This actor needs more money

Chapter 531 Screening exam, elimination

Ding Xiu got up at noon, put on his slippers and went to the cafeteria to eat. When he came back, he lay on the sofa in the apartment and looked at his mobile phone. After arriving, he took a thermos cup and walked slowly to the football field.

I haven't encountered such an easy job in many years.

Ba is very comfortable.

"Good afternoon, classmates."

When he arrived at the football field, he put down the thermos cup and greeted everyone with a smile.

"Hello teacher."

It's just that everyone's mood is not high. They were scolded by Huang Zhizhong this morning, and Tong Dawei was also very angry during the acting class.

I'm really not in a good mood.

"Why don't you have energy?" Ding Xiu blew on the spoon and said loudly: "Let's all run, ten laps for the men and eight laps for the women."

Running specializes in curing all kinds of hypocrisy. After running for a few kilometers, people will become kind-hearted.

Under Ding Xiu's constant urging, after a while, everyone was out of breath and full of energy.

"That's right." After letting them rest for two minutes, Ding Xiu began to teach: "Today I will teach the first six postures."

"Everyone follow me and learn the first pose, start from the stance, open your legs parallel to your shoulders... hold the ball with both hands..."

In one class, Ding Xiu taught the first six postures.

In the second class, they continued to consolidate while he corrected and gave them instructions. There were still ten minutes left before the end of get out of class for them to rest.

"Teacher Ding, how can I get into the scene faster when performing?"

Zhang Yuxi asked Ding Xiu a question.

Tong Dawei taught this question in class today, but she didn't quite understand it and was a little confused.

Ding Xiu took a sip of tea, smacked it in his mouth and said, "Have you taught me the experience school, but the method school?"

Zhang Yuxi shook his head: "No, we just taught about releasing nature, but Teacher Tong talked about it during class."

When Ding Xiu heard this, he knew that Tong Dawei was fooling people.

Release your nature, this is the first lesson for freshmen in the acting academy. It is a very basic lesson, but the content can be taught for a whole semester.

Let these people learn this, it will be difficult to learn anything in a month, and it is completely unnecessary.

Ding Xiu looked at Reba, who was wearing a white slim-fitting sportswear: "Reba, tell me, how to use method and experience to enter a play?"

Reba's heart tightened when she was suddenly called on. Fortunately, she still remembered some basic things.

"For the Methodist, collect information, write a good biography, and conceive the character in your mind. The more information, the more three-dimensional the character will be."

Seeing Ding Xiu's unkind look, she quickly said: "There is also the substitution method. For example, if you can't cry in a crying scene, you can think back to how you felt when your loved one died and put it in."

"For the experiential type, it's a bit difficult. You have to go through it and experience it before you can get into the role faster."

Ding Xiu nodded: "Yes, if you want to get into the role faster, you must either fully understand the character, or you have experienced it and use muscle memory to act."

"A spiritual actor must be an actor who knows how to live. You can't be a good actor just by reading books and working behind closed doors."

Ding Xiu walked up to Zhang Yuxi, suddenly raised his hand and slapped him across the face.

Zhang Yu raised his hand and turned his head to dodge.

For a long time, the slap did not fall.

Ding Xiu took back his hand that was in the air and said calmly: "This is muscle memory, remember this feeling."

"There are some things that cannot be acted out through acting. You have to think about it a thousand or ten thousand times in your mind, but it will still be distorted when you do it. Only those who have experienced it can understand what it feels like."

"If you are not afraid of pain, you can give it a try. When you encounter a spanking scene in the future, you will naturally know how to get into the scene if you recall today's experience."

Zhang Yuxi: "..."

"Teacher, I'm afraid of pain."

It turned out that this was the experiential sect, she realized.

Wan Guopeng raised his hand: "Teacher Ding, what if it's a murder scene? We can't kill someone, right?"

Ding Xiu seemed to be mentally retarded: "Do you know what acting is?"

"An actor who doesn't distinguish between human and drama is a fool."

"No matter how similar you act, it is still an act, not real. There is no 100% perfect fit for a character in the world."

"Those who can act infinitely close to their characters are not far from a mental hospital."

"In the end, being an actor is just a job. Just try your best to do your job well and don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"Acting skills improve over time. Being a good person before learning to act is better than anything else."

Having been in the industry for many years, at Ding Xiu's age, he is actually very tolerant of newcomers.

It's understandable that his acting skills are not good. After all, he is young and not everyone is a genius.

What matters more is character and professional ethics.

Try your best to do your job well, even if you are not so satisfied in the end, no one will say anything about you.

This is why Huang Zhizhong was angry in the morning.

If your speaking is not good or your tongue twisters are not good, at most you are a slow learner. If you practice, you will naturally get better in the future.

But if you are late and leave the teacher alone for half an hour, this is another matter.

"Teacher, do you have any good suggestions for acting?"

get out of class was about to end, and Zhang Yuxi asked the last question.

"Listen more, see more, feel more. If you have nothing to do, go out for a walk, in the vegetable market, on the street, in the busy city. The more you see, the more you will understand."

"Ding ding ding, classmates, it's time for get out of class to end, please take a rest."

"Okay, get out of class is over."

Ding Xiu never drags the class and teaches what needs to be taught. How much they can learn is their business.

Now that we are adults, some things still need to be conscious.

Students attend class at 3:00 and 1st line every day, and Ding Xiu and the others also go to 3:00 and 1st line.

While filming, the program team edited at the same time.

In a flash, one week is up and the screening exam begins.

The shape of the sound stage represents four tasks.

Not surprisingly, most people are a mess.

