This actor needs more money

Chapter 30 The agent comes to visit

The tuition fee for the first year of film school is 10,000 yuan, and 6,000 yuan per year thereafter.

High tuition fees are not something ordinary people can afford. The salary of a civil servant in the city is only five hundred or six hundred a month. Wang Baoqiang's parents in the countryside cannot even earn five hundred or six hundred a year.

"It's so expensive." Wang Baoqiang's eyes widened and he gave up the idea of ​​going to college.

"It wouldn't be a film school if it wasn't expensive." Huang Bo said, "This is just the tuition fee. The monthly living expenses and daily expenses are also a sum of money."

If he hadn't started out early and made money by forming a band, he wouldn't have dared to come to Nortel.

An ordinary university takes 3,000 years, but the first year at Nortel is almost as long as four years.

The key is that there is no security. You will be unemployed after graduating from college.

Ordinary people can learn a craft by attending a technical secondary school, but those who graduate from Nortel can only work in the film and television industry, especially in the acting department. Acting is almost the only way.

If you can't act and no one asks you to do it, you're screwed because you can't do anything else in your profession.

"Baoqiang, don't think too much. You can't even recite the twenty-six letters. Are you worried about which university to go to? Huang Bo is the same. I think the big stars are all handsome men and beautiful women. You can't do it with this face. I really thought about it." It’s so enjoyable that it’s the same when I follow Bao Qiang and perform as a group.”

The atmosphere was a bit tense. Ding Xiu wanted them both to relax, and after that, the atmosphere became even more tense.

These two sentences were like knives, stabbing into the chests of Wang Baoqiang and Huang Bo. Cultural classes and appearance were all obstacles that they could not overcome.

Realizing that something was not right, Ding Xiu patted Huang Bo on the shoulder and said, "I'm just talking nonsense. Don't take it seriously. Maybe even an ugly person would like it."

Huang Bo was almost in tears.

Suddenly, like a cold wind blowing all night, the weather in Peiping has turned cold silently. Especially in the morning, there are fewer and fewer pedestrians. There is no crowded scene at the entrance of the Beijing Film Studio in the early morning.

There are only two types of people who can work as extras here. One is those who have dreams and aspire to be a star, and the other is idle and don't want to go to work.

The former has relatively high liquidity. Most people want to be fresh and insist on taking the bucket for ten and a half months before running away.

The latter accounted for the majority of the group performers. They were idle and did not want to go to work. They often worked one day and had three days off. On days like winter, they would not be able to get up even to death.

Ding Xiu asked a carpenter to get a weapons rack and made several pear wood weapons. One was a Royal Forest Saber. The length of the handle plus blade was one meter and a half, and the tip was slender and curved. It was the same style as the one in his previous life.

On the blade he engraved the word Mei Ying.

One is the Qi family sword, with a straight handle and a blade that is more like a samurai sword, but the curvature is smaller than that of a samurai sword.

This is called Baiying.

Others include wooden sticks, wooden sticks, wooden spears, wooden swords, and wooden knives. The workmanship is relatively rough and there is no signature.

There is a helmet next to the weapon rack. Wang Baoqiang bought it. After getting the weapon, Ding Xiu asked him to fight with him.

The movements were so intense that he couldn't get out of bed the next day every time.

In order to avoid being beaten, he bought a helmet to protect himself.

On this day, Wang Baoqiang had not returned for a long time, and Ding Xiu was preparing to go to a restaurant by himself. As soon as he arrived in the yard, a woman pushing a bicycle stood in front of the gate and stretched her head in to take a look.

"Can Ding Xiu live here?"

"I'm Ding Xiu, who are you?"

The woman put down her bicycle and walked in with a smile: "My name is Wang Jinhua, and I am an agent."

Ding Xiu exclaimed: "What then?"

"I heard that you played the second male lead in Zhang Jizhong's The Swordsman. Have you signed with an agency?"

The production of "Swordsman" has been completed, and the media has reported it. This happened a few days ago. Ding Xiu did not expect that someone would come to him so soon. He was still an agent. He was very unfamiliar with this profession. He had heard of it, but he was not familiar with it.

"Not signed."

Wang Jinhua was delighted: "Do you want to consider our company? I guarantee you will become a big success."

"Brother, I'm back."

Before anyone arrived, the voice came first, who else could it be if it wasn't Wang Baoqiang.

Qin Gang came with Wang Baoqiang, carrying wine, meat, vegetables and ingredients for hot pot.

"Brother, who is this?"

"Agent, he said he wanted to sign me, what's his name?"

Wang Jinhua said to Wang Baoqiang and Qin Gang: "You are friends of Ding Xiu, my name is Wang Jinhua, and I am a professional agent."

Qin Gang was wary and said, "That's right, Brother Xiu. There are many scammers pretending to be agents nowadays. They deceive money and sex. There are many extras, both men and women, who have been tricked."

Wang Jinhua took out her business card: "We are a regular company. You can check it out. I am somewhat famous in this industry. If you ask anyone, you will know my name."

"Have you heard of the Brother group? I was the one who discovered the artists in our company."

Ding Xiu took the business card and looked at it, shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it."

Wang Jinhua took a deep breath: "It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it. You can find out more later. Can you come in and chat in detail? If you have any questions, you can ask me."

After making way, Ding Xiu and Wang Jinhua entered the house together. Qin Gang gave the food to Wang Baoqiang: "I'll go in and help Brother Xiu hold the show, so that he won't be cheated."

Pulling up a chair, Qin Gang sat next to Ding Xiu: "Miss Wang, I am Ding Xiu's good friend, can I listen?"

"Of course." Wang Jinhua didn't think much about it. It's normal for friends to listen and give some advice. If this doesn't work, it's really a liar: "First of all, let me introduce our company..."

From Wang Jinhua's words, Ding Xiu knew that this was a brokerage company that had just been established a few years ago. It was not large in scale and had more than ten artists under it, but none of them were very famous.

At least he had never heard of some of the people Wang Jinhua said.

"The development of the mainland's film and television industry is slow. The concept of agency companies has only been around for a few years. You may not know much about agency companies."

"After our company signs an artist, it mainly helps the artist negotiate contracts, remuneration, and resources... Of course, we will take a portion of the remuneration. As an artist, you only need to film and distribute the money, and you don't have to worry about anything else."

"Isn't this the leader of the group?" Wang Jinhua said a lot. Ding Xiu looked at Qin Gang and summed it up in one sentence.

Qin Gang almost gave him a thumbs up.

"Ahem." Wang Jinhua coughed lightly: "Theoretically, it is similar to that of the group leader, but our resources and expertise are not comparable to that of the group leader."

Ding Xiu pondered for a few seconds: "I'll think about it."

It's quite convenient to have a professional team to help you handle things. At least you don't have to squat in the Beijing Film Studio early in the morning, and you don't have to run around to do things.

It's normal for people to take some remuneration, but it's not normal to ask for no money. You can't help work for free.

As long as the price is within a reasonable range, he can agree.

Qin Gang interrupted: "Miss Wang, how do you share the accounts with the artists?"

Wang Jinhua glanced at Ding Xiu: "Thirty-seven points."

Ding Xiu was displeased and frowned: "If you do some errands, you will get 30%. Isn't it a bit much?"

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