This actor needs more money

Chapter 560 Rescue Mr. Wu

Anyone who has been around knows that a man is most powerful when he is in his twenties. He is so masculine that when he encounters a female ghost, he can do it seven times in a night, shaking her soul to pieces.

After the age of thirty, androgens decrease, and desire gradually decreases.

Of course, some people say that their concentration has become stronger due to more experience, but in fact they are just lying to themselves.

According to medical and natural laws, the desire of men in their thirties is definitely not as good as that of men in their twenties. This is a fact.

Women are different.

Just the opposite.

The current situation is that Gao Yuanyuan almost shook Ding Xiu to pieces by doing this seven times in one night.

Of course, no matter how hard he was squeezed, Ding Xiu would not have any energy for extracurricular homework.

Just perfunctory with Fan Binbin.

"You can't do it now?" Fan Binbin pursed his lips and smiled: "Am I looking down on Gao Yuanyuan, or am I looking down on you?"

Ding Xiu handed over his hand and said, "It's up to you to see it as you like. I'm going to take care of my health recently. You can look for others to cause trouble."

Fan Binbin slapped him on the arm: "What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?"

"Ah, yes, yes, you are not, blame me for saying the wrong thing."

That's right, for a coffee girl like her, no matter how hungry she is, she won't just eat from a roadside stall.

The two chatted in the corner for a while, and then saw the groom Huang Xiaoming walking over with a smile.

Today is his big day. There are too many guests to entertain him, but some guests still have to be greeted.

Ding Xiu and Fan Binbin are such big names, there is no way they can be allowed to sit here all the time.

"Brother Xiu, sister Binbin, I'm sorry, I'm a little busy and didn't have time to entertain you."

"It's okay, I understand."

"Happy wedding, may you have a son soon."

"Thank you, I'll have two more drinks later." Huang Xiaoming thanked him repeatedly, and then said: "They are playing mahjong inside, and there are many acquaintances there. Do you want to go and play?"

"Okay." Fan Binbin pulled Ding Xiu and stood up: "Let's go there together."

Ding Xiu had no choice but to be dragged away.

Huang Xiaoming was a little confused. He didn't expect that the relationship between the two was quite good.

If he remembered correctly, Fan Binbin and Ding Xiu had collaborated on Apple once.

There are many private rooms in the infield, and Ding Xiu did see many familiar people when he came over.

Huang Xiaoming has a good reputation in the circle and is known as a good old man. If anyone needs help, he will help him whenever he can.

There is no shortage of charity work.

I don't have any negative news.

Putting aside the high and low acting skills, there is really nothing to criticize about him.

In addition, his popularity has remained high for so many years. This time he got married, and everyone in the circle came.

Mr. Wang from Huayi, director Feng Xiaogang, actor Chen Daoming, these are all big names.

He was born in Nortel, and was in the star class in Grade 96. Many of his classmates also came. Ding Xiu saw Zhao Wei killing everyone on the mahjong table.

The people playing mahjong with her were a few second-tier actors. They probably didn't dare to play tricks for fear of offending others.

"Hey, isn't this Ding Xiu? Long time no see!"

When they met again, Zhao Wei took the initiative to say hello to Ding Xiu, but his smiling face was intriguing.

At the last charity gala, Ding Xiu cheated on her a lot. He never said anything about it, and was even scolded by the audience.

I didn't dare to go out for a long time.

It took a lot of public relations money to settle that matter.

Seeing Ding Xiu, her teeth itched.

"Yeah, it's been a long time. Can I have a few?" Ding Xiu also responded with a smile.

It's just that Sister Wei didn't scream anymore, she was very lively.

Others respect me a foot, and I respect others a foot. Everyone is upset, and there is nothing polite to say.

When it comes to gambling, Zhao Wei thinks of sad things. How can she be Ding Xiu's opponent? If she ends up playing, she won't be giving away money.

"I'm not interested. I won't fight anymore."

With a push of mahjong, Zhao Wei stood up and left.

Seeing Ding Xiu was like seeing a broom star.

"Thank you for offering your seat. It just so happens that my hands are itchy." Ding Xiu sat down and said with a smile: "Come on, come on, keep going."

Zhao Wei, who had just walked two steps, was so angry that he was so angry.

This kid is really disgusting.

After playing mahjong and finishing the meal, Ding Xiu left.

Didn't even stop in the magic city.

He has to join the group tomorrow and he doesn't have time. Liu Dehua doesn't want to wait.

No matter who you are, you can't act like a big name in front of these seniors and big names. If word spreads later, your reputation will be ruined.

