This actor needs more money

Chapter 522 Honeymoon and Variety Show

The last part of the wedding is sending them into the bridal chamber.

In ancient times, the night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber was one of the four great joyous events in life. It was as joyful as meeting the dew after a long drought, meeting an old friend in a foreign land, and being named on the gold medal list.

In modern society, on their wedding day, most couples are not only happy but also tired.

If you are so tired during the day, how can you have the energy to do anything else at night?

Moreover, so much time has passed since they met, got to know each other, fell in love, and decided to be together. What should be done has been done long ago.

It’s no longer fresh.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, after sending away the last wave of guests, Ding Xiu dragged his tired body back to the courtyard.

At the gate are two red lanterns hanging high.

Entering the door, the jujube trees in the yard are covered with red Chinese knots, and their tassels are fluttering in the wind.

The windows of the east room, wing rooms, and main hall are all decorated with happy words.

Without rushing into the bedroom, Ding Xiu took off his clothes and washed away the smell of alcohol. After changing his clothes, he went to the living room.

I saw Gao Yuanyuan, still wearing a red wedding dress, opening the safe and counting money.

His eyes were shining brightly.

"This is the first time I've seen so much cash, so much money."

"One million, one million and one hundred thousand, one million two hundred thousand, one million three hundred thousand, one million four hundred thousand, one million five hundred's so hard to count."

Gao Yuanyuan placed stacks of money on the coffee table, and soon it was full.

She thought she had seen money before, and her income was not low, but those were the numbers on the card. This was the first time that she had cash directly in front of her.

After counting for a while, when she reached more than six million, she couldn't count anymore. It was too many.

The first time I counted money, my mouth went dry.

Ding Xiu calmly opened the TV cabinet, took out the gift book, and turned to the last page.

"The total cash is 63.58 million."

Gao Yuanyuan stared and grabbed the notebook out of anger: "I said I couldn't find it after searching for a long time."

"You only see cash in your eyes, where do you see this?"

"What did you say?"

"No, you continue." Ding Xiu smiled. He remembered that Gao Yuanyuan didn't seem to have this temper before she was married.

How come things change once you get the certificate and get married?

"These people are really good. They are willing to spend a lot of money. A bracelet worth more than 400,000 yuan is given away as soon as possible. Fortunately, I have an invoice, otherwise it will be difficult to return the gift in the future."

"The bag Fan Binbin gave me is a limited edition LV bag, but I didn't even get it."

Looking through the book, Gao Yuanyuan found that many people gave gifts in the form of cash and gifts.

The cash is more than 60 million, and there are many gifts. I don't know what to do with it later. Sell it. This is what I want. Don't sell it. It will take up space and cannot be used as a family heirloom.

"Okay, let's see tomorrow. Go to bed first."

Ding Xiu picked up Gao Yuanyuan and carried her to the bedroom.

Turn off the lights and go to sleep.

The next day, the two slept early.

Ding Xiu's parents were both dead, but Gao Yuanyuan didn't have to get up to serve tea or anything. There was no conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law at all.

After washing and eating breakfast, the two called the bank to withdraw money.

Led by the president, several bank staff and three cash transport trucks came to the scene.

"Teacher Ding, happy wedding, a small gift is not disrespectful."

The president smiled and walked in carrying two bags of things.

Ding Xiu muttered: "Isn't it grain, oil, rice and noodles?"

He heard that there are gifts for depositing large amounts.

Gao Yuanyuan immediately gave him a cubit of waist, grain, oil, rice and noodles, but Ding Xiu could not say it.

If you save more than 60 million, you will receive two bags of rice. Which bank manager is so stupid? I'm afraid he has water in his head.


"You're welcome."

"Please come in."

It was impossible for Gao Yuanyuan and Ding Xiu to drag more than 60 million in cash to the bank in a truck. Of course, they had to call them to come and work on site.

In addition to saving money, she also opened several safes and deposited some valuable bracelets and jewelry.

After finishing the work, the sun set.

On the first day after their wedding, the two of them spent their time very simply and unpretentiously.

On the second day after the wedding, the two sat at the dining table to eat and chat while eating.

"It's the stupidest thing to put money in the bank to earn interest. Are you interested in investing some of your money?"

"What to vote for?"

"It can be done in catering, clothing, or electronic industries. I have friends who do it. It's pretty good and makes money."

"Then do it and leave it to you."

Ding Xiu buried himself in his meal and left the economic matters to Gao Yuanyuan.

Facts have proved that Gao Yuanyuan is more financially savvy than him, and he knows nothing about anything except the film and television industry.

The money you put in your hands will either buy a sports car or an airplane.

Gao Yuanyuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, I guarantee you will make a lot of money."

On the third day of their wedding, Ding Xiu came to work at the company, with his assistant carrying bags behind him.

This is a gift to your employees.

"Bah bang bang, let's stop what we are doing and give you some gifts. Everyone has a share."

"Hey, thank you Brother Xiu, I will give birth to a big fat boy next year." Zhou Haopeng cupped his fists and cupped his hands in congratulations with a smile.

Ding Xiu waved his hand: "Give this boy two portions."

"Brother Xiu, I wish you a hundred sons."

"Don't give it to this kid."

Now that the bride price is so expensive, a hundred sons, isn't this a curse on him?

"Thank you, Brother Xiu. Brother Xiu, walk slowly."

"Bye, Brother Xiu."

