Things from Another World

Chapter 955: The attitude of the Kingdom of Sorante

"So," Fiona raised her eyebrows and looked confused, "Long Island's big trouble was solved like this? Didn't they hold you accountable?"

"Why do you want to pursue it?"

Tang En shrugged, and pulled Nora away from his nose, then said, "Sasha Glott is still very grateful to us. To say without any exaggeration, the dragon can now be regarded as our firmness. Ally. "

"Can it be an ally?"

Fiona said angrily: "They were armed with such powerful weapons. If they don't stand on the same line with us, it will be us who are unlucky."

Tang En smiled bitterly in the heart, Fiona was just an unintentional sentence, but she did not know that the dragon was really the destruction angel with the responsibility of "blowing the horn of doom".

"Relax, that won't happen."

Tang En added, unless the world is completely unsaved.

"How's the situation of the chamber of commerce these days? The glory ceremony has passed, and you should already see the effect now?"

When Tang En asked about the Chamber of Commerce, Fiona's spirit was refreshed and she said cheerfully, "Of course it's great!"

She can't wait to hand over several documents to Tang En, and then said: "The new products we released at the glory ceremony are extremely popular, which has not only caused a rush of buying among the local residents, but also foreign merchants have purchased in large quantities and are ready to ship. Go back and make a difference yourself. "

Tang En asked as he flipped through the documents, "We have enough sales outlets in Illus? Are they really profitable when they return?"

"You think too much."

Fiona rolled her eyes: "Although we have obtained convenient transportation channels through paved transport arrays in the main cities and also opened direct-operated stores, the secondary towns are basically not covered. The target is second-tier towns, and I do n’t recommend that we set up direct-operated stores in second-tier towns. The cost is too high and the revenue is too small. Let this profit go to those traders. ”

Tang En nodded indifferently: "It's just a matter of your mind."

Feeling Tang En's trust in himself, Fiona was very happy.

"Of course, the sales of the Shining Ceremony are so good. I think the main reason is the discount activities launched in conjunction with the monetary reform policy."

Fiona gave Tang En a calculation with her fingers. Although it was an unprecedented 20% off, the profit from the discount was made up by the nearly doubled sales. Not only was there no loss, but it also made a lot of money. Pen, even Aurelia was jealous.

"What makes her jealous."

When Fiona said this, she said angrily: "The money we make is not going to be used to build the Illus Empire? And you are still the regent, the real king of this country. I can't figure out what she is jealous of. . "

Tang En ha laughed: "That's because she used to have a hard time and see how easy it is to make money, so she was envious of envy."


Fiona hummed and said, "I just saw that it was easy for us to make money, but I didn't expect how high the technical content was, let alone we have supported tens of thousands of employees. Carefully count the entire Illus Empire. There are already more than 500,000 families living directly or indirectly on our Datang Chamber of Commerce. "

This number is not exaggerated or even slightly conservative. Although there are only 30,000 or 40,000 employees directly employed, there are still many employees who are not counted. They can only be considered non-staff personnel, such as core secrets of the teleportation array. There is no qualification to know.

These 50,000 to 60,000 employees are all core employees who have signed a confidentiality contract and swore allegiance to Tang En, they are the foundation of Datang Chamber of Commerce.

"It's normal. As much as we can, we have to take responsibility. Don't forget the purpose of making money."

Tang En reminded her that he was afraid that the management staff of the Datang Chamber of Commerce would be obsessed with making money, but he forgot his heart. The larger the organization, the higher the probability of such a thing. Once it starts to rot from the root, it is very Difficult to govern.

"I won't forget."

Fiona nodded: "Every meeting I will emphasize to them the fundamental spirit of our Datang Chamber of Commerce. But ... It is true that the spirit of taking from the people, using it for the benefit of society, and creating the future together is true. It's too shame to feel like a benevolent mother of our world. "

Fiona has voiced the core spirit more than once, but it must be said that this core spirit embodies Tang En's thoughts very well.

Tang En could not help but "Can't you be the Virgin?"

"Do n’t make fun of this joke, please do n’t mind under the maiden crown."

Fiona waved her hands again and again, saying that she was a virgin, then she is not a maid or her mother?

Yi Luli blinked, pouting and smiling: "I don't care. The master is a great savior."

Lord, master ...

With the corner of Fiona's mouth twitching, the maiden seems to be more and more accustomed to her special relationship with Tang En. She used to know to restrain herself and cover up to prevent others from thinking about it. .

