This actor needs more money

Chapter 12 Ten Years Old Shooter

In the actor industry, extras are at the bottom, known as humanoid props. They have no actors, no lines, no shots, and no names.

Above are the special actors, who have lines, scenes, and names. You can see your name at the end of the film and television series after it is broadcast.

Specials are also divided into small specials, medium specials, and large specials, with different positioning, different lines, and different prices.

For most performers, special contract is their lifelong dream and the ceiling.

On top of the special contract are the supporting characters, the emperor who has dialogue, the eunuch who has a little plot, the maid, the shopkeeper in the inn, the waiter who interacts with the protagonist, the bandits who block the road and rob, etc.

In major actor bases, it is already very good to be able to get a supporting role. Such roles are usually controlled by assistant directors. Regular CCTV crews like Swordsman are fine, but some second- and third-rate crews want to play supporting roles without paying any effort. It's impossible at any cost.

Part of the remuneration to the assistant director is basic operation, and a pretty actress needs to have something to match.

In recent years, Miao Yi has played supporting roles that are even better than supporting roles. She has at least dozens of scenes in one movie. She has played the fourth and third female leads. She has a certain reputation. If she is placed in front of the Beijing Film Studio, she is unattainable. boss level.

At the table, Huang Jianzhong said in a very easy-going manner: "Despite his young age, Ding Xiu has strong martial arts skills. He can use swords, guns, swords and sticks. He can also ride horses and shoot arrows. If you don't understand anything, you can ask him for advice."

Xu Qing's eyes lit up and she stared at Ding Xiu: "You can also ride and shoot?"

Ding Xiu said modestly: "A ten-year-old shooter, he doesn't know much, just a few hundred million."

"Let's talk some other time." Xu Qing said seriously: "This is my first action movie. I have never filmed a martial arts scene before, let alone riding a horse. It's a black eye."

She originally didn't want to join the Swordsman cast. Apart from her age not matching her age in the original work, she also didn't know martial arts. When Zhang Jizhong approached her, she said that she was an old lady and was afraid of flashing her waist in the martial arts scenes.

In the end, Zhang Dabeard's sincerity could not be overcome (the crew gave him a lot of money) and he bit the bullet and came.

"Actually, riding a horse is very simple. You can master it by riding it. I will teach you step by step when I get a chance."

People in the same crew said that if you look down and see each other, Ding Xiu could only reluctantly agree with a grin.

"Can you teach me? I don't know how." Yue Lingshan and Miao Yi joined in.

"Okay, there are many people and the atmosphere is good, so you can learn quickly." Ding Xiu said to Yilin and Chen Lifeng, "Are you coming?"

Chen Lifeng shook his head: "I don't have any horse riding scenes."

What a pity, Ding Xiu sighed secretly.

"Can you see me?" Wei Zi, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said.

Ding Xiu: "..."

The horseback riding scene requires step-by-step instruction. Two people ride a horse, one in front and one in the back, just like riding a motorcycle, except that the coach sits in the back.

During the process, it is inevitable that there will be physical contact between the front and the back, especially when the horse is running, he will be shrugging.

Two big men, are they suitable?

Why are you so blind!


The director asked everyone to join the cast half a month in advance. In addition to getting familiar with the opponent actors and reading the script, they mainly practiced martial arts.

Mr. Jin's "Swordsman" almost fights every time he is in a scene. There are hundreds of martial arts scenes that place high demands on the actors themselves.

Early in the morning, everyone was called together by Yuan Bing to practice martial arts moves.

The ten martial arts are divided into five groups for training, starting from the most basic Ding step, empty step, and horse step, and then gradually move on to the set moves.

As a master of martial arts, Ding Xiu skipped the first step and Yuan Bing personally taught him the swordsmanship moves.

Evil sword skills!

