Things from Another World

Chapter 905: Do you admit it?

It was a few days before the magicians reached Ellington.

After visiting the Ellington Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute on that day, the enchanters from the Silver City were stopped by Tang En.

Well, calmed down by his suffocation.

Never, pay attention, there is never any force that can promise to a magician, as long as it is not intentionally wasted, the material is unlimited in supply, and it can be used casually!

Go! Poop! use!

How many people can do this kind of suffocation in heaven and earth?


Even if you relax to the whole race and look at the entire Prandall, only the Dragons and Elves can do it!

With this kind of boss, are you still afraid of not being able to pay?

Not to mention, just the things you saw in the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute that day have made these magicians indifferent.

Unlimited supply of various potions, various expensive magic metals are thrown in the corner like rubbish, and rare smolder stones, Austrian gold, magic gems are in one cart and one cart. Pull-watching the wild mage cut the Aujin violently, Domalt they all feel bad for those Aujin!

Not to mention the constant gold that is so beautifully cut that one can't bear it!

For magicians, alchemists and enchanters who are devoted to the study of magic, this is simply the Kingdom of God!

It was also because of the stimulus from the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute. After leaving there, everyone was enthusiastic. After a brief visit to Ellington, they accepted a brief introduction and were thrown to Pamela by Down. Training on educational ideas.

Jean and Down were squatting together, watching Yustisa carefully tune the soul signal amplifier in front, and suddenly asked, "How are the little guys these days?"

"It's pretty good."

Tang En stared at the magnifying device of the soul, and said casually: "It is totally contrary to my mind, after all, it is necessary to change the inherent concepts, and it is still a very stubborn magician, which is very troublesome."

Jean raised an eyebrow: "So demanding?"

"Not high, but a change of mind."

Tang En thought for a moment, and gave an example: "For example, don't you like my house Aegwynn? It's like bending you and making you change from Aegwynn to Angus--"


For a moment, Stiesa couldn't hold back a laugh and noticed Tang En's gaze. She hurriedly tightened her face and then meticulously carried out her work.

Down looked at Jean with a look of constipation and said, "--is it difficult for you to say?"

"Big, too big!"

Jean's face is all green. It's more difficult than that. It's impossible to do well at all! ?

"As long as you know."

Tang En shrugged, handed Yu Stisa a box of magic dust, and then said, "I didn't expect them to fully accept my educational philosophy. As long as they can achieve 50%, I'm thankful."

Jean took a deep breath, stood up, and turned away: "I was a little nauseated as I was described by you, I went out and turned around."

Just as Jean arrived at the door, Angus and Brian just happened to push in. He patted him casually: "Oh, old man, go out?"

When Jean was electrocuted at once, a hurricane bounced off Angus and Brian on his body. Jean looked at Angus with a horrified expression. What Tangen had just said echoed in his mind.

"You mad old **** !?"

Angus was furious, his body flashed with thunder and thunder, and he squeezed his fists and rushed to fight him.

"You're crazy! You, you, you'll be fine in the future, don't you touch me?"

Gene calmed down after a while, and after speaking aloud, the raging rush.

"Your uncle!"

Angus chased out and pointed at Jean's back and yelled, "Nothing is wrong !? Be careful, I'll bury a bomb in your toilet next time!"

As soon as Gene heard it, he ran faster.

"Big brother, is that dumbfounded?"

Brian rubbed his fart. The stock got up. He didn't notice it for a while, and even he planted a big heel.

"It's okay, it's just that Sanguan may have suffered some shocks."

Tang En thought for a while and laughed without holding back.

Yustisa, who has been concentrating on her work, looked up at him, and then smiled: "It's not you, it's too ... well, too bad."

"I forgot you were still here."

Tang En grinned: "It shouldn't be an example."

Angus scolded and came over, "Is that old **** coming to menopause, what a nerve!"

Hey, you two are over 200 years old. How many years have you passed since menopause?

Tang Enle said, "What are you two doing here?"

Angus said angrily: "Oliha Steel has made some progress. I don't know what to do next, so come to you."

"I'm here for fun."

Brian came up and said, "I heard that you made the legendary Oliha Steel, so come back and take a look."

He had itchy hands a while back, and followed the big troops to the Great Rift Valley camp, where he fought with the demons for a while, and then came back after being addicted.

This legendary material can create very powerful weapons and armor, which is the material that every blacksmith dreams of. For dwarves, Oriha Steel is also a great temptation.


