Things from Another World

Chapter 925: Love drinking and full!

Is Fiona silly?

She is certainly not stupid.

If she were a fool, would the Datang Chamber of Commerce be managed by her so well-organized and in full swing.

After Tang En finished speaking, Fiona immediately understood that Tang En was trying to find a step for herself. She pushed the boat down and coughed and said, "Well, I'm not very proficient in flying, so I have to Take the time to practice, you're right, I was negligent. "

No matter what Tang En said was true or false, she really listened.

Otherwise it would be too shameful ...

When the two returned to the formal conversation, Fiona's face still couldn't restrain the light pink blush, and her eyes were a little erratic.

Just because of a date, she flew into the sky excitedly and screamed and smirked. She would do the kind of thing that a child does, and worse, she was seen ... how could such a thing really be regarded as Never happened?

Worst of all, she was so excited at the moment that she couldn't restrain herself.

Even Tang En's eyes couldn't look straight.

Tang En coughed and said, "I was interrupted by you just now, and I forgot what was happening. I wonder if Angus had told you about the issue of the breeding of dragons."

Fiona was in a daze for a while before returning to God: "Ah?"

Tang En had no choice but to repeat the question.

Fiona found the feeling after staggering Tang En's eyes. She stared at Tang En's nose and said, "I mentioned it once before, but didn't say it will be done now, so the priority is not high, so I haven't dealt with it for now."

"Prioritize this matter."

Tang En said swiftly: "The performance of Oliha Steel is very superior. In some aspects, its applicability exceeds even universal alloys. We must mass produce it as soon as possible."

"But what happened to the Dragons ... wait, have you got permission from the Dragons?"

Not long after Tang En came back from Long Island, he decided to put it on the agenda. The discussion must be fruitful.

Tang En smiled and said, "Of course, the Dragons can't wait to be separated from Yalong. If we have to control Yalong, we all know that they have a relationship with Yalong."

"If that's the case, I suggest opening a Diplodocus farm in the Rennes Empire."

Fiona gradually entered the state. After calming down, she immediately put forward her professional opinions: "After all, the Earth Xinglong is the Warcraft of the Rennes Empire. It is more adapted to the climate of the Rennes Empire. Forcibly imported to us to raise, not only the cost is more It's expensive, and the breeding effect may not be good, so it is best to hire a local professional breeder for large-scale breeding in the Rennes Empire. "

Tang En smiled and said, "It's up to you in this regard."

Fiona was very happy to see Tang En approve his ideas, and continued, "On the other hand, we are now assisting in New Burkeso, which happens to create a lot of jobs and taxes for the Rennes Empire. Testero must be happy to promote the development of related industries. Land, people, and the sources of Warcraft do n’t need to worry about us. We can just sit and get sustainable returns as long as we invest. "

"Dixinglong is not only blood that can be used by us, leather can be used for tanning leather furniture, meat can also be eaten, bones can also be used to make bone sculptures with local characteristics of the Rennes Empire. It can be said that they are treasures and have high economic value-only The disadvantage may be that they are carnivorous Warcraft, and the cost of raising them is too high. But compared with the benefits, this cost is acceptable. "

"What's even better is that we can only use Dixinglong's blood, because the production technology of Oliha Steel is currently only available to us, which means that we can maximize the economic value of Dixinglong. The biggest demand side of Long is our Datang Chamber of Commerce. As the only shipping direction, we can say that we have grasped the lifeblood of the Dixinglong breeding industry. There is no need to worry about them leaving our control after the market matures. "

"Secondly, thanks to the assistance work of New Burkeso, our Datang Chamber of Commerce, or the Empire of Illus and Rennes, is in a sweet period, and the establishment of this industry in the Rennes Empire will help to further grow our two sides. Friendship, do a good job for our cultural output, and the residents of the Rennes empire who work for us, will also be affected by us and get closer to us. "

"Therefore, considering all aspects, it will be good for us to benefit from the establishment of the Dixinglong Industry in the Rennes Empire, and to support the local residents in the related industrial development."

"Papapa ..."

Tang En applauded and said with a smile: "It is indeed Fiona. You and I have the same thoughts, but the analysis is more detailed, and you will do as you say. I will not go into details."

Tang En can be said to have 100% confidence in Fiona. Without her, the current Datang Chamber of Commerce is probably just a small local business association.

"If I'm in a hurry, I'll draft the relevant documents and send someone to New Burkeso later."

