Things from Another World

Chapter 948: Holy water cannot be scattered!

Soon Eni Grotta also left the battlefield and returned to the Temple of Order. Afterwards, they adjusted the buckles under the instructions of Tang En, and after wearing the magic cannon armor, they directly rose into the air.

The dragon's learning ability is very strong. It can be seen from the last time Sasaglotte tried the magic cannon armor (experimental), but he mastered the trick in a moment. These early dragons The learning ability is also not bad.

As the only dragon once wearing a cannon armor, Sasaglotte had a rare opportunity to be a teacher and impart his little experience to other dragons.

Only this time, the armor of the magic artillery has been improved, especially the tail jet propulsion device has been added. It can consume the magic power and bring extremely powerful displacement to the dragon in an instant. To adapt to this mobile combat method, they also Need to readjust for a while.

After all, carrying more than 1,000 tons of magic artillery armor, it is very difficult to rely on the original flight ability to maintain the original speed. They must apply floatation for themselves to reduce the load, in order to offset the impact of the load to a certain extent.

Tang En thought about adding appropriate floating stones to the magic cannon armor to reduce the load, but Angus they tested. The volume of floating stones needed to offset the weight of more than 1,000 tons is very large, which will seriously affect The stability of the cannon's armor structure, so they had to dispel this idea.

Perhaps, Tang En was rubbing his chin, and in the later period, he could consider letting the dragon himself float constantly on the magic cannon armor.

Not to mention completely offsetting their weight, at least they can save some energy and focus on combat.

Watching them flickering in the sky, Elsa's eyes were bright, and there was obviously a little movement.

Tang En smiled and asked, "Do you like it?"


Elsa nodded honestly. Although as a girl, she likes that kind of sloppy armor weapon, but she just feels that the magic cannon armor is very beautiful.

"Try it if you like."

As soon as Tang En raised his hand, Elsa's custom cannon armor appeared beside her.

This magic artillery armor is slightly different from Sasha Glott's. They look more beautiful and softer in color. They look a little bit less and more sci-fi colors-tough lines. Under the design of Aili Li, she has an incredible girly beauty.


At first glance, Elsa fell in love with the magic cannon armor, happily moved around and turned around, and then took off the shabby skirt shyly, and learned how Sasha Glott wears them so clumsily. Body.

"These two retractable buckles are used for fixing. They should be fixed here on the abdomen. The buckles here and in the legs play the main load-bearing role during the flight, so check them carefully."

Tang En specifically told me that more than 1,000 tons of armor was flying around in the sky with his back on his body. It was uncomfortable to have strong inertia alone, let alone to find a solution to the recoil of the shooting. And stability, Angus Jean Klotto, they also took a lot of effort to solve this big trouble.

Looking at Elsa in her cannon armor, Illy laughed, covering her mouth.

I have to say that this custom set of cannon armor protected Elsa very well, but it also caused her to look more like a construct than a dragon at all.

Tang En was also a little bit crying. Looking at Elsa now, he felt that he was not in a magical world similar to the Middle Ages, but more like the interstellar age. This is obviously a dragon wearing a combat mech ...

"I'll accompany you to heaven to adjust."

Tang En transformed into a dragon.

"I'm going."

Yi Luli hurriedly raised her hand and hurriedly applied to go to heaven together.

In the end, Tang En had no choice but to lift her up and let her sit on her own head-she was obviously a slave girl, but now she became her mount-Tang En was weird.

Elsa tried to wave her wings and found that it was a bit laborious. Then she tried to release a levitation technique, and the weight was greatly reduced.

After they flew into the sky, Elsa began to learn how to use the magic cannon armor under the instruction of Dunn.

In fact, there are not many places to be operated on the magic artillery armor. There are only a few items such as energy storage, launching, and maneuvering. What really needs to be adapted is how to conduct mobile operations under increasing load conditions.

Sasha Glott quickly grasped the trick, but after an hour, someone had been able to use a short jet during rapid movement to get sudden acceleration and sudden braking.

After practicing in the afternoon, they began to build energy in the evening, preparing to formally attack the next day, and gave the three chaotic creatures, as well as those chaotic minions.

Tang En did not return that night, but decided to spend the night on Long Island.

At night on Long Island, the sky is extremely close, and the starry sky seems to be within reach.

Tang Enyi looked at the stars, even if he knew that there was no earth among them, he couldn't help but always look at the stars.

