Things from Another World

Chapter 885: Serial meter

The first day of sales of the Magic phone was extremely popular.

Initial inventory of 5,000 units, additional production of 5,000 units, a total of 10,000 "balance" magic mobile phones, sold out in a short period of time, Datang Chamber of Commerce crazy sucked 20 million gold coins, will be backlog in the noble vault The gold coins that had never been circulated were re-attracted.

"How are things today?"

In the evening, Tang En came to the study, where Fiona was collating the data gathered from various cities.

Of course, Tang En's concern is not sales revenue. Although 20 million gold coins are unusually large, in this world where the currency and production capacity are seriously mismatched and the economy is in chaos, no amount of gold coins can prove anything.

What he really cares about is the registration of user information after purchasing the Magic phone.

Those user information is the highlight of the future.

"Very good, exactly as we expected."

Fiona's face was full of smiles. Although she was tired of sorting out the information, she also felt very fulfilled by watching the plan proceed smoothly.

"At present, the users of 10,000 mobile phones in each city have been fully registered, and their information has been compiled. They are sorted according to each city and can be easily checked at any time."

In other words, these 10,000 wealthy individuals have been unknowingly incorporated into Ellington's household registration management system.

Their phone cards and identity cards are proof.

Tang En smiled. "Yes, everything seems to be going well."

The people of Plandal do not yet have a very clear concept of privacy. They do not pay much attention to personal information. In their opinion, whether the name, age, gender, address, or apocalypse and personal strength are insignificant, so they are registered. It was also very refreshing.

This information will also be an important basis for Down's future administration of the Illus Empire.

"The identity cards and phone cards in the hands of these people will be proof of the further diffusion of our influence in Ellington. The addition of stored value and consumer functions has also begun to allow currency to flow from Star Diamond Bank to the Datang Chamber of Commerce. Your Majesty, I Think we should take this opportunity to set up a bank to provide personal savings directly to identity cards. "

Fiona suddenly said, "This is a good opportunity. With our own bank, we can better control the flow of funds."

Fiona was afraid to think of setting up her own bank before, but now she finds that it doesn't seem to be so far away. The Datang Chamber of Commerce is too strong in its ability to absorb gold, and the monthly flow is approaching Hundreds of millions of gold coins, but unfortunately so many gold coins just returned to the pocket of Star Diamond Bank after only one turn, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Tang En shook his head: "I thought about it, but it's not the time yet."

He certainly knows how important it is to start a national bank, but that requires a strong guarantee to allow depositors to safely deposit their money in.

The Star Diamond Bank is backed by the Dragons. What does the Illus Empire have?

The original bank of the Illus Empire was not enough to provide a strong guarantee. Even the people did not have confidence in their country. Who would be willing to give the money to the bank?

But now, the Datang Chamber of Commerce has gradually merged with the Illus Empire. The strong ability to absorb gold and consumption has brought great vitality to this country. The Chamber of Commerce continues to make money and returns gold coins to labor through a lot of construction. To achieve a substantial increase in per capita income ...

The gradual improvement of social infrastructure and the gradual availability of various security facilities, fresh goods have also stimulated the enthusiasm of residents for consumption, and the socio-economic vitality has been further improved.

The Datang Chamber of Commerce has brought new life to this country.

Therefore, the Datang Chamber of Commerce is a golden signboard.

The feasibility of establishing a bank using the credit of Datang Chamber of Commerce is indeed very high.

In fact, Tang En did think about this issue. The identity card issued by the Datang Chamber of Commerce will be related to his further plans, not only stored value consumption, but also the currency reform he is considering.

Prrandall's economic system is too chaotic. The gold-standard currency system does not match the existing GDP. The expected reserves of gold coins are too large, but there is little market circulation. It is clearly inflation (the total amount of money is much larger than the total amount of society). Production value, currency value decline, and commodity price increase), but suffocately created the illusion of deflation (the total amount of money is less than the total social product value, the currency value rises, and the commodity price declines). Now the potential danger has not been completely Outbreak, if an economic crisis occurs, I am afraid everyone will be affected.

So Tang En wanted a currency reform.

But he didn't know much about financial currency, so it was impossible for him to come up with a perfect financial system to replace the current gold standard currency system. The currency system is a strict and complex system, and there are so many financial experts on the planet After so many years, he couldn't find a perfect currency system to avoid all kinds of risks. He is even more impossible.

