Things from Another World

Chapter 902: Irresistible temptation

"Domalt, let's go to the bulletin board to see the recruitment information announced by Master Jean?"

Dormalt sneered and said, "I'm not interested in dealing with ordinary people. It's just a waste of my talent. You go."

Having said that, he sent the guest out, closed the door, and returned to his rough home-made alchemy laboratory.

Dormalt is already forty years old this year. He is a gold-level magician in Silver City. He showed a good magic talent at a very young age. After accidentally being discovered by a passing Silver City mage, Taken to the Silver City Xingyue Secret Law School for training as a magician.

Although in this city of silver, magicians of his level are all over the street, but now he is a celebrity proud of their village. Thanks to his blessing, his parents have lived comfortably. Comfortable life.

Unfortunately, his smooth growth stopped at the golden level, which is also the limit of ordinary people. His teacher is very disappointed, but what can he do? He is also desperate.

I thought that I would be a magic genius rare in a century, but after I really came to the magic city of Silver City, I found that there are too many people more talented than him, and his talent can only be considered as ordinary.

Dormalt was desperately studying spells to improve magical affinity, but ten years later, he was still stuck at the golden peak and could not advance.

He is desperate. With human talent, if he cannot be promoted to grandmaster level at the age of 40, there is basically no hope in this life.

Dormalt, who gave up and continued struggling, began to practice alchemy and enchantment in his spare time studying magic. In a few years, he also mastered a lot of related skills. He opened a small shop in the Silver City, relying on foreigners. The merchant made a lot of money by selling some elementary magic scrolls and magic props, and his childhood was a little fun.

Hearing Gene's announcement, Dormalt's heart was full of disdain and even disdain.

Going to be a teacher for ordinary people?

It's so shameful, isn't it?

Although he is only a golden magician, he is also the most popular magician among the apocalypse!

A magician has a noble status and is respected. He can be described as a superior. Even aristocrats must be polite. How could he give up his current status.

Dormalt is proud of his magician!

Such a noble magician is going to teach the magic of introductory knowledge to some children who do not know if they have magical talents? Or even try to help them guide the magic of perception?

What a joke!

As a noble magician, how could you condescend to do that kind of thing!

So when Domalt saw so many people on the street gathered on the bulletin board, or looked up at the projection of the elements in the sky, and carefully read the news announced by Jean, his heart was full of disdain, and he even wanted to laugh.

He could hardly imagine what a noble magician would be to become a teacher of ordinary people.

Then again, can anyone really hire a magician to be a teacher?

Dormalt glanced at the crowd outside the window, then smiled scornfully, turned and pinched the heated test tube on the shelf, shook the test tube gently, narrowed his eyes and looked at the clear liquid inside, showing a satisfied smile. .

"A little bit more magic dust is added, and the potion of the giant bear power is completed. After deducting the three materials that failed, you can earn 200 gold coins by selling a thousand gold coins. My success rate is even in this city of silver. I'm afraid it's high. "

Dormalt opened a small box with one hand and squeezed out a little dust that lightened Jingjing from the inside. It was a magic dust developed with the magic core of second-order Warcraft.

Just as Dormalt was about to join the magic dust, a loud noise suddenly came out of the window, and the sound of boiling crowds scared his hand. There was only a little more magic dust, and then he immediately His face was horrified and the reagent, which was almost complete, suddenly started to heat up, and dense air bubbles appeared in the test tube.


Dormalt's face was green: "Too much magic dust, the magic overflow has disturbed the material balance!"

Without hesitation, he threw the test tube out of the window, then hugged his head and squatted!


The test tube thrown out exploded.

"Fuck! Which grandson is throwing things around !?"

"Oh my day! The robe I just bought!"

"Upstairs, get out of me! Believe me, I'll kill you !?"

Dormalt covered his head when he didn't hear it, and then several fireballs whistled and smashed into his window, blocked by the public magic enchantment of Silver City.

"You have the ability to hide in it for a lifetime!"

"Don't play alchemy for fear of explosion and no money! Pretend grandson!"

Dormalt twitched at the corner of his mouth, and wanted to stand up and argue with the other side. Unfortunately, the other side's words were really heartfelt.

Although by the standards of ordinary people outside the world, Domalt is a standard high-income group, but in Silver City, he is almost the bottom.