Although there are only Tina and Marin in the room, there are no outsiders, but let's do it ...

I didn't see the two girls' eyes almost gleamed—seeing that their master had taken the Holy Saint, who was high above them, and the worship in their hearts was about to overflow!

Tang En closed the documents in his hand and asked after a moment of groaning: "How is the use of the new currency? Have any specific feedback from the sales staff?"

The sales staff of the Datang Chamber of Commerce is the front-line staff, and it is also the most direct window for consumers. It is most direct for them to feedback the use of new currencies.

Fiona looked at Marlene, "Marlene?"

Marilyn hurriedly opened the book. She was responsible for statistics recently: "Based on the feedback from the stores in several major cities, the situation is OK."

Tang En frowned: "What's okay?"

Seeing Tang En frown, Marin suddenly panicked and explained in a hurry: "The utilization rate of the new version of the banknote has reached about 20%, and the shop is still dominated by alloy currency. According to Plantar According to the feedback from the Central Bank, I think the amount of currency issuance and exchange is not enough, so it will take some time to buffer the large-scale circulation. "

"It is also related to the reduced intensity of discounts after the glorious ceremony, so people are not willing to use new currencies, but ..."


"However, the new currency is welcomed by businessmen and adventurers. Because banknotes are portable and do not take up space and weight, adventurers can save more weight-bearing space to carry goods when they travel, and they are very welcome to the new currency. "

Tang En nodded: "This is expected."

"Princess Aurelia sent a message yesterday and decided to further expand the number of currency exchange points and popularize the new version of the currency as soon as possible. At the same time, she also said that she would start a deep-level cooperation with Star Diamond Bank in the near future and directly conduct currency with Star Diamond Bank. Exchange, and then all the money flowing out of Star Diamond Bank will be replaced with banknotes. "

Tang En smiled a little, and Riviez's action was quite efficient.

Can Rives be inefficient? The big brother has spoken, what other qualifications does he have? Do not want to be abandoned by the times, you can only strive to be at the forefront of the times!



Suddenly hesitantly said: "It's just that our monetary reform policies seem to be blocked in other countries. The Kingdom of Solant has declared this absurd. They will never accept us to exchange a piece of paper for their hands. Although the Kingdom of Grace did not make a statement, it seems that at present they also tend to the attitude of the Kingdom of Solant. They even claim that we are blaspheming against God ... "

Fiona sneered again and again: "The two countries have always not dealt with each other, but now they are standing together."

"This is normal, because there are common enemies and common interests."

Tang En shrugged: "As long as their people in power are not stupid, they can see the meaning behind monetary policy, but it is too much to say that they are blasphemy against God. After all, we still have magic magic on our banknotes. Then. "

Marin continued: "The attitude of the other principalities of Plantand is ambiguous and neither opposes nor supports."

"Their attitude is not important. The principalities are nothing but poor worms who survive."

Fiona waved his hand and said casually: "If it weren't for the military buffer zone, they would be swallowed up in minutes."

"Well said."

Tang En laughed: "As long as those traders bring our currency, they do n’t need it. The only obstacle now that prevents the circulation of the new currency in other countries is the strength of our Illus Empire and the influence of the Datang Chamber of Commerce. . "

Suddenly Marin asked, "Our influence? Why?"

"Because Datang Chamber of Commerce and Star Diamond Bank are the main forces to promote the new currency, as long as we show our attitude, clearly support the transaction of the new currency, and always open discounts, those businessmen will definitely not be able to carry the temptation of profit and will actively invest in paper money. Come in your arms. "

Fiona explained: "Similarly, it is also at the Star Diamond Bank. Because Her Majesty Tang En and the Dragon Family have reached a cooperation, His Majesty the Dragon King also agrees with Her Majesty's policy. Therefore, as the dragon's dog legs and slaves, Leviz led The Star Diamond Bank also has to support this policy. "

"As long as the gold coins reserved by Star Diamond Bank are fully converted into banknotes, and gold deposit and withdrawal services will no longer be provided to customers in the future, more than half of the entire Prandall gold coins will be completely replaced by banknotes."

You ask for the other half of the coins? One part was mouldy in the noble houses and even the vaults, and the other part was a mattress in the dragon's lair ...

"Gold coins that do not participate in the circulation are not considered. After the issuance of banknotes is equal to the recovered gold coins, the currency reform is basically completed."

Tang En explained with a smile: "At that time, the gold, silver, and copper coins we recovered could also be converted into industrial raw materials for use."

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