Things from Another World

Chapter 894: Sudden Shura Field

"Master-uh ??"

There was a seductive groan in his arms, and Tang En could not help but jump at the sound of his eyelids, and did not care about the fragrant nephrite in his arms. He closed the door subconsciously and looked nervously out of the window. After seeing this scene, people were relieved.

Then he lifted up Illy in his arms and looked under the crown of the misty maiden, and Tang En hardened slightly, respecting him: "Under the crown of the maiden, calm down."

If I saw this picture, I'm afraid it would be awful.

"I, I ?? Sorry!"

Yi Luli said sorry, but couldn't help but snorted on Tang En, taking a big breath and exhaling the breath emanating from him: "I haven't seen you in the past few days, I'm about to restrain myself It's up! "

When Elsa took the soldiers to the Rift Valley to fight against the demons some time ago, Illy stayed in Ellington to help Tang En deliver the message. Later, when Tang En was busy, she couldn't take care of her and waited for the magic phone. It was born, and the meaning of her microphone was gone. As a result, before Tang En talked to her, Yi Luli herself disappeared and she didn't know what to do.

The existence of the contract usually does not affect Yi Luli's daily life. It will only attract her attention when the night is quiet, and it will further associate with Tang En.

And once I think of Tang En, her body seems to be burning. The purple belly rune in the lower abdomen will continue to release a force, making Yi Luli yearn for Tang En's breath more.

She usually restrained her sanity and impulse, but today, she finally couldn't help it.

Yi Luli is now comfortable and happy, but the other person is completely unhappy.

Fiona was very angry, because the ambiguous atmosphere she managed to create was immediately destroyed by Illy.

She's jealous too, yes, she's jealous.

Compared with Ilully, she doesn't have the courage to desperately-although Fiona knows that Ilully was a victim of that goddess contract-but the feeling of freeing herself is really enviable what.

Sometimes Fiona couldn't help but fantasize. If she was slave to that contract, would she be happier than she is now?

No one knows the answer.

"I understand, I won't run away, so please calm down, it's really difficult for me to speak like this."

The sweet smell of Yi Luli made it difficult for Tang En to think calmly, especially the sacred breath bathed in the Holy Light for a long time. With the flushing flushing at this moment, there was no way he did not want to crook .

It seems that he got a certain "main manpower" supplement from Tang En, and the maiden reluctantly found her own reason, but she was next to Tang En, holding his arm tightly, and she was very concerned about her chest. Arms, even shy faces, red ears, and red ears, but unmoved.

Sometimes Tang En wonders if this chick got Stockholm syndrome because of that contract?

Fiona said angrily: "If you see it like this, I am afraid something will happen to the Holy See."

"Will not."

Yi Luli said piously, "My destiny is already doomed, and I think I will be blessed by God."

It's almost the curse of God!

Fiona secretly defamated. If the slave God's Word could be regarded as a blessing, I am afraid there would be no real blessing in the world.

"Yes, where have you been a while ago?"

Tang En looked curiously at Illy. He was busy in the past few days, and then he turned around and found that Illy suddenly disappeared from Ellington, and he didn't bother to look for her at that time.

"I'm back to Yalinks."

Yi Luli blinked and said with a look of course: "Since the magic cell phone has been able to replace my messenger function, you are not here. It does n’t make much sense for me to stay here, of course, I will go back to Alynx Yes, it just happened to be busy recently. "

Tang En stunned: "More busy?"

"You won't forget?"

Yi Luli blinked and looked at Tang En with a look of surprise: "The glory ceremony is coming soon. As a king, you are in charge of a very important task."

Shine Festival?

Oh my God!

When Tang En patted his brain, he really forgot about it!

He thought that this was just the middle of the bumper harvest month, but when he thought that he had just been busy with the new Burkeso thing, he had already reached the end of the bumper harvest month and was about to enter the celebration month.

Last year's celebration month was hosted by Victor, and this year he became the host. Tang En suddenly felt a little awkward.

But embarrassment is embarrassing, and things to do still have to be done.

Seeing Tang En's awkward expression, Yi Luli immediately understood that the relationship guy really forgot such an important thing!

Obviously, under the crown of the maiden is also a little dazed: "The glorious ritual can almost be regarded as the most important celebratory event in Prandall, and the only event that the Illus Empire can take to the table for so many years. Did you forget it?"

"After all, I was just a lord last year."

Fiona rolled her eyes next to him. What he said was not wrong. Who could have imagined that the little lord a year ago would be transformed into a king?

