This actor needs more money

Chapter 518 The Strongest Suit Thug

Qin Gang didn't do it randomly by asking Ding Xiu to take over this script.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this is a drama invested by the company. Ding Xiu is willing to star in it. With his joining, the box office will be better and the company will make more money.

Today's martial arts movies, whether they are costume or urban, cannot avoid the big mountain of Ding Xiu.

Even though the current market for martial arts movies is not good, many viewers don’t recognize current martial arts.

But if the audience doesn't even recognize Ding Xiu, let alone others.

The second point is that this villain is really good.

There are enough characters, a lot of martial arts scenes, and the protagonist is violently tortured. He is not the protagonist, but he is more amazing than the protagonist. It is difficult to get this kind of script.

Ding Xiu hasn't taken on a villain role for many years, which makes Qin Gang feel pity.

If I take it this time, it will definitely be a big hit.

"Slaying the Wolf 2, it's okay for you, spring has come out of the dead wood." Ding Xiu was actually very happy for Wu Jing when he saw the script.

He knows this play.

Wu Jing has been playing supporting roles in Hong Kong Island for ten years.

Among the many supporting roles, Sha Po Lang is one of the most popular. In that drama, Wu Jing did not have a single line, only fighting scenes.

With a tug of yellow hair, a short knife, and a white coat, he almost wiped out the protagonist group.

The last street fight with Donnie Yen was also a classic. The two of them used tricks without any rehearsal, with short swords versus short sticks.

Sha Po Lang 1 was filmed in 2004 and released in 2005, which is almost ten years ago.

Unexpectedly, Wu Jingping, who is middle-aged, actually got the male lead in the second film.

"You also know that it's not easy for me. At this age, I still don't know how many years I can keep filming. Maybe this will be my last song. Brother Xiu, can you bear to see me alone?"

Wu Jing began to feel miserable, sighing, and began to feel sad as he spoke: "How long ago was the last time we worked together?"

"Six years, or seven years?"

"If I miss this time, I don't know if I will have another seven years."

"Even if there were, I was almost fifty at that time, would I still be able to fight?"

As he said that, Wu Jing glanced at Ding Xiu secretly, and saw him asking with concern: "Have you had a physical examination recently?"

Wu's face turned black in shock.

"Brother Xiu, I'm telling you seriously, why are you still cursing me?"

Ding Xiu curled his lips: "Are you serious? How old are you? Why can't you fight? Look at Donnie Yen. He is fifty. I heard that he was filming Ip Man 3 recently and he beat Tyson."

Donnie Yen does not look old, but he is not young at all. He has been in the industry for decades.

Those who didn't know better thought that he and Wu Jing were in the same group. In fact, they were much older, and the twelve zodiac signs were almost in full circle.

The project of Ip Man 3 has been launched. Donnie Yen beat Tyson at the age of 50, which is also a good story in the circle.

Some media joked that he wanted to use this drama to extort some pension money.

The media ridicule is ridicule, Donnie Yen can still fight at the age of 50, it is indeed amazing.

Wu Jing is ten years younger than Zhen Zidan, so it is a bit exaggerated to say that the fight will last only a few years.

"Brother, I really can't do it." Wu Jing supported his waist and said with a grimace: "I practiced martial arts when I was six years old, and I was injured all over my body when I was young."

"I've been filming all the martial arts scenes over the years. I can't even count the number of broken bones and injuries I've suffered. Now it hurts whenever it's sunny or rainy."

"Don't talk about filming martial arts scenes when I'm fifty. If I don't use a wheelchair when I'm fifty, I'll be in trouble."

Ding Xiu was silent, practicing martial arts would hurt his body, he knew this.

Especially those who practice routines, many movements strive to look good, and they do not pay attention to scientific training, which will lead to injuries over time.

I didn't expect that Wu Jing was so seriously injured that he would die at fifty.

"Hey, let me think about this drama."

There's drama!

Wu Jing was overjoyed and continued to increase his power: "Brother Xiu, don't think about it. Brother, how many more starring roles can I take in my life?"

"I just want to work with you one more time before I leave to leave a souvenir."

While filming a scene, Ding Xiu was speechless after being told by Wu Jing that there was almost no one left. He thought for a while and said, "Can't we add some money?"

"I'm getting married soon. I have plenty of places to spend money."

This time it was Qin Gang's turn to take action: "Brother Xiu, although the investment of 180 million is a lot, there are many big names starring this time, and the crew's funds are really tight."

"You accept the trick first. When you get married, I will give you a big red envelope. When the baby is one month old next year, I will give you another one."

"Me too." Wu Jing said, patting his chest.

Ding Xiu sighed: "Okay, but I have a request."

Wu Jing was shocked: "You said it."

There are really not many people in the entertainment industry who can compete with him. This time he has an additional partner, Tony A.

It's difficult to find someone who can suppress the fight between two people.

Ding Xiu is the best choice. It would be the best if he can play the role.

