This actor needs more money

Chapter 39 Director, call the police, this guy must have a criminal record

In the cold wind.

Not far away, Gao Yuanyuan smiled at Ding Xiu, at least that's what Ding Xiu thought. After waving her hand, she got into the taxi and gradually drove away.

Ding Xiu and Wang Baoqiang helped Xu Haofeng walk to the hotel. After just a few steps, Xu Haofeng vomited while holding on to a telephone pole on the roadside.

In a villa in the city, Ding Xiu was filming a massacre.

Not long after Gao Yuanyuan left, Wang Baoqiang finished filming, and now he is the only starring role in the crew.

It was snowing heavily outside, but it was warm inside the house. Fortunately, this was an interior scene. It would not have been so comfortable if it had been shot on location.

Outdoor scenes have high requirements on weather and light. A scene cannot be shot immediately. Generally, it is only taken at a certain point in time. If the time is exceeded, it can only wait until the next day.

If you don’t take the time into account and shoot all day long, the final effect will be:

The sun is shining brightly one moment, but may be gone the next.

The sky turned dark within a few minutes of the male protagonist being dazed. In one shot, there was light snow falling, but in the next shot, the snow on the ground was one foot thick.

Interior scenes are different. They are not affected by the weather. You can shoot whatever you want in the room. As long as it is not night, the light will be about the same. Even if you cannot add some light, it is the same.

"Brother Xiu, you are more fierce. This is your first time killing someone here. Why are you so calm? This is not in line with the character's state at that time."

"Put yourself in, imagine what it feels like to kill someone. What I want is trembling, fear, and a bit of forced composure."

Xu Haofeng came out from behind the monitor and explained the drama to Ding Xiu earnestly.

Originally, he thought this scene would be the easiest one. After all, Ding Xiu has great martial arts skills, so small action scenes like this were easy for him and not difficult at all.

There's no need to worry about drama, because there aren't even a single line.

Responsible for killing, killing, and that's it.

However, Ding Xiu ended up with eighteen NGs in a row. The reason was that he was too calm when he struck. He was terrifyingly calm, like an emotionless killer.

If he hadn't known that he was an ordinary high school student before coming to Peking, Xu Haofeng would have almost called the police to report his case.

"I have no fear because I have taken on the role." Ding Xiu felt a little tired and had no choice.

He didn't know what fear was. How could he be afraid of killing people?

It's noisy.

He could sit next to the pile of dead people to eat and drink during the day, and lie in the pile of dead people to sleep at night. If it was cold, he could pull two corpses over to block the wind.

It's really difficult to make him show the fear and anxiety after killing someone. It's too difficult.

Xu Haofeng smoked half a cigarette speechlessly. This was the first time he encountered such a strange thing: "Your acting foundation is still a bit weak. You can't even do simple emotional substitution. In film school, this is all sophomore knowledge." .”

"What is emotional substitution?" Ding Xiu asked.

"Actors need to play different roles. Each role has different emotions and desires. In order to get closer to the character, the actor has to experience what the character has experienced, such as working, begging, being a waiter, etc."

"But some emotions cannot be experienced by actors. For example, in this scene of murder, it is impossible for actors to kill someone personally to feel the emotion. This requires emotional substitution."

"What I want is fear, trembling, apprehension, as well as excitement and forced composure. Think carefully, what have you done or experienced before that made you feel similar emotions?"

“Putting that emotion in the scene before you is emotion substitution.”

Xu Haofeng does not believe that a person is born with no fear. When he was a child, he encountered a snake, was bitten by a dog, did not complete his homework, and was beaten by his parents. There must always be fear.

Ding Xiu thought about it carefully and said, "Does it count as my first time visiting a kiln?"

"Cough cough cough... cough cough cough."

After smoking for so many years, except for one time when I was just learning, Xu Haofeng choked on cigarettes for the second time and almost choked with tears.

"Brother, I call you brother, can you say something normal?"

God was visiting a brothel, but he didn’t expect Ding Xiu to have such an experience, and he didn’t know if it was true or not.

Ding Xiu frowned and pushed the memory forward, thirty years old, twenty-five years old, twenty years old, fourteen years old, and finally, he found the fear Xu Haofeng talked about.

That was during the Wanli period.

There was a severe drought that year, the crops were not harvested well, and the village was plundered by bandits. In order to survive, every household picked up sickles and hoes to resist.

If the small amount of food is taken away, the whole family will starve to death. It is impossible not to fight.

At that time, my father went out to fight the bandits. Before leaving, he stuffed him and his mother into the closet and told them not to come out.

There were sounds of shouting and killing outside, accompanied by crying from time to time.

My father didn't come back for a long time, and my mother couldn't wait any longer, so she took a kitchen knife and ran out.

After a long time, the door of the house was broken, and a bandit rushed in. He rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find valuable things. Perhaps he relaxed his vigilance when he saw that no one was home.

The moment the other party opened the wardrobe, he held the butcher knife tightly and rushed forward. He was caught off guard and was knocked down.

Draw the sword, draw the sword, draw the sword, draw the sword...

Blood splashed all over him, turning his whole body red. At that time, his mind went blank, followed by fear and trembling. He couldn't stand up and could only crawl to the corner to vomit.

He cried for a long time, but did not cry out.

Not long after, two young men walked into his home. The man was eighteen or nineteen years old, and the woman was fifteen or sixteen years old. Each was holding a Qi family knife.

The woman comforted him and told him not to be afraid, it was okay.

That day, he had an extra master, a master...

Xu Haofeng did not disturb Ding Xiu's daze. Ding Xiu came to his senses after he finished smoking a cigarette.

"let's start."

"May I?"

"should be no problem."

"Put on makeup, adjust the lights, and the extras are in place..."

An hour later, the scene of the massacre was completed.

Everyone was very quiet during the filming process, and no one spoke during the break. It was just that everyone looked at Ding Xiu a little bit wrong.

Behind the monitor, Xu Haofeng's feet were full of cigarette butts. He lit another one and took two puffs before walking towards Ding Xiu.

He handed over the cigarette.

"Smoke one, slowly."

"Need not."

"It's better to take a few puffs, otherwise I'll be scared."

Ding Xiu's performance was so terrifying. His ferocious face, trembling palms, and cold eyes made him look like he had committed suicide.

His heart trembled every time he watched the replay.

The most difficult part was playing the role of the extras who were killed. They were psychologically traumatized by the killing. They cried and shouted several times not to shoot anymore. In the end, they were allowed to stay after adding 200 yuan each.

"It's really unnecessary." Ding Xiu shook his head, stood up and said, "Today's filming is over, I'm going back to the hotel first."

Ding Xiu left without removing his makeup or changing his clothes. In the heavy snow, his back was full of stories.

As soon as he left, the assistant director ran to Xu Haofeng and said, "Director Xu, let's call the police. I suspect he has a criminal background and can point out where the fugitive escaped."

The cameraman said tremblingly: "Yes, call the police. After all these years in the industry, I have never seen a murder scene performed so realistically. Not even the best actor can do it. This kid definitely acted in his true colors."

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