This actor needs more money

Chapter 10 Thirty thousand yuan salary

The last movement was the carp thrust. After standing up, Ding Xiu looked at the white shirt that turned into a gray shirt, and said, "Director, I bought these new clothes."

"Report." Zhang Jizhong nodded: "The last item, try horse riding, and apply for suit pants."

Ding Xiu gave a thumbs up: "Director Zhang is very particular, I will try your play next time."

Zhang Jizhong didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Thank you for watching me. I would also like to cooperate with you if I have the opportunity in the future."

In the racecourse, the horse master has already pulled out the horse. It is a black horse, two meters tall, with strong muscles, white spots on its face, and a windless mane from the top of its head to its neck.

"Good horse." Ding Xiu's eyes lit up, he touched the horse's cheek with his hand, then turned on the horse, held the reins with both hands and pulled back, clamping his legs hard.


The horse raised its front hooves and jumped up high, startling Zhang Jizhong, Yuan Bing and the horse master.

After the two hooves landed, the excited Ding Xiu held the reins with one hand and slapped the horse's butt with his free right hand.


Snow-white hooves kicked up smoke and dust on the ground, and one person and one horse flew away like arrows from a bow.

With this move, Yuan Bing knew that Ding Xiu's Lin Pingzhi was ready.

"This guy can do it, it's him." Zhang Jizhong agreed.

"I also think he's pretty good, but his martial arts skills aren't great... Huh." Yuan Bing suddenly discovered that Ding Xiu was missing. There was only one horse running on the field, and there was no one on the horse.

"He huddled in the horse's belly." The horse master said experiencedly. He knew what was going on when he saw a foot hanging on the horse's butt: "This riding method is the trick used by soldiers to avoid bows and arrows during the battle between two armies in ancient times. It is difficult. The coefficient is quite large, no non-professional rider can play like this.”

Sure enough, Ding Xiu appeared after a few seconds, sat back on the horse, controlled the horse to slow down, slowly came to a few people, turned over and dismounted.

"I haven't ridden for a long time. My hands are a little itchy. Sorry."

"When you become an adult, you can come over at any time." Zhang Jizhong smiled lightly and said, "Let's go out and talk."

In a private room of a restaurant opposite the racecourse, Zhang Jizhong asked his assistant to take out the contract and script, and gave Ding Xiu an envelope with 10,000 yuan in it.

"Lin Pingzhi is yours. The total remuneration is 30,000 yuan. I will give you 10,000 yuan first, then another 10,000 yuan after a period of time after joining the cast, and the last 10,000 yuan will be paid after the filming is completed."

"Understood." Ding Xiu picked up the pen, signed his name, and pressed his fingerprints.

Putting away the contract, Zhang Jizhong said: "We still have something to do, so let's go first and see the crew."

Standing up, Ding Xiu grinned and said, "Director Zhang, Director Yuan, walk slowly."

Yuan Bing did not move as planned. He waited until Zhang Jizhong walked away before patting Ding Xiu on the shoulder and saying, "The pay is not much, but the opportunity is rare. Act well. If you become popular after it is broadcast, there will be many opportunities to make money in the future."

Zhang Jizhong is well-known and is a big name in the field of TV dramas. Relatively speaking, the salary he offers is much lower than that of fellow directors. Even so, many second- and third-tier actors are willing to reduce their salary to play his films.

Ding Xiu plays the second male lead. Because he is not well-known, the salary of 30,000 yuan is his current net worth. It is a bit low, but this is the market.

Huanzhugege became popular all over the country in the past two years. The male lead is Su Youpeng, a member of the Little Tigers who was once popular in Asia. He was paid 48,000 yuan for the film.

Qiong Yao's reason is that Su Youpeng has not acted in ten years since his debut, has no representative works, and is only worth this price.

Su Youpeng is like this, let alone Ding Xiu.

After being stunned for a second, Ding Xiu wanted to say that 30,000 yuan was not low. During the Tianqi years, the purchasing power of one tael of silver was three stones of grain, one stone was 120 kilograms, and three stones was 360 kilograms.

Nowadays, grain costs 80 cents per pound, and 360 pounds costs 288 yuan.

