Things from Another World

Chapter 900: The future of magicians

City of Silver, Xingyue Tower.

"Teacher, why are you back? Nothing unusual has happened recently."

Os, who was temporarily monitoring Jean's Eye of Arcane, looked at Jean as he walked out of the portal in surprise. It's no secret that Jean has often stayed in Ellington these days to do research.

Although the magicians of Xingyue Tower were very curious about what Jin was doing, Jin had never told them-it was research, but it was just eating and drinking at Tang En How could he be so embarrassed to tell his apprentices ...

There is always more than one magic letter between Gene and Os. Once the Eye of Arcane finds anything abnormal, it will send a message through the magic letter to notify Gene to return to the Star Moon Tower and take other magicians. We went out to resolve the anomaly, and Jean was basically staying with Ellington until he was notified.

Oss complains about this, but what can a disciple say to the teacher?

Jean shook his head: "It's the best without any abnormalities. I'm back this time to announce a message. You help me prepare the Arcane Sky Dome Projection."

Austerine froze and looked at Jean very surprised. "What's the news? The arcane dome projection is needed?"

Silver City generally has several channels for publishing news. The simplest is similar to the bulletin board mode of the Adventurer's Guild and Mercenary Guild. It is generally used for less urgent news intelligence for interested people to check. Sex is also relatively strong.

The second is the broadcast mode, which uses the effect of the wind element to broadcast without distinction within a certain range. It is usually used for message propagation in certain activities or in some special cases, similar to what is used for cell broadcast.

Then there is the element projection mode. By manipulating elements to form huge text messages in the sky and staying in the air for several days, everyone in the entire Silver City can see it. This mode is generally used to convey more important announcements. Notices, such as changes in the route of the Silver City, or major research breakthroughs, someone created a powerful spell, and so on-so many people who just arrived in the Silver City saw the Silver City always floating in the sky Words made up of various elements always feel novel.

Finally, there is the Arcane Sky Dome Projection Mode. This mode is only eligible for use by Jean, and it is also the status symbol of the owner of the Silver City and the Star Moon Tower Mystery Association. This message transmission mode has rarely been used. Since Silver City Since its establishment, it has only been used two or three times, and each time it is activated because of extremely important things.

For the first time, Silver City has just been established, and we must concentrate our efforts on sweeping the chaotic creatures left by Prandall.

The second time was because of the division of the Illus Empire and the outbreak of the continental war. Gene believed that the world that had just ended from the second chaotic invasion war had not recovered at all, and the war would only destroy the world, so it changed the course and came strong. Over the battlefield, the powerful deterrence of the Silver City forcibly terminated the forthcoming war, and guarded the fragile peace of the world. Unfortunately, the division of the Illus Empire has become a foregone conclusion.

The third time was because Jean and Angus once won a bet, so I want to tell everyone the good news-yes, in his eyes, winning the old friend is comparable to the World War The big thing ...

All in all, Arcane Sky Dome Projection is the highest specification messaging mode for Silver City, and non-critical messages will not be enabled.

Because of this, Os was so surprised to hear Gene's words.

Gene thought for a moment and said, "It is something that may change the city of Silver, but also the future of the entire Prendall."

Although this is a bit exaggerated, the actual meaning is not much different.

The magician went to the school to teach basic magic knowledge. On the surface, it may be just an attempt to lift the banned magic of Silver City and reintegrate into this world, but Jean knows that visionaries will understand what this event represents. The meaning goes far beyond simple.

A brand new era of magic will begin.

However, Os did n’t know. Hearing Jean said, the poor white-haired magician suddenly looked terrified and terrified: "Teacher! Could it be that the army of chaos is back again !?"

"Oh, you misunderstood."

Jean patted his head: "Just sending a job offer."

"Recruitment, recruitment information !?"

Oss glared: "Using the Arcane Sky Projection to post job postings? Or recruiting magicians !?"

What a joke!

At the beginning, it was the rules formulated by Jean that the magician was permanently neutral and did not intervene in any political and military affairs. Only then did he guarantee the detached status of the Silver City, and therefore the magician was almost never hired.