At the most, Tang En is to launch a currency system that is parallel to the existing economy, such as the credit point currency system based on the Datang Chamber of Commerce or the Illus Empire. It is impossible to be perfect.

What's more, although the current gold coin trading system has huge problems, one thing is good-for historical reasons, the Illus Empire retains the right to issue currency. Illus gold coins as the hard currency of Prendall can be used in various currencies. The state is used as currency, without the need for tedious exchanges.

The former North Korean currencies accumulated in the market are huge in quantity. Although the gold content is not much, the value has been depreciated to a certain extent.

The current practice is to return it to the Illus Empire Mint after recycling through the Star Diamond Bank, where it is remelted and re-circulated as a new Illus gold coin.

It is a pity that those currencies will soon be earned by major chambers of commerce, major aristocrats, and countries through various channels, and then re-stored in the vault to eat ashes, and the situation continues to deteriorate.

Nowadays, if you want to get rid of this heavy burden, setting up your own bank is just to ease the situation and cannot cure it. It is only possible to carry out currency reform.

But the problem is that Tang En wants to carry out currency reform, or can't avoid Star Diamond Bank and Dragon Family. After all, Star Diamond Bank is now the only chain bank in Prendall, and has almost all the currency in the Prendall market-those in circulation The currencies are actually circulating in the Star Diamond Bank.

This is a strange circle that cannot go out. To solve this problem thoroughly, there are too many things to consider, which is too complicated.

The credit system in parallel with the gold coin system is probably the most feasible solution. It will not affect the interests of Goblins and Dragons, and will not be resisted. When the influence of the identity card has expanded to a certain extent, it can be used to credit The implementation of macro-control over existing currencies has gradually put the financial system on track.

So the problem is back to the original point-the personal information registration of the identity card.

Therefore, Tang En can currently only step by step, first establish a personal information management system, and popularize the identity card in the Illus Empire as soon as possible.


Looking at the pile of documents sorted by city next to Fiona, he had a headache—it was too cumbersome to register the household registration information, and the amount of data in the later period was quite horrible. He also had to set up a special archives department to handle citizen files .

Tang En has discussed this issue with Cloto before. Although the crystal card storage technology restored by Dragon and Goblin can already store information, there is no OS like OSX or WINDOWS. If you have a computer with a pure DOS system, you as an ordinary person can't make a clear and clear form like Excel ...

Now I'm afraid I can only pin my hope on the research institute and further develop more convenient human-computer interaction schemes-at least come up with an operation interface that ordinary people can use easily?

"You've worked hard. You should stick to it recently. This information is sorted out and stored in the archives. By the way, some people are recruited for training in this area, which is responsible for the subsequent file management."

Tang En comforted Fiona: "It will be easier when the research institute determines the final plan for the human-computer interface."

In fact, it is an unexpected joy to be able to use the chip card storage technology. You must know that Tang En initially worried about using only text and paper to record the registration file information, and that workload was terrible.

Now that the magic mobile phone technology has made breakthrough progress and the product has been interviewed, the next step can rely on the magic wave theory to conduct theoretical research on network data transmission and create a wireless data network covering Prendall.

With the current technical foundation and Tang En's theoretical guidance, it can be expected that network technology will not be too difficult-the basic principles are the encoding and transmission of data. For those experts who are immersed in technology, It is no longer a strange field.

It is worth mentioning that the bottleneck of computer development is the hardware problem, but it does not exist in this incredible world, because the foundation of this technology is the magic crystal, and the magic crystal that carries information is itself equivalent to a computer hardware system.

Tang En has always felt very unscientific about this, but once he thought that the world could not be explained by science, he finally accepted the reality.

Tang En secretly collected user information here, and gradually expanded the influence of the Ellington identity card, while the other side was not expected, the sales of magic mobile phones really brought a huge social trend. Even changed the habits of the nobles of the Illus Empire.

The aristocrats met at the banquet and no longer issued cards according to the original standard routine, but began to pull out the magic energy mobile phones to save each other's contact information.

what? You said you do n’t have a magic phone? The other party promises to turn away-or show off the magic cell phone in your hand, that kind of proper aristocratic superiority will make you feel like you are walking out of the slum.

In fact, what he wanted to express was just one sentence-sorry, you are out of date.

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