This actor needs more money

Chapter 513 Those who work for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the snow.

Public relations is a science. It is the most irrational approach to explain something at the first moment or to confront netizens.

Every artist has negative fans. No matter what you say, these people believe in their hearts what kind of person you are, and that will not change because of your explanation.

Public relations is mainly for fans.

What Qin Gang has to do is to retain the original base. Ding Xiu has a large number of fans, so he just needs to stabilize these fans.

As long as these fans are given an explanation or the truth, they will go to the anti-fans themselves.

As soon as Qin Gang finished his instructions, Zhou Haopeng began to operate.

Enter with water troops and start with passers-by.

"The Ding Xiu I know is definitely not this kind of person."

"I heard there is a hidden secret in this matter."

"The rumor is that Ding Xiu actually donated it. Not only that, but he just didn't want to make it public."

"Oh my god, big news, inside information, there is more to Xiao Yanzi and his money than that."

"Well, I know the specific things, but Brother Xiu is not public, so I don't dare to talk nonsense. In short, I support him."

Several big V posts have attracted a lot of attention, and some netizens have taken the bait and commented.

There are also people who spray when they go up.

"Haha, it's not true if you say it's not true. Show us the evidence and don't just talk nonsense."

"There is a mountain of ironclad evidence, and it can all be cleared up."

"Don't tell me that those 24 million came from Ding Xiu."

Not long after Qin Chao Entertainment took action, Qin Gang's phone rang. It was Su Mang.

Qin Gang laughed.

After giving him so much time before, the other party didn't respond at all. Now that he made a move, the phone rang.

Without even thinking about it, Qin Gang hung up directly.

Within a few seconds, it rang again.

Qin Gang continued to hang up.

After three or four cycles, Qin Gang reluctantly answered the call: "Mr. Su, what's the matter? I'm a little busy now."

"Mr. Qin, misunderstanding, misunderstanding. I left my phone in the hotel and I just found it. Can you stop there for a moment? We have something to discuss."

"It can't be stopped." Qin Gang said solemnly: "Just in time, please help explain Brother Xiu's matter. If possible, remove Zhao Wei and Naying's names first."

Su Mang was so anxious that he almost cried. How could he explain it? Why did Ding Xiu come up with the money?

That shouldn't offend Xiao Yanzi and Sister Na to death.

But if he doesn't explain, he will offend Ding Xiu to death immediately.

"Mr. Qin, if you have any questions, please sit down and discuss them carefully."

"Didn't I discuss it with you? You have to be able to get through on the phone. Now you know how to discuss it with me?"

Qin Gang became very angry when he mentioned this matter.

There is spitting across the phone screen.

On the other end of the phone, Su Mang felt aggrieved: "Mr. Qin, it's very difficult for me to handle you like this."

"It's difficult to handle, so don't do it!" After saying that, Qin Gang was about to hang up the phone, and when he thought of something, he said: "Starting from next year, our company will no longer sponsor your magazine."

The reason why we didn’t start this year is entirely to give the other party a chance. If we can’t explain clearly next time, we will also withdraw this year.

In addition, I also didn't want to force Su Mang to death, so I left more or less a way out.

It would be a big trouble if the other party is determined to fight against the enemy.

After hanging up the phone, Su Mang sat helplessly in front of the computer and posted three Weibo posts in a row.

"Don't attack Brother Xiu. He himself has been very supportive of our work for a long time. I also apologize to Brother Xiu here. I'm sorry for causing him so much trouble."

"Stop chasing him and scolding him. Can you find someone else?"

"Don't be hasty, scold him first, then scold others, one by one."

"Oh shit, Deng Chao has turned off Weibo comments, so I'm sorry, we can only scold Ding Xiu."

"Whoever makes Ding Xiu famous is someone who doesn't scold him."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Su has come out to speak. It seems that Ding Xiu has put a lot of pressure on him. He is so impressive."

"Alas, it's not what everyone thinks."

"Stop scolding me. This is my fault."

While Qin Gang was busy with public relations, he took the time to look at Su Mang. He was extremely disappointed when he saw that she couldn't hold back a few words for a long time.

Zhou Haopeng immediately made his move bigger.

Three minutes later, a short essay of five to six hundred words came out.

It tells the whole story of what happened backstage tonight.

After spending some money, this essay became the number one search topic.

Yang Mi, Wang Baoqiang, Han Hong and others all praised it. Although they didn't say anything, their actions proved everything.

Suddenly, the public opinion reversed.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Let me just say that Brother Xiu is not this kind of person. His relationship of more than 20 million yuan was all paid for by others."

"Okay, okay, how did Zhao Wei and Naying have the nerve to sign their names?"

"I said that with the tempers of these two sisters, why didn't they say anything all night? It turned out to be a guilty conscience."

"Brother Xiu is so righteous. If one person fights against two, it will be doubled if he loses. He has worked so hard to donate some money."

"Using your body as bait is just for the children of the mountainous area. You are a man of great righteousness."

"Everyone just doesn't give a few compliments, but they continue to slander me. It's so chilling."

"Those who work for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the snow."

"Those who scold Ding Xiu, are you still human?"

A small essay turned the situation around, and the big Vs and trolls who had been vague before began to exert their efforts.

The top five most searched topics on Weibo were all about Ding Xiu, and they were extremely lively.

No matter how harshly he was scolded before, now he is even more aggressive in praising him. The criticism instantly overshadowed the negative fans.

Before the essay came out, many artists did not dare to say anything, fearing that if they were related to Ding Xiu, they would jump out one by one to clear his name.

Things took a turn for the better. Ding Xiu stabilized his fans and his father, the endorsement dealer, and got a few new endorsements along the way.

Several charitable companies have asked him to represent them.

At this moment, those who were most aggrieved were Zhao Wei and Naying. They were both shot while lying down.

It was true that they lost to Ding Xiu in the dice throw, so they also donated the money.

Who would have known that Su Mang had good intentions and did bad things, which put the two of them at the forefront of the storm. Netizens didn't know why they went crazy, and suddenly ran to scold Ding Xiu again.

As a result, someone broke the news, and netizens came over to scold them, saying that they were just trying to gain fame.

If you donate money and still get scolded, where the hell can you go to judge?

The key is not easy to explain.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Ding Xiu opened his eyes from the hotel. The man's early morning awakening made him exercise for another half an hour.

When you pee, you always have bifurcated ends, which is a happy sequelae.

He had to drive to the set later, so he couldn't stay too long.

When he finished washing, Gao Yuanyuan didn't even get up. After a long drought, there was a sudden rain, and she really had no strength.

"I'll leave first, you can rest for a while."

While putting on his clothes and coat, Ding Xiu turned on his mobile phone.

Last night, both of them wisely turned off their phones.

If you don't turn off your phone and get a phone call suddenly while you're busy, it will be very disappointing. Anyway, it won't be too late if you have anything to do.

"Yeah." Gao Yuanyuan hummed like a cat, holding the quilt and said weakly.

Ding Xiu closed the hotel room door and entered the elevator without wearing a mask.

The advantage of the official announcement is that you are not afraid of being photographed by the paparazzi.

Is it illegal to sleep with your own wife?

"Buzz buzz."

As soon as Ding Xiu entered the elevator, his phone turned on, and the vibrating sound was like a small toy.

My legs were already a little weak, but this shock almost made me kneel down.

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