"Meeting stars are falling, flowers are blooming to see the Buddha, rivers and mountains are playing the flute, purple energy is coming from the east, sweeping away the demons, going straight to the Yellow Dragon, avoiding all evils, Zhong Kui..."

Watching Yuan Bing's demonstration, Ding Xiu almost laughed out loud. He couldn't understand why these ordinary moves had fancy names.

Sheathing his sword, Yuan Bing gasped and said, "Now let's practice our moves. The first move is Meteor Fall..."

Ding Xiu interrupted him: "No need, Brother Yuan, I already know how to do it."

Around him, dozens of pairs of eyes focused on him.

What they heard, Ding Xiu said he knew it.

Just skipping the basic steps is enough to make everyone jealous. The martial arts director will demonstrate it once and for all. Do you want to be so ridiculous?

Yuan Bing was dubious: "Real or false?"

Without too much nonsense, the best explanation is action. Ding Xiu immediately took the prop sword and repeated the evil-repelling sword manual in the open space.

Regardless of the strength, bottom plate, accuracy, and aesthetics, it is better than Yuan Bing's.

Xu Qing, who was wearing a white sportswear and her hair tied into three braids, was stunned: "So fast?"

Shao Bin curled his lips and said to himself: "Learning quickly is useless. When you come out to work, you have to talk about the unit and power. If you only know martial arts, you will be a supporting role for the rest of your life."

"Teacher Shao, hold your chest up, raise your head, and lift your butt up a little." Wu Xing said standing behind him.

Shao Bin threw the sword away and said, "I won't practice any more. Let's take a rest."

On the side, the assistant stepped forward to hand over water and towels.

Sitting on the chair, Shao Bin wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, took a sip of water, and just watched everyone practicing martial arts. Wu Xing stood there awkwardly and didn't know what to do.

Half an hour later, Shao Bin, who had almost rested, slowly stood up.

The sun was shining brightly at noon, so everyone finished work at eleven o'clock and started reading the script at two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Junior sister, hurry up to Hengshan City. Many of our friends are there. I'm sorry this evil thief doesn't dare to go and look for you."

"What if I go out and he kills you?"

"I'm clinging to him. He can't kill me. Let's go. Ouch..."

It is undeniable that Shao Bin is a little more arrogant, but his line skills are not outstanding. His words are correct, his cadences are correct, and even his expressions are lifelike.

Yue Lingshan and Miao Yi were far worse than him.

Fortunately, it was just a script reading. Everyone reviewed the lines in advance and did not have to perform. The theater director Huang Jianzhong didn't say anything.

"My little snow dragon is so smart that he will never step on a sharp stone, but the same cannot be said for you four horses. Okay, everyone, go back, don't throw Chen Qi's butt."

"It's a lie for you to go hunting with me, drinking is a serious matter. If I don't treat you to a drink, I will be very reluctant to come out with you tomorrow."

"What are they, two blind little bastards, coming to our Fuzhou Prefecture to run wild?"

"Shi... Mr. Shi, what... what should I do? I originally... didn't want to kill him..."

It was Ding Xiu's turn to read the lyrics, and everyone was shocked again. They all knew that he was a group performer and had never acted before, so they didn't expect that he could perform like this.

It’s not that my line skills are very good, but that my sense of language is very correct and the lines fall into my mouth very smoothly.

There are a lot of ancient sayings in the script of The Swordsman, and some sentences are difficult for Shao Bin to read. Unexpectedly, Ding Xiu didn't get confused at all, and his tone was so stable. It's no exaggeration to say that even a graduate student in the Chinese Department could not speak it as smoothly as he did.

Wei Zi, a veteran actor, was stunned: "Director, are you sure this is his first time filming?"

Huang Jianzhong was also confused: "That's what he said."

Facing the surprised looks, Ding Xiu said calmly: "I usually do some research on ancient literature."

Where is this? Not to mention that most of Swordsman's lines are in semi-vernacular, even if they are all in classical Chinese, he doesn't even bother to express them.

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