This actor needs more money

Chapter 49 Happy New Year

Qin Lan couldn't help but praise: "Brother Xiu, you are so handsome."

Although Qin Gang didn't want to admit it, he had to say that Ding Xiu, the LSP, was really suitable for ancient costumes, not only in appearance but also in temperament.

When ordinary people put on ancient costumes, no matter how beautiful they are, they are still somewhat disharmonious. For example, Qin Lan, you can still see the shadow of modern people in her.

Ding Xiu is different. He looks like an ancient person when he puts on ancient clothes. There is no trace of a modern person in his eyes, movements, or gestures.

"It's like Ning Caichen."

Ding Xiu thought for two seconds: "Is this Ning Caichen from the Japanese Ghost?"

Qin Lan: "..."

Qin Gang: "..."

"I'm sorry. I take back what I just said. You're still a gangster in ancient costume."

"You still understand me." Ding Xiu looked at himself in the full-length mirror. With his appearance, if he wanted to call a girl in a brothel in the Ming Dynasty, the madam would have to give him a 30% discount.

Qin Gang was tired and couldn't stand it anymore: "Don't be poor, hurry up and shoot."

In the next two hours, Qin Lan finally understood how cheap a face can be to an actor.

Ding Xiu is not only in traditional clothes, he can also wear suits. His hair is combed forward like a student, and from behind he looks like a rich man and a domineering CEO.

Especially when he puts his hands in his trouser pockets, he looks quite melancholy if he doesn't smile, and his face is full of stories.

When he smiles, he is a scumbag among scumbags, and it is written all over his face how many rooms he has rented and how many people he has slept with.

Being able to control both ancient and modern costumes means that Ding Xiu has a wide range of roles. This kind of person will have a better chance of getting ahead in the entertainment industry than most people.

Sometimes, being handsome can really make a living.

After taking the photo, Qin Gang drove back to the company and took out a piece of paper from the car to Ding Xiu.

"Tomorrow, two newspapers will interview you, at ten in the morning and two in the afternoon. Here are the outlines and answers. Memorize them when you go back."

Ding Xiu couldn't believe it: "Am I so angry now?"

Swordsman was only broadcast yesterday, and two newspapers came to interview it today. Qin Lan was extremely envious.

"Brother Xiu, congratulations, you are going to be popular."

"Thinking too much." Qin Gang gave the two of them a basin of cold water without looking back: "I paid for this person. Xiaoao is very hot, and I don't want to use it for nothing."

"Tomorrow's interview will not be reported until at least next week. There will be a small column of reports then. You don't know how many people will see it, but no matter what, it is better than no one seeing it."

It turned out to be Tuo. Ding Xiu curled his lips, folded the paper in half and put it casually into his pocket.

In the evening, Qin Chao entertained.

The employees have gone off work and the lights in the office are still on.

Qin Gang took out a large stack of photos from the file bag. They were taken in the afternoon. The photo studio worked overtime to develop them. They were just sent here. Time is tight. For the time being, they are only Ding Xiu's.

They were placed on the table one by one. Qin Gang looked at them carefully and then started to make a resume.

Name, gender, education, year of birth, works, specialties, hobbies...

In the works column, not only The Swordsman and The Lost Martial Arts, but also the works that were commissioned by Beijing Film Studio before were also filled in, giving people a feeling of rich life experience.

My hobby is reading classical literature.

There are many specialties, including knives, spears, swords, clubs, fists and kicks, horse riding, and archery.

The last part is to put photos. Here Qin Gang has put a few pictures of ancient costumes in different styles, including swordsmen and scholars.

After checking to make sure it is correct, the resume is put into the cowhide portfolio, followed by the second resume.

It’s pretty much the same as before, except that my hobbies have become watching movies and reading magazines, and the photos are photos of suits and casual clothes.

As each photo was put into the portfolio, Qin Gang made a dozen resumes.

