Things from Another World

Chapter 920: Don't move! let me do it!

Although Angus had already drawn the complete structure, Tang En made a trip and took the old design.

After all, the original design concept and functions of the various components of the magic cannon can not be seen from the structural diagram.

After comparing the two drawings, the entire structure of the magic crystal cannon is clear at a glance, and all are displayed in front of everyone. Then they started a fierce discussion, and the central issue of the discussion was how to put the magic crystal cannon The energy supply is converted to a draw type.

Angus pointed at the trigger on the drawing and said: "Look at this, the core structure of the magic crystal cannon should be here. This trigger can instantly release the magic in the essence of magic, and then pass the surrounding magic. The restraint device introduced the magic flow into the energy storage bin, where the secondary concentration increased the magic concentration per unit volume, and then launched into the gun barrel. "

Croto nodded, pointing to the design of the gun barrel, adding: "It can't be ignored here, the gun barrel is not just a gun barrel, but also a rune that speeds up the magic. The rune can withstand the huge The continuous output of Dragon Magic is still a problem. Maybe we need to modify the barrel here according to the design strength. "

After reading the design drawings, Yu Stisa also put forward her own opinion: "The design of the magic crystal cannon is very good, but if you want to modify, the two spherical stabilizers at the tail can be removed, and the dragon itself can The stability of the magic power is well controlled, as long as the restraint device, storage tank, pressurizing section and launching section are retained. "

Armstrong ... Well, the same thing as the two eggs at the tail of the magic crystal cannon is a stabilizer. Its effect is to stabilize the turbulent flow of magic released from the essence of magic, and convert it into a stable flow of magic, which can prevent explosions. The effect is quite important.

Tim groaned for a moment and said, "If this is the case, the volume limitation of the magic conversion device can be relaxed slightly. We may wish to design the conversion device as an attached armor, and the two magic crystal cannons share a magic conversion device."

After discussion, everyone came to a conclusion that carrying two magic crystal cannons is the limit without affecting the mobility of the dragon. It is meaningless no matter how much it will affect the dragon's ability to move. The specifications of the two magic crystal cannons were designed.

Brian couldn't help but express his sense of existence: "I still think that instead of carrying two magic crystal cannons, it would be enough to change to a super-caliber magic crystal cannon. Once it is in the soul, it has more sense."

Angus said impatiently: "The layman doesn't understand don't interrupt!"

Brian had to run dingy beside him and drunk.

Although the magic crystal cannon is a weapon developed by the dwarf and the dwarf, the theme design is completed by the dwarf, and the magic crystal's excitation device is also designed by them. Only the part that involves magic inside is the place where the rune dwarf plays. What the dwarf does is just to make the parts of the magic crystal cannon according to the rules ...

So in a way, the dwarves only played the role of workers in the production of magic crystal cannons ...

Brian wanted to make it simple. The two doors merged into one, and the 3000mm caliber became 6000mm caliber. But the increase of the caliber actually involved a lot of influences, and the uncertainty was too great.

The first point is that after the caliber becomes larger, the constraint pressure and speed increase of the magic flow cannot reach the expected goal, so the power will be greatly weakened.

Secondly, the huge caliber will also bring huge wind resistance-the magic crystal cannon is not ventilated, which can easily affect the flight of the dragon.

Once again, a single magic crystal cannon can easily affect the balance. To consider the problem of center of gravity, it is necessary to redesign. It is very troublesome, and the double gun design is not so much trouble. One side, just balanced, is designed to be armored. It can also stand on the ground stably for the dragon to wear, so there is no need to redesign it again.

The fierce discussion continued until the next day, and dinner was settled in the Black Rock Caves. Until noon the next day, the people came up with a reliable plan.

With Tang En's presence, everyone's action was very strong. Once the transformation plan was determined, they immediately started to act.

Angus, Down, Yustissa, and Tim are responsible for the design and production of the magic conversion device. Clotto and Nokia are responsible for redesigning the tail structure of the gun body. Brian is responsible for commanding the Redstone Dwarf to build the dragon's back Armored, Jean provided them with acceleration support, and the entire Blackstone cave was busy for a while, and a large amount of universal alloys were transported in, and everyone was very busy.

The core of the magic conversion device is the spell created by the Einzbelen family provided by Yusita. It is a derivative spell of artificial soul technology. The magic is drained. This spell is a fourth-order spell and the life drain of the necromancer. The difference is the same, but it absorbs the magic of the target.

This spell is not complicated. After Anista told it, Angus and Jean learned it, and Tang En was even more concerned. The system assistant that the gods gave him was very weak. Only then was there a sense of presence, and I just learned by clicking OK.

