This actor needs more money

Chapter 510 Auction of clothes, sky-high prices

"Wow, Brother Xiu won, that's awesome."

Reba's eyes were full of little stars and she was about to jump with joy.

It was as if she had won the 24 million.

In addition to today, she had met Ding Xiu twice. The last time was at the company. At that time, she was under great pressure and nervous.

She often hears Yang Mi complain about Ding Xiu, and her impression of the big boss of the company is that he is serious, dignified, and difficult to get along with.

In the end, within a few minutes, her impression of Ding Xiu completely changed.

Faced with big names in the industry, he is not afraid of power, is brave, intelligent, and indifferent to fame and fortune.

In addition to these advantages, I am also extremely handsome. With so many advantages combined, it’s hard not to like him or not.

Now Ding Xiu won, and she followed suit with Yourong Yan.

Yang Mi chuckled and looked at the young girl in front of her, as if she saw herself back then.

When she was seventeen or eighteen years old, Ding Xiu was much more dazzling than she is now.

Punch against the eight martial arts schools in Hong Kong, kick the Sanda king, and compete with heavyweight boxers...

He cuts from the street to the end of the street with a watermelon knife, beats paparazzi, and smashes cameras. He is unrestrained and unrestrained, has great acting skills, and sings well.

If the entertainment industry is compared to the Young and Dangerous movies, he is Chen Haonan, the idol in the hearts of countless people.

Even she was fascinated.

Compared with Ding Xiu's past achievements, today's scene was completely small.

"It's normal to be crazy when you're young. If you're not frivolous, it's a waste of your youth. It's irrational to be crazy in your thirties."

"Brother Xiu won and lost today. If you offend these two people, you will have two more enemies in the future."

"For some people, she can't give them the icing on the cake. She's good at teasing them secretly."

"After a few games of mahjong caused so much trouble, do you still think Brother Xiu is awesome?"

Yang Mi taught Reba earnestly and thoughtfully.

Ding Xiu won. She was happy for Ding Xiu, but also worried for Ding Xiu. If there weren't so many people, she would have wanted to scold him.

At such an adult, he still doesn’t know the importance of things and does things as he pleases without considering the consequences.

It is clear that taking a step back can lead to a brighter future, but we must decide whether to win or lose.

It was like this when I was young, and it's still like this now.

At the same time, she hoped that Reba would learn the lesson before her and stop learning from Ding Xiu.

"Awesome." Reba's eyes narrowed with laughter: "If this is not awesome, what else can you call awesome? If it were me, I would do the same thing."

Yang Mi's head was full of black lines: "Didn't you think of the consequences?"

Reba tilted her head: "Why do you have to think so much? You have to think about everything. Life is so tiring."

"When you encounter someone who is stronger than you, just retreat. If you retreat today, you will retreat tomorrow. You don't know how many breaths you will take."

Yang Mi hated the fact that iron could not be transformed into steel, so she poked Reba's forehead with her finger: "This is all you will do in your life."

"I think it's pretty good."

After saying that, Reba ran to the waiter and asked for a glass of water, and Pidian Dian brought it to Ding Xiu.

"Brother Xiu, drink some water."

"Thank you." Ding Xiu took the water and took a sip: "The company lets Xiao Yang take care of you. Is there anything you are not used to?"


Reba was confused. The company asked Yang Mi to take her. Why didn't she know about this?

All along, she thought it was Yang Mi who took the initiative to take care of her, but she didn't expect that it was an arrangement from above.

"No, Sister Mi is very good to me, takes good care of me, and teaches me a lot."

Although she knew the truth, she could feel the sincerity in Yang Mi's kindness to her, and she really wanted to cultivate her.

Both public and private, we should be grateful.

After all, she didn't owe her anything, and she didn't get any salary. She had taken care of her for so long for no reason, so she deserved this love.

Drinking water, Ding Xiu said: "Xiao Yang has many faults, but also outstanding advantages. He understands the world, is able to endure hardships and stand hard work, and is ambitious. These are the advantages you can learn from."

"Ang Ang." Reba nodded in agreement.

Yang Mi has many advantages and is indeed worthy of her learning.

Ding Xiu narrowed his eyes and said casually: "If Xiao Yang wants to leave one day and wants you to go with her, will you go?"


"It's okay, just say whatever you want, I want to hear the truth."

"Maybe I'll leave." After a few seconds of hesitation, Reba said.

Frankly speaking, Yang Mi really had nothing to say to her. She taught her through words and deeds and led her to make money.

Ding Xiu was not surprised at all by this answer: "If she doesn't help you pay liquidated damages and just lends you money, will you still be willing to leave?"

Are you just poaching yourself without giving any benefits? Reba was silent for a while: "I'll think about it."

The contract the company gave her was quite high, and the liquidated damages were also high. With her current situation, she couldn't even afford to pay for the sale.

Even if Yang Mi is willing to lend herself money to compensate for liquidated damages, going to a new platform may not be as good as now.

Ding Xiu smiled mysteriously and said to Reba, "Do you know how much your sister Mi's liquidated damages are?"

After speaking, he made a gesture.

Reba's pupils shrank. With so much money, she couldn't afford the compensation without losing her entire family?

At the same time, she didn't understand why Ding Xiu was telling her this.

"Let's learn something from Xiao Yang first. When I am free, I will personally guide you. As long as you are loyal to the company, the company will not treat you badly."