"The director wants to give priority to my filming, and I'm busy getting married."

The shooting cycle is two months, and Ding Xiu doesn't have that much time to waste.

It's already August, and I still don't know when it will be launched. It might delay the wedding date, and I'm very tight on time.

And before getting married, we still have to take wedding photos, one set at a time, which is all time.

"Pa!" Qin Gang slapped the table: "No problem, I will give priority to filming your scenes. I will make the decision for you and I will never delay your marriage."

The two-month cycle is based on the crew's normal shooting schedule. Sometimes, due to competition for light and schedule, there may not necessarily be a scene in three to five days.

If we prioritize filming Ding Xiu’s scenes, the speed will be much faster.

It is estimated that the shooting time can be shortened by ten days and a half.

Ding Xiu raised four fingers: "I only shoot for thirty days, that's all. It's up to the director to arrange it. If he agrees, he'll shoot. If he doesn't, forget it."

"You read the script first, and I'll talk about it."

Thirty days was one month less than before. With so much time, Qin Gang didn't dare to guarantee it.

He immediately got up and made a phone call, leaving Wu Jing and Ding Xiu to drink tea.

While Ding Xiu and Ding Xiu were drinking tea, Qin Gang was seen walking around the yard, arguing with the other person on the phone.

Wu Jing took a sip of tea and said enviously: "You are so lucky to meet Lao Qin."

If he had had such an agent back then, he wouldn't have gotten to this point.

When I was young, I was very angry and wandered around Hong Kong Island alone. I encountered obstacles at every turn and almost cried to death.

He didn't have a pier, a mentor, a foster father, or a powerful brokerage company. No one looked down on him, a mainland kid.

After wandering for ten years, I came back dejected.

Relying on Ding Xiu, I filmed a film called "Lang Fang" and a film called "Wolf Warrior", which finally saved me some face.

Because of the popularity of Wolf Warriors, he became the male lead of Sha Po Lang 2 this time.

It's embarrassing to say that a person only made his mark in middle age.

"It's really not easy for Old Qin." Ding Xiu looked at Qin Gang's back and felt a little dazed for a moment.

The high-spirited, toothpick-biting, fat, dark-skinned man who stood at the entrance of Beijing Film Studio back then is no longer around.

Old Qin became Mr. Qin, his skin became whiter, his face became rounder, and he became older.

The temples are gray, the head is a little slumped, and the waist is a little not straight.

Judging from the fact that the secretary has not been replaced in several years, it is estimated that her waist is not good either.


After a while, Qin Gang came over with a smile: "Thirty days, 30 million, that's it."


"What's the point of thanking you? I have to thank you. This drama has allowed me to have a good year. Okay, let's go. Let's get together later."

"You're so busy, why don't you sit down for a while?"

"No, no, no."

"come back next time."

Qin Gang and Wu Jing didn't dare to stay too long. Ding Xiu was about to get married. They came over and dragged him to filming, letting Gao Yuanyuan know that he would inevitably be angry.

I didn't see them and only dared to chat in the yard without entering the house.

Qin Gang left the script behind, and after walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and said, "By the way, Reba, you took the trouble. I heard that you arranged another drama for her, with Yang Mi, called Gu Jian." Strange story."

Ding Xiu is really good at doing things. When he was asked to take care of the new people in the company, he left them all to his rumored girlfriend.

Let Qin Lan provide resources for Zhao Liying to film the film, and let Yang Mi take care of Reba.

He doesn't do anything himself.

All I can say is that if my ex-girlfriend has a future, she is great.

Ding Xiu couldn't understand the meaning of Qin Gang's words: "I'm busy recently, so I asked Xiao Yang to help lead the area. When I get free, I will lead it myself."

In fact, Qin Gang really wronged him this time.

Letting Reba join the group was his personal greeting to Huanrui.

The fourth female lead is not bad at all, and she has a lot of roles, which is more than enough to match her role.

Let's start slowly with the supporting role and make a transition. After he gets married, he can support her himself.

"As long as you understand."

Qin Gang didn't say much. Ding Xiu usually looked like a fool, but he was reliable and knew what he was doing.

Just give it a little boost.

Sha Po Lang 2 was originally scheduled to be released in early September, but due to Ding Xiu's relationship, it was released ahead of schedule.

Ding Xiu's contract was signed in early August, and he joined the crew in mid-August.

The character's name is Gao Jin, a prison warden in Thailand and the top thug of the villain group.

"Scene 58, first shot, action!"

Shirt, tie, vest, suit, back.

This is Ding Xiu’s look.

This scene was about someone taking the lead in a riot in the prison, and the villain Gao Jin came off to deal with the rioters.

The director gave Ding Xiu a long shot.

He buttoned up his suit and walked out of the office. When he saw Tony who was doing nothing, he glanced at him with murderous eyes and continued to chase the prisoner.

All the way to the 69th warehouse, the place was already in chaos, with fights and brawls everywhere.

