This actor needs more money

Chapter 545 Ding Xiu is taking Nortel textbooks

Ding Xiu sang in the Spring Festival Gala on Shonan Satellite TV, after all, he couldn't do anything else.

If it is a general process, singing is actually the simplest project. After all, it only takes four or five minutes. It only takes two hours to go to KTV to get familiar with it temporarily.

That's why I still have a conscience.

The unscrupulous people would just record the show on the same day, leave the mic on half-way, or just lip-sync and pass.

As for not remembering how to lip-sync the lyrics, it's very simple. There is a big screen in the middle of the auditorium in front of the stage with a teleprompter on it.

I'm not afraid that your artist won't come, as long as you come, I won't make you look bad.

Unlike CCTV's Spring Festival Gala, the provincial station's Spring Festival Gala is all recorded and broadcast, and can be edited later, so there is no need to worry about the performance overturning.

Originally, Ding Xiu's status as a celebrity allowed him to ask for half-open mics or lip-syncing, but he was used to it all the time, so he asked for real singing.

He only sang one song, so there was no need to fake it.

I didn’t go there solely to cooperate with Shonan Satellite TV.

I also want to thank my fans for their support over the years.

For this song, Ding Xiu specially found a vocal teacher and trained for two days to ensure that his singing skills and condition were the best that day.

Of course, he couldn't be so busy just singing a song.

The most important thing is the new script.

Crime City!

This was picked up by the company. The director and production team are from South Korea, and the investment is quite large, 13 billion.

Ahem, won.

If calculated here, it would be about more than 70 million.

Don't underestimate it. It's only over 70 million, which is a lot.

You know, in the past, the salaries of actors in Korean entertainment were no lower than those in domestic entertainment. In the past few decades, the salaries of first-line artists were beyond what ordinary people could earn in their lifetime.

It was just that my salary was restricted later and I was hit too hard.

It’s not that they are jealous of making money.

It's about money laundering.

For example, Zhang San is a director. He bought a script for 2,000 yuan and rented a set of simple shooting equipment for 20,000 yuan.

The actor found a relative from his hometown who would take care of the food for one hundred days.

In this way, the maximum cost to complete the filming of this movie is only around 100,000 yuan.

But suddenly a big boss took a fancy to his project and spent one million to buy the script, and he was still the director.

When encountering such a good thing, Zhang San certainly agreed.

It’s just that the boss asked the actor to be replaced by an artist from their company.

Well, the male and female actors are each paid 100 million.

But in the company's artist contract, the commission is 19 cents.

In other words, 90% of the funds still return to the company's account.

Regarding the loss of assets during the filming of the crew, for example, a scene was built and a blast was arranged for the last scene, which exploded.

Reimburse 20 million.

Death has no evidence.

It can be seen that the most expensive part is the actors' remuneration. It seems to be sky-high, but in fact it all goes into the company's pocket.

That's why Korean entertainment has said that it limits artists' remuneration.

The budget of more than 70 million yuan is considered top-notch there, and it is really not low. We haven't filmed a movie with such a high budget in many years.

And half of this money has to go into Ding Xiu's pocket.

This is why Ding Xiucai accepted the offer after the show's producers said it would be released in many Asian countries.

The character he plays this time is named Zhang Qiandan, a "good guy" who runs from Northeast China to South Korea with a few kind-hearted brothers to beg for food.

The character has a prototype, and the incident has happened before. It's just a movie, so it needs to be processed a little bit. Zhang Qiandan in the script needs to be a little more ruthless.

For this role, Ding Xiu has also controlled his diet these days, lost seven or eight pounds, has a clear jawline, and looks much more handsome.

Suddenly a few years younger.

The director also asked him to grow his hair long, so Ding Xiu didn't have a haircut, and his already long hair looked thicker.

I could no longer hold my head back, so I could only make a small prick on the back of my head.

Coupled with the sparse beard and deep eyes, the whole person is full of stories.

With the broadcast of the first year of the college season, the variety show has come to an end.

Song Yanfei, Xing Fei and others finally paid the price for their recklessness.

He was scolded miserably by netizens.

Wan Guopeng, who had done nothing, was also trending.

"Hahaha, this kid really wants to eat swan meat. She is Mr. Wang's girlfriend. Even if she is an ex-girlfriend, is this something you can spy on?"

"He is rustic and looks stupid. How could Zhang Yuxi fall in love with him?"

"Good guy, this sister was so scared that she packed her bags all night and stopped recording the show."

"Don't you understand? In fact, this is Xiao Wan's strategy, using his confession to scare away these competitors."

"Don't say that. In fact, Wan Guopeng is not bad at all. He played the leading male role of a great director at a young age. He has a bright future. No matter how bad things are, he still earns millions a year."

"How many men can make a million a year in their early twenties?"

"Putting aside the identity of Mr. Wang's ex-girlfriend, Zhang actually has nothing good to offer. She is just an Internet celebrity with a low education. She was just chased by a rich man, so she feels that she is superior to others..."

"Xing Fei is too impulsive and immature at all. If I were a teacher, I would be so angry when I meet a student like this."

"How much you can learn is one thing, whether you learn or not is another. Xing Fei has no structure and a shallow vision. This will be the case in the future."

"Nima, you ran out all night without saying hello. If I were Ding Xiu and the others, I would be so angry that I would have high blood pressure."

"I understand the university instructor's feelings."

"Song Yan is so talented. She dares to go against her instructor and refuses to act because she thinks the character is ugly. Who wouldn't be angry after seeing this?"

"If this girl becomes popular in the future, I will write her name backwards."

"I don't understand. Are all young people in the entertainment industry like this?"

"Hahaha, it's cool. Ding Xiu is not used to it at all. That's a good statement. She has already paid the price for her actions."

"Song Yanfei is so funny, I thought Ding Xiu was going to ask her to go back."

In the first year of the college season, the ratings of this variety show have soared since its launch, and every episode has hot searches and topics.

The number of applicants for Nortel this year has also increased a lot.

According to statistics, the number of applicants for Nortel this year has reached a new high, reaching a terrifying 50,000.

Most of them choose to apply for acting majors.

This is just Nortel, not including China Film Academy, Shanghai Film Academy, and film schools in other provinces.

Although there are many applicants, the number of admissions is not large.

The Nortel Performance Department recruits dozens of people into one class every year.

With tens of thousands of people competing for dozens of places, you can imagine how difficult it is. It’s more competitive than taking the 211 or 985 exam.

In fact, the probability of passing the exam is even lower than this, because we don’t leave out those who take the exam through the back door and those who are recommended.

Normally, the "probability" of an artist's children passing the exam is not small.

Taking advantage of the popularity, Nortel also included Ding Xiu's self-created youth swordsmanship into a required course for students.

The reason is that it is simple, easy to learn, practical and beautiful.

He was originally supposed to be given hundreds of thousands in royalties, but when he heard that it was for teaching materials, Ding Xiu didn't ask for any money.

Just think of it as a small contribution to the performing arts industry.

He almost didn't say it clearly. The fighting scenes of young people nowadays are so messed up that I really can't stand them.

I hope the major film schools will work harder and not just teach "stunt" actors.

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