Tang En said with a smile: "No hurry, first draft a rough plan and give it to Tastro for a look. He has an idea there and the two sides sit together to discuss the details and tell him if he wants to give the industry preferential treatment. As a matter of policy, we can appropriately increase wages and job security for hired workers. "

In exchange for preferential treatment for workers, I believe that Tastro should know how to choose.

The economy of this country will develop further only if the workers at the bottom get richer, otherwise the so-called economy is just an air tower.

Fiona patted her chest and said, "No problem, it can be done tonight!"

"So fast?"

Tang En froze. "Aren't you tired?"

tired? Not tired at all!

After listening to Tang En's invitation to date, now Fiona is full of energy, and she feels that she has endless strength, even if she works continuously for three days and three nights, she will not get tired!

"You leave it alone!"

Fiona blushed and said, "In short, I can let Tastro see the draft of the Diplodocus breeding plan tomorrow, so rest assured!"

"I'm worried that your body won't be able to carry it ... oh, yes."

Having said that, Tang En patted his head, took out a few fruits from the portable space and handed them to Fiona: "This is the fruit I brought to you from Long Island. Let's get tired and get some energy."

"This is the holy fruit of gold?"

Fiona was amazed: "Are you packing up after you eat?"

Don En Haha laughed: "Anyway, Sasha Glott doesn't care, I don't feel embarrassed, thinking about you ... well, if you really like this fruit, I brought you some."

Fiona glared at him, and he was clearly saying "you."

But for the sake of Tang En's date invitation, Fiona decided not to care about him.

She wasn't unaware of what happened between Tang En and those women, but since she had already made this choice, she had to accept this reality.

What's more, Tang En is a big hero destined to save the world. If a woman can't even accept his shortcomings, it is estimated that there is no man in the world that can meet her requirements.

"Don't worry about eating, don't worry."

Tang En specifically warned: "After a while, when Oliha Steel began to produce stably, when we started to make the cannon armor, there would be a lot of fruits like the golden fruit."

Fiona took a sip of the golden fruit and asked curiously, "Magic Cannon Armor? What is it?"

"It's a special armored weapon for the dragon."

Tang En smiled and explained the magic cannon armor, and then said, "So the first use of our production of Oriha steel was to make magic cannon armor. After meeting the needs of the dragon, it was time to develop other uses. "

"So it is."

Fiona nodded, and suddenly added: "If so, I don't recommend a production line for too many cannon armors."

Tang En stunned: "Why?"

"Because the market for magic artillery armor is too small."

Fiona explained: "Weapons targeted at dragons can only be sold to dragons, and the market is too single. How many dragons are there on Dragon Island? Three thousand? Five thousand?"

"About ten thousand heads."

"Well, then we calculate it based on the saturated market, that is 10,000 sets of magic artillery armor. If we make a large number of related parts production lines, after the production of 10,000 sets of magic artillery armor is completed, the market is saturated. These production lines should be How to do?"

Fiona raised a question that must be looked at directly.

Tang En explained with a smile: "The production line was still useful at that time, after all, the weapon armor needed repair and maintenance."

Fiona ate up the golden sacred fruit three or two times, and while enjoying the feeling of full magic flowing in the body, he said, "Repair and maintenance do not need to use too many production lines, as long as the minimum output can be maintained, It is enough to meet the needs of the Dragons. "

Tang En is helpless. This is a troublesome problem. If the dragon cannot be armed as soon as possible, it is likely that we will not have enough force when the danger comes.

However, if the capacity is really expanded, the production line will be wasted after the market is saturated. This is very cost-effective in terms of time and cost.

"Have a compromise. The output cannot be too small or too much. In short, it is better to control the degree."

Tang En waved his hands and said helplessly: "In the future, we will use the same production line to produce some enhanced version of the upgraded version of the optimized version of the ultimate version will eventually no longer change the 2.0 version or something ... change a shell and continue to sell to them."

Fiona's eyes lit up: "This is a solution, just as you say."

Tang En smiled bitterly and suddenly, he did not expect that a word of the producer on the earth turned out to be the solution.

But Fiona had already written it down, I'm afraid she had already taken it as a recipe, and Tang En said nothing more.

"By the way, if the production of Oliha Steel starts later, we still face a problem ..."

Suddenly, Tang En remembered a very serious problem and hadn't told Fiona yet.

"what is the problem?"

"One of the raw materials of Oliha Steel is gold."

Tang En spread his hand: "We have to find a way to get enough gold."

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