However, today, Jean, the owner of the Silver City and the leader of the Xingyue Tower, even said that he would use the Arcane Sky Dome Projection to post job information to one person! ?

Os feels that his three views must be completely subverted.

There is a saying on the earth that science and technology born before a person is eighteen years old should be in this world. Technology born between a person's eighteen and sixty years old is extremely great and will The technology that will change the world, born after a person is sixty years old, is incomprehensible and anti-human.

The same principle applies here in Plantar.

Os was born just after the Second Chaos Invasion War, and was one of the first newborns born after the war. Fortunately, he was found to have magical talents in his early years, so Fortunately, Jean was discovered and came to Silver City to become his disciple.

So Oss has long been accustomed to the rules laid down by Jean. These rules have been running for more than 160 years and have maintained the stability of the Silver City. But today, the creators of these rules have to break them. It's up!

At first Auster was a little surprised, and then he felt a sense of incompetent fear-the feeling was unexplainable, but it did exist.


Gene pondered his thoughts and said to him, "Do you know why your talent is so good, but why you haven't been promoted to the rank for so long?"

Os shakes his head.

"That's because you put a yoke on your heart and your mind."

Jean waved his hand and said, "Because you think you can't touch the law, because that's the origin of the world, it's the realm of God, so you can't touch the law, because you think you can't catch up with me, so You've been standing where you are. If a magician can't fully control his will and can't challenge the limit, he will never cross that line. "

Jean's words were as inspiring as possible, and Oos felt a cool and cold feeling from the top of his head straight to the bottom of his feet, exuding a cold sweat: "Teached, teacher."

Jean asked Os: "Do you know why I have been staying in Ellington recently?"

"I don't know."

"That's because I saw another way for the wizard there."

"In Ellington, the magician used his power to find his true place in this society. It is no longer destruction, no more destruction, but creation!"

"That's right! The magician is there, using his own power to create incredible products! Not ordinary magic props, but presenting magic to ordinary people with a clever carrier, so that more people can enjoy magic Convenience! "

"We all know that magic is powerful, but no one has ever been able to truly spread magic to every ordinary person, but Tang En has done it, and he is doing better and better!"

"Compared to him, I am the owner of the Silver City and the leader of the Prandall magician, and I am more obliged to do this-but I know I can't do it. I can't surpass him in this regard. I I have to admit that his appearance is the luck of this world and the gift of the gods. "

The eyes of the jealous Jean were extremely bright: "Tang En showed me a brand new path. If this attempt is made successfully, those magicians who are limited by their talents and cannot continue to become stronger will find in this world. Your place. "

Although Prendall is very peaceful now, this is still a strong world. Strength is everything. There are many people with magic talent in this world, but there are not many people who are really enough to become powerful magicians. Most, like warriors, rangers, assassins and other apocalyptic, stop at the gold level.

There is no other magician who can cross the threshold to be promoted to the Grand Master level, but magicians who can be promoted to the Grand Master level can generally be promoted to the Extraordinary level. Promoting the legend from the supreme rank, it is not only a comprehensive test of personal talents, physical fitness and other aspects, but also limited by personal luck and understanding.

Here in the Silver City, only Jenn was at the top of the pyramid.

The power distribution of the Silver City is composed of such a sharp acute-angled triangle structure.

Therefore, how to place a large number of junior wizards at the lowest level has always been a big problem.

Because of the dignity bonus brought by the special status of the profession, they will not do too lowly work, but there can not be so many noble professions in the city for them-there are always some dirty jobs for someone to do.

The power of these gold and below magicians is not too strong compared to the real strong, but compared to those ordinary apocalypse, the destructive power is unexpectedly high.

If left unchecked, a gold-level magician can easily destroy a city-hollowing out a city underground doesn't waste much magic.

So they must be restrained.

In the past, Gene used his own power to guide and restrain those magicians, but after all, personal beliefs have many limitations, so this method must be changed.

Now, Jean finally found a suitable way.

At Tang En, the birth of the magic energy machine made Jean see a unique and brand new road. In front of that road, there is a bright and brilliant future for magicians!

That was the beginning of a true, great magical civilization!

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