This actor needs more money

Chapter 525 Teach them the first lesson

Judging from the information, the most obvious characteristic of the eight students is that they are young.

The older one is twenty-three or fourteen years old, and the younger one is eighteen or nineteen years old.

They have no social experience.

Ding Xiu is not a fortune teller. He cannot tell who will definitely be popular in the future, but he can tell who will not be popular in the future.

Whether a person can be popular or not is somewhat different.

Reba is like this, an exotic beauty who can make her debut in the entertainment industry just by her appearance and figure. Even if she has a better personality and has two or three masterpieces, she can easily achieve achievements that are difficult for others to achieve.

Look at the others.

Xing Fei entered a sports school at the age of six to learn gymnastics and acrobatics, and he missed every bit of cultural lessons.

If you don't do this, you may not be able to survive in society.

The appearance is not very good either, and height is no advantage.

With her condition, how can she join the entertainment industry?

With no acting experience and no knowledge of acting, everything started from scratch.

Even if a big company is willing to support her, it will be difficult for her to attract fans. Her acting career is also limited, and she cannot play many roles.

She is not Wang Baoqiang.

Many people say they want to become the second Wang Baoqiang, but if Wang Baoqiang's path is really repeated to them, how many of them can follow it?

The time in the Shaolin Temple alone was enough for them.

After coming out, I worked as a sidekick for a few years, being beaten as a stand-in. After returning home, I read newspapers, dictionaries, and learned culture.

How many people can stick to these things?

Look at Song Yanfei again. This girl is one of the few girls who can compete with Reba.

His resume is not bad either. He was once a Korean trainee, so he must be good at singing and dancing.

It's a pity that it's of no use.

Because she couldn't even debut in a group.

I can't be a singer, but it's harder to be an actor. I don't have any acting experience. I can act in an urban drama based on my appearance, but the costumes are a bit unphotogenic.

But no matter what role you play, acting skills are the foundation, and you don’t have to have talent if you don’t have acting skills.

Unfortunately, the reason why talent is called talent is because it is very rare. There may not be even one among a hundred people.

The last girl is Zhang Yuxi, an Internet celebrity, and her ex-boyfriend is Wanda Gongzi, who has her own topic.

But in Ding Xiu's opinion, it is no different from the previous ones. It is difficult to make a debut and does not have the potential to become popular.

The boys are even worse, they have everything from monsters to monsters.

Shao Mingming looks thin and frail, and speaks delicately. At best, he is called Wenjing, and at worst, he is called an old sister-in-law.

He doesn't look handsome either. I don't know why he insists on eating this bowl of rice and why he comes to this show.

Wan Guopeng, a group actor, is a professional actor. He shoots more movies in one year than Ding Xiu did in ten years, but he is a group actor.

Last year, director Er Dongsheng filmed a drama about group acting, called I Am a Passerby, and all the actors he found were talented.

Fortunately, Wan Guopeng was lucky enough to play the male lead, playing himself, a young actor.

But her appearance is just there, with single eyelids, she looks lackluster, she is not tall, and her figure management is not good.

I definitely won’t be able to act in costume.

He can only act in urban dramas, and the silly son of a landlord is okay.

It might be possible to open the canthus of the eye, cut a double eyelid, and move the jawline.

The remaining two boys are not as good as Wan Guopeng.

Just don’t mention it.

It's just a bunch of crooked people making their debut on a show, isn't it a joke?

When I walked around the Nortel campus, I saw a lot of people who were more handsome than them, more beautiful, with a good figure, good acting skills, and a lot of people with rich families.

For this reason, these students don’t dare to say that they will be able to film movies after graduation.

What red do they get?

"Brother Xiu, you should keep a low profile." Tong Dawei was a bit dumbfounded because of Ding Xiu's uprightness.

Although he also agreed with Ding Xiu's words, Reba was the only one among these people who looked up to her.

But he still didn't dare to say this in front of the camera. The truth would hurt people, and the audience who didn't know why might scold him.

There are some things that you just know if you know them, and forget them if you know them in your heart.

To put it bluntly, they only use money to do things. Whether these students can become popular or not is none of their business.

Not to mention that in front of the students, he even used Wang Baoqiang and Ding Xiu to encourage them, saying that as long as they worked hard, they would become the second Ding Xiu in the future.

Ding Xiu shrugged and said nonchalantly: "Tell the truth."

Gao Yuanyuan pinched him: "Shut up if you can't speak. There are some people who are born to be actors. Aren't we both from grassroots backgrounds?"

"Ah, right, right." Ding Xiu said: "Then they must meet our conditions. They all look crooked...hiss!"

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan take action, Huang Zhizhong and Tong Dawei couldn't help laughing.

This is indeed true. None of these children are as good as Ding Xiu and Gao Yuanyuan.

In addition to their own conditions, personal hard work, luck, and the support of noble people, the two of them can reach where they are today. They are all indispensable. It is too difficult to replicate.

The most important thing is to say that ten years ago, young actors could still achieve success through hard work.

It's simply not possible today.

First, capital has monopolized the market. Any roles they get are usually given to their own artists, while outsiders can only take advantage of them.

Second, first- and second-tier actors are still the ones born in the 1980s. They can act in high school students, college students, costume dramas, and urban dramas.

The management and film producers are not fools. They leave actors who have been tested by the market and have appeal and let newcomers take the lead. Isn't that mentally ill?

To sum up, it is too difficult for newcomers to get ahead.

Don’t you see that there are so many students from Nortel, all of them handsome boys and girls, how many of them can be filmed?

The only way is to rely on capital, sign a contract with a brokerage company, and rely on a big tree to enjoy the shade. You have to endure all this, time and luck.

As for girls, they usually go out with their bosses to run business, have drinks with management, etc.

If you are brave enough, you may be able to get a few supporting roles within a year and a half.

If you can't risk it, you will pack up and go home after three to five years when you get older.

"Huh." Ding Xiu took out his phone and looked in the group. Yuan Shanshan and the students were eating hot pot. In the photo they took, there was beer on the table.

"Teacher Huang, can you drink while you are studying?"

Huang Zhizhong shook his head: "The first warning, the second time a serious demerit, the third time expulsion."

"Then why are they drinking?" Ding Xiu pointed to the phone: "This is the first day of school."

Huang Zhizhong and Tong Dawei looked at each other in confusion.

Drinking is not a big deal or a small matter.

We are all adults, so it’s okay to drink, as long as you don’t get into trouble and don’t get caught.

If you get caught, consider yourself unlucky.

Huang Zhizhong and Tong Dawei didn't know what to do, so they looked at the director.

The director spread his hands and said, "Don't look at me. You are the teachers now. How to deal with it is your business."

"Teacher Ding, what do you think?" Tong Dawei kicked the ball over.

He works with money and doesn't want to offend anyone. He is also worried about being scolded by netizens after the show is broadcast.

Ding Xiu pondered for a few seconds: "Since the program team invited us to be teachers, let's fulfill our responsibilities as teachers."

"Teach them their first lesson tonight."

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