Carrying a gift alone, Ding Xiu came to Qin Gang's office.

The old guy was dressed in casual clothes and was doing exercises in front of the monitor on the wall. He was led by a pretty girl in yoga pants.

The sound is very sweet.

"Everyone, follow me, one, two, three, four, two, two, three, four..."

Glancing at Ding Xiu, Qin Gang gasped and said, "Sit down first, I'll be done soon."

Ding Xiu was not polite at all. He opened the gift box, took out hundreds of thousands of tea leaves, and brewed a pot on the spot. His technique was quite skillful.

Smelling the aroma of tea, Qin Gang, who hadn't finished the dance yet, couldn't help but swallow his saliva, picked up a towel and wiped his sweat, and sat down opposite Ding Xiu.

"What kind of tea is so fragrant?"

"The Dahongpao was given as a gift by someone else. It is said to be from Wuyi Mountain. It has been a treasure for decades. It's just a small cake like this."

Seeing Ding Xiu drinking heavily, Qin Gang felt distressed and immediately put the gift box away: "It's really a waste to give it to you, the cow chews the peony."

If it were true that the Dahongpao ones in Wuyi Mountain would be rare.

The country stopped allowing harvesting in 2005, and now you can only see it at auctions. The ones sold in grams are more expensive than gold.

Ding Xiu just took these few bites and lost tens of thousands of dollars.

Qin Gang quickly poured himself tea, took a sip, and tasted it carefully with his eyes closed: "It's indeed a good tea, it doesn't numb your tongue at all."

"I can still make a pot with this remaining amount. I plan to save it and drink it before I die."

Ding Xiu was speechless: "As for that, it's just a little tea."

Qin Gang despised: "What do you know? Mountain pigs can't taste fine chaff."

Ding Xiu said, "The big red robe tree in Wuyi Mountain is more than three hundred years old, isn't it?"

"Nonsense, doesn't everyone know this?"

Seeing the tea spilled on the table, Qin Gang felt distressed. Damn it, Ding Xiu didn't know how to cherish good things.

"It has been more than three hundred years. How tall is the tea tree now?" Ding Xiu opened his hands and gestured: "Nah, it's more than three meters."

"It's not as thick as my thigh."

"That's it. You told me that it was more than three hundred years ago. Isn't this an IQ tax?"

A three-hundred-year-old tea tree, not to mention growing into a towering tree, no matter how small it is, it cannot be as small as it is now on Wuyi Mountain.

Ding Xiu probably did it all for hype. Maybe the mother tree is gone long ago and a few are planted in the scenic area to fool tourists.

Just like Yang Guifei's Huaqing Pool, everyone who has been there knows that it is just a broken pool and the pig pens are shabby.

Qin Gang didn't listen to Ding Xiu at all. No matter how much he said to this wild boar, it was all in vain.

"Just tell me whether it tastes good or not."

Ding Xiu looked serious and said, "It tastes good."

Qin Gang pouted: "That's fine."

For such an expensive thing, a few people really drink it for the sake of fame, history, and pretentiousness.

"Stop talking nonsense, where is the honeymoon you mentioned?" Ding Xiu asked about the business.

Qin Gang called him and said that he had arranged a honeymoon place for him. He would not spend any money, and he would make a lot of money.

He came over as soon as he heard the news.

"Wait a moment." Holding the tea cup, Qin Gang came to the desk and took out a contract from the drawer.

"Shonan Satellite TV's variety shows, lifestyle shows, will start recording next month, and the cycle is one month."

"Your one-man martial arts movie will be released around the Spring Festival. You went to a variety show to promote it."

"Nima, is this the honeymoon you're talking about?" Ding Xiu frowned and wanted to put the teapot on Qin Gang's head.

It was agreed that on the honeymoon, let him film a variety show? Isn't this about exploiting people? Someone just drags them out to work as soon as they get married.

Moreover, the price of recording variety shows has dropped.

Variety show stars are at the bottom of the circle. They want works but no works, and they want popularity but no popularity. As for any actor with some backbone, who can make a living on variety shows?

It's not like Ding Xiu has never been on variety shows before, but those were all afternoon and half-day interviews, similar to Kuaiben and Tiantian Shangxiang.

The recording lasted for a month, which was the first time.

If this were to spread, he would be laughed at by his colleagues, saying that he was in a desperate situation and had no filming, so he went to variety shows to increase his presence.

After thinking again and again, Ding Xiu said seriously: "Old Qin, as an actor, it's best for me not to expose my true self to the audience, lest the audience watch my plays again."

Qin Gang said calmly: "One month of recording time, nine to five, weekends off, eight hours a day."

"There is no script, no outline, no pressure, just do whatever you want."

"By the way, your salary is 45 million."

"They invited you two, and your family's salary is 30 million."

Ding Xiu's face straightened, he touched his chin and said, "I haven't recorded a variety show yet, so I can give it a try. It's a lifestyle show, just for my honeymoon."

"Aren't you afraid that the audience will skip the show?"

"What this says is that no matter what scene you perform, what an actor wants is authenticity. If you just perform a scene while recording a variety show, it shows that the actor is not skilled enough."

45 million, recording for one month, 9 to 5, weekends off. This is the first time Ding Xiu has encountered such a profitable job.

Rita Immortal Banban costs 45 million a month. If the studio can keep recording, let alone record it for a month, he can record it for a lifetime.

In the future, when I am buried, I will not announce my funeral secretly, and let my son take over the funeral.

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