Things from Another World

Chapter 922: Look, he looks like a dog!

Saschaglot asked the question of mass production, and of course Tang En was very concerned.

However, there is still a problem to be solved.

Tang En shook his head: "The matter of mass production is not urgent, and the material problems of the magic artillery armor need to be solved."

"Material? Isn't this material good?"

"What is it!"

Tang En pointed at the irregular object behind him and said, "Universal alloy can't bear the magic power of the dragon at all. If you give it all out, the pressure of the magic cannon armor is too great!"

Sasha Glott pondered for a moment and said, "Would you like to use Oliha Steel?"

Oliha Steel? of course can!

The Oliha Steel that constitutes the body of the golden giant statue not only has high magic affinity, but also has a memory function. After shaping, you don't have to worry about damage. What's more important is that it is the only material that has stood the test of chaos war. The fact that the gold giants that have experienced war can be preserved to this day is still very complete.


"Oliha Steel is okay, but it hasn't started breeding Yalong, and there is no way to produce it. Where can I get you Oliha Steel to produce magic cannon armor?"

Tang En said angrily: "Not to mention the secondary molding after Oliha Steel forming is also a trouble, we have not yet found a way to reshape Oliha Steel."

Although he could use the fire of the void to reshape Oliha Steel, in industrial production he could not stand there every day to do such things.

So an effective solution is necessary.

"I can help you with both of these problems, but you will definitely need to solve them yourself."

Sasha Glott unexpectedly said: "For the production of magic cannon armor, I can let the tribe donate part of the dragon's blood, of course, it is limited to the production of Oriha steel."

Tang En was startled: "Would you like this?"

"I just noticed the effect of the magic cannon armor."

Sasha Glott pointed to the chaotic creature that had been restored and said, "If there are three dragons equipped with magic cannon armor, I will have confidence to kill this chaotic creature. If ten dragons can be equipped with magic cannons, Armor, I can be sure to completely solve these three chaotic creatures! "

"So you want to produce ten durable artillery armors first? That's a lot of dragon blood to consume!"

Tang En frowned and figured it out. A set of magic cannon armor needs about 1,200 tons of universal alloys. If you replace it with Oliha Steel, you need nearly 12,000 liters of gold cells, and then press the Dragon family. To convert the proportion of gold cells contained in blood, it is almost 25,000 liters of dragon blood!

At present, the number of adult dragons on Long Island is about 10,000, which means that on average, each dragon provides 2.5 liters of blood-according to their size, it seems not much, but note that this is all dragons The average value.

You know, not every dragon is willing to donate blood.

After listening to Tang En and looking at the size of the 1-liter measuring cup, Sasha Glott said very refreshingly: "You can rest assured that the matter of dragon blood is left to me, and I will guarantee that a sufficient amount of Austria will be delivered soon. Liha steel is in your hands. "

With the shape of the dragon, let alone 2.5 liters of dragon blood, even 25 liters are not a problem. Some stronger ones can even bleed more blood. At most, they are weak for a while afterwards. Eat some fruit bubbles. Will be alive again.

After hearing his assurance, Tang En nodded and said, "Then there is a second question."

"Easier, I teach you a spell, and you can use it to shape Oliha Steel."

Sasha Glott said happily: "This is also the spell we created to solve this problem. The name is Oliha Steel Orthopedics."

"Such a spell!"

Tang En was overjoyed: "Teach me!"

So Sasaglotte taught Tangen Oriha Steel Sculpting on the spot. Although this spell has a single purpose, but because it is a spell created by a dragon, it is difficult to use it as much as a fifth-order spell. depressed.

The thing I did the first two days was to upgrade the magic absorption spell into a magic siphon, and the next thing to do was to simplify the downgrade of Oriha Steel Shaping ...

Sasha Glott didn't know about Tang En's situation, and asked very thoughtfully: "Have you learned? This spell is still difficult for humans. If I can't learn it for a short time, I can send a dragon to teach you."

Tang En shook his head: "I've learned it."

"I know that humans' magical talents compare to dragons ... what?"

Sasha Glott blinked and said suddenly: "I said that again, have you learned?"

"Who do you think geniuses say?"

Tang En pointed to himself: "See clearly, what the genius said was me."

Sasaglot: "..."

Eniglotta: "..."

What a shameless person!