The circle of big names becomes smaller, and there are only a few directors who often collaborate with them.

If your reputation is bad, no one will dare to use you in the future.

The next day, early in the morning, before the agreed time, Ding Xiu arrived at the hotel booked by the crew.

Opening the door, there were already many people sitting inside.

"Director Ding, I'm sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road, so I'm a little late."

Upon entering, Ding Xiu first greeted director Ding Sheng.

Ding Sheng, a director born in the 1970s, graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Nortel. He has been in the industry for more than ten years. He started his career by shooting commercials. Later, with the support of noble people, he became a director.

He has directed five or six films in the past few years, and he has collaborated with big names like Sun Honglei, Liu Ye, and Cheng Cheng.

The box office is also good. As of now, it has exceeded 600 million.

Belongs to the billion dollar director club.

Ding Xiu discovered a pattern. It seemed that the best directors were not produced by serious directors.

Feng Xiaogang also used to be an artist.

The national teacher Lao Zi even carried the camera for Brother Chen Kai.

Directing requires more talent than being an actor.

And in the academy, geniuses cannot be taught.

"What the hell, Teacher Ding is joking, it's not time yet, you're already here early."

Although Ding Sheng has entered the billion-dollar director club, he does not dare to put on airs in front of Ding Xiu.

In terms of fame, Ding Xiu was much earlier than him. Speaking of which, the two of them are peers. Ding Xiu has also been a director and has achieved great results.

One Xiuchundao alone cost hundreds of millions.

Who can compare to this?

Besides, what he said was true. Ding Xiu did come early.

This will be half an hour before notice time.

"Have you had breakfast? Can I have some delivered to you?"

"No, I ate at home when I came here. It's okay. You guys are busy. I'll just find a place to sit for a while."

After finding a seat, Ding Xiu sat down.

It can be seen that these people are crew members, discussing the filming cycle of the crew, the daily life of the actors, and the schedule.

In about ten minutes, the meeting was over.

People came in one after another, the best actor Liu Ye, the best actor Liu Dehua, plus Ding Xiu, there were three best actor in one room.

After some pleasantries, the three of them started chatting.

Ding Xiu and Liu Ye are old smokers, and they wanted to smoke after sitting for a while.

Liu Dehua is a self-disciplined man. He does not smoke or drink. He is a vegetarian and does not eat greasy food.

Ding Xiu and Liu Ye could only go to the window to smoke.

After smoking a cigarette, the director asked everyone to sit down and have a small meeting.

Let the actors briefly introduce themselves.

Ding Xiu, Liu Ye, Liu Dehua, these people are all household names, and everyone knows them without any introduction.

The other actors introduced themselves seriously one by one.

"I am actor Wu Ruopu. This time I play Vice Captain Cao, who is also the prototype of this case. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me."

When they heard the introduction of a middle-aged man, many people looked over in surprise, including Ding Xiu.

He knew about the case.

When the incident happened, many celebrities were in panic and hired a lot of bodyguards.

I didn’t expect that the protagonist was right next to me.

At the scene, in addition to the sound of air-conditioning being sucked in, Ding Xiu also heard a few gentle moans.

"Ahem!" Director Ding Sheng coughed, and after attracting attention, he said, "Let me introduce this case first."

"In 2004, Peking, at two o'clock in the morning on February 3rd, Lao Wu and some friends had just finished talking and came out of a bar. Several men appeared in front of him. They claimed to be the police and put handcuffs on him... Waiting for his friends to react. When the police were called, these people had disappeared..."

When the director was telling about the case, Wu Ruopu seemed to remember the past and his eyelids twitched several times.

"Angkor, please tell us the details of that time and your psychological feelings."

After introducing the case, director Ding Sheng asked Wu Ruopu to tell the details.

When it comes to understanding the case, no one knows it better than him.

Ding Xiu also leaned forward and turned his head to listen carefully, including Liu Dehua.

This may be related to the performance standards of the next two people.

Andy Lau plays Mr. Wu, and Ding Xiu plays the kidnapper Zhang Hua. Neither of them has met the kidnapper, so they can only learn the details from Wu Ruopu.

"I drank alcohol at the time, but not much. As soon as I went out, I saw three men walking towards me. They smelled heavily of cigarette smoke. They must have been squatting for a long time."

"The leader just asked the police to cooperate with the case, then he handcuffed me roughly and pushed me to the van."

"My friend was worried about me and wanted to ask what was going on, but he was stopped and told he had no comment."

"Wang Lihua, also known as Zhang Hua in the script, some of them have bad tempers and rude actions, and they don't look like policemen at all."

