This actor needs more money

Chapter 503 Bai Bin was beaten

"Brother Xiu, are you okay? The staff will check."

Chen Desheng did not dare to be careless. Even if Ding Xiu said there was no problem, he insisted on having it checked.

Filming dangerous actions is no joke. Sometimes when an actor says it's okay, it doesn't mean it's okay.

Many years ago, before he became a director, he encountered an incident. It was also an action scene, and Wu Xing was acting as a stand-in for an artist.

It was a somersault landing on the back.

I don’t know what happened, but Wu Xian made a change. His back landed on the ground irregularly, and the back of his head also hit the ground.

At that time, Wu Xing got up and smiled, saying that it was okay, he just knocked on a bag.

Seeing that there was no blood on the ground, everyone didn't take it seriously.

As a result, before Wu Xing could take a few steps, he fell straight to the ground and lost all energy on the spot.

I was sent to the hospital for examination, and the doctor said he had massive intracranial bleeding.

Ten minutes later, Chen Desheng felt relieved when he saw that Ding Xiu could still smoke and play with his mobile phone.

The next scene involved Ding Xiu helping Wang Baoqiang as a stand-in. In order to feel more at ease, Chen Desheng delayed the scene for another ten minutes on the grounds of machine setup.

It wasn't until Ding Xiu got a little impatient that he called start.

"Preparation, action!"

Ding Xiu jumped down with a three-meter-long bamboo pole. He was in the air, the bamboo pole hit the ground, and he turned slightly and landed smoothly.

The action is clean and beautiful.



Chen Desheng watched the replay several times in front of the monitor and said, "If Brother Xiu hadn't been expensive, with his skills, he would have been able to get a lot of fights in the entertainment industry."

There are many stars in the circle, and there are also many life-threatening martial arts.

But an action that costs one's life and an action that can be achieved easily are two different things.

Ding Xiu's casual moves are the upper limit of others, there is no comparison.

"knock off!"

The director shouted happily, the staff prepared to put away the machine and get off work, and the actors began to remove their makeup.

The next day, in the afternoon, Bai Bin had her fight scene.

It should be said that it was a beating scene.

He was beaten by Wang Baoqiang.




In the dilapidated hut, Shan Ying and Feng Yuxiu fought.

In order to force Xia Houwu out, Feng Yuxiu prepared to kill Shan Ying.

Shan Ying, who had been practicing swordsmanship for many years, was no match for him, and he was beaten after just a few moves.

At this time, he was kicking Shan Ying on the back with his big foot, each one harder than the other.

People behind the camera couldn't bear to look at it, because Bai Bin didn't use a stand-in for this scene and just carried it out.

"Click, pass!"

"Sister, are you okay?"

Wang Baoqiang was the first to step forward and ask.

"It's okay, it's okay." Bai Bin said with bared teeth.

For this two-second shot, the director originally said to use a stand-in, but she thought it would only last two seconds anyway, being kicked twice and still on the back, it wasn't a big deal, so she did it herself.

Of course, there is also a bit of anger in it, and I don't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone.

The crew has been filming for such a long time, and no one uses a stand-in unless it is absolutely necessary. This is not a difficult scene for her, and it is not easy to be special.

As a result, she almost kicked her and vomited blood.

Wang Baoqiang's feet were not light, and the big leather shoes kicked him terribly.

Fortunately, it was the back. If it were the front, she wouldn't dare to carry it to death.

What to do if it gets deflated.

She was a little scared.

"It's okay."

After just a symbolic remark, Wang Baoqiang left.

Bai Bin was stunned.

It seemed like this was the first time I met someone with such low emotional intelligence.

When she said it was okay, she was just saying it politely, so why did she take it seriously? Besides, would she die if she tried to comfort her a few more times?

Within a few minutes, she saw Wang Baoqiang, who had finished removing his makeup, come out of the dressing room and said to the director: "Director Chen, I'm leaving first. Brother Xiu has urged me several times. See you later."

Bai Bin felt his temples bulging. No wonder Wang Baoqiang kicked him so quickly. It turned out that Ding Xiu was urging him.

