This actor needs more money

Chapter 500 I’m very angry now

For the next period of time, Bai Bin practiced his sword alone, while Ding Xiu stood far away smoking, not daring to come forward at all. When his eyes glanced at Wang Baoqiang, he had an inexplicable murderous look.

"Brother Xiu, get ready, it's your part soon."

The staff came to notify him, and Ding Xiu replied, throwing the cigarette butt on the ground and crushing it out with the sole of his shoe.

Today is the literary drama between him and Bai Bin.

The weather was nice and the sun was warm, but his condition was not very good.

Half an hour later, after putting on makeup and costumes, the two walked together, just ready to wait for the director to call to start.

"Brother Xiu, do you need to correct your lines?" Bai Bin asked.

Ding Xiu waved his hand: "It's okay, I'm not nervous."

Bai Bin: "..."

I don't know what happened, but since the past few days, Ding Xiu's attitude towards her has changed. He has become very polite, will not talk to her for anything, and will never be alone with her.

She didn't know exactly why it was like this.

I wanted to ask but didn't dare.

"Actors prepare!"

"Prepare for the group performance."

"Three, two, one, action!"

After the court affairs were decided, Ding Xiu quickly got into the mood.

In this scene, Xia Houwu came out of prison and returned to his hometown. He met his junior sister Shan Ying in the small county town to buy fruits.

In the lively market, Shan Ying was buying fruits and saying hello to the vendors. When she felt something, she turned around and saw Xia Houwu standing in the crowd.

Looking at Xia Houwu, she stepped forward step by step, tears appearing in her eyes.

Bai Bin's hair was tied back with a rubber band casually, and his clothes were simple, with a simple white short-sleeved upper body, blue sports pants and casual shoes on the lower body.

I don’t know who Shaqiandao made Bai Bin’s clothes. She originally had big breasts and she wore short-sleeved clothes that were too small.

This suddenly distracted everyone's attention.

After just glancing at her, Ding Xiu looked away slightly and secretly exclaimed: "It's so big!"



"Brother Xiu, pay attention to your eyes. Shan Ying and Xia Houwu have been brothers and sisters since childhood. They like each other. You don't have to be restrained. You can look at them however you want. Don't be embarrassed."

Bai Bin's clothes were specially designed to highlight her figure.

I just didn't expect that Ding Xiu would be such a decent man, but I was embarrassed to see him. He couldn't even deal with the director. There aren't many such decent people these days.

Having been in the industry for so many years, the director has seen too many actors, some of whom are serious on the surface but more erotic than anyone else during filming.

It's not uncommon to see people deliberately taking advantage of others in sex scenes, and sneaking tongues in kiss scenes.

Some even pretend to be real.

As for Ding Xiu, the actress has such a good figure that he is embarrassed to look at her, she is so elegant and elegant.

This is character.

The director's words made everyone at the scene stifle laughter, and Ding Xiu himself was also a little embarrassed.

In the second article, he re-entered the state.

This time, I don't know if it was intentional, but Bai Bin straightened his back on purpose.

I have to say that her icy white face is really durable. She doesn’t wear any makeup and her clothes are the simplest and cheapest, but she still looks good.

In addition to swallowing secretly, Ding Xiu's eyes were unwavering.

The next second.


Ding Xiu received a slap on the face from Shan Ying.

This slap put him into a good mood, and he calmed down a lot. He slowly knelt down and picked up the oranges scattered on the ground.

Shan Ying is the only daughter in charge, and he is the senior brother.

When the master was dying, he handed over the sect to him and his only daughter.

As a result, he was very competitive and looked for people to compete with each other. In the end, he beat people to death and went to jail.

He felt sorry for his master and Shan Ying. This kneeling was his guilt.

Picking up the crew one by one, Xia Houwu stood up, faced the junior sister who was about to cry, and hugged her.

Leaning on his shoulder, Shan Ying cried silently.

One minute, two minutes.



"Get ready for the next one!"

In the second scene, Shan Ying brings Xia Houwu to Heyimen. The former glory is long gone, and only some children are left here practicing martial arts.

In the lobby, Xia Houwu kowtows to his master.

"Master, I was wrong. I thought that winning the various sects would bring glory to the Heyi Sect. I didn't expect that I would kill someone by mistake, and it would also hurt everyone..."

Ding Xiu was a bit reserved in the last scene, but this scene was shot surprisingly well.

You can feel the guilt and sadness in his tone and demeanor.

In fact, Ding Xiu also had similar feelings.

He once relied on his martial arts skills to help the strong and help the weak, but as a result, his entire family was wanted. If it weren't for someone in the court, the orphan of the Qi family army would have been labeled as a gangster.

With a little immersion, he could understand Xiahou Wu's situation.

What was different from Xia Houwu was that after the accident, he would do it with his face covered, and he would not register a number, let alone stay alive.

"Senior brother, this is what I am begging for you. Promise me not to do anything casually again in the future."

Shan Ying bent down and picked up a blessing bag on the altar table.

Ding Xiu felt bitter in his heart, the damn costume designer was doing all these fancy things.

Needless to say, Bai Bin has a good figure.

The sweatpants were still close-fitting, but when she bent over, her buttocks were pointed directly in front of him.

Squatting down, Shan Ying tied the short rope in the lucky bag to Xia Houwu's hand.



Ding Xiu breathed a sigh of relief when he finally heard the director's voice.

Shooting these two scenes was more tiring than shooting the martial arts scene.

For the next week, Ding Xiu filmed scenes with Bai Bin every day. Bai Bin's clothes were all close-fitting, low-cut, short-sleeved, white, blue, and semi-transparent.

Day by day, he became more and more angry.

In the evening, after filming a night scene, while having midnight snack, Ding Xiu couldn't help but said to Bai Bin: "What do you think about the costumes? Why do you have to wear these clothes?"

Bai Bin chuckled: "Don't you look good?"

"It looks good." Ding Xiu smiled, not wanting to say anything else.

The person involved didn’t have any objections, so what else could he say?

Pushing the bowl of braised pork in front of Ding Xiu, Bai Bin propped up his chin and said, "I can't help it. I'm not popular. The only thing I can show off is this face and figure."

"The director wants me because I look good and have a good figure. If I don't wear sexy clothes, they won't want me."

What Bai Bin said was a bit sad, but Ding Xiu could understand that actresses sometimes take a more or less sexy route in order to break through themselves and increase their fame.

Not to mention her, even Fan Binbin has also walked the sexy route.

The two have also collaborated with Apple.

A few years ago, when Damimi was not popular, she also took on the role of Far Cry, in which she revealed her career line.

The title of Damimi also came from that time.

"It's not easy." Ding Xiu put down his chopsticks after taking two bites of the braised pork that Bai Bin pushed over.

He prefers spicy food, and he likes two tablespoons of sugar in everything he cooks here, so he can't get used to it.

"Right now, I am filming one movie and one less movie. I am doing it and cherishing it. I don't know how much longer I can keep filming."

Bai Bin can clearly feel that his stardom is not long, especially after getting married. It is not an exaggeration to say that his stardom has plummeted.

Do it and cherish it. Ding Xiu is very familiar with these words. Gao Yuanyuan said this on the phone before.

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