"After I got on the bus, they were afraid that I would look at the terrain outside, so they kept pressing my head and preventing me from raising my head. I asked them what I had done, but they wouldn't tell me."

"Actually, at this time, I had already noticed that something was wrong, but I still had some hope that there might be something wrong."

"So I said I wanted to call a lawyer, but they wouldn't let me. Soon they moved to the suburbs. That's when I knew it might be cold..."

Ding Xiu and Liu Dehua listened carefully and took notes from time to time.

For example, details such as the pressure head on the car.

After Wu Ruopu finished speaking, everyone held a meeting to discuss, and the director asked Ding Xiu to share his thoughts.

Ding Xiu wanted to take out a cigarette and light it, but when he saw Liu Dehua beside him, he smiled bitterly and put it down.

"I think when the kidnapper sees someone, he can get a fake police ID, wave it in front of him, put it away, and then press the person into the car."

"Don't renovate a van. Let's do some artistic processing and make an SUV. For movies, it won't be a big problem to sublimate it."

"Also, Wu, when my husband goes out to the bar, don't just go out with two friends and two beautiful women."

"It's late at night. It doesn't make sense to say that we are going to talk about something. It makes sense to say that we are going to have fun."

When Ding Xiu said this, the corners of Wu Ruopu's mouth twitched.

How did he know that he was there to pick up girls?

"That's okay." Liu Dehua nodded: "As a friend, it would be reasonable for one of them to be an assistant. After the person is taken away, it would be reasonable to call the police directly. No, let's report it to the agency. Then the company goes to the police station, but it turns out that no police were called. So It’s more reasonable.”

If a normal person goes out to play and is taken away by the police, his friends will call the police, and the police will come.

Few people dare to doubt the authenticity of the police.

It would be appropriate to switch to an assistant. When an artist is taken away, it is common sense to notify the manager as soon as possible.

It is reasonable for the agent to go to the police station immediately to inquire about the situation.

"I don't have any objections here." Liu Ye said, "I'll just follow the development of the case."

He plays the captain of the criminal police team, and Wu Ruopu plays his deputy Cao Gang.

Originally, the play was originally intended for Wu Ruopu to play the role of Mr. Wu, but he had psychological problems and was unwilling.

Only then did I find Liu Dehua.

When he received this role, Liu Dehua also found it very interesting. He took it after reading the script. He has been doing a lot of homework these days.

Liu Ye came here this time to help Ding Xiu and Liu Dehua. Anyone with long eyes could see that the highlight of this drama is between the kidnappers and the stars.

What's the matter with him?

I just finished filming my scenes, took the money and left.

Winning awards or anything like that will have nothing to do with him.

The crew read the script while letting the actors try on costumes and scripts. Everything was in order.

Although Ding Xiu and Liu Dehua went home every day, the director still arranged a hotel room for the two of them, where they could take a nap or something.

Seven or eight days have passed, and the script reading is almost complete.

Before filming started, the director asked the barber to cut Ding Xiu's long hair.

His hair was still very long when he was filming Crime City. He didn't cut it after filming because he was worried that my husband would need it.

After some work by the barber, most of Ding Xiu's long hair was cut off, and the remaining part was lightly permed and made slightly curled, making it look a bit messy.

The stubble also remained.

After putting on the leather jacket, Ding Xiu's temperament suddenly dropped.

He hunched his waist slightly and put his hands in his pockets, just like a cattle thief.

At Ding Xiu's request, he asked the director to change into a slightly upscale leather jacket, paired with gray jeans and Martin boots.

The reason is that art comes from life. Although the kidnappers did have such virtues back then, since they were pretending to be police officers, they might as well look a little bit like them, even in appearance.

If you pretend to be a cattle rustler or a migrant worker pretending to be a police officer, just look at it as fake.

It was too distorted and the audience didn’t believe it.

After some transformation, Ding Xiu's image has improved a lot, and he even looks a little handsome.

Standing in front of the SUV, with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, he looked like a middle-aged old man, but when he narrowed his eyes and cleft the corners of his mouth, he had a beast-like ferocity.

Unlike Ding Xiu, Liu Dehua has not changed his image at all.

Because he plays a star.

Just show your true colors.

In order to make the shooting more realistic, Andy Lau also donated all the clothes he usually wears as costumes.

The director was greatly moved and saved another sum of money.

An auspicious day was chosen and the crew started work.

It was two o'clock in the morning in the bar street of Chaoyang District.

At this time, it was raining lightly in the sky.

There was no dispersing the crowd, no advance notice, no cordoning off, the crew just started filming.

There wasn’t even a machine, we used a hand-held shooting technique.

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