Things from Another World

Chapter 887: Brainwashed King

Darnet's businessman intuitively realized what he had noticed, but when he thought of the voluminous body of the Baroness Barbons in the video, his brain immediately went down, and he yelled, "Give me 1,000 pieces first gold!"

1000 gold coins is a huge sum for ordinary people, but it is not a big deal for Danette. Besides, the magic cell phone is so easy to use, now it is necessary to use the money to rush money in. You can save a bit of charge.

"I understand His Excellency Danette, and in addition, given the intensity of your use, do you know if you need a package?"

The beautiful waiter's face showed a fox-like sweet smile: "If you apply for a package, the discount will be even greater. For example, if you apply for this business call package, not only the discount is as high as 120%, but you will also receive a 10-degree free gift based on the package Video call time, and enjoy 20% discount for renewal ... "

Danette was hot-headed, and under the carelessness of the beauty salesperson, she handled a bunch of miscellaneous package business and then left the business hall. After his head was blown by the cold wind, he instantly woke up.

He calculated with his fingers, thinking that it was wrong!

Saying that the discount is as high as 120%! ?

How to calculate it seems to lose a lot! ?

Danette ’s favorite feature is the video call function of the Magic phone. Originally, I just wanted to add a little more coins and buy some video call time. I was fooled by the beauty salesperson, and I was deceived by discounts and package offers. Finally, Not only did I buy a lot of video call time, but I even bought a lot of short-message and voice call services!

After careful calculation, Danette found out what the problem was-he originally wanted to buy video calls, but was deceived by the package offer, and bought the voice and text messaging services he didn't need.

The latter two expenses are unnecessary. They could have been omitted, but they are included in the package. It seems that the total price is a little cheaper, but selling them together for packaging adds extra expenses ...

How can these pure businessmen who have never experienced the mess of marketing bombing ever played Down?

He just sorted out the marketing methods he had experienced, handed them to Tina and then unified training for the salesperson, which received wonderful results.

Tang En, with an aura of angels on his back, seemed to smile at the merchants of Prendall on the sky: I didn't say that everyone here was garbage ...

"... that's bundled sales."

On the podium, Tina closed the training materials, and then said to the students: "Since the magic mobile phone has been listed and the sales staff in various business halls are short of staff, after the end of today's class, our short-term training will be temporarily That's all. Next, you will digest and absorb the learned skills into your own experience through practice in the post. I hope you can work hard and contribute your own power in the post. "

"I see, Teacher Tina!"

The trainees stood up and thanked them in unison.

Tina smiled: "I'm not a teacher anymore. These are the skills taught by Your Majesty. If you want to thank, thank Her Majesty Tang En ... Oh yes, little love, and Testero, you guys Come with me, I have something to tell you. "

Xiao Ai under the table was stunned with Tastro, nodded, and followed Tina out of the classroom.

"What did Teacher Tina say?"

After a few days of training, Testero has fully entered the role. At this moment, he looks like he is under the blood of the Rennes Empire. He is just a new salesman who has just joined the industry. He is extremely invaluable to Tina who has imparted their experience Worship.

"Do you want to give us extra classes?"

Testro's face was frantic: "Exactly, I still have some questions about your previous lesson and want to consult ..."

"No, it's not! And His Majesty Tastro, you must never call me‘ you ’, just call my name.”

Tina waved her hands in a panic. She was just a little maid next to Tang En. Although she was favored by Tang En, her identity had not changed and she knew her identity very well.

Although Testero was taking classes with her, he was the king of the Rennes empire and his identity would not change.

"Teacher Tina, you are very polite, and you have no limit to learning. The knowledge you give is very important to me, and it opens my eyes."

Testero smiled and said, "The economic development of the Rennes empire has improved in the future, and your credit must be in it."

Xiao Ai beside him nodded in a deep sympathy: "Yes, Teacher Tina is really amazing."

Tina was startled: "Don't say that, it will scare me ..."

Testro no longer insisted, asking, "Are you doing anything to us?"

"Actually it wasn't me who was looking for you, but Her Majesty Tang En."

Tina said, "Your Majesty is now at the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute. You can pass now."