That's right, he can't afford a standard alchemy laboratory, and can't afford to buy expensive materials to arrange standard explosion-proof measures. He can only transform his home into a laboratory.

Alas, when will you have your own alchemy laboratory ...

Dormalt sighed, the pride that had just disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"——What !? You can still get your own personal alchemy laboratory !? As long as you are in the post alchemy laboratory, you are at your disposal!"

"Oh my God! I wasn't mistaken !? After the annual evaluation, I was able to get the branches of the World Tree as a reward !? That is to say, even I can have a chance to get a staff made of the branches of the World Tree !? "

"Don't dream, it said that only those who become a teacher through recruitment, and then pass the assessment for one year, and get the title of excellent teacher in the annual evaluation, can choose the prize. Do you think you have a chance?"

"Why not? Even if you can't get the branches of the World Tree, even if you can get the fruit of a World Tree! If I can take a fruit of the World Tree, I will definitely break through the gold level and be promoted to the Grand Master level!"

"Branches, fruits, leaves, petals of the world tree-the gods are on top, is it possible that Her Majesty Tang En is an elf? How could he get so many treasures on the world tree?"

"A while ago I heard news from outside that the regent King Ilune and the Elf Queen had a very good relationship. There are now hundreds of Elves in Ellington, and even the principal of Ellington College is an Elf. Scholar. Maybe he really has nothing to do with the Elves. "

"So these rewards are real! Mother! I can't help it! I'm going to sign up!"

"If you want to sign up, you must see the requirements. This said, you must be a magician with a gold level or higher, and minor magicians with alchemy and enchantment specialties are preferred. Are you now in silver? We must continue our studies at the Secret Law School. "

"Damn! Don't I just watch this good opportunity pass me by ?!"

"no way……"

The sound of outside talk came in from the window, and Dormalt's eyes straightened.

He didn't care much about the others, he only heard a few key words.

After being hired, you can get your own personal alchemy lab!

As long as you are in the Alchemy Lab, you are at your disposal!

Teachers who have won the title of Outstanding Teacher of the Year can choose those rewards that make people feel excited just by listening to their names!

Damn it! I'm afraid it's too late!

As soon as Dormalt stayed, he rushed out of the house!

Since things are so good and so attractive, there will definitely be many people competing!

When Dormalt rushed to the side of the bulletin board, he found that the competition was really fierce!

Those people were all excited with red ears, partly because they were stimulated by the rewards, and partly because they could finally get out of the silver city and appear in front of the world!

Learned a spell, but can't pretend in front of ordinary people, what's the difference with salted fish! ?

There are only a hundred places, but at this moment thousands of magicians are arguing to register here, among them there are even master-level magicians!

Dormalt trembled and pushed forward desperately, and finally rushed to the registration point next to this bulletin board. He shouted with his hands up: "I want to register! I am a gold-level magician! A third-level alchemist Enchanter Level 3! I am fully qualified for priority recruitment! "

The magician responsible for registration inside heard the words and found Dormalt: "Whoever, come here, let him!"

Dormalt pushed away the crowd, came to the registry and took out his badge to infuse mana, and the registered information immediately appeared.

"Domalt, a gold-level magician, a qualified graduate of the Secret Law School, and his tutor is Winissa Melka ... registered third-level alchemist, third-level enchanter ..."

The registrar carefully looked at the information in the Dormalt badge and smiled: "Very well, Your Excellency, Dormalt, you have met the conditions and obtained the qualification for the first test."

"Eligibility for the first test?"

Dormalt snapped: "What do you mean?"

"That means there are retests and interviews."

The registrar explained: "Because there are too many enthusiasts and the expatriate teachers represent the image of the Silver City, they must be screened. The re-examination is conducted by the Xingyue Secret Law Association, and the final interview is Master Jean himself is responsible. If you are lucky enough to pass the re-examination, you will be eligible to meet with Master Jean. "

With his eyes brightened, Domalt said loudly, "I'm sure I can qualify!"

"Domalt !?"

At this time, there was a surprised voice beside him. Domalt looked back, and he was just looking for his friend.

"Don't you say you're not interested?"

Domalt blushed and said, "Is it okay to change my mind!"

If the recruitment conditions are so good and the treatment is so good, if you don't seize this opportunity, he will be a complete fool!

As for being embarrassed ...

What a deal in the face of such a huge temptation!

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