This actor needs more money

Chapter 57 Adding drama again


Cheng Xiaodong clapped his hands and everyone applauded along with him.

Although the fighting time was short, it was very exciting. One sword cut off the head of the spear. They had only seen this kind of scene in movies and TV series.

Ding Xiu's move was powerful and beautiful. If he hadn't known in advance that this competition was temporary, people who didn't know would have thought that the two had rehearsed it.

"Ding Xiu, what's the name of your move?"

Chen Shisan leaned forward and asked excitedly.

At that moment, many pictures popped into his mind, and he almost couldn't help but write and start a new chapter.

"Japanese swordsmanship, one of the Qi family's swordsmanship, is a swordsmanship specially used to defeat Japanese pirates."

Knowing that after hearing Ming's name, they must have mistakenly thought it was a Japanese pirate's sword technique, Ding Xiuduo explained a few words.

"Japanese swordsmanship, Japanese swordsmanship." Chen Shisan repeated it several times and said, "Good swordsmanship."

He plans to use this move in the next script, but instead of calling it this name, it will be called the Sky-Zhanbing Sword Technique or something more domineering.

Xu Xiyuan said in admiration: "Brother Ding Xiu, you are so powerful, aren't you still in need of apprentices?"

Ding Xiu shook his head: "The master's unique skills are not easily passed on to others."

Xu Xiyuan is a naive person. She will leave after filming this movie. We will not have many opportunities to meet each other in the future. If we can't see each other every day, why do we spread rumors about her?

Besides, her body is extremely weak and she is not suitable for martial arts training.

After hearing that it was a master's special skill, everyone stopped asking, but kept their eyes on Ding Xiu from time to time, as if they wanted to see through him.

The person who is watching the most closely is Chen Xiaodong, and Ding Xiu can be said to be the person who poses the greatest threat to him in this crew.

The successive changes in the play gave him a strong sense of crisis.

I originally thought that I would have the opportunity to deal with Ding Xiu and beat him, but now it seems that if I roll up my sleeves and go up, it is not sure who will beat whom.


Taking a breath, Chen Xiaodong silently retreated to the edge, deciding to let this mainland guy go.

Isn't it just that a scene has been changed? It doesn't matter how big of a deal it is, there is no need to be angry. He is the leading actor and there are many scenes, including this one.

You should be more generous as a person.

Behind the camera, Li Huizhu filmed the fight between Ding Xiu and Wu Jing and felt as if she had found a treasure. She kept watching it over and over again, and then said to Chen Shisan:

"The two of them are so good at martial arts. It would be a pity not to have a fight in the scene. You can make arrangements later."

"Sister Li, this is difficult to handle. Qiye and Zhuge Liuyun have no grievances, so how can they start a fight? Even eight poles can't fight them."

In his writing, Qiye is the one who gives the most, helping Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen almost unconditionally. He has a good relationship with the protagonist group and always comes to the rescue at critical moments.

How could he possibly start a fight with Zhuge Liuyun under such circumstances? It doesn't make sense.

"No injustice? Then let's have some revenge." Li Huizhu said: "Didn't Yan Chixia kill Qiye's father? It's okay for Qiye to have a duel with Yan Chixia under the pressure of her mother."

"It just so happens that Zhuge Liuyun is Yan Chixia's apprentice. Seeing that the master can't defeat him, it makes sense that he would come out to help. Yes, that's how it should be."

Li Huizhu's eyes flashed: "I have always thought Qiye's character is weird, but I can't figure out why. Now I know that he is so perfect that he is almost a saint. This is too fake and unreal."

"Yan Chixia is his father-killing enemy. This kind of hatred is difficult to resolve. Even if he agrees to it, the Yinyue Dynasty will not agree."

"Nie Xiaoqian is the person he likes. To easily give her up to Ning Caichen just because of fatalism is not in line with his devilish style."

At the end of the day, seeing Li Huizhu talking more and more energetically, Chen Shisan had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Sister Li, according to what you say, the script will be changed significantly in the later stage."

"Then change it. Anyway, it's only been a few days since we started filming. There's still enough time. As long as you write the script quickly, it won't affect the filming."

In the Mainland, it is taboo to change the script after the production is started. If one of the characters' lines is changed, the opponent actor will also have to change it.

This is pretty good. What was changed was the dialogue, and the impact was still within control.

If the plot is changed, then everyone's script needs to be changed. The first ones to jump out and object are the actors, and then the investors.

However, in Hong Kong Island, it is very common to change the script. The reason is that the director and producer have great power, and actors rarely have the habit of intervening in creation.

Sometimes, let alone changing the script, the script is gone after joining the team, so we write and shoot now.

The most outrageous thing is that there is no actual writing. The director draws a big framework and directly allows the actors to express themselves. The actors have the final say on how to say the lines and how to act.

The actors are not upset either, since the pay will not be reduced by a penny anyway, they can just take the money and leave after filming.

As for what dreams an artist pursues, leave it alone. That is the director's business. For most actors, they just want to make money.

I didn’t think that this was such a noble and sacred profession, just a job to support my family.

Behind Li Huizhu, Chen Xiaodong walked by. After hearing their conversation, he staggered and almost fell.

More drama!

Once is not enough, more is added, and this time it is even more excessive, directly affecting the plot.

Who is the protagonist?

Taking a few deep breaths, Chen Xiaodong kept reminding himself that he was the male lead, he was Ning Caichen, the biggest highlight in the play, and no one could take away his halo.

No matter how much Ding Xiu adds to the role, he is still a supporting role, and he still exists as a foil.

"If the plot is changed, the length will be longer than the original number of episodes. The production cost will be increased, and the budget is not enough." Chen Shisan said to Li Huizhu.

Li Huizhu frowned and said nothing, not knowing what to think.

Chen Xiaodong secretly laughed. Ding Xiu wanted to add more scenes but couldn't. Every day when the machine was turned on, the crew spent money like water.

Adding additional scenes means extending the shooting cycle. One scene and two scenes are fine, but if there are more scenes, the crew will be the first to be overwhelmed.

Don't let the film be half-shot and the funds are gone, so it's a waste.

"Then let's delete some of Ning Caichen's scenes. Anyway, he is full of love and affection. It's okay to have less of it and it won't affect the overall effect."

After Li Huizhu finished speaking, Chen Xiaodong couldn't hold himself any longer.

What the hell, you are eating melon on your own head.

Forget about adding more scenes for Ding Xiu, why should we delete his scenes?

"I think it will work, but I also think Ning Caichen's play is a bit bloated. If it is released a little bit, the characters will be more fleshed out."

Chen Shisan's words were another critical blow.

"Ahem!" Chen Xiaodong coughed twice and strode forward, wanting to say a few words to express his attitude.

"Xiaodong, you're here just in time. I have something to tell you." Li Huizhu said seriously: "You have a high intensity of work and filming day and night is too tiring. After discussing with Lao Chen, I decided to adjust your role."

"I believe you have also noticed that the character Ning Caichen has too many lines, many of which are long-winded nonsense, not concise enough, and the character's emotions are not..."

Chen Xiaodong didn't even remember how he got back to the hotel. Li Huizhu's words were all in his mind, from Ning Caichen's lines to emotions, to character, to love, to life ideals, there were a lot of them.

In the end, I can sum it up in one sentence: reduce the number of scenes.

He also said it was for his own good.

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