Sasha Glott said to Denn with a look of disdain: "Okay, no matter if you are a genius or not, all in all you go back now, I will send you Oliha Steel in the past two days and produce as soon as possible The cannon armor, I am going crazy with these chaotic creatures! "

"Well, cross the river and tear down the bridge ... then I leave, you remember to prepare the golden holy fruit, ambergris fruit and longevity fruit by the way."

Tang En specifically told him, and then returned using teleportation.

As soon as Tang En left, Sasha Glott turned around and shouted at the dragons who lived nearby: "Did you hear what we said just now?"

"Of course I heard it."

"That's good to hear. Now they are all lining up to donate blood!"

Sasha Glotter shouted, "Whoever is healthy and strong, do n’t hesitate to know more !? Magic cannon armor will be our powerful weapon against chaos in the future! Maybe we can save your life. Now come out. Blood, less death in wartime, hurry up! "

A group of dragons looked at each other. Although he said something reasonable, how did it sound strange?

And something like blood ...

"You are our king, so please do this kind of thing first."

"Yes! That's right! Is the king to take the lead!"

"Hurry, let's wait!"

The group of unsuspecting dragons began to whisper and encourage Sasaglot to donate blood first.

After hesitating, Sasha Glott bit his teeth and stomped his feet: "OK! I'll be the first one, and I'll donate 50 liters of blood!"

I just watched Tang En's measuring cup just now, so he has already recorded how much a liter is, and how much blood can be controlled.

The Dragon King was also unambiguous. After preparing the container, he tore his own thigh with his claws, and began to pour blood into the container with his legs tilted. The scene looked very **** ... well, it was actually weird.

"Look, isn't Wang's posture much like that ..."


"Puppies pee ..."


"Dill, I heard you."

A sad voice came from Sasha Grott: "If you donate less blood than I ... you have a good look!"

The blue dragon named Deere slammed and his tail was raised: "I see!"

"And a few of you! Give me some snacks! I know the blood is offensive to you, but now is the crucial moment!"

Sasha Glott said while bleeding, "Town's cannon armor is very helpful to us, so we must help him produce enough Oriha steel! 15,000 tons, not much, compared to us. It was much less of a time when it was made of a gold statue! "

Soon enough, Sasaglotte bleed enough blood, then Empress Agnotta followed closely, and the dragon king followed the example. Other dragons had to reluctantly accept the reality and began to line up to donate blood.

After dozens of dragons donated blood here, Sashaglot took the container to fly back to the Temple of Order, and then used the authority of the Dragon King to notify all dragons on vacation to gather in the Temple of Order and start blood donation one by one. .

After the Dragon King's "Tun Dun Teaching", the dragons gave their blood with tears in their eyes. The 25,000 liters of dragon blood were collected in the evening, and then started on Long Island again. The vigorous "Big Steelmaking" operation.

The last time that Oriha Steel was made was the same thing as during the first chaotic invasion war. Fortunately, for more than a thousand years, they had not forgotten how to make Oriha Steel, so the refining process was quite smooth.

Tang En didn't know that he had just left, Sashaglot began to intimidate the other dragons to start donating blood. When he returned to the Black Stone Cave, he was still thinking about what happened when Sashaglot demonstrated. .

Seeing that Tang En was back, Angus got together immediately and couldn't wait to ask, "You are back? What were the results of the experiment?"

"Not bad ..."

After hesitating, Tang En added: "Except for the last explosion, it can be regarded as a great success."


Angus grimace: "We designed it perfectly, how could it explode?"

"That's the problem I'm going to talk about. Go and call everyone."

After everyone got together again, Tang En said the problems found today.

"So the problem is that the dragon is stronger than expected, and the magic output is too strong, so has the barrel been melted?"

Angus fumbled his chin and said, "Maybe we need stronger materials."

Tang En said without hesitation: "The material problem has been solved, and the official version uses Oliha Steel."

"Oliha Steel? But we don't have the capacity for mass production yet!"

Angus frowned: "Xinglong is a breeding ground and a large-scale industry is formed. It can take at least half a year to provide stable gold cells. How do we produce Oliha Steel now?"

The problem of Angus is also the problem of others. Everyone knows the excellent performance of Oliha Steel, but now there is no way to produce it, no one can?

Tang En smiled. "Rest assured, this problem has been solved. Not only that, I have a great news for you."

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