Things from Another World

Chapter 913: Appeared in Long Island and shocked the audience!

Under the cover of the dragons, Tang En's group fell to a nearby high platform, where the distribution of the entire dragon legion and the spread of chaotic creatures can be clearly observed.

More than ten years have passed, and the chaotic creatures who had registered on Long Island had only continued to travel less than ten kilometers under the constant obstruction of the dragon.

Even Tang En felt a little weird: "You have been deadlocked with them for more than ten years?"

If it was a normal army, it took so long to advance so little, I'm afraid it would have collapsed long ago.

But chaotic creatures are different. They have no wisdom, no reason, and order are natural enemies. The only significance of their appearance is to corrupt the order, so even if they have been deadlocked here for more than ten years, they still have not given up the pace of progress.

"What can I do? I'm desperate too!"

Sasha Glott's face collapsed: "Their power attributes are too weird. They dare not fight, they dare not retreat, they can only stay so deadlocked."

If it was only the original chaotic believers, they would die out with a ruthless heart. After all, they are not deep enough to decay, and they are closer to fallen creatures. When some of their members die, the released chaos breath is absorbed by other members. When the degree of corruption is enhanced, and it becomes a completely chaotic creature, the situation is different.

Even the dragons dared not face them.


As mentioned earlier, dragons are pure order creatures, they can only "neutralize" chaos.

What does neutralization mean?

Is to use his own strength and life to offset the pollution caused by chaos.

This means that the chaotic creature and the dragon are in front of each other. The two sides are like positive and negative matter. Once they meet and stalemate, they will die, which means that the dragon is almost incorruptible and eroded by the chaos. Yes, because no one can purify the power of chaos from his body before the dragon blood and chaos.

Although the dragon's mission is to purify the world, it is not yet time for them to fulfill their missions. Who would want to die if they live well? What's more, is it still a dragon that is rich in armor?

They are not willing to sacrifice needlessly.

It's also because the dragon's strength and endurance are strong enough to stay with the chaotic creatures for so long.

Tang En observed for a moment. The strength of each of these chaotic creatures was close to the legendary level. Sasha Glott said that they did not use all their strength at the time. It is estimated that they used the equivalent of the supreme attack and the chaotic creatures were strengthened. Later, coupled with the increasing effect of the power of chaos, those chaotic believers have become such monsters.

At this moment their power is stronger than the native chaotic creatures appearing from the gate of chaos, and their ability to corrupt is extremely strong.

If any of these chaotic creatures appeared on the main continent of Prandall, I am afraid that it will be the end of Prandall-more and more creatures corrupted by their power will eventually form an irresistible torrent and then completely submerge the entire world.

"It's a bit complicated."

Tang En frowned: "The quantity is a little bit, I can't figure it out by myself."

If it is just one end, Tang En can still control it, then kill the other party with the assistance of the dragon, and then clean up the pollution.

But ... there are three chaotic creatures up to tens of meters in front of you!

Even if they can solve one in a short time, the power they release will make the remaining two chaotic creatures stronger!

Not only that, killing the chaos breath released by these three chaotic creatures will almost open a door of chaos. According to the breath carried by them, the probability of opening the chaos door may be as high as 90%. Above the door.

There is no fully equipped Ellington Guard, no Templars present, and no adequate supplies, and more importantly, no fool Nora is here, losing her life field to suppress the breath of chaos and weakening the strength of chaotic creatures , Just the tiny chaotic creatures that emerge from the gates of chaos can drown them.

Compared with these large chaotic creatures, those small chaotic creatures are the headaches for these strong ones.

Although weak, it is huge and has amazing growth.

Now Tang En is only carrying a golden giant statue that was originally intended to be tested in actual combat. However, seeing the situation in front of him, he decides that it is better to temporarily abandon the actual combat test plan.

A gold giant statue is not enough for the other to plug their teeth.

"I didn't plan to let you deal with them in the first place."

Sasha Glott dispelled Tang En's concerns and smiled brightly: "I let you come just to purify the corrupted areas here, to repurify the corrupted earth, the vitality of Long Island will be restored, and their activities There will also be some suppression. "

"That's fine."

Tang En nodded: "I cooperated with Elsa and started to purify the corrupted area from the periphery under the cover of other dragons."

"Well !? Me, me !?"

