Things from Another World

Chapter 897: Jean's transformation

Down's decision was beyond Angus's expectations.

Miracle Hand was really anxious this time: "Are you crazy !? Haven't you seen the results yet? The results of this research are dangerous and will probably lead us to a dead end! We must give up immediately!"

Tang En shook his head: "There are no dangerous research results in this world, only dangerous people ... at least for now, we need this research result."

"But that is likely to put us in a confrontation with the Dragons!"

Angus is very serious. He is not kidding, using the blood of the Dragons, no, it should be said that any experiment using the intelligent race's life components, or some processing as a raw material, is a blasphemy on life!

Even if it is not the blood of the Dragons, but the blood of Naga, orcs, and even the blood of humans, Angus will say the same.

Because this is a blasphemy of life.

Once this research result is published, in the eyes of many people, the Dragon tribe is no longer the guardian of order that needs to be awed, but will become a valuable production material.

Although many people now know that the dragon's scales, dragon skins, and bones have very powerful powers, under the influence of two chaotic invasions and the influence of the dragon's own strength, no one has dared to make that kind of crazy Things up.

But this time is different.

This time, the blood of the dragons was separated into components nakedly. It was completely based on the raw materials used to produce something. It was a complete materialization of the dragons and a complete blasphemy.

If you think about it, if a certain race is engaged in a research in order to produce a certain product, the raw material is human blood, I am afraid that humans will not be very happy.

"No, rest assured."

Tang En groaned for a moment and said, "I'll fix the things on the Dragons' side. I'm going to visit Long Island recently, and I'll discuss this with them seriously."

"Are you crazy !? You have to discuss this with them !?"

Angus simply didn't know what Tang En was thinking. It was not enough to avoid such a thing. He even wanted to put it on the table! ?

"If they are really Dragons as I know, then there will be no problem."

Tang En is quite sure about this. After all, the Dragons have already refreshed his three views before. He is 80% sure that the Dragons will not care about using Yalong blood for production work.

After all, Yalong is the dark history of the Dragons, and they don't even want to admit that Yalong has anything to do with them.

"Wait, interrupt."

The confused Jean finally found an opportunity to intervene: "What the **** are you talking about? Are you not testing the production of Oliha Steel? Why did you suddenly talk about the Dragons? So serious?"

Down en glanced at Angus, Angus shook his head: "I haven't had time to tell him yet."

So Down told the research results and speculation of Angus briefly to Gene, and finally pointed to the test tube on the centrifuge and said, "... The blood you brought back confirmed his speculation. This kind of gold cell is indeed The root of the dragon power. "

After listening to the cause and effect, he looked at Tang En with a horrified look. Now he understood why Angus was so excited, and he was anxious to put him on his back.

"This kind of thing is still talking to the Dragons, aren't you obviously looking for nothing?"

Jean bitterly persuaded Tang En: "I think this research should be stopped right now. We don't have to mass-produce Oliha Steel. Universal alloys are not very good."

Tang En shook his head: "The application range of universal alloys is indeed very wide, but the performance in all aspects is too average, but it has lost its characteristics, and it is not even as good as psychedelic gold and anti-magic gold for weapons and armor."

"And the special properties of Oriha Steel determine that it has an irreplaceable role in some aspects, such as the frame construction of fortresses, important structural components, which can have a strong reductivity, without worrying about destructive forces. influences……"

Having said that, Tang En smiled and said, "And it is very likely that you have thought more. Think about it carefully. Oriha Steel has been researched by the Dragons. They all used their own blood as materials. Do n’t think it ’s a blasphemy to ourselves, and still care about our research? ”

Angus froze and said with a wrinkled face: "You also have a certain truth, but of course they can do research on their own, just like we can mess around with our own body, no one cares. Yes, but no one else ... "

The reason is very simple. If you are idle and slap yourself, most people think that you may be mentally retarded, but if someone else is okay to come and slap you, what is your mood?

"Relax ... well, let's just do that."

Tang En said that they were still worried, and said simply: "Since the results of the research have come out, you can be sure that Yalong's blood can extract effective gold cell components, so you can continue to the next preparation."