So Tastro and Xiaoai ran to the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute again. When he found Tang En, he was discussing with Clotto, Angus, Jean and others around a piece of golden metal.

"... So the characteristics of this type of Oriha steel are indeed excellent and irreplaceable, but the amount of Mithril, Aujin and Dragon Blood severely limits the production capacity of Oriha Steel."

Angus frowned, "The most important of these is Dragon's Blood. If we can find a substitute that can provide similar functions, Oliha Steel's mass production may have hope."

After all, although the production of Mithril and Aujin is small, the total reserves are not small. The underground veins are also abundant. The Dark Elves and Redstone Dwarves can provide stable ore after receiving the technical support from Ellington, but Unlike dragon blood, dragon blood is only available on dragons.

Prandall's dragon status is so high that Tang En could not use it for captive dragon blood collection ...

Even if Elsa didn't mind providing blood, she wouldn't be able to stay at Ellington herself to provide industrial raw materials to the steel mill—her blood would not be available.

After Tang Yin pondered for a moment, he asked, "Have you tried with Yalong's blood?"

The blood of Yalong also contains the components of the blood of the Dragon family. Although it is thin, if the amount is increased, it is also possible to use the blood of Yalong. At least Yalong can be raised in batches.

Angus snapped: "That's not true."

Tang En waved his hand and said, "Next, try with Yalong's blood. If you can, you can use a centrifuge to separate the blood of the Dragons and Yalong, and try to synthesize Oliha Steel with different components. Find the active ingredient in it. "

It is not known whether the blood, leukocytes, platelets, or hemoglobin that provided the effect to Oliha Steel. After layering through the centrifuge, you can experiment step by step. You can also mix the experiments individually if you don't. Go on to the next experiment.

"Okay, but I need time to catch a few Yalongs back."

Angus wiped his hands and said, "The next experiment can be carried out tomorrow at the latest."

"As soon as possible, Tim already has an idea there, and Yustisha has made a lot of progress."

Tang En nodded and smiled back, "Let you wait long."

"No, no ..."

Staring at Tang En, Xiao Ai blushed and shook her head: "We have just arrived ..."

Testro looked curiously at the metal on the table: "What are you talking about? I won't ask if it's confidential."

Tang En smiled and took them to the lounge next door: "It's not a secret. We are studying the production of Oliha Steel."

"Oliha Steel?"

Testereau thought for a moment and was suddenly shocked: "Is the legendary dragon's secret treasure, can you build an undefeated armor and weapon of Oliha Steel?"

Tang En, who was pouring tea, said, "Undefeated armor and weapons?"

"In the legend of the Empire of Rennes, the dragon's Oliha steel is the most powerful metal in the world and the metal that all blacksmiths dream of. Only the most powerful blacksmith master can be qualified to use Oliha steel to build and build The armor and weapons that come out are at least legendary quality! "

Tastro took a breather: "You want to mass-produce Oliha Steel !?-No, you can get Oliha Steel !?"

Oliha Steel basically only exists in the legend. No one has seen Oliha Steel for hundreds of years. This expensive and rare metal exists only inside the Dragons, even though many people are eager. But there was no chance to get it.

As soon as Testero finished speaking, he cursed, and with the relationship between Tang and the Dragons, it didn't seem to be a problem to get Oliha Steel-what was really shocking was that they wanted to mass-produce Oliha Steel!

"As long as the principle can be successfully analyzed, there are no unsolvable problems in this world, including mass production of Orihe Steel."

Tang En smiled and pushed the hot tea over: "Drink tea."

After the two drank the tea, Tang Encai said, "I have two good news for you."

Testro's face looked like this: "Wear your ears and listen."

Tang En smiled and said, "The first good news is that the new Burkeso has been completed, and the various urban areas have been completed in two days. As of today, the final finishing work has begun. If you don't mind If there is no water supply, you can move in now. "

Testero ecstatically heard: "Really !? It's only been a few days, and it's really built !?"

Tang En smiled proudly: "Don't doubt the strength of our Datang Civil Construction Chamber of Commerce. If it is not to ensure the normal water supply and drainage pipes, we can already move in yesterday."

Tang En certainly didn't mind if they checked in earlier, but in order to ensure the golden signboard of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, he wanted to make it perfect.

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