turned his head and asked Hilton: "Are all the guests here?"

Hilton nodded: "The main customers who have received the invitation have already arrived, right in the front row of the arena auditorium. Under the advertisement, there are also many potential customers who have come to the venue, and now they are basically seated."

"Let's get started, don't let the guests wait."

Tang En snapped his fingers: "Malin, music."

"Roger that."

Sitting in the background, Ma Lin waved a salute, and then relaxed and happily pressed the button. In the huge championship arena, melodious music sounded from light to slow. The songs written by the elven artists from the Emerald Forest are very beautiful. Elegant and beautiful, it conquered the audience almost instantly.

The original messy championship arena became very quiet very quickly. The visitors sat in their positions with their eyes closed listening to the sounds of nature. They even forgot to ask where the music came from. Some sensitive guests noticed the competition. "Boxes" hung around the field, and music came from those boxes.

The song was over soon, and then a "swipe", a square light curtain emerged on the open space in the center of the arena. The magic projection on the glorious ceremony last year brought inspiration to Tang En and the Arcane Eye With a slight modification of the spell, it becomes this kind of camera-like projection spell. The image in the light curtain is like Tang En, the couple Orena sitting in the seat, and the host Dan Trian.

"Thank you all for coming here, and today I am very happy to be able to host this Datang Chamber of Commerce product launch for everyone."

Dantrian's clear and mellow voice echoed in the conference hall. Many people looked straight at the image on the light curtain.

"What a beautiful female elf! Even if she is a first-class beauty in the elf, right?"

"Your Majesty Tang En is really close to the Elf tribe. He always sees such beautiful female elves."

"Sometimes I wonder if Her Majesty Tang En is Prince Elf ..."

"It seems that the previous product conference was not hosted by this female elf ..."

"The temperament of this female elf is even better. Who knows her name?"

I'm afraid Tang En wouldn't think of using Dantrian as the host. Instead, the attention of the audience would change. People would pay attention to her appearance and information. Instead, she didn't pay much attention to what she said.

"... We hope that Datang Chamber of Commerce can penetrate into every aspect of every customer. We are committed to changing the lives of our customers and giving them a revolutionary life experience ..."

"... We know that our customers love our products and we are always looking forward to our introduction of more updated, more interesting and useful products ... maybe some people think that it would be better if the price is lower ... ... "

Along with Dan Trian's voice, the Arcane Eye turned to the side, and next to it was a product that the Datang Chamber of Commerce had put on the market.

"... We can be very proud and proud to say that the products of our Datang Chamber of Commerce are currently the most advanced and excellent products of Prandall. We have been committed to changing this society and bringing the most convenient and comfortable life to our customers. We are indeed working on this path. "

"... It is well known that in the current Prendal, after the two separated, it is likely that due to the long distance and the inconvenience of communication, it is farewell, because the world is so large, it is difficult for us to meet again."

"... But the situation is a little bit better now. Our Datang Chamber of Commerce and Star Diamond Bank cooperated to lay a network of highways throughout the Iruru Empire. The highway network can move very quickly, with smooth roads and safe roads. The environment guarantees that everyone will reach their destination smoothly. "

"... The magic buses that we recently launched in cooperation with the royal family and the intercity bus system have slowed down the slow traffic situation between the two places. Now I have become accustomed to taking a bus out and even going to other cities to experience a different atmosphere of life ... "

"... The exchange of information between different cities has greatly accelerated the pace of our lives. When our horizons are broadened, we can see our true position. The more we know, the more we will find our ignorance. We must all understand at this point……"

"... The more so, the more we understand the exchange of information between people, the frequent contacts between friends, and the importance of information transfer between business partners."

"Information is the bond!"

"Information is friendship!"

"Information is wealth!"

"Information is everything!"

After a series of exclamation and shouts, Dantrian finally regained the attention of those people.

"Today, we can finally proudly announce that we have completely solved this problem!"

Dan Trian's voice was impassioned: "Based on the" magic wave "theory proposed by Her Majesty Tang En, the master of the Silver City, under Her Majesty Tang En, the master of the moon and the moon, the first master of alchemy With the joint efforts of the miracle hand Angus (Angus glanced at Stisa, old face flushed and embarrassed), and other researchers from Datang Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute, we finally conquered After many difficulties, this incredible, epoch-making, revolutionary and amazing product was produced! "

"Magic phone!"

With a flash of Dantrian, a small and beautiful magic cell phone suddenly appeared in her palm.

"From today, we will officially declare the era of wireless communication!"

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