Tang En said: "Are there any specific plans?"


Angus nodded, took out a piece of paper and handed it to Tang En: "Well, these days we have split up to find various kinds of sub-dragons, and we have drawn blood from the trapped sub-dragons for several tests. A balance has been found between the amount of cell extraction and the cost of large-scale feeding, which is probably the best choice. "


Tang En looked at the data on the paper in amazement: "Are you sure you're not mistaken? Isn't it that this stuff has nothing to do with the Dragon family?"

Angus raised an eyebrow: "If your dog gives birth to a doghead, would you like to admit that you have a relationship with the doghead?"

"You're a dog! Of course you don't want to!"

Tang En cursed angrily, suddenly stunned: "It's the dark history of the Dragons again?"


Angus spread his hand and said, "In short, after our comprehensive testing, the feeding cost and output value of this thing are the best. Dixinglong's blood can extract about 1 ml of gold cells per 100 ml. According to the new According to the feedback from the breeding experts at Burkeso, one line of dragons can collect 10 liters of blood every month without affecting health-note, not one-time use-that is, one line of dragons can provide each month 100 ml of gold cells. "

"According to our tests, one hundred milliliters of gold cells can be used as a raw material to synthesize ten kilograms of Oriha steel, which means that as long as 10,000 heads of Xinglong are reared, one hundred thousand kilos of Oriha steel can be produced each month. "

Angus looked at Tang En: "If you want to carry out large-scale farming, you can start now. There should be a lot of it over the Rennes Empire, but ... the Dragons?"

Tang En put away the paper and stood up and said, "I have already made an appointment with Har Kamanda to leave for Long Island tomorrow. The Dragons have given me a talk. I think they should be fine, after all, they have already And the line of demarcation. "

"That being the case, wait for your news."

After Angus said, turning to look at the soul signal amplifier on the table and frowning, "How's this stuff going?"

"It's almost finished."

Yusitsa did not raise her head either: "It is mainly troublesome to achieve compatibility with the core of the artificial soul. It took some time. After Tim ’s experimental core is determined, I can make a final adjustment here. The final plan is finalized. "

It is difficult to develop a plan for R & D. Once the plan is determined, subsequent mass production is much simpler.

Now the most troublesome part is that the whole set of work is connected one by one. As long as one link is not completed, it will slow down the subsequent work efficiency.

Angus nodded: "I saw before that Tim is testing the soul core. The system upgrade of the artificial soul is nearing completion. The fusion of the core is also smooth, but the boarding test of the soul has not yet begun.

Tang En patted his head: "I guess he was waiting for me to pass, I forgot."

Except for Tang En's Hall of Spirits and Necromancer, it is impossible for ordinary people to communicate with the soul body, let alone find a soul body to help the experiment.

"Let's go and see."

Down and Angus and Brian return to Tim's studio, he is busy continuing to optimize the soul.

Tang En came in and asked, "Master Tim, where did the experimental core testing work go?"

Tim put down his tools: "Others are done, and the boarding experiments of the human soul are sent."

"You don't remind me."

Tang En said that he opened the portal of the Hall of Spirits, and Victor, who had the strongest affinity with the soul treasure, immediately noticed Tang's breath, and transmitted directly: "Is there something?"


Tang En saw Victor's face froze. "What's wrong with you?"

"Hey, don't mention that, Nora brought a lot of goblin friends here, did you forget that you said you want to merge the space where the Hall of Spirits and the Golden Giant Legion are located?"

Victor waved his hand: "As a result, I haven't seen any movement from them, but I'm always there, day and night. I sing when I'm tired after playing, and dance when I'm tired. I don't rest well these days ... "

Tang En twitched his lips. He hadn't seen the fairies do the business, but after hearing Victor's words, he could understand the situation.

But then again, do they need to rest?

Tang En casually asked: "How is the spatial integration?"

"It's not over, but some nodes in the two spaces have already been connected, and now often I can see the scene in the other space."

Victor said with emotion: "I have to say, I really didn't expect that you could repair the cane of kingship. The legendary legion of gold giants is really spectacular! Unfortunately, it can't move now."

"That is of course, and it will be even more spectacular in the future, because we have found a way to repair the gold statue."

Tang En smiled and said, "I'm asking you to come here to help you test the core of the improved soul."

"Soul Core?"

Victor snapped: "What's that?"

"The core of the Golden Colossus."

Tang En smiled slightly: "It will also be the core of your heroes' battle in the living world in the future."

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