"There are too few active ingredients in Yalong's blood. If you want to mass-produce, the demand for Yalong's blood is considerable, so we must industrialize and scale Yalong's farming."

"Yalong's leather, meat, and magic core are also very valuable economic products. Now even blood can be used. The market prospect of large-scale breeding is quite considerable and completely feasible."

"We can not disclose the reasons first, and start with the preliminary market research of Yalong breeding. After all, no one has done such a thing as breeding Yalong."

"One of the most important things is to choose the right Yalong breed with a balanced breeding cost and economic value. This requires you to continue the relevant tests."

"And here I am, when I go to Long Island, I will discuss this matter with the Dragon King. If this matter is successfully negotiated, I will officially disclose the Yalong breeding. If the Dragon family really clearly dislikes this kind of thing, Then we will stop the research, is this the head office? "

After Angus and Jean frowned for a moment, they nodded reluctantly, and accepted Tang's offer.

This arrangement is very beneficial to both parties. The preparatory work in the early stage can not waste much energy, even if it is terminated later, the wasted funds are not much to the lobby chamber of commerce. Once the Dragon family has passed, this can be done here. Immediately proceed to the next industrial layout, saving a lot of time costs.

"Then it was such a pleasant decision."

Tang En clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Be happy, you know we have solved a big problem."

Angus smiled reluctantly.

"It's uglier to laugh than cry ..."

With no words in his face, Tang En turned his head and asked Jean: "What's going on with Yustisa and Tim?"

"It should be quite smooth. I just used to help myself before. I can't understand some of the words they said. You better go and see for yourself."

Jean had a rare expression of embarrassment. As a legendary hero, he couldn't understand the words that Stiesa and Tim said, and he felt quite ashamed.

But Tang En didn't think so. Although Jean was the master of the Silver City and the most famous legendary mage in the world, everyone on the earth knows a truth, learning is endless, and knowledge is endless. He can't know everything.

"Then I'll take a look."

Tang En said he was ready to go out.

"Right, Don."

Jean called Down, "I have something to discuss with you."

Tang En was surprised: "What's the matter?"

"Ellington College will start soon, you know?"

"Of course I know. Do you care about this?"

Tang En was even more surprised, the harvest month was about to pass, and the hot summer was about to end. After entering the celebration month, Ellington College was about to start, not just Ellington College, but in the Illuth Empire. The enrollment of the expanded schools in various cities is now basically over, and they are beginning.

According to the current situation, these schools may not be able to provide sufficient teachers and perfect education at the beginning, but with the formalization and systemization of the education system, all aspects of resources are gradually available, and related industries will gradually mature. Until then, Prrandall's education industry will really be on track.

Education is very important. Tang En has been focusing on it. Of course he is paying attention to this matter, but how can Jean pay attention to this kind of thing?

Jean scratched his head and said, "I want some magicians in the Silver City to come here as teachers of magic courses. Don't know?"

"You actually asked me, okay?"

Tang En widened his eyes: "Of course this kind of thing is good news! The more you come, the better!"

In fact, Tang En had wanted to ask Jean for someone, but he and Jean did n’t have a clear subordinate relationship. They were just close to each other, so it ’s not appropriate to ask him to open a mouth, so Tang did n’t Opening.

It was a surprise for Jean to have this idea.

"How so sorry ..."

Jean rubbed his hands and said with a grin, "The first batch of people will come to the hundredth ..."

More than a hundred people come at once?

Tang En was even more surprised: "What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly want to open it?"

Don't forget that Jean was very resistant to the popularization of magic in the past. He believed that the popularization of magic would bring great potential danger, so he would build the city of silver.

How could he suddenly have such a huge change of mind?

"How do you say that," Gene laughed bitterly. "During this time in Ellington, I found that I might have thought too much before. Magic is indeed dangerous, but compared with danger, magic can help people The convenience of life is even greater, and that convenience is enough to offset the potential danger. "

Just like cars on earth, countless people die each year, but the auto industry is still booming and there are no deaths-that's because cars can bring more convenience to people.

"It's you that changed the world, and you changed me."

Gene looked at Down and said, "You have shown me the other side of magic. In addition to destruction, magic can also create."

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