One tael of silver is equal to two hundred and eighty-eight yuan, and thirty thousand yuan is equal to one hundred and forty-four taels of silver.

You must know that junior brother Jin Yichuan is a small banner in Jinyiwei, with an official position starting from the seventh rank, and a salary of twenty taels a year.

He was reading the newspaper a few days ago and there was a report saying that the average monthly salary of teachers and civil servants was five hundred yuan a month.

Thirty thousand yuan is their five-year salary, which shows that the actor industry is indeed extremely profitable.

Thank you to the party, thank you to society... Ding Xiu muttered a few sentences silently in his heart, and said to Yuan Bing: "Director Yuan, you must remember to come to me next time you have a scene."

Seeing his expression, Yuan Bing knew that his advice was in vain: "You are so good at martial arts, you must not be short of food. Let's leave a phone number and I will find you if there is a scene that suits you."

A few minutes later, Ding Xiu was sitting alone in the box eating and drinking. Yuan Bing left the phone call and left, leaving him alone.

All the dishes have been ordered, and if you don’t eat, you won’t eat for free.

He also specifically asked the waiter if he had paid for it, and the waiter said that Zhang Jizhong had paid for it, which showed that Lao Zhang was quite honest in his work.

After having enough tea and rice, Ding Xiu asked the waiter to pack the food.

His subordinate Ma Zai Wang Baoqiang hasn't eaten yet. He can't stand the poor baby eating steamed buns soaked in water every day.

Qin Gang hadn't seen Ding Xiu for half a month, and he hadn't received a call from Ding Xiu, so he was in a good mood.

At the entrance of Beijing Film Studio, as soon as the car door was opened, a crowd of people gathered around him. Seeing Wang Baoqiang among the crowd, Qin Gang stopped him.

"Child, where is Brother Xiu? Why didn't you see him?"

"My brother auditioned for the second male lead in Swordsman. He has been reading the script these days, so how can he find the time to come and act as an extra?"

Qin Gang nodded happily: "Did you get the interview? It's good. I'm the second male lead...what did you say?"

"Swordsman, the second male lead!" Wang Baoqiang proudly repeated with his head held high, his voice amplified a lot.

There were envious looks all around.

Some people don't believe it.

"You're so bragging, can the second male lead find an extra?"

"Is it true or not, Ding Xiu is the second male lead in the Swordsman crew?"

"How come I don't know when Swordsman started recruiting actors?"

"Brother, what is Swordsman?"

"Made, Ding Xiu is on the hook. The second male lead is not allowed to earn thousands of dollars a day."

"If I had so much money, I wouldn't be able to go to the club every day and order three at a time."

"Is it Ding Xiu who killed someone?"

Qin Gang came to his senses and shouted loudly: "Stop fucking Jijiji, get in the car quickly, do you want to go to the set?"

"Who is that, kid, come up too."

"Brother Qin, there's no room left." Wang Baoqiang leaned on the car door and took a look. The seats were full.

"Little brother, sit on my lap." Inside, an older sister patted her thigh and said with a smile, "Or I can sit on your lap."

Loud laughter spread throughout the car, Wang Baoqiang blushed, and Qin Gang pulled him into the car.

"Just find a place to squeeze in. If that doesn't work, sit on someone else's lap. Lao Gao, let's get started."

Half an hour later, Beiputuo Film and Television City.

Qin Gang squatted on the stone steps and called Ding Xiu, wanting to invite him for a drink.

He doesn't like the desperate Ding Xiu, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like Ding Xiu, who is about to become a "corner". The world is not about fighting and killing, it's about worldliness.

He gave a wide berth to desperadoes, and embraced big shots.

There are many friends and many paths, and Zhang Jizhong's role is still the second male lead. He knows from his butt that Ding Xiu is going to be popular.

"Hey, brother Xiu, did I, Lao Qin, pass the interview for Swordsman? I heard Bao Qiang said you are the second male lead... Congratulations, would you like to come out and have a drink for such a big happy event? My treat, brother."

"Are you going to join the group in a few days? I understand, I understand. When you come back, I will personally set up a table for you in heaven and earth to welcome the wind."

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