"Yeah, I will, the company is my second home."

Not understanding what Ding Xiu meant, Reba still opened her mouth.

She heard it, and Ding Xiu said that he would take her in person later, which was good news.

Yang Mi waited for Ding Xiu to leave before coming over and asked Reba what they had said.

Reba answered truthfully.

Yang Mi shook her head and laughed: "You have such emotional intelligence. The boss asked you if you want to run away, but you really dare to tell the truth."

"Brother Xiu asked you to learn your strengths from me, but you haven't learned to be flexible at all, have you?"

Reba scratched her head gently: "Brother Xiu said he wanted to hear the truth."

Yang Mi curled her lips: "After we met, I will tell you another truth. Never treat your boss as a friend, otherwise you will regret it."

"Sister Mi, I don't understand."

"You will understand later."

Yang Mi really didn't want to say that Ding Xiu was a big liar in front of the little girl.

In the company, everyone thinks Qin Gang is good at deceiving people, but in fact Ding Xiu is the one who can deceive people the most.

Such a popular person has no airs at all. He can chat with someone sweeping the floor. This kind of person can easily win the favor of others.

It is also very capable of winning the hearts of women.

But... only those who have tried it know how powerful it is to like him.

"By the way, one more thing, never fall in love with him."

Yang Mi added another sentence.

Reba couldn't stand it now, her face was slightly red, and she stumbled and said: "Sister Mi, I don't have love. I know that Brother Xiu and Sister Yuanyuan are a couple, and I won't do that kind of thing..."

Yang Mi said with deep meaning: "You'd better think like this and do the same."

People are most afraid of not being reconciled.

Once upon a time, she didn't think so, but after being in contact with Ding Xiu for a long time, there was always a voice in her heart saying, try again, try again, maybe there will be a chance.

Finally, I got involved.

At seven fifty, the party is about to begin.

First row, fourth table.

Yang Mi said to Reba: "If you want to go to the bathroom, go and don't move for the next two hours."

"I know you are greedy, so don't eat anything on the table. Hundreds of media are filming the scene, and there are also TV cameras broadcasting it live. If anything happens, you are responsible for your own embarrassment."

"I just came back. I don't need to use the bathroom." Reba said solemnly. As for eating, she glanced at the table and swallowed: "I don't eat randomly either."

It's not that I'm really hungry, but I've been hungry for a long time. The last meal I had was for lunch, and it was almost eight o'clock.

"Don't listen to her nonsense, just eat whatever you want."

Ding Xiu ruined the situation on the spot, and Yang Mi rolled her eyes: "You are the boss, I listen to you. In this case, remember to reimburse her the amount of the donation later, you let her in."

"No problem, Reba can donate 100,000, and I'll pay 300,000 to the company's account. That's it."

This is not because he is stingy. Qin Gang said before coming here that this is a public account.

The price is also a figure given by the company after inquiring.

Referring to the number of artists in previous years, generally first-line artists rarely exceed 300,000.

"Thank you, Brother Xiu. I'll give you a toast. I'll do whatever you want." Reba took the opportunity to drink the drink, and then secretly grabbed a pack of snacks on the plate.

"You're welcome." Seeing her behavior, Ding Xiu just chuckled.

A few minutes later, the party started.

Countless flashlights were shining, and the media were taking pictures every moment. Even the gluttonous Reba didn't dare to eat anymore and sat upright.

Three hosts appeared on the stage, two were professional and one was Bazaar promoter Su Mang.

After some opening remarks and introductions, the first program of the party began.

Singing, dancing, children's performances, one program after another, the host came on stage in the middle to adjust the atmosphere.

More than an hour later, we came to the charity sale.

Some of these things are donations from writers, painters, and collectors, some are products advertised by sponsors, and some are personal belongings of celebrities.

Ding Xiu also contributed two pieces, namely a pair of Lanting preface calligraphy, and a set of Feiyu suit and Xiuchundao worn by Shen Lian in the movie Xiuchundao.

The calligraphy was photographed on the spot for 460,000 yuan.

To be honest, Ding Xiu's calligraphy is good, after all, he has practiced it for decades, but 460,000 yuan is really not worth it.

People who bought it bought it because of his reputation.

Feiyu Suit and Embroidered Spring Knife were sold more expensively. After several rounds of bidding, the price was over 800,000 yuan, which was bought by a middle-aged aunt.

When the host dropped the hammer, she winked at Ding Xiu and gave him a look.

Ding Xiu himself never thought that the clothes he wore were so valuable.

Yang Mi also sold a costume, which belonged to Xiyao in Immortal Sword. The price was even more exaggerated than Ding Xiu's, 1.2 million.

After many years, I don’t know where she found it. Ding Xiu probably found someone to do it temporarily.

Regarding the price, he couldn't help but joked:

"Mimi, do you still have any extra scenes at home? Give me a few."

"I don't have any costumes. Do you want some sets of daily pajamas?"

Reba covered her face and turned her head to the side. She was still a child, how could she hear these harsh words.

But this made her renew the relationship between the two.

Something's wrong!

Couldn't it be her ex-girlfriend?

The more she thought about it, the more Reba thought it was possible, and it made sense.

No wonder Sister Mi often complained about Ding Xiu in private, because she loved him and hated him.

If she doesn't let herself like Brother Xiu, if she can't get it herself, she won't allow others to get it.

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