In the next few days, Ding Xiu was either busy interviewing or meeting different directors with Qin Gang.

Swordsman is still on the air, and only Wang Baoqiang watches the TV at home.

The reason why Ding Xiu didn't watch it was that he knew that he wouldn't have much of a role to play next. The extermination of the Fuwei Escort was just an introduction to the Five Mountains Sword Sect and the Sun and Moon God Sect.

Starting from the fourth episode, the camera shifted to the protagonist Linghu Chong, and Lin Pingzhi's role gradually decreased.

It was not until later that this character slowly entered the audience's sight again.

On this day, there was heavy snow in the sky. Ding Xiu got interested and came to the yard with a bottle of Maotai, drinking it while dancing with his knife.

The TV in the room was on, playing Fei Yuqing's songs.

By the time the knife dance is over, the wine is gone, and the song is finished, everyone is quite drunk.

Soon after, the door to the courtyard opened, and Wang Baoqiang walked in with his head covered with snow.

Even the military coat and thunder hood could not protect me from the cold, and my face turned red from the cold.

He closed the door with his backhand, rubbed his hands, took a breath and quickly put them back in his pocket.

"Brother, are you still practicing martial arts in such a cold weather?"

"I'm used to it." Ding Xiu put away his knife and said to him: "Isn't Qin Lan in the company? Are you back so early today?"

Wang Baoqiang is also a boring man. He goes to the company whenever he has time. At first, Ding Xiu didn't know why. He didn't understand until he saw this guy following Qin Lan in the company and rushing to do work every day.

"She went home to celebrate the New Year." Wang Baoqiang wanted to say this in a calm tone, but he couldn't hold it in any longer, so he pursed his lips and said, "Brother, I'm lovelorn."

Ding Xiu laughed out loud, feeling inappropriate, and said seriously: "You confessed your love?"

"I don't know if it counts."

"Then what did she say?"

"She said I was a good person."

Ding Xiu patted Wang Baoqiang on the shoulder and comforted him: "It's okay to stop thinking. Qin Lan is very career-oriented, and you can't control it."

For a beautiful woman to marry an ordinary rural boy is a scene from a TV series, not to mention that Wang Baoqiang is not handsome.

I want money but no money, I want looks but no appearance, my cultural level is still low, what can I do to impress others.

A beauty like Qin Lan has a lot of people chasing her. How can Bao Qiang be the top one? Among the many licking dogs, she might not even be ranked in the top 100.

With a wry smile, Wang Baoqiang said: "Actually, I should have discovered it earlier. When chatting with her, she always likes to mention your name and listen to your stories."

Ding Xiu, who was about to walk into the house, paused: "Really? I'll try her water another day."

Wang Baoqiang was at a loss and froze on the spot, feeling extremely sad for a moment.

In the room, Fei Yuqing's plum blossom cut happened to be heard.

"Snowflakes are falling and the north wind is blowing"

"The sky and the earth are one and vast~"

"Let's see what she means. Is she deliberately treating you like a traitor?"

After Ding Xiu finished speaking angrily, there was no sound behind him, and he turned around and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Wiping his eyes, Wang Baoqiang said: "It's okay, Feng Xue blurred his eyes."

"Brother, I appreciate your kindness. It's better for you not to go. I'll take care of my own business without any trouble from you."

"Okay, call me if you need anything. By the way, are you going home today too?"

The Chinese New Year is the day after tomorrow. This is the day when countless Beipiao people return home. During this time every year, no matter how busy they are outside, workers have to go home to reunite.

"Well, I have a ticket for the afternoon. Brother, when will you go back?"

Ding Xiu raised his head and shook his head: "My home is too far away and there is no one at home, so I won't go back."

His home was hundreds of years ago and there was no return ticket.

Wang Baoqiang said: "Then I wish you a happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

PS: The transitional chapter has been written, and next is a new plot. Guess what the protagonist’s New Year’s drama is.

A friend’s book, friends who like history can read it

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