However, this spell cannot be used directly. It needs some changes before it can be used on the magic crystal cannon. After all, the dragon's magic pool is very large, and the magic power of the magic crystal cannon is also amazing. To use magic to absorb the spell, It ’s like putting water into a huge swimming pool, but the water outlet is just a small faucet.

What they did was **** the magic into this small faucet and turn it into a huge high-pressure pump.

So, under the brainstorm of several legendary mages, a brand new spell was born.

Magic siphon.

After testing, the magic siphon can drain Lola's magic in just half an hour. Don't think that half an hour is very long. Lola is the representative of the eternal dark goddess Aitanox, but also a powerful one. Legendary powerhouse, her magic pool is not much worse than the dragon, can achieve this level, the magic siphon spell is definitely called the eighth-order spell.

"It would be incredible to create an eighth-order spell in such a short time."

Even Gene feels incredible about this. The most incredible thing is that several of them have mastered this eighth-order spell.

You know, in normal times, even if he and Angus are both legendary strongmen, it is impossible to master an eighth-order spell without a month, but I do n’t know why. After everyone discussed and tried together today, they actually mastered it on the spot. Got this spell.

It seems because I watched Tang En's several presentations? ——Okay, yes, only Tang En, who is in the presence of everyone, can play this magic spell just created!

After seeing Tang En's incredible magical talents in person, Jean and Angus were jealous.

The humans in Plandal said that he and Angus were geniuses, but in front of Down, they really did not have the face to call themselves geniuses.

"You are a pervert at all!"

"What a genius, a metamorphosis fits you better!"

Angus and Jean launched attacks on Tang En, but Lola was not jealous, but very happy-after all, Tang En was the man she liked.

This chick was evacuated with magic power and Tang En was filled with magic power. In her private words, the feeling of magic coming in and out almost brought her HIGH to the top.

"Concession, concession."

Tang En was very ashamed. He couldn't help it. He was holding the golden thighs of the gods, and the protagonist aura was attached.

With the help of Acceleration, the back armor covering one third of the volume was created that night. Of course, this is only a prototype. The real finished product needs to be tested before it is produced.

The magic principle of magic siphon is restored by means of a magic array, and then a magic conversion device is formed, which is then installed inside the back armor, and the magic is absorbed through the back and the dragon's body together. After conversion, upgrade and upgrade The magic channel is connected with two magic crystal cannons. After the whole upgrade, the magic crystal cannons were born.

After the transformation, the magic crystal cannon stood 40 meters high, as high as a dozen floors-not enough image? Think of the Long March 11 rocket, which is as tall as two Long March 11 stacked together!

Looking at the semi-finished transformation of the magic crystal cannon, Brian couldn't help whispering to himself: "After the monster is transformed, it becomes more like a monster ... how is this stuff so dangerous?"

Tang En smiled and said, "I'm afraid that only dragons can use this thing, so there is no need to worry."

The dragon is an order creature and an observer of the world. There is no need to worry about this weapon in their hands.


Except when they want to execute the extinction order.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and find a dragon to try the effect."

He made such a monster out of his own hands. Now Angus is fighting spirit and is boiling with blood. He can't help urging Tang En: "I'm still waiting for further adjustment."

"it is good."

Tang En didn't talk nonsense. As soon as he reached out, the huge monster Mojing cannon disappeared, and then he directly teleported to Long Island and found Sasha Glott.

He was gathering with several dragons to play the Quintet.

Well, Don En took a special look at it, the huge Kunt brand was made from the dragon scales that had fallen off his body ...

"Her Donn?"

When Sasha Glott saw Tang En, his eyes flashed, and he discarded the card on his hand, and greeted him with great enthusiasm.

"Damn! The king is playing tricks again!"

"It's too late for His Excellency Don En, to give him an excuse to play tricks."

"Yeah, I'm going to lose."

"shut up!"

Frustrated Sasha Glott said, "I'm doing business! Now is not the time to play cards!"

"Che, I usually don't know who is the most active ..."

"I just lost my favor ..."

Sasha Glott couldn't hang on his face, and asked Dunn with a strange look on his face: "Why are you here? Any good news?"

Tang En worked hard to make himself forget the scene he had just seen: "The new weapon for the Dragons has been made. It is now an experimental model. Come and find a dragon to help test it."

"Dedicated new weapon !?"

The eyes of a group of dragons lit up next to them, "Can you fight chaotic creatures?"


"Don't move!"

Sasha Glotter roared, "Let me come!"

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