Gritting her silver teeth, she found Chen Desheng: "Director Chen, where are you going, Brother Baoqiang? Why didn't you see Brother Xiu today?"

"They asked for leave to attend a charity gala and will be back tomorrow."

Chen Desheng was not from the mainland and was not familiar with the charity gala attended by Ding Xiu and others. He only knew that the lineup was quite large.

Ding Xiu asked for one day's leave, and Wang Baoqiang asked for half a day.

Originally Ding Xiu was leaving in the morning, but Wang Baoqiang asked him to wait, so that Wang Baoqiang was in a hurry in the afternoon.

It was probably because Ding Xiu had been waiting for a long time that Wang Baoqiang left in a hurry.

"Brother Xiu, you really don't want to ask me for such a thing."

Chen Desheng rolled his eyes: "Will you go if I ask you?"

Charity gala, as you can tell from the name, you need to donate money.

Not to mention the amount of donation, it would be at least a dozen or two hundred thousand, just for a meal, which is indeed not cheap.

There is really no need for people who don’t have this heart to go.

Ding Xiu didn't mean to call Bai Bin and ask people to donate money. He couldn't do this kind of thing, and it would easily attract hatred.

If you shout, will they go or not?

Go ahead, if you want to donate money, it's okay if you have such intention. If you don't want to donate, it's because you have spoken, and you can't help but don't donate, and you can't hold grudges in your heart.

Don't go, it would be even more embarrassing, it would seem stingy and unloving.

Even Wang Baoqiang and Ding Xiu didn't deliberately call out. It was just that they both received invitations at the same time and knew that he was going, so Wang Baoqiang said so.

"Of course I want to go." Bai Bin probably knew where Ding Xiu and the others were going, and wanted to explain to Chen Desheng that at such galas in the Mainland, the names of donations are announced. If you go, no one will know whether you will donate or not.

"By the way, Director Chen, since I have nothing to do tonight, I'll take a leave of absence. See you later."

Even if she was idle, she would also like to play along.

I just wanted to take revenge on Ding Xiu for these two crimes.

Harper's Bazaar Charity, a gala that was founded only ten years ago, initially had a small number of participants. As it has become more and more popular over the years, many artists have turned it into a red carpet show.

The venue of this session is in Shencheng, which is not very far from Foshan, more than two hours' drive.

Ding Xiu and Wang Baoqiang set out in the afternoon. When they arrived at the venue, it was after five o'clock. The weather was not good and it was drizzling.

Instead of going to the hotel, Ding Xiu got off the car directly at the venue.

The door of the business car opened and Ding Xiu got out, with half a cigarette still in his hand.

The assistant trotted over to him and handed him a dark suit jacket and held up the umbrella.

In the drizzle, Ding Xiu put the cigarette in his mouth and freed his hands to put on his suit.

Behind him, Bai Bin arrived just in time and saw Ding Xiu's handsome back through the car window.

"Brother Xiu, wait for me."

Bai Bin couldn't wait to get out of the car and shouted.

When there was still an hour before the venue, she started to put on makeup and change clothes. This would be a new look.

High heels, thigh-high black stockings, low-cut dress.

Ding Xiu turned around and said helplessly: "You tell me, why are you here so well? Wouldn't it be nice to have this time to rest?"

"I'm here to take revenge." Bai Bin angrily told the story of being kicked by Wang Baoqiang.

Hearing that she was about to kick him back, Ding Xiu lowered his head and glanced at Bai Bin's long black stocking legs.

I have a picture in my mind.

That is, he, if it were another LSP, he would be more and more excited until he was frothing at the mouth.

"Then please be gentle."

"Don't worry, I'll take my time and let you have a taste of my amazing leg skills."

"What's so great?" A few meters away, Gao Yuanyuan, wearing a black tube top dress and shining stars, walked over with a smile.

The long skirt fell to the floor, and behind her was an assistant who helped drag it to prevent it from getting dirty.

Couture dresses, earrings, gemstone necklaces, and watches are all sponsored by sponsors.

In this kind of situation, wearing something you bought is not a good thing, and not having anything on your body is your own.

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