Tang En scratched his head and said disapprovingly: "Finally, the glorious ceremony has been run for so many years, and there should be a standard process, even without me."

"That said, but as a king, you still have to address, at least to announce the opening of the glorious ceremony, you will be indispensable."

"I under the Pope, me, and you and Queen Olina, all four of us must come forward to foretell the official start of the glorious ceremony."

"I see, but do we have anything to prepare for the festival?"

Tang En has had a lot of holiday celebrations on the earth, but most of them were speculated by capitalists for regular shipments. It is considered to be a religious holiday. Christmas has also become Valentine ’s Day in China, so it ’s pure religion. He didn't really understand what the celebration needed.

"No need for you to prepare, I'm already planning."

At this time, Princess Aurelia suddenly entered the door and stared at Tang En. "I said I hadn't heard you mention it. You must have forgotten it, and your mother didn't believe it!"

"I'm sorry, I'm really not very sensitive to things like festivals," Tang Enzhang said with a smile.

"You can let go of that kind of thing," Aurelia stared at Dunn's arm. "I want to ask, when has your relationship been so close?"

Don't look at Aurelia's calm face now, she has already overturned the vinegar jar.

Who is sitting there?

She hits a little friend Illuli!

Under the crown of the Holy See of the Holy See, countless people admire the symbol of purity!

Although Illuli was enslaved by the contract and became a slave of Down because of Atanoks, at least she could still see that she was still fighting against the power of the contract.

But now? Whatever it looks like, Illuli has already confessed her fate and intends to bow to the forces of evil.

Obviously a victim, how could suddenly develop an ambiguous relationship with Tang En! ?

But if it is said that there is no ambiguous relationship, how could Yi Luli hug Tang En so actively? She usually pays attention to her image!

The opposite Fiona smiled strangely, and she was looking forward to what would happen next.

Hum, let you show mercy everywhere, now see how you finish!

Yi Luli exclaimed, and then she let go of her hand subconsciously, and then his expression flickered: "That, in fact, I was just too anxious to explain the glorious ritual to Her Majesty Tang En.

Edit, continue editing.

Aurelia was expressionless. She knew too much about this small hair. Illy was obviously not a character who could lie, but now she was making an exception in order to cover up her relationship with Tang En. How unusual.

Aurelia was a little bitter in her heart, even she was surprised. She didn't understand why she still had any thoughts on Tang En's love life. It was clear that the two sides had no hope. He has become his "father" in the legal sense!

Yi Luli's voice was getting lower and lower, her head was getting lower and her face was blushing. It seemed that she knew she could not deceive a good friend.

Under the crown of the maiden, she raised her head, looked at Tang En with big watery eyes, and looked like she was crying: "So you explain it quickly."

Explanation? How does this explain me?

Tang En has more headaches. Now this situation is a real Shura field. The difficulty is too high. It is an area where even the wit such as him can not dare to get involved. Only the God of Raiders can easily level this Shura field. what.

Unfortunately, he is not the God of Raiders.

"Well, in fact, you misunderstood, Ilily was too excited to see me for too long ..."


Aurelia sneered: "Can I be proud of you if you can think of you like that?"

I go!

As soon as Tang En patted his head, the more he explained, the darker it became!

He hurriedly winked Fiona.

Fiona thought for a while, and said, "Well, I can testify that I really haven't seen Tang En in a long time, probably in seven or eight days."

Your uncle!

Tang En's eyes were dark, and he almost did not faint. This chick was definitely intentional!

Fiona puts her mouth on the air, letting you talk to me every day, but you have never dared to take any action, and you want me to cover you? Stop thinking!

"Well ..."

Tang En struggled his brain and thought about how to explain. At this moment, Angus' voice suddenly came: "Tang En, come here soon! We have made some discoveries!"

Suddenly, Tang Enru heard the words, and rushed out immediately after dropping a sentence: "I have something important to do here, and I will talk about Yi Luli's affairs later!"

There were only three ladies in the room staring at each other, and Fiona muttered angrily: "This guy is so cunning!"

With Tang En's departure, the breath that reassured Elully also suddenly disappeared, and the maiden's subconscious expression was lost.

Looking at Fa Xiao's lost look, Aurelia was more sure of her guess.

Regardless of the impact of the contract, in short, these two people definitely have problems!

Still a big problem!

Aurelia sat in the position where Tang En was just sitting, took Illy's hand, and said with a grin, "I think we haven't talked for a long time."

Yi Luli froze subconsciously, looking at the smile of her good friend, but why did she feel indifferent for a while?

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