Elsa was startled and exclaimed: "I, I can't! I don't even know how to fly now, how can I carry my brother on the battlefield!"

Elsa blushed and waved hands repeatedly. In order to help Tang En better, she slipped into the mountains at midnight every night and then transformed into a dragon to hone her flying skills. However, the human habit developed from childhood made her very Difficult to master dragon flying skills.

"Who said you carried me?"

Tang En rolled his eyes: "Don't forget, I can also become a dragon, I want to help you get familiar with the rhythm of the battlefield as soon as possible!"

"Well? You have mastered the legendary spell" Dragon Incarnation "?"

Sasha Glott stunned: "But I know everyone who masters this legendary spell, and there is no you!"

To master the very rare and legendary spell "Dragon Incarnation", only strength and understanding are not enough. Without the help of the Dragons, it would not be possible to learn at all. For this reason, all the legendary wizards in history who have mastered this spell Shaglot knew him.

But obviously there is no Tang En's name in it.

"As for how I learned it, it doesn't matter now, does it?"

Tang En haha ​​laughed and said, "I said it was the power directly given to me by Lord Isagrote, and you would not believe it."

Sasha Groth nodded without hesitation: "I believe."

Down: "..."

Elsa: "..."

Tang En stopped talking nonsense, walked directly to the side, and the torrent of surging magical power gathered to him instantly, and a tide of magical power rolled up around him. The extremely strong magical power even turned into substance. A lilac arcane crystal, a halo enveloping him.

"So amazing magic strength!"

Sasha Glott's eyes widened and startled, "This is really a force that humans can control !?"

Hal Kamanda breathed in an air-conditioner and was shocked. "Did ... what he just said is true?"


I do n’t know when he woke up, Brian crouched on the ground and said angrily: "When did the big brother lie to others-wait! He never lied to talents-"

Elsa glared at Brian: "Are you here to help the team or to break the stage?"

The movement at the top of the hill even attracted the dragon legion in the sky. They noticed that Sasha Glott was obviously very surprised, but was immediately followed by the rich magic of Tang En.

"So amazing magic power! Who is that? A human magician?"

"Legends-wrong, even beyond legends! With human potential, it is possible to reach this state !?"

"That's the realm of the king !? Who has the power of the entire Prandall to surpass the king? The power of the king is given by the Lord Dragon God himself, but a human?"

"Even a human who often creates miracles, such a strong man cannot appear! This is simply a violation of the laws of the world!"

While the Dragon Army continued to routinely harass chaotic creatures, they discussed fiercely. It can be seen that the powerful power shown by Tang En shocked and puzzled them.

Although the human talent is excellent, but the foundation is there after all, it is too bad. Even if the apocalypse broke through the limit of the mortal of the golden level and broke the limit of the genius of the extraordinary level, it is the highest to reach the Supreme Level and even legendary, this is the limit that human beings can reach.

As for the legend, and even the demigod realm, it is simply not the height that human beings can reach!

The strongest human being who once fought alongside the gods and was awarded the title of demigod, Wandering Swordsman Albourne Augustine, known as the human closest to God, also kneeled under the power of time (see Chapter 121) .

The Lord of the Dark Snakes, the Gazas who was trying to reach the demigod level, kneeled under the judgment power of the world's will (see Chapter 559).

Both of them, good or evil, at least are enough to represent the top powerful man among human beings, and even they have not been able to set foot in the realm of God.

How could an unknown human mage be so strong! ?

If they knew that Tang En was not at full strength right now, even if the real weapons were not taken out, they would probably be frightened.

Tang En's body shrouded in arcane power swelled rapidly, dense dragon scales appeared on his skin, and his clothes became part of the scales. In just a blink of an eye, he completely turned into a real Dragon!

"Howl—wow—kekekeke—the lying throat is so uncomfortable—”

Tang Enwei shouted a blast of flames and roared to the sky, but the smoke in his mouth turned into a cough. The complaining sound in his mouth almost made the dragons in the sky fall down.

This guy is really the magician who shocked the audience just now! ?

"A human mage who knows about dragons?"

Over the battlefield, a sturdy Jinlong looks subconsciously at this side, and the result is this running god, but he is swept by the chaos rays at once!

The violent chaotic rays penetrated the shield of Jinlong directly, arousing a black mist on the beautiful golden scales, and the black mist quickly spread on her in the blink of an eye.

Jinlong's painful wailing fell down!

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