In vocal music class, several boys sang like ghosts crying and wolves howling, which made Gao Yuanyuan's ears numb.

In the line class, only Reba, who was born in a major, was better and got the highest score. As long as the others were passable, Huang Zhizhong still gave the friendship score 60 points.

If it really didn't work, there was nothing he could do.

Tong Dawei, who is usually a good guy, was more strict this time and asked the students to perform skits. If they performed well, they would be given high marks, and if they were not good, they would be given low marks. No sympathy was shown at all.

Soon, it was Ding Xiu's turn.

In the classroom, one by one was called out.

"This is thirty-five points. It's too bad. It's too boastful. It seems like I haven't practiced well at all."

In the physical fitness room, Wu Jing gives grades to the students.

That's right, it was Wu Jing who scored.

He happened to be nearby and wanted to meet Ding Xiu for a drink. Ding Xiu asked him to come over and made him a grading teacher.

Not knowing what the situation was, Wu Jing told the truth.

He is not a major in Tai Chi, but he is not bad at Tai Chi. He filmed a movie called Tai Chi Master in the early years and has studied Tai Chi for a long time.

After so many years, the skill is definitely gone, but the vision and experience are still there.

After hearing Wu Jing's words, Wan Guopeng's face turned green.

He didn't expect that in Wu Jing's eyes, his Tai Chi score was only over 30 points.

"Next one." Ding Xiu wrote down the score at the end of the list and called the next person.

The person who came in was Song Yanfei.

After all, he is a trainee. He is not bad at singing and dancing. He is not good at Tai Chi, but he is not bad either. He still put in some effort.

"This is about seventy points."

"Thank you, teacher."

Song Yanfei was overjoyed when she heard the score.

It was not in vain that she practiced Tai Chi all night yesterday.

She understands Tian Ji's horse racing. Her strength is singing and dancing. These two classes are the easiest to get points, so she spends most of her time on vocal music and Tai Chi.

Sure enough, the scores in both subjects were higher, much higher than the passing line.

The lines are average, Huang Zhizhong gave it sixty points.

Not a great show, fifty points.

But this is still higher than that of several classmates. Wan Guopeng's performance was 67 points, but he failed in vocal music, Tai Chi, and lines.

Now I already have someone to support me.

Only the last person is eliminated in each screening test, which means she can continue to hang out for another week.


"Seventy-six points."

The person who came in was Xing Fei. He was not tall and thin, but he was the tallest in Tai Chi.

I started practicing acrobatics at the age of six. The most important thing is the spirit of enduring hardship, especially physical hardship, without any fear.

She does Tai Chi for half an hour every day before going to bed, and does the same before going for a run in the morning.

Not to mention, I practiced all night with Song Yanfei last night.



Reba came in with a lot of points, seventy-three.

"Wait a minute." When Reba was about to leave, Ding Xiu stopped her: "You girls should be familiar with Tai Chi."

Reba smiled and said, "Because we practiced all night last night."

If you think about it carefully, it's not just an all-nighter. You start practicing right after class in the afternoon. Naturally, you will be much more familiar with it.

Yes, Ding Xiu understands.

"Go ahead."

Wu Jing smiled and said, "Tell me, did you tell the boys that they stayed up all night to read the book?"

Without thinking, Ding Xiu said: "80% not."

If the boys knew that the girls secretly stayed up late to practice Tai Chi, they would definitely open the book.

If everyone rolls it, it will be useless, and it will be the same as no roll.

Not telling others and secretly increasing your scores is what a smart person does.

"But you are really good at teaching people. You can practice it like this in a week, and it's impressive."

As an expert, Wu Jing could tell at a glance the difference between those with the best scores and those with the worst scores.

The worst people's movements were all crooked and incoherent.

The good ones not only move coherently, but can also see their breathing matching their movements. They are obviously getting started when they are still and move.

Ding Xiu shrugged: "Basic boxing skills are not difficult. If you can't learn them, you can jump into the river."

"When I learn this boxing technique, I can do it within an hour."

He had never learned Tai Chi in his previous life. He learned it after time travel. It took an hour and he was better than Xing Fei, who had the highest score.

From Wu Jing's perspective, it is estimated to be over 85 points.

Wu Jing smiled bitterly: "I shouldn't have opened my mouth and let you pretend again."

Taking the report card, Ding Xiu came to the office to calculate the results with several teachers. After a while, several people came to the classroom together.

The students who had been preparing for the battle for a long time could no longer bear it any longer. These few minutes were the most torturous time for them.

Huang Zhizhong poured cold water on him when he came up: "What's the use of being anxious now? I usually know what I am like."

"First place, Dilraba."

"Second place, Song Yanfei."

"Third place, Zhang Yuxi."

"Fourth place, Xing Fei."

"Fifth place: Shao Mingming."

"Sixth place: Tong Mengshi."

"Seventh place: Wan Guopeng."

"Eighth place: Lu Shaocong."

Huang Zhizhong shouted with a dark face: "A few grown men, their grades are not as good as those of girls, how can you be so embarrassed?"

As long as there is a boy who is not at the bottom, he will not be angry.

On the report card, the boy's physical and vocal scores are very low. It can be said that the vocal condition is not good and he is not suitable for singing.

But doesn’t Tai Chi just have hands?

Even if I practiced for several hours last night, I wouldn't be able to score this much.

Lu Shaocong had the lowest score. This guy loves being pretty and is often late. I heard he spends more time on his hair and face than girls every day.

It's no surprise that he came in last.

Some things, seemingly accidental, are actually inevitable.

"Starting from tomorrow, students from formal classes will come to study with you. In your current state, can you beat them?"

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