Without any nonsense, Ding Xiu raised his leg and gave an old black man a kick, sending him flying two or three meters away.

The hands were not idle at all, the tiger climbed the mountain hard, elbowed, kneeled, the old ape hung seals, the white ape offered peaches, and pushed across the narrow aisle.

After cleaning up more than ten people, I saw that the fight was still going on downstairs, and I easily landed on the second floor guardrail with one hand.

Her hair is not messy at all, and her feet are flying.

One punch at a time.

In the two-minute fighting scene, Ding Xiu shot it to the end without any mistakes.



In order to accommodate Ding Xiu's schedule, the director used multi-camera shooting, which made it easy to get through.

Otherwise, if we use the usual shooting techniques, the fight scene with so many people would be impossible to finish in three to five days.

At the moment, I can only shoot the scenes of Ding Xiu, and then go back and shoot the scenes of the extras to reconstruct what happened.

"Ready for the next one."

The crew's space was expensive and the rental period was limited. After filming Ding Xiu's scenes during the day, and after Ding Xiu had finished work, another group of people filmed Wu Jing's scenes as the male lead in the evening.

His scenes are basically about getting beaten.

He was beaten by Lu Huiguang, beaten by Tony, and finally beaten by Ding Xiu.

Ding Xiu was also very tight on time after filming the martial arts drama and the literary drama.

Because there was little training in the early stage of the set, Wu Xing could not keep up with his speed. Within a few days of filming, the shooting speed slowed down.

The number of NG starts to increase.

Basically, it was all a matter of martial arts. They couldn't accept Ding Xiu's moves at all.

Ten days passed and only one-third of Ding Xiu's scenes were filmed.

The director was in a hurry.

Reluctantly, I discussed with the screenwriter and deleted a few scenes for Ding Xiu, and then I regained the schedule.

Twenty-three days after filming started, Ding Xiu's role came to an end.

Only the last fight scene remains.

Even though it was just one scene, in terms of difficulty, it was bigger and longer than all the previous fight scenes put together.

This scene was designed to last twelve minutes.

In the first half, Ding Xiu and Wu Jing fought.

After the court affairs were settled, the two began.

Wearing a suit, leather shoes, and a well-oiled head, Ding Xiu walked down the stairs and kicked Wu Jing on the neck when he came up.

Followed by a kick to the chest and a kick to the lower back.

Half a minute later, the director just called to stop.

Wu Jing was snorting next to him, gasping for air.

"Fuck, fuck."

"Brother Xiu, your foot is a bit heavy. I feel like my neck is about to break."

"I always hold my kick back." Ding Xiu also said helplessly: "My hand is so fierce. If I kick lightly, the audience won't believe it."

"I asked you to use a substitute but you didn't use it. Now it hurts?"

Wu Jing twisted his neck and said, "This is what we martial arts actors need. If we all use body doubles, why would we make a martial arts movie?"

"If you are ambitious, don't cry next time."

"Whoever cries will have a grandson."

In the evening, the crew called it a day.

Wu Jing burst into tears.

There were eight scenes filmed today, and he received a total of fifty-three kicks from Ding Xiu. Now he has to be supported when he walks.

My whole body hurts.

Knowing that if he didn't relax his muscles, it would be even more painful when he got up tomorrow, so after work, he went to a bath center for a massage.

In the bathing center, Wu Jing was enjoying himself and shouting at the same time.

Thai massage is all about heavy hands.

Every time the old master touched the place where he was beaten, there would immediately be a burst of hysterical shouting.

Tears covered the pillow.

After filming with Ding Xiu, he came to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis every day.

On the third day, Wu Jing gained a teammate, Tony A.

Now in the scene, it's Ding Xiu's turn to beat two people violently.

Tony is younger than Wu Jing, and he has also been practicing martial arts since he was a child, but he only practices martial arts that are more practical.

Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Sanda.

Having been in the industry for more than ten years, this Thai star has become a household name locally, equivalent to Ding Xiu from the Mainland.

Even so, he couldn't withstand Ding Xiu's blasting hammer.

Too cruel.

Filming is just a performance, but Ding Xiu's filming is like a real fight, a lot of pressure.

He tried his best but still got beaten.

I don’t know how many kicks I received on my legs, waist, and arms.

He didn't say anything during the filming.

As a result, Wu Jing and I went to get a massage every day after get off work, and we shed tears on the pillow together.

For several days in a row, I was almost beaten to autism.

Until the last day, the script said that the two of them would beat Ding Xiu violently.

Ding Xiu had hit them hard before, but now they both hit them back.

Flying knees and elbows, roundhouse kicks, jumping knees, kicks, finally encountered a scene where Ding Xiu didn't fight back, the two of them were having a great time fighting.

Until Ding Xiu revealed two needles similar to Emei thorns.

Tony officially started his journey to protect his waist.

Emei thorns are props and not real. Although they are plastic, they are not painful when being pierced on the body.

He was stabbed more than twenty times in the morning.

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