The dragons in the distance are indulging in carnivals next to the huge bonfire. They are celebrating tomorrow's victory in advance. The noise in the distance and the loneliness around Tang En are in sharp contrast.

A warm and soft touch suddenly came from behind.

It wasn't Elsa. Her figure wasn't that good. This size and shape must be Yi Luli—the thought flashed through her mind, and she was silent after Tang En.

Since when has he formed such a stingy conditioned reflex?

"What are you looking at?"

Unsurprisingly, it was Yi Luli.

Tang En patted beside him: "Sit down and talk next to you, don't walk around like a puppy."

The floor of the Order Sanctuary was spotlessly clean, and Illury didn't hold back. He sat down beside him, and then ... holding his arms tightly.

"You ..."

Tang En was rather speechless: "It feels like you've given up on resistance completely."

"What's the use of resistance?"

Yi Luli learned that Tang En was looking at the sky, with a smile on Bai Jing's face, full of dim and dreamy beauty in the moonlight.

Tang En has a headache: "Although it is useless, but at least it is a manifestation of your own will. You can easily make me feel that you have completely fallen."

Yi Luli smiled slightly and asked Tang En: "How do you know that this is not what I want to do now? Slavery does not change people's will. It only makes the subject of slavery obey orders. You will have no effect on me if you do not impose a compulsory order on me. "

"However, you have become accustomed to the feeling of being enslaved, and habit is the most terrible thing."

Tang En sighed and pointed at the sky. "Don't you ask me what I'm looking at? I want to know what's there."

"Astral world?"

Yi Luli was a little puzzled: "With your strength, isn't it a problem to enter the astral world? If you want to know, just go and see."

Tang En smiled, knowing that she couldn't make sense to her, and simply changed the subject: "Why don't you revel with them? The good things of the Dragons are not eaten outside."

Illuli got closer: "Why don't you go?"

"Because I don't need those things-wait, talk well, don't move your hands."

Tang En slapped Yi Luli's dishonest hand and said angrily: "As a maiden, do you have any clue?"


Illuli suddenly realized: "Oh, do you want me to remain a noble and holy virgin, and then feel it?"

Tang En was startled: "Where did you learn the mess !?"

Illy flushed: "I won't tell you (see Chapter 286)."

Fart. I also want to know that it must be the stimulating books that Ellington originally sold to the elves must have flowed out!

Cheng. The book of humanity has even passed to the maiden. Hey!

The Pope knows that he will chase down people!

The two talked one after the other, and Elsa seemed to discover the situation on the way, and she didn't know why she got nervous, so she joined the conversation.

After the carnival, they rested next to the Temple of Order. Due to the lack of space, Tang En took out three tents.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated the conduct of the fallen saint.

Tang En, who was sleeping in the middle of the night, suddenly felt that someone was picking his own clothes, and opened his eyes to see that he almost scared him for nine days.

Tang En was afraid to alarm Elsa and lowered his voice: "What are you doing!"

The blushing Yilu Li was in an abnormal mood, panting quickly, her eyes full of lust, and one hand carrying Tang En's body and the other hand rubbing on her chest.

"Fuck, what? Of course it's--"

Tang En covered her mouth, and Yi Luli was in a bad state.

Thinking that she had been in contact with her more recently, Tang En's expression became serious. Could it be that the slave God had begun to engage in ghosts again?

"You calm down."

After Tang En said, he took out the strong desire girdle of the Goddess of Eternal Darkness, and tied Iluli's hands behind his back: "Sleep just fine."

After tying her up, Tang En fell down to sleep.

Yi Luli twisted and stung again.

"Uh, uh ... that, that ... me, I want to go to the toilet ..."

"Come on this."

Tang En said angrily, "Why didn't you go just now? Want to go to the bathroom just after you tied it up?"

Immediately, there was no movement.

That's ridiculous.

Tang En yawned, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

But after a while, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why is it suddenly wet and hot behind me, and the area is still expanding ...

Tang En's eyes widened suddenly, and his drowsiness was swept away. He bounced off and looked at Yi Luli in amazement.


The blushing Irure closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled, her body trembled, and a stain on her clothes and the blanket under her ...

"Oh my God!"

Tang En covered his eyes in anguish: "Holy Lady, holy water cannot be scattered ..."

"Don't blame me ..."

With her eyes closed, Illy was very wronged: "I have already told you ..."

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